Infant CPR: Skills Testing Checklist
Infant CPR: Skills Testing Checklist
Infant CPR: Skills Testing Checklist
Scenario: “While you are pushing a baby in a stroller at the park, you notice something is wrong
with the baby. You do not have a phone nearby. You ensure that the scene is safe and take the
baby out of the stroller. Demonstrate what you would do next.”
Check if done
Assessment and Activation correctly
1 Checks responsiveness
2 Shouts for help
3 Checks breathing
Once student shouts for help, instructor says, “No one is around to help.”
Cycle 3 of CPR (repeats steps in Cycle 1) Only check box if step is successfully performed
Instructor Notes
• Place a in the box next to each step the student completes successfully.
• If the student does not complete all steps successfully (as indicated by at least 1 blank
check box), the student must receive remediation. Make a note here of which skills require
remediation (refer to Instructor Manual for information about remediation).
Assesses infant and activates emergency response system (this must precede
starting compressions) within a maximum of 30 seconds. After determining that
the scene is safe:
• Checks for responsiveness by tapping and shouting
• Shouts for help
• Checks for no breathing or no normal breathing (only gasping)
–– Scans from the head to the chest for a minimum of 5 seconds and no more
than 10 seconds