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Ruslan Russian 1: Student Workbook To Accompany The Ruslan 1 Course Book Alphabet Introduction and Lesson 1

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Student Workbook
to accompany the
Ruslan 1 course book

Alphabet Introduction
and Lesson 1
Thanks to Olga Bean, Vassily Bessonov, Sergey and Konstantin Kozlov, Anna Kurman,
Vicky Phillips and Mark Swift for their assistance in checking and trialling exercises, and
for their ideas.

Thanks to the following for the use of their voices in the listening exercises:
Olga Bean, Colonel Viktor Vasilyevich Denezhkin, Tatyana Hopkins, Inga James,
Alexander Korbakov, Sergey, Olga and Konstantin Kozlov, Anna Kurchenko, Natasha
Lewis, Vicky Phillips, Vasily Vasilyevich Ryzhkov and Julia Vasilenko.

Most of the photos were taken by John Langran. Thanks to others who contributed,
especially to Jonathan Madden. Thanks to Anna Lauchlan for the use of her cartoon
images, and to Elena Keys for her handwriting examples.

First edition 2002, reprinted 2004, 2007

© 2002, 2004, 2007 Ruslan
ISBN 1899785221
Design and typesetting by Ruslan Limited
Published by Ruslan Limited

No part of this book may be copied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in

any form or by any means, without the written permission of the copyright owner.
Ruslan Limited does not subscribe to the Publishers Licensing Agreement.

Teachers may wish to photocopy individual pages for their learners, and licences
for such usage may be obtained from Ruslan Limited.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Russian learning materials from Ruslan Limited:

Ruslan Russian 1 Book - ISBN 1899785655
Ruslan Russian 1 Audio CD - ISBN 1899785663
Ruslan Russian 1 CD-ROM - ISBN 1899785086
Ruslan Russian 1 CDRom Demo - on the CD with this book, and on the Ruslan website
Ruslan 1 Teachers notes - Free for teachers on the Ruslan website
Tests for Ruslan 1. Free for teachers on the Ruslan website

Ruslan Russian 2 Book - ISBN 1899785124

Ruslan Russian 2 Audio CD - ISBN 1899785051
Ruslan Russian 2 CD-ROM - ISBN 1899785108

Ruslan 3 Book - ISBN 189978540X

Ruslan 3 Audio CD pack - ISBN 1899785418
Ruslan 3 CDRom 1 - ISBN 1899785477
Ruslan 3 CDRom 1 - ISBN 1899785507
Ruslan 3 CDRom 1 - ISBN 1899785612

"Moscow for You!" DVD for learners - ISBN 1899785345

Ruslan Advanced Russian CDRoms - see the Ruslan website
Russian Language Routines CDRom
Russian Linguistickers
The Rossica Choir, Saint Petersburg. Cassette of Russian Holy Music
French, German, Dutch and Swedish language versions of Ruslan products - see the Ruslan website

Ruslan Limited - www.ruslan.co.uk


How to use this workbook 4

Иññêèé àëôàâ‰ò The Russian alphabet 6

Óðîê 1 (Lesson 1) Àýðîï‹ðò The airport 14

Óðîê 2 Óëèöà The street 22

Óðîê 3 Ñåìüµ The family 30

Óðîê 4 Ãäå âû á›ëè? Where were you? 40

Óðîê 5 Ãîñò‰íèöà The hotel 50

Óðîê 6 Ðåñòîð‚í The restaurant 58

Óðîê 7 Î ñåሠAbout oneself 66

Óðîê 8 Âðˆìÿ Time 76

Óðîê 9 Òå‚òð The theatre 86

Óðîê 10 Äîì The house 94

Îòâˆòû Answers 104

ψñíÿ Song 110

Çàìˆòêè Notes 111

How to use this workbook
This workbook gives you 203 exercises to support the Ruslan 1 Russian course. Some of
these are taken from the Ruslan 1 CDRom. Most of them are newly created for this

The exercises may be used by individuals working alone, or by groups with a teacher.
Teachers can use the exercises orally in class, as well as for tests or for homework.
Teachers and schools etc. who wish to make photocopies of pages of the book can obtain
a licence for this from Ruslan Limited.

The majority of the questions in the exercises have a single possible answer and these are
given in the key at the back of the book.

When writing in Russian it will often be a good idea to use a pencil in the first instance.

Exercises marked w 6 are listening exercises, based on recordings on the audio CD that
is packaged with the book. The number is the track number on the CD. When you are
using the recordings, be ready with the pause button for when you want to write down an
answer! Replay the recordings and listen to them as many times as you need to.

The symbol  is used for advice or to refer you to a page in the Ruslan Russian 1
student book, third edition.

The stress marks on the Russian vowels are given in most of the exercises, but you do not
need to reproduce these when you are writing your answers. Stress marks are not given on
upper case letters. This is important when a word begins with a vowel. For example the
name “Anna” - Àííà - is given without a stress mark because the stress falls on the first
letter “À” which is upper case. However the name “Sergey” is stressed on the second
syllable, and the stress is marked on the letter “ˆ” - Ñåðãˆé.

Remember that the stress marks are only an aid to learning. They will not be there to help
you when you travel to Russia!

John Langran
September 2007

4 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook

Î âàñ! (About you!)

Èìÿ: ____________________________________________

Ôàì‰ëèÿ: ____________________________________________

Àäðåñ: ____________________________________________



‚øà ïðîôˆññèÿ: ________________________________________

‚øà ñåìüµ: ____________________________________________



‚øè èíòåðˆñû:






“Ïîâòîðˆíèå - ìàòü ó÷ˆíèÿ!”

- “Repetition is the mother of learning!”

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook 5


1. Russian handwriting. Copy out the letters and the words. Handwriting tips: 
Use pencil and rubber until you get them right! Ruslan 1 book page 6

À à ‚òîì

Á á áàã‚æ

 â âèí‹

à ã ãðàìì

Ä ä Ë‚äà

Å å äåñˆðò

¨ ¸ Ãîðáà÷¸â

Ææ æóðíàë

Ç ç áë˜çêà

È è êè‹ñê

É é òðàìâ‚é

Ê ê ïàðê

Ë ë ïëàí

Ìì ìåíƒ

Í í òˆííèñ

Î î øîêîë‚ä

Ï ï ïðîáëˆìà

Ð ð ìåòð‹

Ñ ñ ñïîðò

Ò ò òàêñ‰

Ó ó òóàëˆò

6 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction

Ô ô ôóòá‹ë

Õ õ õîêêˆé

Ö ö öàðü

× ÷ ï‹÷òà

Ø ø øîêîë‚ä

Ù ù áîðù

Ú ú îáúˆêò

Û û ì˜çûêà

Ü ü êîíòð‹ëü

Ý ý ýêñïˆðò

Þ þ áþð‹

ß ÿ êîíüµê

2. Look at the pictures and find the words:

à. “express” _______________________
á. “Duma” (Russian Parliament) _______________________
â. “theatre” _______________________
ã. “terminal” _______________________

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction 7

3. Recognise the names: You do not need to
write in the stress marks!

×àéê‹âñêèé - Ãàã‚ðèí - Íóð‰åâ - Ϙòèí - Òîëñò‹é

Write in the names in Russian:

à. the cosmonaut _________________ ã. the dancer _________________

á. the politician _________________ ä. the musician _________________
â. the writer _________________
You do not need to complete
work on the alphabet before

you start lessons 1 and 2.
You can come back later!

4. Which is which?

‹ëãà - Àòë‚íòèêà - Áåðë‰í - Áàéê‚ë - Àíò‚ðêòèêà - Ìàðñ

Write in the names in Russian:

à. the ocean _________________ ã. the continent _________________

á. the city _________________ ä. the planet _________________
â. the river _________________ å. the lake _________________

5. Which is which?

êèëîìˆòð - êèëîãð‚ìì - ï‚íäà - äæèí - ìèí˜òà - òˆííèñ

Write in the words in Russian:

à. the animal _________________ ã. the weight _________________

á. the distance _________________ ä. the drink _________________
â. the sport _________________ å. 60 seconds _________________

6. Which is which?

äåïðˆññèÿ - àáñ˜ðä - êàòàñòð‹ôà - ðåçóëüò‚ò - äèâ‚í

êàíäèä‚ò - êàëåéäîñê‹ï

Write in the words in Russian:

à. something that makes no sense ______________________

á. someone who wants to be elected ______________________
â. a bad condition to be in ______________________
ã. a piece of furniture ______________________
ä. a consequence ______________________
å. something terrible ______________________
æ. lots of colours and shapes ______________________
8 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction
7. Which is which?

ðåàë‰ñò - êîììóí‰ñò - êàïèòàë‰ñò - ïåññèì‰ñò - îïòèì‰ñò

Write in the words in Russian:

à. Hopeful person _____________________

á. The opposite _____________________
â. Neither (à) nor (á) _____________________
ã. Lenin was one _____________________
ä. Opposite of (ã) _____________________

8. Which is which?

öàðü - ëèì‹í - òå‚òð - ð‹çà - á‹ìáà - ïèíãâ‰í - êðîêîä‰ë

Which is which? Write in the words in Russian:

à. the animal ___________________ ä. the weapon ___________________

á. the flower ___________________ å. the bird ___________________
â. the fruit ___________________ æ. the building ___________________
ã. the leader ___________________

9. Which is which?

÷åìïè‹í - òóáåðêóë¸ç - îðá‰òà - ñï˜òíèê - ì‰íèìóì - ì‚êñèìóì

àëôàâ‰ò - ôàí‚òèê - ýíòóçè‚ñò - ïèðàì‰äà - èíòåðâüƒ

Write in the words in Russian:

à. a serious disease _____________________

á. a Russian space craft _____________________
â. around the world _____________________
ã. the least _____________________
ä. the most _____________________
å. the winner _____________________
æ. a conversation _____________________
ç. three sides and 3-D _____________________
è. a keen person _____________________
ê. too keen! _____________________
ë. what you are studying now! _____________________

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction 9

10. Which is which?

àäìèð‚ë - ãåíåð‚ë - ïðîáëˆìà - èíòåðíˆò - ìˆòîä

ïàðàä‹êñ - ƒìîð - äæàç

Which is which? Write in the words:

à. leading an army _______________________

á. leading a fleet _______________________
â. incomprehensible _______________________
ã. a way of doing something _______________________
ä. where all the information is! _______________________
å. have you a sense of this? _______________________
æ. a type of music _______________________
ç. you could do without it! _______________________

11. Which is which?

ì˜çûêà - øàøë›ê - ýò‚æ - èíæåíˆð - àìåðèê‚íåö - òîâ‚ðèù - ùè

à. on a skewer _______________________
á. a person that makes things _______________________
â. cabbage soup _______________________
ã. a floor of a building _______________________
ä. from the USA _______________________
å. good to listen to _______________________
æ. a comrade _______________________

12. Which is which?

Ìîñêâ‰÷ - ׈õîâ - Øàã‚ë - ×å÷íµ - Õðóù¸â

Øîñòàê‹âè÷ - Óð‚ë - ßê˜òñê

à. Russian playwrite _______________________

á. Russian painter _______________________
â. Russian composer _______________________
ã. Russian car _______________________
ä. a town in Siberia _______________________
å. a politician from the 60’s _______________________
æ. troubled state in the Caucasus _______________________
ç. mountain range _______________________

10 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction

13. Which is which?

òåìïåðàò˜ðà - áþðîêð‚ò - õ‚îñ - æèð‚ô

êàë‚øíèêîâ - ôàêò - ïðîïàã‚íäà

à. something that is true: _______________________

á. something that probably isn’t true _______________________
â. a paper pusher _______________________
ã. has a long neck _______________________
ä. disorder, confusion _______________________
å. a measurement of heat _______________________
æ. a weapon _______________________

14. Ôîòîãð‚ôèè - Photos:

à. What could you buy here?


á. What could you buy here?


â. What are they waiting for?


Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction 11

ã. Who is Russia playing?


ä. What is this building?


å. What’s the name of this

Bulgarian barge on the
Moscow River?


æ. What’s in the tanker driving

past the White House?

12 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction

ç. What is Marina reading?

Ë.Í. Òîëñòîé

è. The ultimate test! You are in the

wrong place to read the name
of this town on the Volga.
Can you read it from behind?

15. Иññêèå ãîðîä‚ - “Russian towns”
Listen to the recording and write in the town names in Russian
letters, as they are spelled out. Each is read twice:

à. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

á. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

â. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

ã. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

ä. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

å. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

æ. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

ç. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

è. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Alphabet Introduction 13


1. Vocabulary. Write in the Russian words:

souvenir __________________ ticket __________________

visa __________________ toilet __________________
sport __________________ female tourist __________________
luggage __________________ declaration __________________
problem __________________ vodka __________________
chocolate __________________ kiosk __________________
journal, magazine __________________

â‰çà - áàã‚æ - äåêëàð‚öèÿ - øîêîë‚ä - òóàëˆò - ñóâåí‰ð - ïðîáëˆìà

â‹äêà - æóðí‚ë - áèëˆò - òóð‰ñòêà - ñïîðò - êè‹ñê

2. Vocabulary. Write in the Russian words:

Moscow __________________ lamp __________________

London __________________ cassette __________________
student __________________ mafia __________________
aspirin __________________ tourist __________________
passport __________________ telephone __________________
airport __________________ football __________________
drug __________________ newspaper __________________

ï‚ñïîðò - êàññˆòà - Ë‹íäîí - Ìîñêâ‚ - òóð‰ñò - àñïèð‰í - íàðê‹òèê

ôóòá‹ë - ë‚ìïà - àýðîï‹ðò - ì‚ôèÿ - òåëåô‹í - ñòóäˆíò - ãàçˆòà

3. Write in captions, using words from the lists in exercises 1 and 2:

à. _____________ á. ____________ â. _____________ ã. ______________

ä. ______________ å. ______________ æ. ______________

14 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1

4. Sort the following nouns according to gender, Gender of nouns:

masculine or feminine. The first 3 are done for you: Ruslan 1 book page 12

Ì. Æ.

5. Make short conversations using the words from exercise 4


- Ýòî â‚øà â‰çà? - Ýòî âàø áàã‚æ? Ruslan 1 book page 12
- Äà, ìîµ. - Íåò, íå ìîé.

6. Make short conversations using the words from exercise 4

Examples: Articles and “to be”:

Ruslan 1 book page 11
- Ãäå âàø àñïèð‰í? - Ãäå â‚øà ãèò‚ðà?
- Âîò îí! - Âîò îí‚!

7. Make short conversations using the words from the list below:

àýðîï‹ðò - æóðí‚ë - Íàò‚øà - â‰çà - îí - äà

à. - Êòî ¬òî? ã. - Ãäå âàø áàã‚æ?

- Ýòî ___________. - Âîò ____!

á. - ×òî ¬òî? ä. - Øåðåìˆòüåâî, ¬òî _________________?

- Ýòî ìîé ___________. - _____ !

â. - Ýòî â‚øà ___________?

- Íåò, íå ìîµ.

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1 15

8. Make short conversations using the words from the list below:

íåò - àñïèð‰í - ñòóäˆíòêà - êàññˆòà - ñòóäˆíò

à. - ×òî ýòî? ã. - Êòî Áîð‰ñ?

- Ýòî ìîé ___________. - Îí ___________.

á. - Íàò‚øà æóðíàë‰ñòêà? ä. - Õ‰ëòîí, ¬òî àýðîï‹ðò?

- Íåò, îí‚ ____________. - ____!

â. - Ýòî â‚øà ___________?

- Íåò, íå ìîµ.

9. International words for business. Work out the meanings:

äèðˆêòîð ______________ êîìï‚íèÿ ______________

êîíòˆéíåð ______________ êîíòð‚êò ______________
êîíôåðˆíöèÿ ______________ êîìïüƒòåð ______________
êðåä‰ò ______________ êñˆðîêñ ______________
êóðüˆð ______________ ëèôò ______________
ì‚ôèÿ ______________ ìàðêˆòèíã ______________
‹ôèñ ______________ ïàðòí¸ð ______________
ïð‰íòåð ______________ ñåéô ______________
ñåìèí‚ð ______________ òˆëåêñ ______________
òåëåô‹í ______________ ôàêñ ______________
ô‰ðìà ______________ ôîòîê‹ïèÿ ______________

10. Add captions from exercise 9:

________________ ________________ ________________

16 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1

11. Answer the questions:

à. - Ýòî ïð‰íòåð ‰ëè êîìïüƒòåð?

- Ýòî ______________________.

á. - Ýòî ëèìîí‚ä ‰ëè â‹äêà?

- __________________________.

â. - Ýòî ï‚ñïîðò ‰ëè äåêëàð‚öèÿ?

- __________________________.

12. Make up your own questions and answers using the same model and using
the words given:

à. áèëˆò / ï‚ñïîðò

- _________________________________________
- _________________________________________

á. ÷åìîä‚í / ñ˜ìêà

- _________________________________________
- _________________________________________

â. ÷åìîä‚í / ñ˜ìêà

- _________________________________________
- _______________________

ã. ãàçˆòà / æóðí‚ë

- _________________________________________
- _________________________________________

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1 17

13. Professions. International words. Work out the meanings:

àäìèíèñòð‚òîð ______________ ìóçûê‚íò ______________

áèçíåñìˆí ______________ ïåíñèîíˆð ______________
ãèòàð‰ñò ______________ ïðîãðàìì‰ñò ______________
äèðˆêòîð ______________ ïðîôˆññîð ______________
æóðíàë‰ñò ______________ ñåêðåò‚ðøà ______________
èíæåíˆð ______________ ñîëä‚ò ______________
êîíñóëüò‚íò ______________ ñòóäˆíò ______________
êîñìîí‚âò ______________ ñòþàðäˆññà ______________
ëèíãâ‰ñò ______________ ôˆðìåð ______________
ìàòåì‚òèê ______________ ô‰çèê ______________
ìˆíåäæåð ______________ ôóòáîë‰ñò ______________
ìåõ‚íèê ______________ ýêîíîì‰ñò ______________

14. Professions. Add captions from exercise 13:

à. _______________ á. _________________ â. ________________

ã. _______________ ä. ________________ å. __________________

18 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1

15. Ìîñêâ‚ - Moscow. Match the captions to the pictures.
Write them in in Russian:

Êð‚ñíàÿ ïë‹ùàäü (Red Square) - Êðåìëü (The Kremlin)

Áîëüø‹é òå‚òð (The Bolshoy Theatre)

à. ______________________


á. ______________________

â. ___________________________________________

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1 19

w3 16. Listen to the conversations and write down what jobs the people do.
Choose jobs from the list:

æóðíàë‰ñò - èíæåíˆð - ñòþàðäˆññà - ýêîíîì‰ñò

ìóçûê‚íò - ïðîãðàìì‰ñò - ïåíñèîíˆð

à. Àííà ________________________
á. Ñåðãˆé ________________________
â. Íèêîë‚é ________________________
ã. Îëüãà ________________________
ä. ‰êòîð Âàñ‰ëüåâè÷ ________________________

w4 17. Listen to the conversation and write down how people describe

îïòèì‰ñò - ïåññèì‰ñò - ðåàë‰ñò - ö‰íèê

à. Ñåðãˆé _______________
á. Àííà _______________

w5 18. Listen to the conversations and write down what belongs to whom.
Choose items from the list:

ï‚ñïîðò - áèëˆò - ÷åìîä‚í - ñ˜ìêà - ãàçˆòà - æóðí‚ë

à. Ñåðãˆé _______________________________________

á. Àííà _______________________________________

20 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1

19. Role play. Prepare the following to act out:

1à. 1á.
You are arriving at Moscow You are arriving at Moscow
Sheremetyevo airport. Sheremetyevo airport. The person
Start a conversation with the person next to you starts talking:
next to you:
Say “Hello!”
Say “Hello!” Say yes, it is Moscow.
Ask if this is Moscow. When asked, say that you are not a
Ask if he / she is a tourist. tourist. You are a journalist.

When asked, say that you are a Ask if he / she is a tourist.

When asked, say that it is
Ask if it is Sheremetyevo-1 or Sheremetyevo-2.

Say “thank you”.

2à. 2á.
You are helping a Russian who You are a Russian engineer (Âàä‰ì
has arrived at London Heathrow Ñìèðí‹â / Àííà Ñìèðí‹âà). You are
airport. You are at the luggage looking for your case and bag at
reclaim. He / she is rather short- Heathrow airport. Being a bit short-
sighted: sighted, you are pleased that someone
wants to help you:
Ask if this is his/her suitcase.
The first suitcase you are asked about
is not yours.
Ask if he is Âàä‰ì Ñìèðí‹â or if
she is Àííà Ñìèðí‹âà. Confirm your name.

Ask if this is his / her suitcase. Yes, the second case is yours.

Ask if this is his / her bag. The bag is yours. Thank him / her.

Ask if he / she is a tourist. When asked, you are not a tourist. You
are an engineer.

Useful words and phrases:

Âû ......................... ?
Ýòî ....................... ?
Íåò, ÿ íå ........................,
ÿ ..........................
Ýòî .............. ‰ëè ...............?
Ýòî âàø / â‚øà .................?

Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Lesson 1 21


The Alphabet
Ex. 1 See Ruslan 1 book pps. 5,6. Words not listed are international.
Ex. 2 ýêñïðåññ, Äóìà, òåàòð, òåðìèíàë.
Ex. 3 Ãàãàðèí, Ïóòèí, Òîëñòîé, Íóðèåâ, ×àéêîâñêèé.
Ex. 4 Àòëàíòèêà, Áåðëèí, Âîëãà, Àíòàðêòèêà, Ìàðñ, Áàéêàë.
Ex. 5 ïàíäà, êèëîìåòð, òåííèñ, êèëîãðàìì, äæèí, ìèíóòà.
Ex. 6 àáñóðä, êàíäèäàò, äåïðåññèÿ, äèâàí, ðåçóëüòàò, êàòàñòðîôà, êàëåéäîñêîï.
Ex. 7 îïòèìèñò, ïåññèìèñò, ðåàëèñò, êîììóíèñò, êàïèòàëèñò.
Ex. 8 êðîêîäèë, ðîçà, ëèìîí, öàðü, áîìáà, ïèíãâèí, òåàòð.
Ex. 9 òóáåðêóë¸ç, ñïóòíèê, îðáèòà, ìèíèìóì, ìàêñèìóì, ÷åìïèîí, èíòåðâüþ, ïèðàìèäà,
ýíòóçèàñò, ôàíàòèê, àëôàâèò.
Ex. 10 ãåíåðàë, àäìèðàë, ïàðàäîêñ, ìåòîä, èíòåðíåò, þìîð, äæàç, ïðîáëåìà.
Ex. 11 øàøëûê, èíæåíåð, ùè, ýòàæ, àìåðèêàíåö, ìóçûêà, òîâàðèù.
Ex. 12 ×åõîâ, Øàãàë, Øîñòîêîâè÷, Ìîñêâè÷, ßêóòñê, Õðóù¸â, ×å÷íÿ, Óðàë.
Ex. 13 ôàêò, ïðîïàãàíäà, áþðîêðàò, æèðàô, õàîñ, òåìïåðàòóðà, êàëàøíèêîâ.
Ex. 14 Audio and Video Cassettes, Cds. Wine. Football. Armenia. Cinema. Dmitrov. Cement.
Anna Karenina. Saratov.

Lesson 1
Ex. 1, 2 See Ruslan 1 book p. 10. Words not listed are international.
Ex. 3 ëàìïà, âîäêà, òóàëåò, òóðèñò, ïàñïîðò, áàãàæ, êèîñê
Ex. 4 Masculine: áàãàæ, øîêîëàä, òóàëåò, ñóâåíèð, ãðàìì, áèëåò, æóðíàë, ïàñïîðò, àñïèðèí,
àýðîïîðò. The others are feminine.
Ex. 5,6 Teacher marking required.
Ex. 7 Íàòàøà - æóðíàë - âèçà - îí - àýðîïîðò - Äà!
Ex. 8 àñïèðèí - ñòóäåíòêà - êàññåòà - ñòóäåíò - Íåò!
Ex. 9 Director, container, conference, credit, courier, mafia, office, printer, seminar, telephone, firm,
company, contract, computer, xerox (photocopy), lift, marketing, partner, a safe, telex, fax,
Ex. 10 Ìàôèÿ. Òåëåôîí. Ëèôò.
Ex. 11 Ýòî êîìïüþòåð. Ýòî ëèìîíàä. Ýòî ïàñïîðò.
Ex. 12 - Ýòî áèëåò èëè ïàñïîðò? - Ýòî áèëåò.
- Ýòî ÷åìîäàí èëè ñóìêà? - Ýòî ÷åìîäàí.
- Ýòî ÷åìîäàí èëè ñóìêà? - Ýòî ñóìêà.
- Ýòî ãàçåòà èëè æóðíàë? - Ýòî æóðíàë.
Ex. 13 administrator, businessperson, guitarist, director, journalist, engineer, consultant, cosmonaut,
linguist, mathematician, manager, mechanic, musician, pensioner, programmer, professor,
secretary (fem.), soldier, student, stewardess, farmer, physicist, footballer, economist.
Ex. 14 Ýòî êîñìîíàâò. Ýòî ôåðìåð . Ýòî ãèòàðèñò / ìóçûêàíò. Ýòî ôóòáîëèñò. Ýòî ñîëäàò.
Ýòî äèðåêòîð.
Ex. 15 Áîëüøîé òåàòð. Êðåìëü. Êðàñíàÿ ïëîùàäü.
Ex. 16 in order: ýêîíîìèñò, ìóçûêàíò, ïðîãðàììèñò, ñòþàðäåññà, ïåíñèîíåð.
Ex. 17 in order: öèíèê, ðåàëèñò
Ex. 18 Ñåðãåé: ïàñïîðò, áèëåò, æóðíàë. Àííà: ÷åìîäàí, ñóìêà, ãàçåòà.

22 Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook. Answers.

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