In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi
In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi
In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi
% 21.08.2020
1. After hearing, Mr. Akhil Sibal, learned Senior Counsel for the
appellant and Mr. A.K. Ganguli, learned Senior Counsel for the
respondent for some time, it transpires that, of a total amount of ₹
6,50,77,125/-, which had been secured by the appellant by way of
bank guarantees, furnished to the respondent, bank guarantees worth ₹
6,17,37,892/- stand encashed, and bank guarantees worth ₹
33,39,233/- furnished by the appellant, alone remained with the
respondent, as on date. Mr. Akhil Sibal has drawn my attention to the
fact that, before the learned Sole Arbitrator, the appellant had also
sought stay of operation of a letter, dated 23rd June, 2020, which called
4. Mr. Akhil Sibal suggests that the present appeal may itself be
set down for final hearing, on any convenient date, as exchange of
pleadings is not necessary.
6. In view thereof, list the appeal for final disposal at the end of
Signature Not Verified ARB.A.(COMM.) 16/2020 Page 3 of 4
Digitally Signed By:SUNIL
Signing Date:24.08.2020
the board on 17th September, 2020.
7. Till the next date of hearing, the respondent would not take any
coercive action against the appellant, for reason of non-furnishing of
monthly MGT by the appellant. However, should the appeal, for any
reason, not be heard on the next date, this court would consider
whether this order is required to be continued or not, given the
comparative merits of the stands of both sides.
AUGUST 21, 2020/kr