Genevieve Critel CV Oct 2011

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Genevieve Critel

The Ohio State University

421 Denney Hall 164 W. 17th Ave Columbus, OH 43210 [email protected] Home: 738 Beech St. Columbus, OH 43206 (580) 399-5796 [email protected]

PhD English, Rhetoric, Composition, & Literacy, The Ohio State University, Expected June 2012
Committee: Dr. Cynthia Selfe (chair), Dr. Beverly Moss, Dr. Wendy Hesford, Dr. Scott DeWitt Dissertation: Investigating The Rhetoric of Student Participation: Uncovering and Historicizing Commonplaces in Composition Studies This project studies the historical and contemporary notion of student participation in the writing classroom and offers a deeper understanding of where participation comes from, why it is valued by writing teachers, and how it can be a more effective curricular element via an exploration of four commonplaces tied to participation: community, assessment, embodiment, and technology.

MA English, Composition, Rhetoric & Literacy Emphasis, University of Oklahoma, May 2007
Teaching Composition with Technologies: Harnessing the Potential of Small, Potent Gestures Committee: Dr. Christopher Carter (chair), Dr. Susan Kates, Dr. David Mair

MEd Secondary Education, English Emphasis, East Central University, May 2004 BA English Studies, Womens Studies minor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 2002

Research & Teaching Interests

Composition Theory and Pedagogy Digital Media Studies & Digital Literacy Practices Professional and Technical Communication Writing Program Administration Writing Center Theory and Practice

Peer-Reviewed Publication
Remixing the Digital Divide: Minority Womens Digital Literacy Practices, accepted for publication in Literacy Narratives that Speak to Us: Curated Exhibits from the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives. Eds. Cynthia Selfe, Scott DeWitt, and Louis Ulman. Computers and Composition Digital Press. In Press.

Projects In Progress
The Kids Still Cant Write: Literacy Crisis Discourses in the 21st Century. Edited collection, with Lynn Lewis. Pre-proposal under review at the Computers and Composition Digital Press. Mapping Student Participation in the College-Level Writing Classroom: An Exploration of Instructors Definitions and Syllabus Policy Statements. Under review. Submitted September 2011.


Professional Experience
Assistant Coordinator, Student Technology Consultants Program
Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, Ohio State University, Autumn 2009-Summer 2010 Assisted the director, Richard Selfe, in running a program that trains undergraduates to provide instructional technology support to faculty, staff, and graduate students in Arts & Humanities. Trained new consultants through a 10-week training course in AU 2009. Managed approximately fifteen active consultants doing one-on-one trainings and workshops. Developed a pilot project to expand program to software demonstrations and small workshops to follow-up demonstrations that is still in use.

Assistant First-Year Writing Program Administrator

English Department, Ohio State University, Summer 2008- Spring 2009 Assisted the writing program administrators Scott DeWitt and Edgar Singleton with designing and teaching the pre-quarter workshop for new teaching assistants in Summer and Autumn 2008. Collaborated in designing the curriculum used for first year writing: a blog project, an extended research project, and a short essay for a public audience. Observed and evaluated new teaching assistants in Winter and Spring 2009. Provided support for new teachers throughout the year.

Graduate Administrative Associate for Teaching and Technology

Digital Media Project, English Department, Ohio State University, Autumn 2008-Spring 2009 Worked in the digital media project lab in the English department, providing technology and training to graduate students and faculty. Collaborated with Amy Spears to develop training for SmartBoards. Led workshops for students on iMovie, Audacity, and Photoshop. Helped manage equipment for student checkout.

Associate Director, Digital Media and Composition Institute

Ohio State University, Summer 2008 & Summer 2009 Assisted Dr. Cynthia Selfe and Dr. Scott DeWitt in preparations for the Digital Media and Composition Institute in June 2008 and June 2009. Recruited participants, maintained participant list, prepared materials, and updated website. Collaborated in curriculum design and instruction. Conferenced with participants on research and scholarly projects.

Writing Center Consultant, ConocoPhillips Writing Center

University of Oklahoma, Fall 2006- Spring 2007 Consulted with a variety of students, from first-year students to PhD candidates and faculty members on writing projects brought in to the campus-wide writing center.

Web Developer, ConocoPhillips Writing Center

University of Oklahoma, Fall 2006- Summer 2007 Developed the writing center website and other web projects as needed. Designed an asynchronous consultation system using ZohoCreator.

Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Susan Kates

University of Oklahoma, Spring 2006 Coordinated the evaluation of writing program by WPA evaluators, assisted first-year composition office in development of English 1113 curriculum, developed first-year composition website.


National Conferences
The Functions of Student Participation in the Required Writing Classroom. Writing Program Administrators Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. July 2011. Participation: 10%. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2011. Remixing the Digital Divide: African-American Women's Digital Literacy Practices in Academic Spaces. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, Kentucky. March 2010. Complexifying the Digital Divide: Reading Minority Women's Digital Literacy Narratives. Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference, East Lansing, Michigan. October 2009. "Crafting Narratives of (Un)Sustainability from the History of CIWIC/DMAC." Computers & Writing Conference, Davis, California. June 2009. Making Connections at the Speed of the Web: Integrating Low-Threshold Web 2.0 Technologies into First-Year Writing Curricula. Watson Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. October 2008. Preparing Graduate Students to Integrate Computers into Composition: Effectiveness of The Workshop Model. Conference on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2008. Teaching Audience Through Collaborative Web Design. Conference on College Composition and Communication Computer Connection, New York, New York. March 2007.

Invited Presentations
The Participation Requirement. Presentation for Writing Program Assistants, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. July 2011. Composing Minority Womens Digital Literacy Practices: Using the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives for Scholarly Research. Presentation for Digital Media and Composition Institute, Columbus, Ohio. June 2011. Composing Minority Womens Digital Literacy Practices: Using the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives for Scholarly Research. What Is a Scholarly Book Anyway? Panel for Late Afternoons at the Library, Columbus, Ohio. May 2011. Observing Convergences and Divergences, or Why Feminism is Always Never Enough. English Department Colloquium, Future of the F-Word, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. November 2005.

Graduate Student Conferences and Research Network Presentations

Icebreakers with Web 2.0. Digital Poster at Conference on College Composition and Communication Computer Connection, St. Louis, Missouri. April 2012. At the End of the Lifespan: Temporary Technology Adoption in Literacy Narratives. Computers & Writing Graduate Research Network, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 2011. From the Opaque Projector to Facebook: Notions of the Participatory Nature of Technology in the Writing Classroom. More Than Words Can Say, Conference on Multimodal Composition. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. April 2011.

The Function of Participation in Writing Instruction in US Higher Education. Computers & Writing Graduate Research Network, West Lafayette, Indiana. May 2010. Tracing the Influence of CIWIC. Computers & Writing Graduate Research Network, Athens, Georgia. May 2008. Im not a fucking drag queen: (Re)Negotiating Transgender Images in Hollywood and Independent Film. Cultural Studies Conference: Entertainment!, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. March 2007. The Effect of Teaching Pedagogy in the English 1213 Classroom. Sigma Tau Delta Southwestern Regional Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. November 2003.

Graduate Teaching Associate, English Department The Ohio State University, 2007-present
Digital Media Introduction to Digital Media, English 269, Spring 2011; Spring 2010 & Winter 2011 in cooperation with Metro High School Technical and Professional Writing Technical Writing, English 305, Autumn 2011 Business Writing, English 304, Winter 2010, Summer 2010, Summer 2011 Writing and Rhetoric Introduction to Rhetoric, English 276, scheduled for Spring 2012 Intermediate Composition, English 367, Autumn 2011 First-Year English Composition, English 110.03, Autumn 2009 First-Year English Composition, English 110.01, Autumn 2007-Spring 2008, Summer 2009

Graduate Teaching Associate, Materials Science and Engineering Department The Ohio State University, 2007 and 2011
MSE 581.04 Grader, Winter 2011 MSE 581.01 Grader, Autumn 2007

Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department University of Oklahoma, 2004-2007

Principles of Composition I, ENGL 1113, Fall 2004; Computer Mediated, Fall 2005 & Fall 2006 Principles of Composition II, ENGL 1213, Spring 2005; Computer Mediated, Spring 2006 & Spring 2007; Online, Spring 2007

Adjunct Instructor, English Department East Central University, 2002-2004

Fundamentals of Writing, ENGL 0123, Fall 2002

Composition I, ENGL 1113, Spring 2004 Composition II, ENGL 1213, Spring 2003 & Fall 2003

Honors and Awards

Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work, Ohio State English Department, 2009. Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives Summer Research Grant, Ohio State University, 2008. Dr. Edward Clark Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Research, University of Oklahoma, 2007.

Eric Walborn Award for Excellence in Digital Media Instruction, Ohio State English Department, 2011. Kairos TA/Adjunct Award for Teaching, 2010. Grant to Digital Storytelling Workshop, Center for Digital Storytelling & University of Louisville, October 2008.

Professional Conferences
Ray Travel Award, Council of Graduate Studies, The Ohio State University, July 2011. Computers and Writing Travel Award, Computers and Writing Graduate Research Network, June 2011. ATTW Travel Grant to ATTW Research Methods Workshop, April 2011. BETHA/DALN Travel Grant to CCCC, The Ohio State University, March 2010. Computers and Writing Travel Award, Computers and Writing Graduate Research Network, June 2009. Computers and Writing Travel Award, Computers and Writing Graduate Research Network, May 2008. CAS Instructional Computing Grant to Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms Workshop, University of Oklahoma, 2006. Travel Grant from Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies for Conference, 2002.

Co-Instructor, Introduction to Dreamweaver Workshop for Digital Media and Composition Participants, The Ohio State University, June 2011. With Scott DeWitt. Instructor, 10-week Training Course for Undergraduate Student Technology Consultants, Ohio State University, Autumn 2009. Co-Leader, SmartBoard Training for English faculty and graduate students, Ohio State University, January 2009. With Amy Spears. Teaching Associate, Pre-Quarter Workshop for English 110, Ohio State University, September, 2008. Assisted Scott DeWitt and Eddie Singleton. With Michael Harker, Melanie Yergeau, and Jenny McKeel. Lead Instructor, Computer-Mediated Workshop for Graduate Teaching Assistants, University of Oklahoma, May 2007. Assistant Instructors: Lynn Lewis and Wendi Sierra (Jewell).


Assistant Instructor, Computer-Mediated Workshop for Graduate Teaching Assistants, University of Oklahoma, May 2006. Lead Instructor: Michael Charlton. Leader, Developing Reflective Approaches to Integrating Technology with Composition workshop for CAS Instructional Computer Grant, University of Oklahoma, March 2006.

Proposal Reviewer, Computers & Writing Conference, 2011. Reviewer. Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion, 2009-present. Member, Bedford/St. Martins Inaugural National Teaching Assistants Advisory Board, 2007-2008.

Leader, Arts and Sciences Buckeye Book Community Discussion, The Ohio State University, Fall 2009. Leader, First-Year Experience Common Book Discussion, The Ohio State University, Fall 2007.

Member, Rhetoric & Composition Curriculum Committee, Ohio State University, 2010-2011. Executive Editor, Commonplace, Peer-Reviewed Student Magazine, The Ohio State University, 2008-2009.

Stage Manager, Vagina Monologues, East Central University. 2003 & 2004. Treasurer, East Central Habitat for Humanity. 2003-2004. Student Editor, Plains Song Review. 2001, 2002.

Professional Memberships
Sigma Tau Delta National Council for Teachers of English Conference on College Composition and Communication Rhetoric Society of America Modern Language Association

Professional Development
Participant, Workshop with Anis Bawarshi, Using Genre to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer. Ohio State University English Department. May 27, 2011. Participant, ATTW Research Methods Workshop with Christina Haas and Chad Wickham, ATTW Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 6, 2011. Participant, Workshop with Ratna Kapur, Human Rights. Ohio State University English Department (English 993). March 4, 2011. Participant, Five Week Writing Across the Curriculum Seminar, Written, Aural, Visual and Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum, Ohio State University Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, Spring 2009.

Participant, Workshop with Andrea Lunsford, Recent Research on College Writing. Ohio State University English Department (English 993). April 10, 2008.

Technology Experience
Course Management Systems: WebCT, Blackboard, Desire2Learn Graphics: Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, GIMP Video: iMovie, Premiere Elements, After Effects Sound: Audacity, GarageBand Web design: HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver, WordPress Documents: MS Office, PageMaker, InDesign

Web Design (screen captures available upon request)

The Gathering, designed with Lisa Blankenship & Doug Slagle, Summer 2010 SCWCA Conference 2008, designed with Michele Eodice, Summer 2007 Expository Writing, designed with Michele Eodice, Summer 2007 OU Writing Hub, designed with Michele Eodice, Summer 2007 Writing Center Webpage, designed with Lisa Blankenship, Fall 2006 Helix: Online Journal for English 5443, designed with Lisa Blankenship, Spring 2006

Dr. Cynthia Selfe, Humanities Distinguished Professor The Ohio State University | 421 Denney Hall | 164 W. 17th Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 688-3779 | [email protected] Dr. Beverly Moss, Associate Professor of English The Ohio State University | 421 Denney Hall | 164 W. 17th Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 292-5763 | [email protected] Dr. Wendy Hesford, Professor of English The Ohio State University | 421 Denney Hall | 164 W. 17th Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 292-6065 | [email protected] Dr. Scott DeWitt, Associate Professor of English The Ohio State University | 421 Denney Hall | 164 W. 17th Ave. | Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 292-4640 | [email protected] Dr. Richard Selfe, Director, Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing The Ohio State University | 485 Mendenhall Laboratory | 125 South Oval Mall | Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 688-5960 | [email protected] Dr. Michele Eodice, Executive Director, Writing Center University of Oklahoma | Room 280 Wagner Hall | 1005 Asp Ave | Norman, OK 73019 (405) 325-2937 | [email protected] Dossier available upon request.

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