Employee Termination Letter: TIP: If The Employee Has An Employment Contract With An

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Termination Letter
A termination letter is handy for ending an employment
relationship, while setting forth the details and reasons for the
termination, and specifying the exit procedures. This letter should
be clear and concise, and include all relevant information about
the arrangement. A well-crafted letter can help protect employers
from future lawsuits resulting from the termination.

TIP: If the employee has an employment contract with an

employer, the employer should account for any obligations under
that agreement before terminating the employee.
[Name of Employee]


Re: Termination Letter

Dear [insert name of Employee],

This is to advise you that your employment will terminate effective [date or “immediately”],
due to [list reason(s) or describe a change in business conditions]. We want to advise you
of our exit procedures.

All work-related materials in your possession should be returned to the Company [before your
last day of employment or “immediately”]. This includes things such as customer files,
business calendar, computer files, technical documentation, and relevant intellectual property.
This includes any personal copies of materials or media that you might previously have made or
been given for your individual use. Nothing should be destroyed or deleted without permission.

The Company protects most work-related information as confidential. This includes all technical
information, internal financial information, and customer information. In addition, the Company
has agreed to protect as confidential various forms of information supplied by customers,
contractors, suppliers, and licensors. It has been your responsibility as Company employee to
protect and keep safe such information. Following termination, you will continue to be legally
obligated not to use or disclose such information except with the Company's permission.

The Company reserves the right to call on you, as needed, in order to aid in the prosecution of
patents or the protection of other intellectual property rights which arose out of your prior
employment. In this scenario, the Company will provide you with reasonable advance notice
and pay any necessary expenses and a reasonable hourly fee for your time.

[Insert name] will coordinate with you to ensure your work winds up properly and to help you
comply with the exit procedures. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Yours truly,


[Name of Employer Representative, Title]

This was drafted for general informational use only. As this does not represent the unique facts
and circumstances for your situation and/or company, it is recommended that you speak to
attorney if you need this document tailored to your unique circumstances.

Need this customized by an attorney?

Work directly with a certified attorney to customize
this document to meet your business needs.

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