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Annals of Mathematics
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Fig. 1
numberz such that iT(x) e S. Clearlyz is well defined,since for t # t' and
7t(x),i7t,(x)e S one musthave It-t' i > 2e. The precedingremarkshowsthat,
as x varies in 71, 2(x)(x) keeps away from&S. This implies that z-is a continuous
functionon 7,. Indeed, a simpleapplicationof the implicitfunctiontheorem
will show that z-is differentiable.
The map x -' r(x)(x) defines a diffeomorphismof 7, onto a simple closed
curve 72 C S. Unlike '1, 72 may or may not be an orbitof X. In any case 72
cuts each generatrixof S transversallyhenceexactlyonce, so '72 is homotopic
ifwe showthat71n
to.7 in S. Consequently, /2 = 0, therewillbe a ringA
in S, boundedby Y,and 72. This is provednext.
We have assumed,by contradiction, that the p-orbitcontaining'1 is not
a torus, so it is a continuousone to one image of a cylinder. Under these
circumstances,71and 72 mustbe disjoint,because the existenceof a common
pointy e 7, n 72 wouldgive y = 'TJx) forsomex e 71and z- z(x). On theother
hand, y =8(x), s e R. Hence
x = t-8.(x) = 9r(x), r = (-s, z) .
Fig. 2
f(x, y, 0) = {e1,e2}, with e1= (-y, x, 0), e2=(0, 0, 1), when consideredas a
closed path, agrees withthe generatorof 71(V2(R3))above described,so it is
nothomotopicto a constantmap,thatis, it cannotbe extendedto a continuous
mapf: D2 - V2'(R3). In otherwords,thereis no continuousfieldof 2-frames
on D2 that agrees withf on S1.
We indicatenextsomeconsequencesof thiselementaryremark. The first
one is a simplificationof Reinhart'sargumentin [6, pp. 186-187].
(B) Considerthe solid torusN3 = N, in R3 generatedby rotatingthedisc
D2 = {(x, y, O)eR3; x2+ y2 1} around,say, theaxis y = 2, z = 0. Let T2=
T =Ndenote the2-torusgeneratedby the rotationof S1 = OD2. The various
positionsoccupiedby S1 duringthe rotationare the meridian circlesof T and
the circles describedby each given point of S' are called parallels. The
meridiansare homotopicto zero in N, the parallelsrepresenta generatorof
7w1(N) = Z. In T itself,parallels cannot be told apart frommeridiansand,
together,theyrepresentthe twofreegeneratorsof r1(T) = Z + Z. Let X and
Y denote orthonormalunit vector fieldson T such that X is tangentto the
meridiansand Y is tangentto theparallelsof T. There is no continuousfield
of 2-frameson N that agrees with {X, Y} on T. In fact, thereis not even a
fieldof 2-frameson D2 that agrees with X and Y on S1.
fieldof 2-frameson P which,when restrictedto D2, gives the one that was
precludedby the initialremark(A).
1. A. HAEFLIGER, Varietes feuilletees, Annali Scuola Normale Sup. di Pisa, Serie III, vol. XVI,
fasc. IV (1962), 367-397.
2. J. MUNKRES, Obstructionsto the smoothingof piecewise-differentiable
Ann. of Math., 72 (1960), 521-554.
3. R. S. PALAIS, A global formulation of the Lie theory of transformationgroups, Memoirs of
the AMS, no. 22, 1957.
4. L. S. PONTRJAGIN, Topologische Gruppen, Teil 2, Leipzig, 1958.