1.1 General information
and Armenia. The total length of the border is 1968,8 kms, whereas the
land border totals 1660,4 kms. Vertically, the territory of the country
spreads up to 5068,8 meters above the Black Sea level (Mount
Georgia's geographical location resulted in the diversity of its
nature, as Georgia is distinguished for contrasting relief and 2/3 of its
territory is mountainous.
Georgia is one of the oldest countries in the world. Its statehood
counts 3000 years. Georgia's population is represented by Georgian
nation, which amounts to 3,5 million. Abkhazians are separate nation
and amount to 90 thousand. Armenians (500 thousand), Azerbaijanis
(400 thousand), Russians (200 thousand), Ossetians (160 thousand),
Greeks (150 thousand), Jews (80 thousand), Kurts (40 thousand) live
in Georgia. (The figures need to be specified). In addition, there are
Ukrainians, Poles, Germans, Kists (Chechens) and people of other
nationalities as well. Historically, Orthodox Christianity has been
regarded as an official religion.
mineral springs), caves, health-resorts, historical and cultural monu-
ments. The Georgian territory is covered with great number of water
abounding rivers. There are 25075 rivers in total (the common length
54768 km).
Georgian rivers appropriate to the Black and Caspian Sea basins.
Most of them come from Kavkasioni mountain range with great
descent and create the deep gorges. The biggest river is Mtkvari in east
Georgia, which takes its source in Turkey. The biggest river in west
Georgia is Rioni. There are a lot of different original lakes in Georgia,
about 860. Most of them are very small. The important lakes are:
Paravani, Khozapini, Tabatskuri, Bazaleti, Paliastomi, Ritsa. The
marshes occupy especially great place (225000 hectare) on Kolkheti
lowland in west Georgia. The Georgian water resources are used for
watering, water supply and energy.
On the Georgian territory we meet the all types of climatic zones
existent on the Earth. In west Georgia there is the damp, subtropical
climate. In east Georgia - continental. In the zone of eternal snow and
glaciers the climate is cold.
The Georgian plant covering is various. Here we meet the damp,
subtropical forests European type foliage forests, coniferous forests,
the fields of lowland and upland, and the sub alpine and alpine mead-
ows. The forest occupies the great territory of Georgia. In the west
Georgia it is extended till 2400 meters from the sea level. In the east
Georgia it is in the gorge of the river Mtkvari, also on the south branch-
es of the Kavkasioni mountain range, on the ranges of Adjara -
Akhaltsikhe and Trialeti. There are also uplands without forests and
half deserts.
In Georgia there are unique reserves and forest parks. Between them
Borjomi, Lagodekhi and Kharagauli have international significance.
Rare beasts dwell in Georgian forests. The huntering is very popular in
suitable seasons in Georgia.
There are about 100 health-resorts in Georgia, from which 7
(Borjomi, Tskaltubo, Gagra, Akhali Atoni, Bichvinta, Kobuleti,
Gudauri) are of international significance.
Here we meat seaside climatic health-resorts located in the recre-
ation district of Abkhazia and Adjara and partially in Kolkhety. Also
balneologycal climatic health-resorts in the zone of west Georgia low-
lands and mineral springs. Georgia abounds in mountain climatic
health-resorts, which are the resorts Gudauri and Bakuriani.
Georgia is motherland of mountain climbing and it's referred as the
country of caves.
According to the Zoogeography Georgia appropriates to the
Arctogey land, Holarctic district and the Mediterranean sub district.
The list of the animals characteristic of the Kavkasioni main
mountain range, west and central Transcaucasia
tions. Currently, the revival of this route is prompted by historical
changes. The transportation of cargoes in Europe coincided with
searching for alternative ways for selling their own cargoes by the
post-Soviet countries. It is easy to use railway services from the coun-
tries of East to Turkmenistan. Ferryboat system is functioning in the
Caspian Sea and therefore two countries of the Transcaucasus -
Azerbaijan and Georgia are becoming crucial countries of the corridor.
One of the major functions of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia route is to
transport oil and natural gas. Their transportation is more favorable by
means of pipelines. Central Asia region is one of the richest basins of
oil and gas throughout the world. It is scheduled to involve fuel raw
materials of China, Pakistan and other Southern-Eastern countries of
Asia in this project as well.
Besides, this route has far-sighted prospects, which implies trans-
portation of readymade produce of light industry made by the
European firms to the South-East Asia.
According to modern territorial-administrative division, Georgia is
represented by the following historycal-geographic units: Tbilisi,
Kakheti, Samegrelo, Svaneti, Kvemo Kartli, Mtskheta-Mtianeti,
Imereti, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Shida Kartli, Racha-Lechkhumi, Guria,
Abkhazia, Adjara. Georgia's regions are divided into administrative
districts and the districts themselves are divided into Sakrebulos (city
• Abkhazia
Area - 8,7 thousand sq. km
Administrative center - Sukhumi
• Autonomous Republic of Adjara
Area - 2,9 thousand sq. km.
Administrative center - Batumi
Formations of market relation structures in the agriculture of
Georgia, creation of new type of enterprises, redistribution of agricul-
tural output in the private sector, principally new representation of con-
sumers' market under free trade conditions require carrying out
reforms in the state statistics. In fact the material-technical base and
equipment of agriculture would be established from the beginning.
On this stage the reorganization processes of agricultural enterpris-
es is carried out. The former collective farms, state farms and other
types of state agricultural enterprises, being founded on the private co-
operative and other kind of ownership transformed into new legal-
organization forms.
On the land area, being the state property, agricultural enterprises,
having a status of treasury enterprises, are engaged economic activity.
These enterprises are represented mainly by pedigree cattle, seed
growing, sapling, and experimental scientific research and by enter-
prises of other trends. Besides the treasury enterprises, a lot of enter-
prises of different forms of property act in the rural area with the legal
status of agricultural enterprises, of which - companies of limited lia-
bility, companies of joint liability, joint-stock companies, co-operative
farms and individual farms.
The land privatization and agricultural enterprises reorganization
charged significantly the transactor of entrepreneur and the structure of
agricultural output. Today the household is the main producer of out-
put. The share of their output in the total agricultural output in 2000
accounted for 80%.
Last years the growing rate of general production of livestock rising
and poultry significantly reduced. The livestock of agricultural ani-
mals, poultry and the production reduced also.
Nowadays, the small household agricultural livestock rising farms
(3-15 cattle or mixed types) compose the great part of the household
farms developed in Georgia and the middle farms compose part of it
(20-50 cattle or mixed types). In Georgia in fact there aren't pedigree
farms, although here are the serious conditions for their development
and regeneration.
During the period of Soviet Union the genetics and selection devel-
opment rates were hindered and this branch of science was persecuted.
On 8 August 1949 confederate agricultural academy session and its
teaching was forbidden. The repression of genetics began. This repres-
sions significantly influenced Georgian genetics, but in the country the
potential for the development of this branch was very high and
Georgian scientists continued the work to this direction.
Low-Input System
A low-input system mostly refers to non-certified organic produc-
tion. Non-certified organic production is substantially present general-
ly in all region of Georgia at the small and middle family farms.
Certified organic production is a system of farming, today relative-
ly marginal in Georgian agriculture, but has a potential to expand
owing to natural conditions and traditional relation towards conserva-
tion of agricultural resources.
Indigenous breeds represent a natural value not only regarding
genetic diversity but also regarding their impact on diversity of eco-
logical systems and landscape.
Medium-Input System
A medium- input system refers to a system of sustainable or basic
production which is of a mixed type - dependable on geographic, social
and economic factors. Each of family farms belong to the medium-
input system as central categories of ownership traditionally related to
Georgian agriculture. It is an integral farming with unfailing livestock
breeding and traditional farming;
There is an increase in intensive production systems on family farms
today. Within the framework of a sustainable agriculture system fami-
ly farms usually raise more than one livestock species (cattle, pigs,
poultry, sheep, goats).
As well Imported as indigenous animal breeds are predominant in
Input Dependence
In the sustainable agriculture system majority of family farms utilize
their own crop production for the provision of basic animal feeds and
consequently, does not depend on the outside input. They depend on
the veterinarian care, selection and counseling services and some of
them also on the purchase of highly concentrated protein components,
mineral and vitamin additives.
This dependence affects productivity and health of the extant animal
genetic resources.
ance of trade exchange and non- liquidity.
Although declaratively favourable for farmers, inadequate system of
financial and institutional support to agriculture in practice has either
directly or indirectly caused the state money transfer into inefficient
and slow systems. High external production costs, rigid revenue sys-
tem, chronic lack of cheap capital (necessary for agriculture), irrational
trade and distribution system and insufficient budget support are only
some of the major factors of production decline, low level of self-suf-
ficiency and high prices of agricultural and food industry products.
The process of agricultural land management is very slow and
inability to buy land still restricts the property enlargement which
directly affects the increase of animal fund, especially on family farms.
The functioning of the agricultural and food industry products is
restricted by disloyal competition and insufficient legislation.
It especially affects direct family farming engagement in the distri-
bution of agricultural and food industry products and non-existence of
institutional frameworks, which would determine the farmer's position
on the market.
All the afore-mentioned factors are present as risk factors in all live-
stock production systems, regardless of animal species. Livestock pro-
duction requires constant investments. However, capital is extremely
inaccessible, while low standard, social turmoil, currency fluctuations
and livestock diseases constrain security of livestock production.
Apart from the above-mentioned risk factors we need to emphasize
occasional droughts and floods, as well as various animal diseases,
which have seriously affected all animal production systems in the last
ten years.
livestock production, everything we produce is mostly for the domes-
tic market. Social difficulties and privatization processes have sub-
stantially contributed to a decline in the livestock production for the
domestic market and export.
In the last ten years there have been significant changes in the use
and management of animals. The changes resulted from the changes in
the ownership structure, application of new Agriculture Acts,
Agricultural land Act.
Objectives and measures of the politics of changes in the ownership
structure are: an increase in the size of family farms, i.e. property
enlargement through privatization of sale or lease of agricultural land
in the state ownership. In livestock production it implies an increase in
livestock fund, modernization in production capacities in order to
improve product quality and provide population with food security as
much as possible by competitive domestic agricultural products. At the
same time the objective is to create production conditions for ecologi-
cal products.
There have been significant changes in the infrastructure of animal
production in the last ten years. Business politics has been oriented
towards emphasizing domestic, competitive production in order to
meet needs for food products.
- implementation of measures for protection of biological and land-
scape diversity in farming;
- stimulation and development of ecological and traditional agricul-
ture and agriculture that allows the survival of a relatively rich animal
All this considerably affects production systems in livestock pro-
Today the major limiting factors and constraints which affect the
productivity and efficiency in livestock breeding are small scale farms,
still unfinished privatization, inefficient production owing to insuffi-
cient education, market instability, lack of processing and final pro-
cessing capacities, lack of cheap capital and insufficient financial sup-
port. All this is actually a combination of limiting factors which follow
agriculture of the countries in transition.
4) To establish animal gene bank.
The Caucasian nut-brown sort of cow
Georgian mountain cattle
The Georgian mountain cattle are the ancient local sorts, created by
national selection, which is extended in all regions of Georgia. During
the centuries it was formed many kinds in this sort of cattle by the
result of isolated breeding in different parts of the country and differ-
ent direction selection, which are Khevsuruli, Pshavuri, Rachuli,
Adjarian, Osetian, Svanuri; They differ from each other exteriorly, also
by the indicators of development and productivity. The unique peculi-
arity of Georgian mountain cattle is the adaptation to the stern climat-
ic conditions and to the poor food, endurance, sustenance. This is suit-
able for the country which territory's more than 50% is represented by
mountains and hills.
The sort is small, but it has universal productivity. The weight of
grown-up cows is 200-250 kg. The dairy product in the breeding farms
hesitates between 1000-1500 kg with the fatness of 4,2-4,4 in different
years. In the best years from grown-up cows, which represent the sort's
potential ability, is received 4000-4111 kg milk with the fatness of
4,96-5%, which is equal to the productivity indicators of the special-
ized high cultural sorts.
The Georgian mountain cattle are characterized by the good taste
peculiarities of meat. On the pastures the grown-ups give 500-650 kg
daily weight addition without additional concentrates.
Georgian buffalo
Kakheti pig
Kakheti pig is one of the oldest sorts of European origin, which was
received as the result of European wild pig's domestication. Herd char-
acterizes it instinct, it uses well the forest fruits and pastures. Its pro-
ductivity is 5-6 sucking pigs. The prompt mass of the male is 100-120
kg and of female is 60-80 kg. It's extended in the mountainous zone of
east Georgia, where there is a lot of food in forests. The meat of
Kakheti pig is sorted out by its best taste quality. The sucking pigs are
born striped like their wild ancestors. The stripes at the age of 4-5
month disappear. The pregnant pigs sometimes disappear in the forest
to born their sucking pigs and after birth they return to the herd. Rarely
they don't return and become wild. From immunogenetical learning of
the Kakheti pig its clear, that they are alike to their wild ancestors. The
same data are given by learning the construction of the cranium. Out
coming from this, phenotype and genotype proves their origin directly
from their wild ancestors.
Svaneti pig
Georgian sheep
Imereti sheep
Nowadays in Georgia the unique sort of Imeretian sheep is bred. It
is characterized by the expensive biological-productive peculiarities,
insemination happens at the age of 5-6 months, it’s much productive,
represents the expensive genetic materials for the creation of the new
types or sorts of sheep. It gives the extra class half rough wool and
tasty meat. It is shaved 3
times during a year. The
weight of the ram is 35-40
kg, the weight of females
20-30 kg. Shaved wool
consists 1,8 kg and 1,2 kg,
productivity 250-300 %.
Tusheti sheep
The main sort of the rough wool sheep is Tusheti sheep, which is
formed in 13-14th centuries by the complicated new sort crossed
method. It gives the wool of high technical peculiarities and glittering.
It is characterized by the great composition of baize and transitional
fiber. It is the expensive material for carpets, also of national clothes -
Caucasian felt cloak. The weight of rams is 70 kg (max. 100-110 kg)
and of females 45 kg (max. 90-95kg). Shaved wool is 4,5-3,0 kg. The
length of wool is 20-25 cm. The shaved wool of lamb is till 1,3 kg.
Productivity is 110%, dairy till 90 kg. This sheep is bred in
Transcaucasia and in north Caucasian regions. From Tusheti sheep was
formed two new sorts of sheep: Georgian half mild wool and mild
wool fattaily sorts. This proves that the coalescence of similar wool
and fattaily sheep happened firstly in the world.
Georgian mild wool fattaily sheep
Georgian half mild wool sheep
Crossing of Tusheti females to other sorts of ram forms this sort. The
live mass of rams is 85 kg (max. 115 kg) of females 50 kg (max. 90
kg). Shaved wool is 3,5 and 5 kg. The length of the wool is 15 cm,
crossbreeding, 50-56 with the mildness of qualities, dairy and produc-
tivity from mother level.
Megruli goat
In west Georgia two types of Megruli goat with dairy direction are
bred: lowland and mountain goats. The live mass of the female
mountainous goat is 40-45 kg (max. 50-60 kg), of males 50-55 kg
(max. 70-90 kg).
Lowland type goat is small but it's characterized by much more
dairy. During a year it gives nearly 300-400 kg milk by keeping in
the pasture conditions during 6-8 month lactation, but the best of
them gives 800 kg milk with the 4% fatness. Productivity is nearly
120%. It's characterized by the firm consistention, the hair is short,
and it's rough without baize, white or light gray, it's horny.
Paked neck hens
Paked neck hens as the mutation is famous from the ancient times.
The scientists' research shows that this peculiarity is dominant and
goes to the generation. Paked neck hen's motherland is Romania. In
Georgia its bred from the ancient times, it's called "Kitaia" in west
Georgia. It's supposed that it's taken from China and the name comes
from that. Its annual laying eggs are 186. The mass of the egg is 60 g,
chicken hatching is 85 %, keeping 94,8 %, female hens live mass is 2,8
kg, of cocks' 3,7 kg, the meat is of high quality.
Straw-coloured hens
Megrula hens
Georgian straw-coloured turkey
Javakheti goose
gray goose
goose has brown eyes, grayish spotty beak. The live mass of goose is:
of females 3,5-4 kg, of males 4-5kg. In the conditions of intensifying
feeding the mass grows much more. Egg laying 8-15, after selection it
goes from 15-20 till 25-27 during 5 years. The male goose matches
with 2-3 females and doesn't let other male to them. First year 50-60%
of males, but the second and third years 95-100% of them express this
instinct. This goose has highest quality down. The consistence of the
down is nearly 30-35%.
motley goose
The horse sorts spread in Georgia
Tusheti horse
This sort is used in the mountain conditions, especially in nomadic
animal breeding, as the sitting-loading cattle, but in lowland zone, in
plain conditions the works performed by horses are diverse. Tusheti
horse is short, it has firm endurance and doesn't demand much care and
special feeding, but it has the quick reaction to the conditions of bet-
ter feeding and care-keeping. Its sizes are: 134X138X169 cm, colour
is dark, and we meet also blue and honey colours. It finishes the grow-
ing and developing at the age of 5 years. It has the ability of long live.
It is used in the national kinds of horse sport and in the horse tourism.
The main region of Tusheti horses modern spreading is east Georgia.
Megruli horse
The breeding of Megruli horse sort was going from ancient times in
herd conditions, mainly in high moisture lowland zone of Georgia's
Black Sea Coast. It was formed not only with the help of black sea
coast natural-climatic conditions, but also with the help of Kolkhuri
horse. It is the direct descendant of the Kolkhuri horse. Megruli horse
is spread almost in all regions of Georgia. It is direction is sitting load-
ing. In Transcaucasian countries Megruli horse is the smallest between
the bred horse sorts. Its sizes are: 129,6X130,5X145X16 cm. It is char-
acterized by the dry and dense constitution. It is mainly of dark colour.
The best peculiarities: good ability of adaptation to the local natural-
climatic conditions, also the brood possibility of using it on different
agricultural works.
Javakheti harness horse
This sort of horses is received by crossing the Crimea and Doni
mares to the Russian working horse. Since 1938 the remarked live-
stock was crossed with the Arden, Brabanson, deparsheron sorts of
male horses. Since 50s the breeding of crossed livestock is going.
Javakheti harness horse is characterized by light steps, good trot,
vigorous temper, it is obedient and endures the hard work; it is colour
is mainly dark. The sizes are: 141X147X171X20,5 cm.
Horse X Donkey
Donkey X Horse
Georgian bee selection
Megruli population
Abkhazian population
Kartluri population
Some of the fish spread in Georgia
The fresh water fish occupy an important place in Georgian diverse
fauna. We almost haven't summed up information about them.
Trout -
expensive craft fish.
Sheat-fish -
is good craft fish. It has the fat (4-11%) tasty meat; it is
possible to organize sheat-fish pools.
Priorities in capacity development in order to improve understand-
ing of the AnGR diversity:
ic resources. Practically there are not import production in Georgia and
our production are not corresponding to European standards.
4.5. Obstacles, Opportunities, and Needs for Use and
Development of AnGr
Priorities regarding increase in capacities for the development and
implementation of conservation programmes would be:
- provision of long-term financing of the conservation programme;
- establishment of Gene Bank for AnGR.
6.2. Organization of Breeders in the Implementation of
Domestic Animal Breeding
6.6. Legislative Foundation for the Implementation of Domestic