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Management of a Paper Manufacturing Industry

Article · December 2017

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham


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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

Management of a Paper Manufacturing Industry

N.Sumathi*, Abinav.S.Omkarnath#, Dhanish.A#, Janani.K#, Shankar.N#
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India.

Abstract—This project focuses on how a paper manufacturing to the plant design, various departments are listed and
industry looks like and how it operates. For better understanding managers are appointed accordingly, as shown in Figure 1.
purpose, we have taken a hypothetical situation here. We have
discussed on various factors that are to be considered before
constructing a plant. For example, what kind of proprietorship is
suitable for this case? We have developed a SWOT Analysis for
the plant, thinking about the pros and cons. This project can be a
guide for a person who is willing to start up a new
manufacturing plant. This report can be used to streamline your
approach to planning by outlining the responsibilities of plant
managers and external factors, as well as identifying appropriate
resources to assist you with the construction of plant.
Keywords— Paper industry, Department, Process, SWOT
Analysis, Staffing


O ur vision is to be provide best quality paper to the

markets and enhance our creativity day by day. We will
be the company that satisfies the customers and provide
extraordinary service. In order to fulfill our vision, we will be Figure 1: Hierarchy of Departments
developing new products by setting up a new line of product
by 2025. B.Managers

II. MISSION OF OUR COMPANY Each department in our company has an authority or a
manager in order to ensure the proper functioning and
Missions that lead us to success are: organizing of various activities pertaining to the particular
department. Each department has a manager who leads and
 Moral Values
controls the activities of his subordinates. The manager
 People ensures that decisions and ideas are made by considering
 Quality and Service everyone’s opinion for proper functioning. Each manager
 Concern reports on a daily basis to the directors about the company’s
status and proceedings.
C. Production Department
Achieving four important goals:
The core department for a manufacturing plant is the
 Product quality Production department. In order to produce paper, there are
 Lower price several steps to be taken into account. First will be to procure
 Promotion of Business the raw materials, selection of a location of the plant. On
selecting the location, we do a detailed research on various
IV. DEPARTMENTATION methods involved in production of paper. On comparing the
methods, we choose the method that is most viable. According
A. Boards of Directors
to the social demand, the production capacity is calculated.
In this company, Board of directors consists of the Founders: The process/ method of production is tested on a laboratory
Mr. Amit sharma, Ms. Anitha Singh, Mr. Prem Kumar. They scale before moving on to plant scale. A preliminary cost
will form the first level of hierarchy. Each and every decision estimation is done to have an idea about the overall budget of
is taken by the directors and implemented by them. According the plant. Most importantly, an engineering design of the plant
is developed by the engineers for construction of plant. Next, Page 136

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

we procure the Equipments according to the calculations done This department is responsible for the cash flow in the
by the engineers. The paper quality, thickness, Quantity is company. There are so many expenditures starting from the
modelled by the production managers, (as shown in Figure 2). procurement of raw materials to maintenance of the
equipment. It is in the hands of the Finance manager to look
D. Marketing Department
into methods of reducing the expenditure and maximizing the
Marketing department is responsible for the product to reach profit.
the customers in the right way. The Marketing Department
F. Quality Control Department
plays an important role in promoting the business. It is the
Marketing Department's duty to reach out to customers and This department is like a sub-department to production
investors and create an impression that shows your company department. The final product quality is tested before it is sent
in a positive light. Advertising is the most common way of to market. Intermediates of the paper manufacturing are also
marketing. Advertisements in newspaper, Television, Radio tested on a daily basis for safety purpose. Both production and
can reach people faster. quality managers have to be highly qualified and experienced.
E. Finance Department

Figure 2: Procedure of Paper Manufacturing

Steps involved in Kraft process are:

 Impregnation
Our company uses Kraft process for the production of paper.  Cooking
It is the most widely used process. The paper coming out of  Recovery process
this process has best quality compared to other processes. The  Blowing
Kraft process is the process for conversion of wood into wood  Screening
pulp. Wood pulp consists of pure cellulose fibers. The wood
 Washing
chips (from wood pulp) are treated with a mixture of sodium
 Bleaching
Hydroxide and Sodium Sulfide, which is known as liquor.
This is responsible for breaking the bonds that links Lignin to  Process chemicals
Cellulose. Page 137

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

A. Impregnation CaO +H2O → Ca(OH)2

Wood chips of 1.2-2.5 centimeters are pretreated and are D. Blowing
wetted to mix up with the white liquor (NaOH + NaSH)
Cooked wood chips are blown by decreasing the pressure to
B. Cooking atmospheric by removing the steam.
Delignification occurs for several hours at 170 to 176°C. The E. Screening
combined liquids, known as Black liquor contain lignin
The main aim of this step is to remove the pulp by using large
fragments, Carbohydrates, Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3),
screens, sieves. Generally to remove dirt and debris.
Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4).
F. Washing
C. Recovery process
The brown liquor from the previous stage goes to the washing
Thermochemical Sulfate reduction process:
process where the used liquors are separated from the
Na2SO4 + 2C → Na2S +2CO2 cellulose fibers. Washing stages are generally placed after
oxygen delignification process and also between the bleaching
Calcium Carbonate precipitates from white liquor:
stages. Pulp and washing waters move in the opposite
Na2S +Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 → Na2S +2NaOH +CaCO3 direction so as to increase the rate of washing.
Calcination: G. Bleaching
CaCO3 → CaO +CO2 In bleaching tower, the pulp are bleached to high brightness.

Figure 3: Schematic Representation of Paper Manufacturing


SWOT Analysis is the method used by an organization to
assess its internal strengths and weaknesses and also its
external opportunities and threats.

Figure 4: SWOT Analysis Page 138

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

A. Strengths  Taxes imposed by government

 Increased international competition
 Brand name
 Changed in legislation could drastically decrease
 Paper manufacturing is autonomous and self-
market demand
 In ability to attract necessary finances.
 Raw material is easily available as our plant is
constructed next to a forest. Transportation charges  Rapid urbanization and over exploitation
are minimized as the location is near to forest. E. External Factors
 High technology of database.
1) Political: There must be good political harmony
 Highly improved Equipments.
within the state or country. The taxes imposed must be
 High quality products and good services.
nominal. As paper is one of the most important
 Lowest cost producer. industries, the legislation can bring about more laws
 Efficient water treatment plants. for the development of paper industries.
 Effective re-usage of waste heat. 2) Economic :Includes the overall economic status of the
 Generation of electricity from Bio gas. Bio gas is state or the country, whether, rich or poor, the per
produced by burning the waste materials from the capita income of the individuals, their standard of
process. living, education, disposable income.
B. Weaknesses 3) Social: Includes factors related to society and social
wellbeing of individuals living in an area.
 Lack of brand awareness 4) Technological: All the Equipments used are not
 Lack of financial suppliers manually operated, but they are run by a software. So,
 Unexpected failure of equipment which reduces the technology plays a very important role in the plant.
production drastically The plant must be feasible i.e. they should be able to
 Demand-Supply gap update the upcoming technologies in the Equipments.
 Increasing cost of production
 High interest rates. VII. STAFFING
 Low investment in Research and development Staffing is process of filling up the positions in an
 Lack of experience in System integration organization. Recruiting also means hiring candidates for a
C. Opportunities particular role. This means it might take longer to fill searches
simply because it is necessary to be more strategic and
 Raising living standards detailed to find a person who has the proper qualifications for
 Government infrastructure spending each position, as shown in the Figure 5.
 Investment in Industrial and commercial projects
A. Online Application
 Commercial construction activity
 Emerging new markets Candidates applicable for the position can apply through our
 Technological developments website. Hiring process generally starts during the month of
 Demand for saver equipment August. Resume, and important certificates are to be attached
 Provide more security and effective database with the application.
environment B. Selection Process
 Increase in income levels-increase in purchasing
power of customers Need for Valid and reliable information. Validity is the degree
 Large domestic market to which the data predict the candidate’s success as manager.
Reliability is the accuracy of the measurement. Based on this,
D. Threats candidates are selected for written test. First stage is the
written test. Intelligence tests is to measure mental capacity,
 Competition from other paper manufacturing
memory, speed of thought, ability to see relationships in
complex problems. Proficiency and aptitude tests is to
 Introduction of new advanced manufacturing process
discover interests, existing skills and potential for acquiring
 Improper relationship between suppliers and skills. Personality tests is to reveal the candidate’s personal
customers characteristics, interpersonal skills and leadership skills.
 Over exploitation of forests for raw materials Second stage is Personal Interview. Interview is normally held
 Chemical pollution and quality control by one or more people. It is not about asking the right
 Imports from other countries which will affect our questions. Questions can be structured, semi-structured or
product’s market Page 139

International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

even unstructured. What really matters in a personal interview ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

is the way how you express yourself.
We sincerely thank our Assistant Professor of Aerospace
C. Orientation of new employees department, Mrs. Sumathi.N, for giving us the opportunity
to use the concepts that we studied in Principles of
Orientation is the introduction of new recruits to the
Management course in this project. This has been a unique
organization, its functions, tasks, and fellow employees. Each
learning experience for us. We are grateful to her for the
department managers give proper training to the new
valuable time she had given us and for the guidance she has
employees on what and how to do. The staff at higher level
given in the selection and further development of this
required to run this organization are:
 Board of directors
 Production managers
 Finance managers REFERENCES
 Marketing manager [1]. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, (2010). Essentials of
 Quality control manager Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
[2]. ’
 Operation director T-Analysis-Demo/html5.html’ Accessed on 16th September 2017
Engineers employed in our company:
 Mechanical Engineers
 Chemical Engineers
 Civil Engineers
 Electrical Engineers
 Computer Engineers

Figure 5: Steps Involved in Staffing Page 140

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