Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B - Dec 2018 - MARKSCHEME

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Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

1(a)(i) (all) organisms / (all) species / community + environment; 1

(ii) tree, grass, shrub; Allow any order 1

(iii) secondary consumer / 2o consumer; 1

(iv) baboon / leopard; 1

(v) grass grasshopper baboon leopard;; Incorrect arrows = 1 2

grass mouse caracal snake baboon (leopard) = 1

(b) 1. energy lost / not all energy transferred / max 4

only 10% energy transferred / eq;

2. movement;

3. heat loss / respiration;

4. (not) eaten / teeth / bones / hair / death / eq;

5. (not) digested / egestion / faeces / assimilated / absorbed / eq;

6. excretion / urine; excrete faeces = 1

Total 10 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

2 (a) 4
Blood vessel Organ
hepatic artery liver;
renal artery kidney(s);
pulmonary artery lung(s);
hepatic portal vein liver;

max 3
(b)(i) 1. artery needs more mass to break / 1. Ignore longer time
artery does not break as easily / artery stretches more / to break
artery stronger; 1. Allow converse

2. artery (walls) thick(er);

3. artery (more) muscle;

4. artery (more) elastic;

(ii) repeat investigation / use more rings / obtain average; Ignore ref to anomalies / 1
repeat by using different
masses / different sized
rings = 0

(iii) use smaller masses / use 5g masses / eq; 1

Total 9 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

3 (a) 1. digested / breakdown / broken down / eq; max 4

2. protease / pepsin / peptidase; 2. pepsin and trypsin = 0

3. amino acids / (poly)peptides;

4. hydrochloric acid / HCl;

5. optimum pH;

(b) A cell wall; 3

B cytoplasm;

C starch / carbohydrate;

Chip Surface area Volume Surface area Allow one mark for
in cm2 in cm3 to volume correctly calculated
ratio SA:Vol ratio from any
A (28.0) (8.00) (3.50:1)
numbers student provides
B (34.0) (8.00) (4.25:1)
in first two columns
C 24(.0); 8(.00); 3(.00):1;

(ii) 1. chip C; 1. Allow chip 3 3

2. small(est) / low(est) surface (area) / SA: Vol; Allow converse for Mps 2
and 3
3. less lipid / oil / fat (on surface);
Total 13
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

4 (a) 1. (photosynthesis) more in red / blue light / red and blue light max 2
(photosynthesis) less in green / produce more oxygen = 1
(photosynthesis) affected by colour of light;

2. (photosynthesis) produces oxygen;

(b) 1. respond / sensitive; Ignore other max 2

characteristics of living
2. move / mobile / motile / swim / eq; organisms

3. respire;

(c) 1. cell wall; max 2

2. cell membrane;

3. cytoplasm;

4. nucleoid / circular chromosome; 4. Ignore DNA

5. plasmid;

6. flagella / pili;
7. Ignore RNA
7. ribosomes;

8. slime capsule / slime layer;

Total 6 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

5 (a) T bladder / urinary bladder; Reject gall bladder 2

U sperm duct / spermatic duct / vas deferens; Ignore sperm tube

(b) 1. urine; 1. Ignore urea / water 2

2. semen / seminal fluid; 2. Reject sperm

(c) 1. sperm / male gamete / male sex cell; 1. Ignore semen 3

2. testosterone;

3. secondary sexual characteristics / 3. e.g. body hair /

named secondary sexual characteristic; deep voice /
muscular development

Total 7 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

6(a) 1. oestrogen; 1. Allow estrogen / 8

2. ovary / follicle;

3. fallopian / oviduct;

4. zygote;

5. 46 / forty six;

6. mitosis;

7. X and Y;

8. 50% / 0.5 / half / ½ / eq; 8. Ignore 1:1

(b) (i)
Genotypes of parents Possible phenotypes of offspring Allow phenotypes if 2
Bb and bb; one with bars, one with no bars;

(ii) BB, Bb, (Bb) and bb; 1

(iii) 75% / 0.75 / three quarters / ¾ / eq; Ignore 3:1


Total 12 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

7 (c) C plus and minus faeces / range of faeces; max 6

O same species of fish / same age / same mass /

same size / same sex;

R repeat investigation / use more than one tank /

use more than one fish (per tank) /
same number of fish (per tank);

M1 measure mass / weight / length; M1 Ignore number that

survive / size / growth
M2 same stated time period greater than one day;

S1 same type of food / same frequency / S1 / S2 Allow amount

same mass of food / same diet /
same protein / same number of pellets / eq;

S2 same oxygen / same temperature / same light / S2 Ignore same quality

/ same volume of water/tank / same size of tank / eq; of water / pH /
type of faeces

Total 10 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

8 9(a)(i) 1. reduce water loss / reduce transpiration / reduce evaporation; Allow waterproof max 1

2. protection from pathogens / named pathogen;

(ii) B palisade (mesophyll / cell(s) / layer); 3

C spongy (mesophyll / cell(s) / layer);

D guard (cell);

(b) (i) 1. stomata; max 3

2. open in light / close in dark; 2. Allow day or night

3. carbon dioxide in / oxygen out;

4. prevent water loss / transpiration / evaporation;

(ii) 1. xylem only; max 3

2. transport mineral ions / named mineral ion / minerals / ions / 2. Ignore nutrients
salts / eq;

3. transport water;

4. to leaves / leaf;

Total 10
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

9 10(a)(i) carbon (cycle); 1

(ii) X combustion / burning / eq; 3

Y respiration; Y Ignore decomposition

Z photosynthesis;

(b) 1. more carbon dioxide; max 5

2. (increased) greenhouse effect / global warming;

3. ice caps melt / flooding / sea levels rise / affects pH in sea /

coral bleaching / desertification / eq;

4. habitat destruction;

5. migration / redistribution of pests / insects / mosquitoes / eq; 5. Ignore disease

6. food chain disruption / extinction / loss of species /

species become endangered / affects crop growth;

7. climate change / extreme weather / drought / storms /

typhoons / hurricanes / rainfall pattern / eq;

Total 9 marks
Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

Answer Notes Marks

1011(a) (i) temperature; 1

(ii) 1. volume / drops of indicator; Ignore amount / mass max 2

2. volume of milk; Ignore temperature /

3. volume of sodium carbonate / pH;

4. volume of lipase / volume of enzyme;

(iii) 1. mix lipase/enzyme + milk/lipid/substrate; max 1

2. ensure even temperature / distribute heat / eq;

max 3

(b) 1. digestion / breakdown of milk / lipid;

2. by lipase;

3. fatty acids;

4. lowers pH; 4. Ignore neutralise

Year 11 Biology Mock Exam 1B_Dec 2018_MARKSCHEME

(c) (i) 1. line down from lower temperature; Only award Mp2 if Mp1 2
2. line up at higher temperatures;

(ii) 1. Ignore rate / fast / max 4

1. low temperature takes long(er)(time) /
as temperature rises takes less time (until optimum) / slow
above optimum takes long(er) (time) /
optimum takes least time /
highest temperature takes long(er)(time);

Three from:
Allow converse for Mps 2
2. less (kinetic) energy;
and 3
3. fewer collisions / less movement / eq;

4. enzyme denatures;

5. bonds break at active site / active site changes shape / eq;

6. substrate can no longer bind / fit / attach / eq;

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