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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Within the research and development environment, higher throughput, parallelized protein purification is
Received 29 March 2016 required for numerous activities, from small scale purification of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody
Received in revised form 8 June 2016 fragments for in vitro and in vivo assays to process development and optimization for manufacturing. Here, we
Accepted 13 June 2016
describe specific applications and associated workflows of the Protein Maker liquid handling system utilized in
Available online 16 June 2016
both of these contexts. To meet the requirements for various in vitro assays, for the identification and validation
of new therapeutic targets, small quantities of large numbers of purified antibodies or antibody fragments are
Parallelized protein purification often required. Reducing host cell proteins (HCP) levels following capture with Protein A by evaluating various
Antibody wash buffers is an example of how parallelized protein purification can be leveraged to improve a process
Protein A development outcome. Stability testing under various conditions of in-process intermediates, as an example,
Protein G the mAb product from a clarified harvest, requires parallelized protein purification to generate concurrent sam-
Hybridoma ples for downstream assays. We have found that the Protein Maker can be successfully utilized for small-to-mid
Process development scale platform purification or for process development applications to generate the necessary purified protein
samples. The ability to purify and buffer exchange up to 24 samples in parallel offers a significant reduction in
time and cost per sample compared to serial purification using a traditional FPLC system. By combining the
Protein Maker purification system with a TECAN Freedom EVO liquid handler for automated buffer exchange
we have created a new, integrated platform for a variety of protein purification and process development
Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Research Network of Computational and
Structural Biotechnology. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/
2001-0370/Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
G. Hélie et al. / Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 14 (2016) 238–244 239
conditions. Some examples of higher throughput, automated solutions time, column washing and sample elution) established using the ÄKTA
to purification process development have been reported [8,9]. While au- purification system. Sample and buffer lines were cleaned in place
tomated, sequential purification of samples is possible using a with 0.5 M NaOH and equilibrated in DPBS or appropriate buffer
chromatography system connected to an auto-sampler, this cannot be solutions. During purification, a portion of the flow-through fraction
parallelized using a single instrument, thereby reducing the possible was collected for subsequent non-reducing SDS-PAGE analysis. Protein
number of samples processed. samples were eluted in three steps, consisting of a pre-elution volume,
A specific instrument which has been designed around accomplishing elution volume and post-elution volume. Protein concentration mea-
the task of parallelized, medium scale purification is the Protein surements (A280 nm) on these fractions were used to establish the
Maker system, originated by Emerald BioStructures [10] and subse- final pooled sample.
quently developed and marketed by Protein BioSolutions. The
Protein Maker is an automated protein purification platform 2.3. Process development for mouse IgG2a purification
designed for purification of feed volumes of various sizes, from
~ 10 mL to 1 L (~ 1 mg to 100 mg) or more utilizing up to 24 chroma- The Protein Maker system was used to purify in parallel five murine
tography columns, each with an independent flow path. The main IgG2a samples from mouse Hybridomas using MabSelect SuRe and Pro-
components of the system are (i) the syringe pumps with the associ- tein G HP 1 mL HiTrap columns. For each mouse IgG2a, 20–22 mL of su-
ated 9-port valve, mixing syringe and sample lines, which together pernatant (~ 0.5 to 2 mg of mouse IgG2a, depending on titer) was
form the initial portion of the flow path, (ii) the column gantry, purified on either column using the purification method described
columns and associated tubing from the syringe pumps, which above. For protein G purifications, elution was performed in two steps,
form the subsequent portion of the flow path and (iii) the deck, first with 100 mM citrate buffer pH 3.6 and then with 100 mM
which contains up to 19 positions for SBS format plates and a dedi- glycine-HCl buffer pH 2.6. Elution fractions were neutralized using
cated waste position. 1 M Tris. The quantity of IgG2a contained in elution fractions were de-
While purification of a variety of proteins from any number of termined based on A280 nm. For protein G purification, the quantity of
sources is in principle possible with the instrument, the focus herein IgG2a obtained from the two elution steps was summed for calculating
are examples of purification of antibodies and their fragments the yield.
generated from mammalian expression systems. We have utilized the
Protein Maker as a key component of a platform purification system 2.4. Development of a post-load wash step to improve HCP removal during
that integrates automated buffer exchange implemented on a TECAN protein A purification
Freedom EVO liquid handler. This protein purification platform can
be used for both parallelized, small-medium scale purification of Data were obtained with three different antibodies expressed in
antibodies and their fragments, as well in various process development CHO cells. The Protein Maker system was used to perform parallel
applications. purifications using MabSelect SuRe 1 mL HiTrap columns. For each anti-
body, eight wash conditions were tested. For each tested condition,
2. Materials and methods 10 mL of supernatant (16.3 to 17.5 mg of antibodies) were loaded at a
residence time of 3 min. HiTrap columns were then washed and anti-
2.1. Antibody production bodies were eluted using 2.5 CV of 100 mM citrate buffer pH 3.0. Elution
fractions were neutralized using 1 M HEPES. The quantity of antibody in
Murine IgG samples were produced in hybridoma culture in IMDM elution fractions was determined by A280 nm. The quantity of HCP in
supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated FBS and mouse IL-6 by a elution fractions was measured using a CHO HCP ELISA kit (Cygnus
procedure previously described [11]. For some antibodies, cultures Technologies).
were performed transiently in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells as
previously described [12]. Productions were harvested by centrifuga- 2.5. Buffer exchange and aseptic filtration
tion or filtration (0.22 μm or 0.45 μm) and IgG containing supernatants
stored at 4 °C until purified. Buffer exchange into DPBS following affinity purification was
performed manually either using Zeba-spin columns (Thermo-Fisher
2.2. Purification of mAbs and Fabs Scientific) by centrifugation or using PD-10 desalting columns (GE
Healthcare) by gravity according to the manufacturer's instructions.
For development of Protein Maker purification methods, protein Alternatively, sample buffer exchange using PD Miditrap G-25 columns
samples were purified using 1 mL HiTrap columns (GE Life Sciences), was automated on a TECAN Freedom EVO150® liquid handler accord-
including Protein G HP, MabSelect SuRe™ (Protein A) and Ni Sepharose ing to gravity protocols from GE Healthcare. The Freedom EVO150®
Excel™ mounted on an ÄKTA Purifier 10/100 system. Chromatographic was equipped with a liquid displacement Liquid Handler (LiHa)
profiles were monitored at 280 nm. Columns were equilibrated in configured with 8 channels (4 disposable tips and 4 washable tips), a
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution (DPBS, HyClone Robotic Manipulator (RoMa), a Tecan Vacuum (TeVac), carriers for 11
Laboratories), the sample applied at the appropriate residence time microplates, shelf for 4 microplates, one reservoir position for elution
(1 min for Ni Sepharose Excel or 3 min for MabSelect SuRe or Protein buffer, and tip carriers for hanging tips. All tubing and components of
G HP) and a portion of the flow-through fraction collected for subse- the liquid displacement system were cleaned in-place with 0.5 M
quent non-reducing SDS-PAGE analysis. Columns were washed with NaOH for at least 15 min and rinsed with sterile water prior to opera-
DPBS and bound proteins eluted with two column volumes (CV) of tions. A script was developed with the flexibility to process from 24 to
sodium-citrate buffer pH 3.6 (MabSelect SuRe), two CV of 100 mM 96 samples at once. Before starting, the storage solution from PD
glycine-HCl pH 2.6 (Protein G HP) or one CV of DPBS with 500 mM MidiTrap G25 columns was removed manually, the columns placed in
imidazole pH 8 (IMAC purification). For proteins eluted from Protein A a 24 position custom holder and the rack positioned on the Freedom
or Protein G columns, samples were pH adjusted using 1 M solutions EVO150® worktable. Purified protein samples from the Protein Maker
of sodium HEPES or Tris–HCl buffer to a final pH of 6–7. were stored in 24 deep well microplate (Seahorse Bioscience). The
Platform, parallelized purification experiments were performed system liquid was replaced with DPBS (HyClone Laboratories) and the
using the Protein Maker running the Protein Maker v2.0 software script started. First, the RoMa arm brought the column racks onto the
(Protein BioSolutions). Purification runs were performed using the TeVac and columns were equilibrated with three bed volumes using
1 mL HiTrap columns and the chromatography conditions (residence the Freedom EVO150® system liquid (DPBS). The equilibration buffer
240 G. Hélie et al. / Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 14 (2016) 238–244
was allowed to enter the packed bed completely and the flow-through observed comparable results in terms of product yield and sample
discarded in the TeVac waste. Samples were pipetted onto the columns purity when using the same purification method on an ÄKTA purifica-
using disposable filter tips (Tecan) and time was allowed for them to tion platform and the Protein Maker (results not shown).
enter the packed bed by gravity. Column racks were tapped 4× times A key factor in establishing the capture step is to determine the
on the Te-Vac by the RoMa arm to remove any droplets and transported residence time to achieve optimal capture of the product on the column
on top of a 24 deep well block for elution. The LiHa pipetted 1.5 mL of of interest. In the case of Protein G affinity chromatography, using a
elution buffer (DPBS) to each MidiTrap, respectively, using disposable residence time of 3 min, no IgG was found in the flow-through of
tips and the eluate containing the protein of interest was collected by hybridoma-generated mAb samples as determined by non-reducing
gravity. Subsequent aseptic filtration was performed by centrifugation SDS-PAGE with Sypro Ruby staining. For larger volumes of feeds con-
using either sterile Multiscreen 0.22 μm 96-well plates (Millipore) or taining small quantities of product, it is necessary to split samples
deep well 0.22 μm 96-well plates (Corning) stacked with a sterile re- over two or more columns in order to reduce the total time required
ceiver plate. for the binding step. Using such an approach, ~200–250 mL of product
(~ 30 mg of protein in the case of Protein A) can be passed over 1 mL
2.6. Analytical methods columns in an overnight run.
We have found that using the approach of collecting elution
Proteins were quantitated based on A280 nm values obtained using fractions in three steps (pre-elution (0.5 CV), main elution (0.5–
a NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific) and concen- 1.5 CV) and post-elution (1.5+ CV) volumes) allows for optimization
tration values were corrected based on calculated extinction coefficients of the quantity of purified product in a minimum volume, allowing for
derived from the protein sequence. Non-reducing SDS-PAGE analysis maximum product concentration. At the elution step, the practical out-
was performed using 4–12% Bis-Tris NuPage gels (Novex, Thermo- come is to obtain ≥ 80% of the purified protein in a minimum volume
Fisher scientific) and stained with Sypro Ruby protein gel stain suitable for manual or automated buffer exchange as the second step
(Thermo-Fisher Scientific) as recommended by the manufacturer. in the workflow shown in Fig. 2.
SDS-PAGE gels were imaged using a ChemiDoc MP imaging system
(Bio-Rad Laboratories).
3. Results
Fig. 3. Non-reducing SDS-PAGE and Sypro Ruby staining of ten different hybridoma-
produced antibodies purified using Protein G HP with the Protein Maker (A) purified
mAbs, (lanes 2–11)(B) flow-through fractions (lanes 12–21), revealing no unbound
mAb (arrow). The mAb species (2HC + 2LC) is indicated with an arrow, and minor
species include 2HC (~ 100 kDa), half-antibody (~ 75 kDa) and free LC (~ 25 kDa) are Fig. 5. Quantities of mouse IgG2a (μg) purified from mouse hybridoma supernatants using
visible for some samples. Molecular weight markers (lanes 1, 22) are shown in kDa. either Protein A or Protein G.
242 G. Hélie et al. / Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 14 (2016) 238–244
Table 1
Wash conditions tested for Protein A post-load HCP removal.
Table 2
Chromatographic Performance Table — MabSelect SuRe purification, clarified harvest stability hold study for t = 0 and t = day 7. The global process purification yield is calculated as the
ratio of the final yield over the initial load on the column.
Storage temperature Time point Volume Quantity Quantity Step yield quantity quantity Step yield Global process
(°C) (Day) (mL) (mg) (mg) (%) (mg) (mg) (%) yield (%)
would be to establish the elution volume such that ≥80% of the purified purification scheme presented here, Fabs are purified via his-tags
protein is captured in one fraction. using IMAC, although Fab purification can be achieved in some in-
In many antibody affinity purification work-flows, purification is stances using protein A and more commonly using the CH1 domain of
followed by buffer exchange into a formulation buffer, including PBS, the Heavy Chain (HC) or the conserved domain of the Light Chain (LC)
in order to minimize protein aggregation as a result of unfavorable as capture modes. Other therapeutic antibody formats, including one-
conditions of pH or ionic strength. While it is possible to perform the armed antibodies, hybrids, bi-specifics and various Fc-fusion molecules
buffer exchange step in high-throughput mode using 96-well plates can also be purified in platform mode with the appropriate affinity
[14], this only applies to samples having a small volume, typically less resin. Examples of readily available affinity chromatography resins
than 130 μL. Initially, we performed this step in a more manually and how they can be applied to various antibody purification require-
intensive manner using Zeba-spin buffer exchange columns. In order ments is summarized in Table 3.
to increase the throughput and operational efficiency of the buffer ex- Both the post-load wash step for optimization of HCP removal from
change step, a more automated approach was developed using PD Protein A as well as the clarified harvest hold stability study offer
MidiTrap G-25 columns on a TECAN Freedom EVO 150 liquid handling examples of how the Protein Maker can be effectively utilized in the
system. The integration of an automated buffer exchange step in a 24- context of protein purification process development. Minimizing host
sample format, the same format as the Protein Maker, increases the cell protein levels at the Protein A capture step through modification
overall sample throughput, decreases manual manipulations and of wash buffer composition can improve the purification process [13,
enhances the consistency of results. 15,16]. One cycle of parallelized purification using the Protein Maker,
In addition to platform-based purification of full-size IgG's, there is requiring approximately 3 h, was sufficient to purify 24 samples
often a requirement to purify IgG fragments, including Fabs and scFv's, (eight different wash conditions for three different antibodies). Execut-
as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of different affinity purification ing the same experiment using one ÄKTA purification system (i.e. 24
resins for purification of the same product. For purification of murine sequential purifications on an ÄKTA Purifier) would have required ap-
IgG2a, the choice of Protein A vs Protein G purification requires experi- proximately 37.5 h. In this experiment, the Protein Maker not only in-
mental verification prior to establishing the final process to be used. By creased purification throughput by 12.5-fold but also permitted
performing all of the purification experiments in parallel using the Pro- purification of samples in an unbiased manner by having the capacity
tein Maker, a few hours were sufficient to determine that protein A is to purify all of the samples at the same time. Indeed, under conditions
the better choice for purification of murine IgG2a samples. Indeed, the where a mAb is unstable in the clarified harvest, the ability to purify
quantity of purified protein obtained from Protein A was at least 50% multiple samples in parallel offers a distinct advantage over serial
higher than those obtained from Protein G purification, although in purification using conventional purification equipment, minimizing
the absence of additional data we cannot offer a definitive explanation misinterpretation of data due to sample degradation. As the effective-
for this result. Executing the same experiment using one ÄKTA purifica- ness of optimized wash buffers and their effect on purification yields
tion system would require approximately five-fold more time than seem to vary depending on the antibody, the same wash conditions
performing the purification experiments in parallel with the Protein cannot be used for all samples. Rather, post-load wash conditions
Maker. It is noteworthy that these 5 antibodies were subsequently should be optimized for each antibody as part of purification process de-
purified at larger (2 L) scale using protein A resin with greater than velopment. Due to its ability to process multiple samples in parallel, the
80% recovery for four out of the five antibodies processed. In the Protein Maker represents a preferred instrument for performing wash
buffer screening. Moreover, as multiple wash conditions can be evaluat-
ed in parallel, it is possible to minimize variability in sample handling
that could bias data interpretation.
Table 3
Possible platform affinity purification modes for antibodies and antibody fragments using
Therapeutic antibody products often pose various challenges
the Protein Maker. during the development of upstream and downstream processes,
including degradation, modification of Fc or Fd glycans, reduction of in-
Format Isotype Species mode Resin
tramolecular disulfides, deamidation of Asn and Gln residues, as well as
aggregation [17]. In order to de-risk the overall process, an important
mAb, bispecific IgG1, IgG2, IgG4 Human Fc Protein A
component of the transition between upstream and downstream pro-
mAb, bispecific IgG2 Murine Fc Protein A
mAb, bispecific IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4 Human Fc Protein G cessing is to understand the stability of the product post-clarification
mAb, bispecific IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 Murine Fc Protein G but prior to the initial capture purification step. The removal of sialic
OAA N/A Human Fc Protein A, G acid from mAbs by the action of extracellular CHO sialidase is an
scFv Human LC (VL) Protein L example of the kinds of post-production, pre-purification modifications
Hybrid Human Fc Protein A, G
Hybrid Human HC (CH1) CH1
that are possible [18]. The utility of the Protein Maker in this application
Hybrid Human LC (κ, CL) Kappa-Select is its ability to purify several samples in parallel, for example, if the clar-
Fab Human HC (CH1) CH1 ified harvest is to be held at various temperatures or at different pH
Fab Human LC (κ, CL) Kappa-Select values, or if multiple harvests are to be tested in parallel and purified
Fab Human LC (λ, CL) Lambda-Fab Select
under the same controlled conditions.
244 G. Hélie et al. / Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 14 (2016) 238–244