Based From The Syllabus of Atty. Jazzie M. Sarona-Lozare,: Attestation Clause
Based From The Syllabus of Atty. Jazzie M. Sarona-Lozare,: Attestation Clause
Based From The Syllabus of Atty. Jazzie M. Sarona-Lozare,: Attestation Clause
CANEDA VS. CA (3) That the attesting witnesses witnessed the signing by the
GR No. 103554 (May 28, 1993) testator of the will and all its pages, and that said witnesses
FACTS: In 1978, Mateo Caballero executed a last will and also signed the will and every page thereof in the presence of
testament before three attesting witnesses. The said testator the testator and of one another.
was duly assisted by his lawyer, Atty. Lumontad, and a notary
public, Atty. Manigos, in the preparation of that last will. In the case at bar
An examination of the last will and testament of Mateo
In 1979, Caballero himself filed a petition seeking the probate Caballero shows that it is comprised of three sheets all of
of his last will and testament. However, the testator passed which have been numbered correlatively, with the left margin
away before his petition could finally be heard by the probate of each page thereof bearing the respective signatures of the
court. testator and the three attesting witnesses. The part of the will
containing the testamentary dispositions is expressed in the
Herein petitioners, claiming to be nephews and nieces of the Cebuano-Visayan dialect and is signed at the foot thereof by
testator, instituted a petition for intestate proceedings which the testator. The attestation clause in question, on the other
was however consolidated with testate proceeding. They hand, is recited in the English language and is likewise signed
objected to the allowance of the testator's will on the ground
at the end thereof by the three attesting witnesses hereto.
that on the alleged date of its execution, the testator was
already in the poor state of health such that he could not Attestation Clause
have possibly executed the same. We, the undersigned attesting Witnesses, whose Residences
and postal addresses appear on the Opposite of our respective
Ruling of the Probate Court names, we do hereby certify that the Testament was read by
The probate court declared the will in question as the last will him and the testator, MATEO CABALLERO; has published unto
and testament of the late Mateo Caballero, on the ground us the foregoing Will consisting of THREE PAGES, including the
that: Acknowledgment, each page numbered correlatively in the
letters on the upper part of each page, as his Last Will and
1. The self-serving testimony of the two witnesses of the Testament and he has the same and every page thereof, on
oppositors cannot overcome the positive testimonies of the spaces provided for his signature and on the left hand
Atty. Manigos and Labuca who clearly told the Court that margin, in the presence of the said testator and in the
presence of each and all of us.
indeed Mateo Caballero executed the Last Will and
What is fairly apparent upon a careful reading of the
2. The fact that it was Mateo Caballero who initiated the attestation clause herein assailed is the fact that while it
probate of his Will during his lifetime clearly underscores recites that the testator indeed signed the will and all its
the fact that it was indeed his Last Will. pages in the presence of the three attesting witnesses and
states as well the number of pages that were used, the same
Petitioners elevated the case in the Court of Appeals, does not expressly state therein the circumstance that said
asserting that the will in question is null and void for the witnesses subscribed their respective signatures to the will in
reason that its attestation clause is fatally defective the presence of the testator and of each other.
since it fails to specifically state that the instrumental
witnesses to the will witnessed the testator signing the The phrase "and he has signed the same and every page
will in their presence and that they also signed the will
thereof, on the spaces provided for his signature and on the
and all the pages thereof in the presence of the testator
left hand margin," obviously refers to the testator and not the
and of one another.
instrumental witnesses as it is immediately preceded by the
Ruling of the Court of Appeals words "as his Last Will and Testament."
CA ruled that the attestation clause in the last will of Mateo
Caballero substantially complies with Article 805 of the Civil On the other hand, although the words "in the presence of the
Code. testator and in the presence of each and all of us" may, at
first blush, appear to likewise signify and refer to the
ISSUE #1: WON the attestation clause is fatally defective – witnesses, it must, however, be interpreted as referring only
YES. to the testator signing in the presence of the witnesses since
said phrase immediately follows the words "he has signed the
RULING: Under the Civil Code, there are two kinds of wills same and every page thereof, on the spaces provided for his
which a testator may execute. The first kind is the ordinary or signature and on the left hand margin."
attested will, the execution of which is governed by Articles
804 to 809 of the Code.
What is then clearly lacking, in the final logical
Requirements under Article 805 analysis, is the statement that the witnesses signed the
Under the third paragraph of Article 805, the attestation will and every page thereof in the presence of the
clause, the complete lack of which would result in the testator and of one another.
invalidity of the will, should state:
The absence of that statement required by law is a fatal
(1) The number of the pages used upon which the will is defect or imperfection which must necessarily result in
written; the disallowance of the will that is here sought to be
admitted to probate.
(2) That the testator signed, or expressly caused another to
sign, the will and every page thereof in the presence of the ISSUE #2: WON the rule on substantial compliance is
attesting witnesses; and applicable – NO.
Digested by: Ampog | Ballos | Ebuen | Mahusay | Malicay | Paclibar | Peñamante | Picot | Sinsuat | Sosoban | Teng
Based from the syllabus of Atty. Jazzie M. Sarona-Lozare, CPA LLM, ESQ. | 3rd Year- Sanchez Roman | 2020-2021
Manner of Interpretation
Prior to the advent of the Civil Code on August 30, 1950,
there was a divergence of views as to which manner of
interpretation should be followed in resolving issues centering
on compliance with the legal formalities required in the
execution of wills.
The so-called liberal rule, the Court said in Gil vs. Murciano,
"does not offer any puzzle or difficulty, nor does it open the
door to serious consequences. The later decisions do tell us
when and where to stop; they draw the dividing line with
precision. They do not allow evidence aliunde to fill a void in
any part of the document or supply missing details that
should appear in the will itself. They only permit a probe into
the will, an exploration into its confines, to ascertain its
meaning or to determine the existence or absence of the
requisite formalities of law. This clear, sharp limitation
eliminates uncertainty and ought to banish any fear of dire
Digested by: Ampog | Ballos | Ebuen | Mahusay | Malicay | Paclibar | Peñamante | Picot | Sinsuat | Sosoban | Teng