Risk and Refinements in Capital Budgeting: Learning Goals
Risk and Refinements in Capital Budgeting: Learning Goals
Risk and Refinements in Capital Budgeting: Learning Goals
■ Learning Goals
1. Understand the importance of recognizing risk in the analysis of capital budgeting projects.
2. Discuss breakeven cash flows, sensitivity and scenario analysis, and simulation as behavioral
approaches for dealing with risk.
4. Describe the determination and use of risk-adjusted discount rates (RADRs), portfolio effects, and
the practical aspects of RADRs.
5. Select the best of a group of unequal-lived mutually exclusive projects using annualized net present
values (ANPVs).
6. Explain the role of real options and the objective and procedures for selecting projects under capital
■ True/False
1. The breakeven cash inflow is the minimum level of cash inflow necessary for a project to be
Answer: TRUE
Level of Difficulty: 1
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Breakeven Cash Inflow
2. Projects with a small chance of being acceptable and a broad range of expected cash flows are more
risky than projects having a high chance of being acceptable and a narrow range of expected cash
Answer: TRUE
Level of Difficulty: 2
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Sensitivity Analysis
3. In capital budgeting, risk refers to the chance that a project has a high degree of variability of the
initial investment.
Answer: FALSE
Level of Difficulty: 2
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Recognizing Risk in Capital Budgeting
414 Gitman • Principles of Finance, Eleventh Edition
4. Sensitivity analysis is a behavioral approach that uses a number of possible values for a given
variable to assess its impact on a firm’s return.
Answer: TRUE
Level of Difficulty: 2
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Sensitivity Analysis
5. Sensitivity analysis is a statistically based approach used in capital budgeting to get a feel for risk by
applying predetermined probability distributions and random numbers to estimate risky outcomes.
Answer: FALSE
Level of Difficulty: 3
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Sensitivity Analysis
6. Scenario analysis is an approach that uses a number of possible values for a given variable in order
to assess its impact on a firm’s return.
Answer: FALSE
Level of Difficulty: 3
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Scenario Analysis
7. Simulation is an approach that evaluates the impact on return of simultaneous changes in a number
of variables.
Answer: FALSE
Level of Difficulty: 3
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Simulation Analysis
8. The output of simulation provides an excellent basis for decision making since it allows the decision
maker to view a continuum of risk-return trade-offs rather than a single-point estimate.
Answer: TRUE
Level of Difficulty: 3
Learning Goal: 2
Topic: Simulation Analysis
9. In international trade, transfer prices are prices that subsidiaries charge each other for the goods and
services traded between them.
Answer: TRUE
Level of Difficulty: 2
Learning Goal: 3
Topic: International Risk Analysis
10. The danger that an unexpected change in the exchange rate between the dollar and the currency in
which a project’s cash flows are denominated can increase the market value of that project’s cash
Answer: FALSE
Level of Difficulty: 3
Learning Goal: 3
Topic: International Risk Analysis