WHO Classification of Soft Tissue Tumours: An Update Based On The 2013 (4th) Edition
WHO Classification of Soft Tissue Tumours: An Update Based On The 2013 (4th) Edition
WHO Classification of Soft Tissue Tumours: An Update Based On The 2013 (4th) Edition
Print ISSN 0031-3025/Online ISSN 1465-3931 # 2014 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
DOI: 10.1097/PAT.0000000000000050
Copyright © Royal College of pathologists of Australasia. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
96 JO and FLETCHER Pathology (2014), 46(2), February
(e.g., retroperitoneum, mediastinum), since such tumours are reactive process, though sometimes misinterpreted as a sarcoma
associated with substantial mortality. when biopsied during the active growth phase owing to the
Dedifferentiated liposarcoma is now known in some cases to troubling clinical presentation and frequently high mitotic
exhibit ‘homologous lipoblastic differentiation’, in which the activity. However, nodular fasciitis is now understood to be a
dedifferentiated component may exhibit lipoblasts and have ‘self-limiting’ clonal neoplasm with the discovery of
morphological features indistinguishable from pleomorphic the recurrent translocation involving 17p13 and 22q13.1, result-
liposarcoma8 (see Fig. 1). Since publication of the 2013 ing in MYH9-USP6 gene fusion.10 Notably, the USP6 gene is also
WHO classification, a further series of 18 such cases has been involved in the recurrent and consistent translocation in primary
published, which included two cases that showed a homologous aneurysmal bone cyst (but absent in secondary aneurysmal bone
lipoblastic component with low nuclear grade.9 cyst),11–13 most commonly being fused with CDH11.
Mammary-type myofibroblastoma, cellular angiofibroma,
FIBROBLASTIC/MYOFIBROBLASTIC TUMOURS and spindle cell lipoma/pleomorphic lipoma are closely related,
This category was updated to include major immunohistochem- as first appreciated by shared morphological features and now
ical and genetic/molecular developments for several tumours, confirmed by cytogenetic studies. Spindle cell lipoma/pleo-
including nodular fasciitis, myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sar- morphic lipoma has long been known to harbour consistent
coma, low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma, and sclerosing epithe- rearrangements of 13q and 16q.14,15 While morphological
lioid fibrosarcoma. Two tumour types formerly in the skin overlap has been recognised between spindle lipoma/pleo-
volume are now included in the soft tissue volume: giant cell morphic lipoma, mammary-type myofibroblastoma and cellu-
fibroblastoma and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans [both lar angiofibroma, studies have demonstrated cytogenetic
defined by t(17;22)(q21;q13) resulting in PDGFB-COL1A1 similarities as well. Mammary-type myofibroblastoma, includ-
fusion] and which occasionally occur together as hybrid tumours. ing tumours occurring in extra-mammary sites, has been shown
Two entities are no longer included in this category: (1) myofi- to harbour both 13q and 16q abnormalities;16,17 more recently
broma/myofibromatosis, now classified as a ‘Pericytic (perivas- cellular angiofibroma has been shown to have aberrations
cular) tumour’; and (2) giant cell angiofibroma which is now involving the 13q14 locus.18,19 In spindle cell lipoma, re-
listed as a synonym for extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour. arrangement or deletion of 13q appears to affect the locus at
Nodular fasciitis, having the classical history of rapid growth 13q14, which includes the region encoding the tumour sup-
and spontaneous regression, was long considered by many to be a pressor Retinoblastoma (Rb);20 although not included in the
updated WHO classification, immunohistochemistry for Rb
may be helpful in diagnosing spindle cell lipoma/pleomorphic
lipoma, cellular angiofibroma, and mammary-type myofibro-
blastoma; Rb expression is absent in tumour cells secondary to
13q14 rearrangement21 (see Fig. 2). Lastly, the histological
spectrum of cellular angiofibroma now includes the rare occur-
rence of severe cytological atypia or ‘sarcomatous transform-
ation’, particularly in vulvovaginal sites, although this does not
seem to confer any increased tendency for recurrence when
compared to conventional cellular angiofibroma.22
Notably, for extrapleural solitary fibrous tumour, there is
now complete omission of the prior synonym ‘haemangioper-
icytoma’. Despite being published after the 2013 WHO classi-
fication, several significant recent studies warrant mention. It
has been demonstrated that solitary fibrous tumours are charac-
terised by a gene fusion resulting from inversion of two genes
located on chromosome 12q13, leading to a NAB2-STAT6
fusion product,23,24 and hence overexpression of STAT6
protein. Nuclear staining for STAT6 by immunohistochemistry
has very recently been shown to be a highly sensitive and
specific marker for solitary fibrous tumour,25,26 which is diag-
nostically very valuable as conventional cytogenetic methods
cannot detect the intrachromosomal NAB2-STAT6 fusion.
Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma is now known to be
characterised by the translocation t(1;10)(p22–31;q24–25),
which has also been identified in haemosiderotic fibrolipoma-
tous tumour (a newly described entity classified under
‘Tumours of uncertain differentiation’).27,28 Interestingly,
hybrid tumours with features of both myxoinflammatory fibro-
blastic sarcoma and haemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour
are increasingly being recognised.28,29
B Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) harbours reci-
procal translocations of the FUS gene (on chromosome 16p11),
Fig. 1 Dedifferentiated liposarcoma showing homologous lipoblastic dedif- most frequently with CREB3L2 (7q33) or CREB3L1 (11p11). A
ferentiation. This retroperitoneal tumour has morphological features closely
resembling pleomorphic liposarcoma with abundant lipoblasts (A) but was newly described immunohistochemical marker, MUC4, has
strongly positive for MDM2 (B) and CDK4 (not shown). had major diagnostic impact; gene expression studies identified
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Fig. 2 Spindle cell lipoma (A) often shows immunohistochemical loss of Rb Fig. 3 Immunohistochemistry for MUC4 is highly sensitive and specific for
expression (B). low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (A, H&E; B, MUC4).
MUC4 to be overexpressed in LGFMS30 and nuclear immu- terminology ‘malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH)’. Even
nostaining for MUC4 protein has high sensitivity and speci- at the time of the last WHO volume in 2002, it was recognised
ficity for LGFMS31 (Fig. 3). MUC4 is also positive in up to that most tumours previously labelled as MFH could be more
70% of sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcomas (also a ‘Fibroblas- specifically classified with currently available immunohisto-
tic/myofibroblastic tumour’), a subset of which shares the same chemical and genetic/molecular markers.36,37 Tumours classi-
FUS-CREB3L1 translocation as LGFMS.32 Furthermore, fied as undifferentiated/unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma
tumours showing hybrid features of these two ‘entities’ are should only be labelled as such after exclusion of specific
now known to occur32,33 (Fig. 4). lines of differentiation (including epithelial and melanocytic)
Growing knowledge of the defining immunohistochemical (see ‘Undifferentiated/unclassified sarcomas’).
and molecular/genetic features of tumour entities has No other major changes were made in this tumour group, but
also facilitated recognition of new and important morphological additional genetic and molecular data are now available. Both
variants. A good example is the epithelioid variant of inflam-
matory myofibroblastic tumour, which shows consistently more
aggressive biological behaviour (it is considered by some to be
better named ‘epithelioid inflammatory myofibroblastic sar-
coma’) and its characteristic translocation confers a unique
staining pattern by ALK immunohistochemistry.34 The epithe-
lioid variant is associated with ALK-RANBP2 gene fusion; this
fusion results in characteristic nuclear membrane staining, as
RANBP2 localises ALK to the nuclear membrane (Fig. 5). The
epithelioid variant of myxofibrosarcoma, also recently
described, bears close morphological resemblance to carcinoma
or melanoma and shows more aggressive biological behaviour
than usual-type myxofibrosarcoma.35
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98 JO and FLETCHER Pathology (2014), 46(2), February
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100 JO and FLETCHER Pathology (2014), 46(2), February
No major changes were effected in the category of chondro-
osseous lesions.
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Fig. 10 Hybrid schwannoma/perineurioma with storiform architecture. Fig. 12 Haemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour showing an admixture of
bland fibroblastic cells and adiopocytes with associated haemosiderin depo-
essentially no risk for recurrence or metastasis. These lesions sition.
are rapidly growing, nodular/polypoid and usually associated
with solar elastosis. Atypical fibroxanthoma is completely of malignancy and follow a benign clinical course; osteoma-
confined to the dermis, usually shows smooth demarcation lacia typically resolves after resection. Malignant examples
from normal dermis, and often ‘pushes down’ normal skin are infrequent.
adnexal structures. The tumour cells are typically pleomorphic Since the last WHO edition, myoepithelial neoplasms have
with frequent mitotic activity. Spindle cell squamous cell been further characterised by morphological, immunohisto-
carcinoma and malignant melanoma must always be excluded, chemical, and genetic means. These tumours are now known
usually by immunohistochemistry. to occur over a wide age range in a broad anatomical distri-
Haemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour is a locally aggres- bution (including visceral locations). Mixed tumours show
sive tumour that most frequently occurs on the distal lower ductal differentiation, while myoepithelioma is comprised
extremity in adult females,77,78 and as mentioned above, shares of purely myoepithelial cells. Myoepithelial carcinoma of
the same t(1;10) translocation as myxoinflammatory fibroblas- skin and soft tissue is defined strictly by cytological atypia
tic sarcoma (with which it occasionally occurs in hybrid (although often associated with high mitotic rate and necro-
tumours).28,29 Microscopically, tumours are comprised of sis) and often shows an aggressive clinical course in both
fibroblastic spindle cells lacking significant atypia or mitotic children and adults80,81 (Fig. 14), in contrast to salivary gland
activity, arranged in fascicles with associated haemosiderin counterparts in which malignancy is largely based on architec-
deposition, haemosiderin-laden macrophages, osteoclastic-like tural features (i.e., invasive growth). Mixed tumours and myoe-
giant cells, and interdigitating in a complex fashion with a pitheliomas typically show a benign clinical course, with a low
mature adipocytic component (Fig. 12). CD34 is frequently risk of recurrence (20%) usually following incomplete excision.
positive. Tumours have a recurrence rate of 30–50% when Notably, mixed tumours show PLAG1 gene rearrangement (also
incompletely excised. observed by immunohistochemistry),82,83 supporting a relation-
Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, which had inadvertently ship with the salivary counterpart. In contrast, a subset of
been omitted from prior editions, typically affects adults in a myoepitheliomas and myoepithelial carcinomas of soft tissue
wide anatomical distribution, and is notable for its association are associated with EWSR1 translocations.84–88 Likely owing to
with osteomalacia, related to over-expression of FGF23 (which functional loss of material on chromosome 22q, SMARCB1/
is also elevated in serum).79 These tumours are comprised of INI1 expression is lost in a subset of myoepitheliomas and
bland spindle to stellate cells growing in sheets with haeman- myoepithelial carcinomas.89
giopericytoma-like vessels and stromal calcifications often Ossifying fibromyxoid tumours are now known to be associ-
described as ‘grungy’ (Fig. 13). Most tumours lack features ated with recurrent rearrangement of PHF1, located on 6p21.90,91
Fig. 11 Acral fibromyxoma showing uniform spindle cell morphology with Fig. 13 Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour with bland myoid-appearing spin-
vaguely fascicular or whorled growth patterns within a collagenous stroma. dle cells and ‘grungy’ calcification.
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102 JO and FLETCHER Pathology (2014), 46(2), February
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