Tracheostomy in The Intensive Care Unit A University Hospital in A Developing Country Study
Tracheostomy in The Intensive Care Unit A University Hospital in A Developing Country Study
Tracheostomy in The Intensive Care Unit A University Hospital in A Developing Country Study
Original Research
1 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, School Address for correspondence Ahmad Abdel-Fattah Nofal, MD,
of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, School
2 Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Units, School of of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig 46166, Egypt
Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt (e-mail: [email protected]).
Table 1 Indications, complications of tracheostomy and duration between endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy
Tracheostomy for prolonged intubation was done within ostomy tube, without definitive recommendations due to the
17 to 26 days after intubation with a mean of 19.4 2.07 varied results in different populations and in patients with
days. No tracheostomy was performed within first two weeks distinctive comorbid conditions.12,14 The American College of
of intubation. Chest Physicians recommends consideration of tracheostomy
ICU stay duration ranged between 2 and 100 days with a for patients who require an endotracheal tube for more than
mean (SD) of 15.87 (21.4). This duration ranged between 3 to 21 days.15 Benefits of establishing a tracheostomy rather than
100 days (mean; 33.5 30.9) for tracheostomized patients using an endotracheal tube include a decrease in direct
and ranged between 2 to 60 days (mean; 8.6 10.1) for laryngeal injury as well as improved comfort and daily
intubated patients. Thus, there were significantly longer activities of living such as mobility, speech, and eating.6
durations of ICU stay in tracheostomized patients The tracheostomy tube may be placed surgically or percu-
(t ¼ 3.4253 and p ¼ 0.0019) (►Table 2). taneously. Percutaneous tracheotomy is generally performed
Mechanical ventilation was required in 96/124 (77.4%) of solely on intubated patients and, unlike surgical tracheotomy,
studied patients and 32/36 of the tracheostomized patients it can be performed without direct visualization of the
with near significance difference (Chi-square test: 3.817 and trachea. Bronchoscopy is used to guide and confirm place-
p ¼ 0.05) (►Table 2). ment of the tracheostomy tube within the trachea.16
Surgical placement is done in the operating room or at the
bedside, generally under general anesthesia. A common
technique is to create a “trap door” (Bjӧrk flap), by which a
Patients require long-term mechanical ventilation because of small part of the tracheal cartilage is pulled down and sutured
chronic respiratory failure, inability to maintain unassisted to the skin.16 We did not utilize this technique in the current
respiratory function, or failed weaning from ventilatory study and conducted all the cases in the operating theater.
support.12 We estimated that between 2% and 11% of ICU Percutaneous dilational tracheotomy (PDT) is the most
patients who required mechanical ventilation would receive a common technique in most centers, especially in the devel-
tracheostomy.13 oped countries. In study of ICU tracheostomy in the United
Numerous studies aimed to determine the optimal interval Kingdom, PDT is preferred over the surgical technique; in 43%
between orotracheal intubation and placement of a trache- of units, PDT is performed in 95% of cases, in 32.4% of units it is
done in 75–95% of cases, in 16.6% of units it is done in 50 to significantly affected and needed intervention, either with
75% of cases, while in only 8% of units, ST is preferred with PDT surgery or permanent tracheostomy. In our concept, we did
accounting for less than 50% of cases.17 In many studies about not attribute this to the tracheostomy technique per se, but
tracheostomy in ICU in many of European countries, PDT was mostly due to the long intubation period preceding it (more than
usually the preferred technique; in Italy, it accounted for 89% 21 days), particularly since tracheostomy in ICU is elective.
of cases,18 in Germany, 86% of cases,11 in Spain, 72% of cases,19 International and national surveys report as the prevailing
and in the Netherlands, 62% of cases.20 timing of tracheostomy between 7 to15 days.11,17–20,23 Some
Surgical tracheotomy (ST) is the only technique used in our studies consider early tracheostomy to happen within 4 days
center; this is mainly due to the cost effectiveness, which is in of intubation and late tracheostomy after 10 days.25 Thus, we
the favor of ST because of the cost of the PDT insertion set as hope to introduce the concept of earlier tracheostomy to a
well as the otolaryngology surgeoń s easy 24-hour accessibil- greater extent that the current protocol in our center, to avoid
ity to the hospital. Furthermore, insufficient expertise in most of tracheostomy complications.
performing PDT can be added to the cause of preference of ST.
This agrees with the result of other studies21,22 about
tracheostomy in ICU in Nigeria’s teaching hospital in which
all the tracheostomies were surgical tracheostomy. In one of Prolonged endotracheal intubation is the main indication for
the international survey about tracheostomy in ICU; they patients that have undergone tracheostomy performed after
found that ST was the most popular tracheotomy technique two weeks of intubation, in all cases. Although it does not
outside Europe, and was mainly performed by ENT special- present major early complications, laryngeotracheal stenosis
ists.23 Even in some developed countries, such as France, the is still an unresolved sequel for tracheostomy that needs to be
ST technique is still preferred over PDT.24 further investigated so it can be prevented.
The importance of this study is while it was done in the ICU of
a surgery hospital, so it was dealing mostly with surgical cases,
which differ from other studies, which may include non-surgical
cases, and even data of the met analysis studies involve non-
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