19-19 Tightness Test PDF
19-19 Tightness Test PDF
19-19 Tightness Test PDF
1 Purpose .......................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope .............................................................................................................. 1
3 References ..................................................................................................... 1
4 Introduction .................................................................................................... 2
5 Test Procedures at LESER ........................................................................... 3
6 Test Equipment at LESER ............................................................................. 3
7 Seat tightness test procedure, Test P12 ...................................................... 3
8 Shell Tightness test procedure P11 ............................................................. 14
9 Back seat tightness, test P21 (tightness outwards) ................................... 16
10 Tightness of Pressure Seals of POSVs ....................................................... 18
11 Qualifications of the staff .............................................................................. 20
12 Certification .................................................................................................... 20
13 Demands of standards .................................................................................. 20
14 Appendix 1: Seat tightness requirements acc. to API 527 ......................... 22
15 Appendix 2: Seat tightness LESER Standard tightness requirement for spring
safety valve ......................................................................................................... 23
16 Appendix 3: Seat tightness LESER increased tightness requirements .... 25
17 Seat tightness LESER increased tightness requirements POSV, Type 810, Pop
Action pilot .......................................................................................................... 26
18 Seat tightness LESER increased tightness requirements POSV, Type 810,
Modulate Action Pilot ......................................................................................... 27
19 Back Seat tightness, LESER standard requirements for POSVs .............. 28
20 Seat tightness acc. to PAS 1085 -SV............................................................ 29
21 Appendix API Standard 527 .......................................................................... 30
1 Purpose
This LESER Global (LGS) compiles the requirements of standards and describes the
procedure of tightness testing of safety valves and pilot operated safety valves and also
their Certification.
2 Scope
This LGS applies to all members of the LESER quality cluster, as well as at national and
overseas representatives and approved LESER service repair shops, in case of service on
LESER’s account.
3 References
LID_DE 1704.41, LGS 0201, LGS 0222, LDeS_0201.02
DIN EN ISO 4126-1 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure
Part 1: Safety valves,
DIN EN ISO 4126-4 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure
Part 4: Pilot-operated safety valves
DIN EN ISO 12266-1 Industrial valves: Testing of valves, part 1: Pressure tests, test
procedures and acceptance criteria
DIN EN ISO 12266-2 Industrial valves – Testing of valves, part 2: Tests, test
procedures and acceptance criteria, supplementary
DIN EN 1593 Tightness test, bubble test
DIN EN 14291 Foam producing solutions for leak detection on gas installations
DIN EN 10204 Metallic products- Types of inspection documents
4 Introduction
All LESER safety valves have to be test on tightness except SKD Kits Compact
Performance-Valves (ref. to LID_DE 1704.41).
The tightness test is a production test and is set up to ensure that each safety valve fulfils
the requirements for which they have been design without suffering from leakage of
pressurized parts or seals.
The tightness test is standard practised at LESER (100 %) after the set pressure was be
The leakage rates shall be document. In case the observed leakage rate exceeds the
defined specification limit, the valve must be subject to the LESER quality rework process.
The test medium for determining the seat tightness, air, steam or water, shall be the same
as that used for determining the set pressure of the valve.
For dual- service valves, the test medium, air, steam or water, shall be the same as the
primary relieving medium. (API Standard 527).
Upon customer request, LESER can conduct the tightness test using Helium as test
medium for higher accuracy.
The test pressure for the leakage is applied according the set pressure range.
4.5 Temperature
As a standard technique, the minimum or maximum temperature shall not be bellow 5°C
(40°F) nor above 50°C (125°F) during the test. (ASME Code Section V, Article 10).
LESER POSVs are assembled and tested on assembly and test benches for POSVs. The
benches consist of the following sub units:
- pilot assembly and test bench where the pilots are assembled and set
- assembly and test bench for fully assembled POSV: in this place the full POSV is
assembled, set and tested.
7.1 Definition
Seat tightness means tightness between seat and disc. A safety valve/POSV is
considered to be tight between seat and disc, if all requirements of the relevant
standard are performed.
Disclosure cat.: II proofread by: Mi publish date: 01/20/16 effect.date: 01/16
author: La released by: Win replaces: 220-01 status: Publishe
resp. depart.: QM date of release: 01/20/16 revision No.: 6 d
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: NA retention 10y.
LESER Global Standard LGS 0201
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7.3 Scope
The testing procedure of seat tightness for each valve occurs after setting and
checking of cold differential set pressure on test bench in accordance with operation
chart, which is deposited in SAP System.
At LESER the performance of pressure range and test pressure requirements acc.
to API 527 is as follows (table 1):
7.8 Testing of seat tightness with air, bubbles emission test procedure
7.8.1 Applicability
This procedure of seat leakage test with air, counting number of bubbles, is
practised in case of safety valves with gastight design (lifting device H4, cap H2,
closed bonnet).
For POSVs this test is first carried out on the pilot, afterwards the full system
(POSV) is tested.
Fig. 1
For all pilot operated safety valve whose set pressure is greater than 30 bar the
leakage rate shall be determinate with the test pressure at 30 percent of the set
pressure too.
The pressure will be reduced by 10% resp. in case of set pressures 3,5 bar by
0,35 bar. After 10 seconds of slowdown the leakage rate will be determined (test
time 10 s). The amount of air leakage escaping from the inlet via the seal between
seat and disc causes a low excess pressure in the closed outlet chamber. This
excess pressure will be decomposed in the water tank in form of escaping bubbles.
The escaping bubbles are counted in determined test time (ref. to appendix 2 and
3). The volume of bubbles is defined by resp. depends on the water head and inner
width of dipping tube.
The leakage rate shall not exceed the limited leakage rates depending on the flow
area d0 and valve design as mentioned in appendix 2 and 3.
The testing of POSVs corresponds to a two sets sequence:
The pilot is fixed on the PILOT assembly bench, set and tested for tightness.
Pilot bodies along with the manifold block are attached to the pilot assembly
bench with four screws. Sealing is achieved using suitable o-rings.
After assembly and pressure setting of the pilot the seat tightness test is
carried out. The inlet pressure is increased to meet the test pressure and
after a defined damping period the leakage rate is determined. The bubble
test device is hooked up to the outlet and the bubbles created within the test
period are counted.
The testing procedures are implemented as part of the overall assembly and
testing procedure of the control program.
Every completed POSV is tested for its respective CDTP. Usually this is
achieved by setting the PILOT and therefore no additional setting is required.
Consequently tightness of the seat is tested.
For the fully assembled POSV the tightness of the seat is defined as the
tightness between seat and disk of the main valve.
For the test the inlet of the POSV is clamped (perpendicular) to the test bench.
The pressure in the inlet is increased to the respective test pressure and after
a suitable damping period the leakage rate is determined. The observable
bubbles within the testing period are then counted.
7.8.8 Certification
The testing of seat tightness with air (bubble emission procedure) is documented in
the SAP system and confirmed by inspection test certificate 3.1 acc. to DIN EN
10204. (LESER CGA)
If test report for seat leakage test is required, it has to be accessed with option code
7.9.1 Scope
The seat tightness test according to PAS 1085 is only applied to spring loaded safety
valves. The seat tightness test is only applied to safety valves in gas tight configurations
(lifting aid H4, cap H2 and closed bonnet).
- The observed number of relevant bubbles is recorded. If this number exceeds the
allowed number of bubbles as defined in table 3, the valve must be subject to the
LESER quality rework process.
7.10.1 Applicability
In case of non-gas tight safety valve design (lifting device H3, open bonnet), the
seat leakage test is carried out with procedure of applying test fluid (acc. to DIN EN
1593). The application of test fluid is a qualitative test procedure, because the
quantitative procedure of bubble counting (leakage rate) is not possible.
After setting of safety valve the seat leakage test is carried out. A foamy lotion is
drawn over the outlet orifice. The extension under pressure impact and the
accumulate leakage volume can be observed at the outlet.
Test time amounts 5 seconds. The sealing between seat and disc fulfils the
tightness requirements of this standard, if arises bubble extends not more than
5 mm during test time.
In case of nominal sizes DNA DN100 an opening reducing rubber plug is adopted,
because only for nominal sizes up to DN 80 bubbles can be drawn reliable.
Fig. 2
test bench
7.11.1 Applicability
The testing of seat tightness with helium is a special case of testing and is practised
on customer demand only. This test can be carried out for all safety valve types,
even though the helium test is very extensive for open valves.
Via adapter the valve is connected airproof with the helium leakage detector at the
inlet. After evacuation (vacuum occurs in the fitting) an airgun is injection helium
between disc and sealing in the outlet. The test result is metered after 5 min.
7.11.8 Certification
The testing of seat tightness with helium is documented in the SAP system and
confirmed by inspection test certificate acc. to DIN EN 10204 / test report.
Following information are to be considered:
- Test subject
- Requirements of Standard
- Reference terms / Main technical characteristics
If inspection certificate for seat tightness test with helium is required, it has to be
accessed with following option code:
- M 77 for seat tightness, overpressure procedure (sniffing method)
- M 81 for seat tightness, procedure of leakage detection in vacuum
7.12.1 Scope
All valves, which are set with medium water, must be seat tightness tested. The
seat tightness test is carried out with the medium water after setting up the set
The test conditions, test pressure, test time and allowed leakage are defined in
Appendix 2 resp. 3.
The valve shall be mounting vertically on the water test stand. Before the leakage
test, the set pressure must be determined.
After a successful set pressure test with water, the seat tightness test follows.
Wait until no more water drains/flows off the outlet area. It is not allowed to wipe dry
the moistened outlet area (or the used testing device (stream detector)) of the
Steadily the inlet pressure shall than be increased to the test pressure.
When reach the test pressure the valve outlet area shall be observed for 1 minute.
The leakage of the seat is determined by counting of draining off water drops in
outlet area of the valve or in the testing device.
7.13.1 Applicability
Testing of seat tightness with steam is practised for safety valves, which are set on
cold-differential set pressure with steam.
7.13.7 Certification
The seat leakage test with steam is documented in the SAP system and confirmed
by inspection test certificate acc. to DIN EN 10204.
8.1 Applicability
The shell tightness test procedure, at LESER called body tightness, is carried out
for all LESER safety valves generally.
DIN EN 12266-1, Edition June 2003 replaces DIN 3230-1: 1974-04, DIN 3230-
2:1974-04, and DIN EN 12266-2:2003-05 replaces DIN 3230-3.
The former designation is: BF, BQ, and BW acc. to DIN 3230-3.
8.4 Applicability
Acc. to work schedule the shell tightness test procedure is deposited in SAP
system for every safety valve in gastight design. LESER has integrated this test
procedure into production process standard.
As test fluid a foamy lotion acc. to DIN EN 14291, leakage finder, is used. The
test fluid shall be non-volatile (it shall not dry at test temperature during test
period) and viscous.
During test period the test pressure shall be kept constant.
Afterwards the valve has to be blown dry with compressed air.
If inspection certificate for shell tightness test with air is required, it has to be
accessed with option code M18.
9.1 Scope
The tightness test of the back sealing, LESER named it tightness outwards, is
carried out at all LESER’s safety valves in gastight design and at all POSV.
9.2 Definition
The test is a pre-expediting pressure test for certification that the determined
leakage rate of the back sealing is kept to the moment of the manufacture.
The tightness outwards has reference to the test of the tightness at the connections
body/bonnet, bonnet/lifting device H4 (cap H2) as well as the outlet of the body.
9.3 Applicability
The tightness of the back seal, test P21, is in accordance with the task schedule
which is deposited in the data base of the SAP-system for every safety valve in
gastight design. At LESERs’, this test is standard which is integrated in the
production process.
Test pressures outside of the scope of the standard must be coordinated between the
customer and LESER (VK/TB).
Table 5: Minimum test period for testing of the tightness of the back seal
Nominal size Minimum test period
> DN 50 15
from DN 65 to DN 200 15
DN 250 to DN 450 30
The specified test pressure 6 bar / air will start. If there are no bubbles on the outside
surface of the safety valve the tested safety valve is all right.
The test pressure will blow off and the safety valve will be detached from the test control
Remark! During the test period the test pressure has to be kept constantly.
The safety vale should be blistered dry with compressed air.
With the leak detector used by LESER, the tightness test with the vacuum-method is
The safety valve will be sealed (at the inlet) with a sealing cap. Afterwards the
safety valve will be clamped (at the outlet) on the leak detector. When the
evacuation process is finished (in the safety valve is now a vacuum) helium will be
sprayed with an air gun on every connection for 3 – 4 sec. The test result will be
read if the LED display is stabled.
As a standard test with air, the tightness test of the back sealing, tightness
outwards, will follow without option code.
The tightness test of the back sealing, tightness outwards, with Helium will be
regulated with option code N64.
If inspection certificate for back seat test tightness outwards is required, it has to
be accessed with following Option Codes:
- M 28 Back seat tightness test outwards, application of test fluids
- M 78 Back seat tightness test outwards, dipping procedure
- M 82 Back seat tightness test outwards with helium, overpressure method
(sniffing method)
10.1 Scope
The tightness test of pressure seals is carried out on all LESER POSV.
10.2 Definition
The tightness of pressure seals refers to the tightness verification of the valve, the
loading and unloading tubes (pilot, manifold block, main valve), pilot and tubing
(pilot, tubing, pilot tube).
10.4 Applicability
The tightness test of pressure seals is performed according to the work plan defined
in the SAP system for every POSV. At LESER this test is a standard test integrated
into the assembly procedures,
10.11 Certification
The tightness testing of pressure seals is always documented within the SAP
system and is certified by a 3.1 inspection certificate according to DIN EN 10204.
12 Certification
Test results are reported standardly in the SAP system and are proved by an inspection
certificate according to 3.1 of DIN EN 10204.
Following information has to be included in the inspection certificate 3.1:
- Test subject
- Requirements of Standard
- Used procedures
- Reference terms / technical characteristics
Test medium, test liquid, test device
- Test results
- Test method for each test result
- Relevant units, mbar l/s, for each test result.
13 Demands of standards
Following standards are considered for the tightness tests at LESER’s:
DIN EN ISO 4126-1, Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure Part 1:
Safety valves, chapter. 6 Production testing, 6.6 Seat leakage test:
„The seat leakage test of a safety valve shall be carried out. The test procedure and
leakage rate shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser”
DIN EN ISO 4126-4, Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure Part 4: Pilot-
operated safety valves, Chapter 6 Production Testing,
6.6 Seat leakage test:
„The seat leakage test of the pilot operated safety valve shall be carried out after the
adjustment of the set or the cold differential test pressure. The test procedure and the
leakage rate shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. When it is not
the case, the values in 6.6.3 and 6.6.4 shall be used.“
6.7 Pressure Seals
„All pressure seals between valve, loading/unloading line and sensing line shall be leak
tested. If appropriate, hold for 1 min at 10% or 0.35 bar whichever is the greater below set
pressure, using air or nitrogen. Leakage is not acceptable.
UG- 136 (d) (3) The secondary pressure zone of each closed bonnet pressure relief valve
exceeding NPS 1 (DN 25) inlet size when such pressure relief valves are designed for
discharge to a closed system shall be tested with air or other gas at a pressure of at least
30 psi (200kPa). There shall not be visible sign of leakage.”
UG- 136(d) (5) After completion of the tests required by (d) (4) above, a seat tightness test
shall be conducted. Unless otherwise designated by a Manufacturer’s published pressure
relief valve specification or another specification agreed to by the user, the seat tightness
test and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with API 527.”
DIN EN 12266-1 Industrial valves: Testing of valves, part 1: Pressure tests, test
procedures and acceptance criteria- Mandatory requirements, edition 2003, chapter.4 Test
4.2 „Every valve shall be subjected to the shell tightness test, reference P11, listed in
Table 1. “
DIN EN 12266-2 Industrial valves – Testing of valves, part 2: Tests, test procedures
and acceptance criteria, edition 2003, A.3 Back seat tightness, test P21
po / BZ = damping time
Set pressure Blow down up o PZ = Test Time (related to 16°C; bubble volume (related to 16°C; bubble volume
(relating to 16°C) VB= 0,295 cm3, tube = 6,12mm) VB= 0,295 cm3, tube = 6,12mm)
Test pressure Min
50 65...100 >100 Number of Leakage Leakage Number of Leakage Leakage
2“ 21/2...4“ >4“ bubbles volume rate bubbles volume rate
bar MPa bubble/ min cm3/ min Mbar l/s Bubble/ min cm3/ min Mbar l/s
1,03-68,9 0,103-6,896 40 11,80 1,9x10-1 20 5,90 9,4x10-2
103 10,3 if 60 17,70 2,8x10-1 30 8,85 1,4x10-1
- - 1 1 2 1 5 1 0 0 <4,7x10-3 0 0 <4,7x10-3
Soft sealing
- - No leakage
15 Appendix 2: Seat tightness LESER Standard tightness requirement for spring safety valve
0,1- 66 0,01- 6,6 40 11,80 196,66 1,9x10 20 5,90 98,33 9,4x10-2
if BZ = 10s
>66-165 >6,6-16,5 0,1< po < 0,7 (bar) PZ = 10s 60 17,70 295,00 2,8x10-1 30 8,85 147,50 1,4x10-1
0,01 < po < 0,07 (MPa)
>165- 700 >16,5- 70,0 then 80 23,60 393,33 3,8x10-1 40 11,80 196,66 1,8x10-1
Air (Gases)
Ptest = 0,5*p0
BZ= 10s
Soft sealing
soft sealing
BZ =10s
0,07 ≤ po ≤ 0,35 (MPa)
BZ = 3 min
- - if PZ = 1 min
p0 > 3,5 bar No indication of pressure drop at the pressure gauge
po >0,35 (MPa)
Soft sealing
ptest = 0,9*po
BZ =10s
- - See Appendix 2.1
PZ = 10s
Appendix 2.1: Seat tightness LESER Standard tightness requirement, testing with water
Tightness requirements
Nominal size Water Drops
Test Leakage volume
Seat (related to 16°C; Drop volume VT = 0,1 cm3)
0,1-66 0,01-6,6 20 5,90 98,33 9,4x10 10 2,95 49,16 4,7x10-2
if BZ- =10s
Air (Gases)
>66-165 >6,6-16,5 0,1< po < 0,7 (bar) PZ = 10s 30 8,85 147,5 1,4x10-1 15 4,42 73,66 7,0x10-2
0,01 < po < 0,07 (MPa)
>165-700 >16,5-70,0 then 40 11,80 196,66 1,8x10-1 20 5,90 98,33 9,4x10-2
Ptest = 0,5*p0
BZ =3 min
- ptest= p0 - 0,35bar
- (0,035 Mpa) - Increased tightness not possible, ref. to App. 2: Standard tightness requirements
Soft Metal-to-
sealing metal
ptest = 0,9*po
- - - Increased tightness not possible, ref. to App. 2: Standard tightness requirements
17 Seat tightness LESER increased tightness requirements POSV, Type 810, Pop Action pilot
>1000 - 1500 > 68,9 - 130 > 6,896 - 10,3 30 8,85 1,4x10-1
(Main Valve) >1500 - 2000 > 130 - 172 > 10,3 - 13 40 11,8 1,8x10-1
and > 2000 - 2500 > 172 - 207 > 13 - 17,2 50 14,75 2,3x10-1
po 3,45 (<= 2“) PZ = 1
Metallic or soft
> 2500 - 3000 > 207 - 276 > 17,2 - 20,7 than: 60 17,7 2,8x10-1
sealing For p0 >30 bar
ptest = p0 - 0,345
Or soft sealing
DN 65-100 BZ = 2
> 3000 - 4000 > 276 - 385 > 20,7 - 27,6 (21/2...4“) PZ = 1 80 23,6 3,8x10-1
If :
ptest.= p 0,3 *po
p0 >3,45
> 4000 - 6170 > 385 - 425 > 27,6 - 42,5 100 29,5 4,7x10-1
Than: DN > 100 BZ = 5
Soft sealing Ptest.= 0,9*po (> 4“) PZ = 1
(O-ring or sealing
plate at main
valve) No
15 - 6170 1,03 - 425 0,103 - 42,5 or visible - <4,7x10-3
And leakage
Metalic or soft
18 Seat tightness LESER increased tightness requirements POSV, Type 810, Modulate Action Pilot
Test time
po ptestf (Maximum)
Pounds per Leakage
Seat Type Number of Leakage
Square Inch Gauge Mega -Pascals, BZ=damping time rate
(psig) bar MPa bar bubbles volume
Pz = test time
bubble/min cm3/ min
mbar* l/s
> 2000 - 6170 > 172 - 425 > 13 - 42,5 DN < =50 100 29,5 4,7x10-1
if: BZ = 1
(<= 2“)
Metal-to-metal 15 - 1000 1,03 - 68,9 0,103 - 6,896 po 3,45 PZ = 1 20 5,9 9,4x10-2
(Main Valve) >1000 - 1500 > 68,9 - 130 > 6,896 - 10,3 than: 30 8,85 1,4x10-1
and For p0 >30 bar
ptest = p0 - 0,345
soft sealing (Pilot) >1500 - 2000 > 130 - 172 > 10,3 - 13 DN 65- 40 11,8 1,8x10-1
BZ = 2
PZ = 1
> 2000 - 2500 > 172 - 207 > 13 - 17,2 than (21/2...4“) 50 14,75 2,3x10-1
If :
ptest.= p 0,3 *po
p0 >3,45
Soft sealing > 2500 - 3000 > 207 - 276 > 17,2 - 20,7 60 17,7 2,8x10-1
(main valve ) Than: BZ = 5
and > 3000 - 4000 > 276 - 385 > 20,7 - 27,6 DN > 100 80 23,6 3,8x10-1
Ptest.= 0,9*po PZ = 1
Metal-to-metal (> 4“)
> 4000 - 6170 > 385 - 425 > 27,6 - 42,5 100 29,5 4,7x10-1
sealing (Pilot)
Soft sealing
No recognized
(O-Ring or sealing
or visible
plate at main valve ) 15- 6170 1,03 - 425 0,103 - 42,5 leakage - <4,7x10-3
soft sealing (Pilot)
Set pressure, po pressure, p Test Time Leakage rate
Seat Type Pounds per Nennweite
Mega -Pascals, Number of
Square Inch Gauge bar BZ=damping time Pz = test time Leakage volume
MPa bar bubbles
(psig) [ Min. ] [ Min. ] cm3/ min
Seat tightness acc. to
15 1,0 0,1 97% x p0
sealing DN 200
1 1 3 0,89
(DN 8“)
PAS 1085
soft sealing
< 15 < 1,0 < 0,1 90% x p0
15 1,0 0,1 97% x p0
sealing DN > 200
3 1 3 0,89
and (DN >8“)
soft sealing < 15 < 1,0 < 0,1 90% x p0
Appendix 6 Page 2