Energies: Enhancing The Energy E MIMO by Modifying The RF Circuit Configuration

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Enhancing the Energy Efficiency of mmWave Massive
MIMO by Modifying the RF Circuit Configuration
Peerapong Uthansakul * and Arfat Ahmad Khan
School of Telecommunication Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000,
Thailand; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +66-085-086-5588

Received: 14 October 2019; Accepted: 13 November 2019; Published: 15 November 2019 

Abstract: Hybrid architectures are used in the Millimeter wave (mmWave) Massive MIMO systems,
which use a smaller number of RF chains and reduces the power and energy consumption of the
mmWave Massive MIMO systems. However, the majority of the hybrid architectures employs the
conventional circuit configuration by connecting each of the RF chains with all the transmitting
antennas at the base station. As a result, the conventional circuit configuration requires a large
number of phase shifters, combiners, and low-end amplifiers. In this paper, we modify the RF
circuit configuration by connecting each of the RF chains with some of the transmitting antennas of
mmWave Massive MIMO. Furthermore, the hybrid analogue/digital precoders and decoders along
with the overall circuit power consumptions are modelled for the modified RF circuit configuration.
In addition, we propose the alternating optimization algorithm to enhance the optimal energy
efficiency and compute the optimal system parameters of the mmWave Massive MIMO system.
The proposed framework provides deeper insights of the optimal system parameters in terms of
throughput, consumed power and the corresponding energy efficiency. Finally, the simulation results
validate the proposed framework, where it can be seen that the proposed algorithm significantly
reduces the power and energy consumptions, with a little compromise on the system spectral gain.

Keywords: hybrid analog/digital precoding and decoding; mmWave communications; RF signal

mapping; Massive MIMO; optimization; power Consumption; Energy Efficiency

1. Introduction
The consumption of data traffic is exponentially increasing in wireless networks and a large
number of advanced user terminals are getting connected to the internet with every passing day,
which in turn leads to the ever-increasing demand for higher data rates, as seen in the last couple
of decades [1]. This rapid proliferation of internet data traffic along with the continuous increment
in the number of new advanced user terminals have made the congestion in the lower frequency
band spectrum [2]. In order to handle this issue, various techniques have been proposed by the
researchers, like installing the massive antennas at the base station [3], spectrum coding and other
network densification algorithms [4]. These spectrum enhancing techniques alone may not be enough
to fulfill the current and future demand of users, which in turn shifts the focus of researchers to explore
the low congested frequency bands.
The communication by using the mmWave carrier frequencies (30–300 GHz) is deemed the vital
candidate to address the above-mentioned situation because it can provide higher data rates required
by the next generation of networks [5]. In addition, the mmWave carrier frequencies offer low latency,
which in turn makes it a perfect candidate for various applications of current and future generation of
networks such as intelligent robots, auto-driven vehicles [6] and the wearable networks [7,8]. However,
there is a tradeoff in mmWave carrier frequencies between the offered bandwidth and path loss, which

Energies 2019, 12, 4356; doi:10.3390/en12224356 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

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can be compensated by adding the large antenna array at the base station [9,10]. Thanks to the small
wavelengths of mmWave carrier frequencies, the large antenna array can be efficiently packed in order
to overcome the huge path losses [11]. Massive Multiple Input and Multiple Output, also called as large
scale MIMO, is mostly associated with the mmWave systems because it can provide the substantial
increment in the overall throughput, due to its high bandwidth, and this integration between the
Massive MIMO and mmWave systems makes them the perfect candidates for the future generation of
networks [12,13].
In order to further enhance the performance of the system, various precoding schemes are used
along with the multiple chains of Massive MIMO. Under the scenario of low frequency spectrum,
various digital linear and nonlinear precoding schemes are used such as Zero Forcing (ZL), Matched
Filter (ML) and the dirty paper coding [14–16]. However, the signal processing in mmWave systems
possesses a condition of non-trivial system constraint. For example, in the low frequency systems,
where each of the transmitting antenna at the base station requires a separate dedicated RF chain and
each of the RF chain consists of Digital to Analogue convertor (DAC), Analogue to Digital Convertor
(ADC), mixers, oscillators and the Power Amplifiers (PA), which would definitely be a costly option
to use in mmWave systems [17]. The above-mentioned problem was addressed by the researches by
using the antenna selection techniques in order to reduce the number of RF chains [18,19]. However,
the system performance gets reduced by utilizing the antenna selection techniques at the base station as
compared to the performance achieved by using the digital precoding. The researchers also proposed
the analogue-only beamforming to address the above-mentioned problem. Actually, the analogue
beamforming consists of the network of analogue phase shifters, where the phase shifters are used to
steer the transmitting and receiving beams in the intended directions by changing the phases of the
signals [20–22]. However, the analogue beamforming is dependent on the phase angles quantization
of signals and cannot support the multi-stream communication.
It has been seen that the hybrid architectures, where the signal processing is performed by using
the combination of analogue/digital precoders and decoders, significantly improves the performance of
the system as compared to using the only analogue beamforming, and thus can support multi-stream
communication from the multiple end users [23–27]. In the conventional hybrid approaches, the
researches connect the output of each RF chain with all the transmitting antennas at the base
station, which in turn results in the increment in the consumed power and the corresponding energy
efficiency [28–36]. The conventionally used hybrid approaches, where each of the RF chains is
connected with all the transmitting antennas, are also used in [37–40], where the authors use the
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) to solve the problem of designing the optimal hybrid precoders
and decoders. In [41], the authors propose the low complexity algorithm to design the hybrid
precoders for the conventional circuit configuration with the aim of maximizing the spectral efficiency
over different sub-carriers. In [42], the authors propose the beam forming algorithm to reduce the
overhead of the channel feedback by considering the fully digital Massive MIMO system. Motivated
by the above-mentioned research, the authors in [43] propose the designing of hybrid precoders and
decoders for the multiple users with a small training and feedback by considering the conventional
circuit configuration. In [44,45], the authors design the optimal hybrid precoders and decoders by
using the predefined codebooks for the conventionally used hybrid circuit configuration. However,
conventionally used hybrid circuit configuration is not feasible to use in the Massive MIMO systems
because Massive MIMO is based on the theory of having a lot of transmitting antennas at the BS.
Therefore, conventionally used circuit configuration will require a large number of phase shifters to
connect each of the RF chain with all the transmitting antennas in the Massive MIMO system [46],
which in turn requires further energy for excitation and compensation of the insertion losses of phase
shifters [47]. Furthermore, when each of the RF chains is connected with all the transmitting antennas
at the base station, then the computation complexity of the system also is increased [48].
An alternative solution, to reduce the number of phase shifters and the corresponding energy
efficiency, is to modify the circuit configuration. The RF circuit configuration is modified by connecting
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 3 of 23

each of the RF chain with part of the transmitting antennas, which in turn significantly reduces the
complexity of the system. The idea of the above-mentioned RF circuit modification is presented
in [49–51], where the authors design the optimal hybrid precoders and decoders by solving the
optimization problem in terms of the maximization of the system spectrum efficiency. However,
optimization problem should be solved in terms of the minimization of the system energy efficiency
rather than the spectral efficiency. In [52], the authors utilize the only analogue precoders and decoders
to precode and decode the transmitting and receiving signals for the modified RF circuit configuration,
which actually contradicts the hybrid approach for the mmWave systems. In [53], the authors design
the optimal precoders and decoders for the mmWave large antenna array systems by solving the
optimization problem with respect to the maximization of the system energy efficiency. However, the
proposed optimal solution is so complex in [53], and the power consumption for the large antenna
arrays is not correctly modelled.
Thus far, there is no research available in the existing literature to design the optimal hybrid
precoders and decoders for the mmWave Massive MIMO systems, by using the modified RF circuit
configuration, with the aim of maximizing the overall system energy efficiency without much
complexity, and by utilizing the correct modelling of the system power consumptions. Therefore,
the above-mentioned missing context in the literature is explored in this paper. The optimal hybrid
precoders and decoders are designed for the mmWave Massive MIMO system by utilizing the modified
RF circuit configuration, where each of the RF chain is connected to some of the transmitting antennas.
When the modified RF configuration is utilized, then the designing of the analogue precoders becomes
challenging due to some extra circuit constraints. Therefore, the solution is derived and discussed
for designing the analogue precoders in this article by taking all the system and circuit constraints
into account. In the existing research, the mathematical expressions of the spectral efficiency and the
corresponding system throughput are derived, without taking the overhead of pilots into account.
In this paper, we derive the mathematical expressions of the spectral efficiency and the corresponding
system throughput by considering the overhead of pilots. Contrary to existing research, the circuit
power consumption is accurately and completely modelled by deriving the mathematical expressions
of the transmitting and consumed power for the modified RF circuit configuration. In addition, the
comparison is presented and discussed in terms of power consumptions between the conventional
and modified RF mapping circuit configurations, where it can be seen that the modified RF circuit
configuration deploys a significantly smaller number of the phase shifters and the corresponding
low-end amplifiers. Furthermore, we propose the alternating optimizing algorithm in this paper, and
the proposed algorithm works by maximizing the overall optimal energy efficiency of the system
by considering the modified RF circuit configuration. The simulation results unveil the significance
of the proposed algorithm and the modified RF circuit configuration, where it can be seen that the
optimal energy efficiency of the mmWave Massive MIMO can be significantly enhanced with a little
compromise on the spectral gain of the system. The main contributions of this article are summarized
as follows:

1. Contrary to the existing research [28–45,49–53], where the authors formulate the spectral efficiency
of mmWave Massive MIMO without considering the pilot overhead factor, the mathematical
expressions of the spectral efficiency of mmWave Massive MIMO are derived and formulated by
considering the pilot overhead factor for the modified RF circuit configuration in this paper.
2. Contrary to the existing research [49–53], the circuit power consumption is accurately and
completely modelled by deriving the mathematical expressions of the transmitting and consumed
power for the modified RF circuit configuration in this paper.
3. The detailed comparison is presented and discussed in terms of power consumptions between
the conventional and the modified RF mapping circuit configurations in order to highlight the
significance of the proposed circuit configuration.
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 4 of 23

4. Contrary to the relevant research [49–53], the extended version of the Saleh-Valenzuela is used to
model the mmWave channel in order to embody the low rank and spatial correlation characteristics
of mmWave channels in the simulations.
5. Compared to the existing research [37–40,43,49–53], where the existing algorithms are so complex
and each of the existing algorithms has some limitations, as explained in detail in the literature
review, we propose the alternating optimizing algorithm in this paper, and the proposed algorithm
works by maximizing the overall optimal energy efficiency of the system by considering the
modified RF circuit configuration without much complexity.
6. The simulation results unveil the significance of the proposed alternative optimization algorithm
and the modified RF circuit configuration, where it can be seen that the proposed algorithm
significantly enhances the overall optimal energy efficiency of the system as compared to the
conventionally used circuit configuration.

The remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the system model and the
derivation of the mathematical expression of the system spectral efficiency. The extended version of
the Saleh-Valenzuela to model the mmWave channel is discussed in Section 3. Section 4 describes the
modelling of the hybrid precoders and decoders, and the overall transmitted and consumed power
for the RF modified circuit configuration is formulated in Section 5. Section 6 presents the detailed
comparison between the traditional and the RF modified circuit configurations in terms of consumed
power. The optimization problem is formulated and solved in Section 7. In Section 8, we numerically
evaluate the proposed framework and discuss the simulation results. Conclusions are summarized in
Section 9.
We use the following notation throughout this paper; AP is a matix, APk is a kth column of AP,
kAPkF means the frobenius norm, (.)H , e(.) means the Hermitian and exponential operation respectively,
⊗ means the kronecker product, trace(.) means the trace of a matrix, log2 (.) means the logarithm
operation, (AP)T means the transpose of AP, |AP| means the modulus of AP, Z+ means the positive
d d2
integer and dx (.), dx 2 (.) means the first and second order derivative with respect to x.

2. System Modelling and the Spectral Efficiency

Consider the system model of mmWave Massive MIMO shown in Figure 1. The base station is
comprised of Tx transmitting antennas, and transmitting x = [x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xK ] information symbols
to the K number of single antenna users. As it can be seen in Figure 1, the base station contains Ct
transmitting chains with the constraint of x < Ct < Tx , and the corresponding receiver contains Cr
receiving chains with the constraint of x < Cr < K, with the aim of reducing the hardware complexity of
the system. The hybrid precoding brings to the theory of using the combination of analogue and digital
precoders in order to reduce the hardware cost. Therefore, the base station is comprised of the hybrid
combination of digital procoder DPt and the analogue precoder APt . Similarly, the single antenna end
users are comprised of the hybrid combination of digital combiner DPr and the analogue combiner
APr . The dimension of the digital and analogue precoder is Ct × x and Tx × Ct respectively, and the
dimension of the digital and analogue combiner at the receiving end is Cr × x and K × Cr respectively.
The information symbols following the process of analogue and digital precoder can be written as:

A = DPt APt x
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 25

Furthermore, the received information stream by assuming the narrow-band block fading
channel can be written as:
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 5 of 23
Y  p  H  DPt  APt  x  n (1)

Figure 1. Conventionally used RF circuit configuration of mmWave Massive MIMO.

Figure 1. Conventionally used RF circuit configuration of mmWave Massive MIMO.
Furthermore, the received information stream by assuming the narrow-band block fading channel
can be written as:

Y = p × H × DPt × APt × x + n (1)

where Y is the received signal and n is the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The AWGN has
the unity variance and zero mean. H is the discrete mmWave narrow band channel, and it is modelled
in the next section.
Furthermore, the Figure 1 unveils the conventionally used transmitter circuit, where each of
the RF chains is connected to all the transmitting antennas at the base station via phase shifters.
The conventionally used circuit requires a large number of phase shifters, which in turn increases the
power and energy consumption of the system. Therefore, the conventionally used RF signal mapping
configuration is not feasible under the scenario of energy efficient systems. The Figure 2 unveils the
modified RF signal mapping scheme, where the output of each RF chain is connected with some of the
transmitting antennas instead of connecting with all the transmitting antennas. The modified RF signal
mapping scheme requires less number of phase shifters, and the required number of phase shifters in
the modified RF signal mapping scheme comes out to be Tx and K at the transmitting and receiving
end respectively. Whereas, in the conventionally used RF signal mapping scheme, the required number
of phase shifters comes out to be Tx × Cr and K × Cr at the transmitting and receiving end respectively.
Due to the substantial decrement in the number of required phase shifters, the modified RF signal
mapping scheme is highly suitable under the scenario of energy efficient systems. However, the
modelling of the digital and analogue precoders and decoders at the base station and receiving ends is
different for both ofFigure
these 2.
above-mentioned configurations,
RF modified circuit configuration ofand it is discussed
mmWave Massive in Section 4. The signal
received at the kth user can be written as:
√ √ X
Yk = p × Hk × DPt,k × APt,k × xk + p (Hi × DPt,i × APt,i × xi ) + n (2)
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 6 of 23
Figure 1. Conventionally used RF circuit configuration of mmWave Massive MIMO.

Figure 2. RF
Figure modified
2. RF circuit
modified configuration
circuit of mmWave
configuration Massive
of mmWave MIMO.
Massive MIMO.

The received signal Yk at the kth user can be retrieved by multiplying the received signal with the
Hermitian of the analogue and digital decoder. Therefore, the retrieved signal Yk0 can be written as:
 √ 
 p × Hk × DPt,k × APt,k × xk 
0 H H K
 
Yk = DPr,k × APr,k ×  √ P  (3)
 + p (Hi × DPt,i × APt,i × xi ) + n 


By utilizing the properties of Massive MIMO, the interference term can be neglected because
the propagation channel between two different signals becomes orthogonal due to the law of large
numbers. Therefore, the Equation (3) can be written as:
Yk0 = DPH
× p × Hk × DPt,k × APt,k × xk + n (4)

The corresponding Signal to Noise Ratio S.N.Rk can be computed as:

× DPH × H × AP × DP
r,k k t,k t,k
S.N.Rk = 2

Whereas, the sum rate at the kth user can be expressed as:
 2 
 p APH
× DP H × H × AP × DP 
r,k k t,k t,k 
Rk = log2 (1 + S.N.Rk ) = log2 1 + 2
 (6)
 H H
kAPr,k × DPr,k k 

The overall spectral efficiency of the system can be expressed as:

 2 
 p APH
× DP H × H × AP × DP 
r,k k t,k t,k 
RK = K × log2 1 + 2
 (7)
 H
kAP × DP kH 
r,k r,k F
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 7 of 23

Time Division Duplex (TDD) is mostly used in Massive MIMO systems because the overhead factor
is not dependent on the number of transmitting antennas as compared to Frequency Division Duplex
(FDD) where the overhead factor is so huge due to this dependence on the number of transmitting
antennas at the base station. Therefore, the pilot overhead factor is the same in both the circuit
configurations because of using the same duplexing scheme (TDD). By considering the pilot overhead,
the Equation (7) can be written as:
  2  
 log 1 + p APr,k ×DPr,k ×Hk ×APt,k ×DPt,k  − Tsum K ×
   
 2
 H H
kAPr,k ×DPr,k k
2  C 
 F
RK = K ×   2   (8)
  ×Hk ×APt,k ×DPt,k 
r,k r,k 
log2 1 +
  
 
kAP ×DPH k
r,k r,k F
 

The second term in Equation (8) is the overall reduction in the spectral efficiency due to pilot
overhead. Furthermore, the Equation (8) can be simplified as:
 2 

Tsum K
 p APH
× DP H × H × AP × DP 
r,k k t,k t,k 
RK = K 1 − log2 1 + 2
 (9)
 kAPH × DPH k
r,k r,k F

where C is the coherence block, and Tsum is the relative length of the pilot.

3. Extended Saleh-Valenzuela mmWave Channel Modelling

The mmWave channels allow the dense packing of antennas at the base station due to the limited
number of scattering, and the antenna correlation is very high in the mmWave transceivers due to the
closely spaced antennas. Therefore, the rich scattering models, used in the low frequencies MIMO
channels, are not feasible to use in the mmWave systems. In this paper, we use the extended version
of the Saleh-Valenzuela model to model the mmWave channel in order to embody the low rank and
spatial correlation characteristics of mmWave channels [54]:

H=γ αl Gr φrl , θrl Gt φtl , θtl fr φrl , θrl ftH φtl , θtl (10)
Tx KCt
where γ = Nray is the normalization factor, and Nray is the total propagation paths. The αl is the
path fading coefficient of the lth ray, which follows CN(0, 1). Furthermore, φrl , θrl ,φtl , θtl represents the
elevation (azimuth) angle of arrival and departure at the base station
 end users
follows the uniform distribution from 0 to 2pi. The functions fr φrl , θrl and ftH φtl , θtl are independent
of the antenna elements, and denotes the receiving and transmitting response of antenna array at a
specific angle of arrival and departure at the base station and end users respectively. The receiving and
transmitting response of Uth element antenna array can be modelled as [47]:

2π 2π
f (φ) = √ 1, e j λ d×sin(φ) , . . . . . . , e j λ (U−1)d×sin(φ) (11)

where d is the antenna spacing, and λ is the wavelength of the signal. The angle of elevation θ is not
included in the above equation because the response of the antenna array is not dependent on the
angle of elevation. Furthermore, the receiving and transmitting response of Uth element antenna array
on the y and z axes, where the V and B1 antenna elements are located, can be written as:

2π 2π
f (φ, θ) = √ 1, . . . . . . , e j λ d(k1 sin(φ)sin(θ)+k2 cos(θ)) , . . . . . . , e j λ d((k1 −1)sin(φ)sin(θ)+(k2 −1)cos(θ)) (12)
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 8 of 23

 K1 and K1 are constrained
 as 0 ≤ k1 ≤ (V − 1) and 0 ≤ k2 ≤ (B1 − 1) respectively. The functions
Gr φrl , θrl and Gt φtl , θtl denotes the receiving and transmitting antenna gain at a specific angle of
arrival and departure at the base station and end users respectively, and the receiving and transmitting
antenna gains are dependent on the type of antenna elements in the array. In this paper, we assume
the half wave dipole antennas at the base station, and the transmitting h and receiving
i hgain of thei
half wave dipole antenna is assumed to be unity over the sectors φl ∈ φmin , φmax , θl ∈ θtmin , θtmax ,
t t t t
h i h i
φrl ∈ φrmin , φrmax , θtl ∈ θrmin , θrmax :
 h i h i
 ∀ φtl ∈ φtmin , φtmax , θtl ∈ θtmin , θtmax
Gt φtl , θtl


 h i h i
 ∀ φrl ∈ φrmin , φrmax , θtl ∈ θrmin , θrmax
Gr φrl , θrl



4. Computation of the Analogue and Digital Precoder for the Modified RF Configuration
The hybrid precoders and decoders are modelled in this section by considering the scenario of RF
mapping given in Figure 2. Under the perfect scenario in terms of hybrid design, the optimal hybrid
precoders and decoders at the base station and end users should follow:

DPt × APt = Popt (13)

DPt × APt = Dopt (14)

where Popt and Dopt represents the fully optimal precoders and decoders at the base station and end
user respectively. However, it is not possible to achieve the optimal situation given in Equation (13)
and Equation (14), respectively, due to the unit modulus constraint on each of the entry of hybrid
precoder and decoder along with the design constraints shown in Figure 2. In this paper, we focus on
the designing of hybrid precoders by assuming that the hybrid decoders can be designed with the
similar way as hybrid precoders. By setting the product of analogue and digital precoders close to the
fully optimal precoder, the design problem can be illustrated as:

minimizekPopt − DPt × APt k2F (15)


APt ∈ Q
Constraint to
kDPt × APt k2F ≤ Pmax
where Q is the feasible set of constraints on the analogue precoder by considering the scenario given in
Figure 2. Furthermore, the APt represents the block diagonal matrices, and it can be written as:

 
 AP1 0 0 0 
 
 0
 AP2 0 
APt =  0
 0 AP2 0 
 . .. .. 
 .. . .
 
0 0 0 ... APCt

where each of the block diagonal matric in the above matrix can be written as:
n o
Q = diag(APt ), 1 ≤ t ≤ Ct |APt | = 1&APt (cl) ∈ S, where 1 ≤ cl ≤ (Tx /Ct )

It is difficult to solve the optimization problem in Equation (15) by jointly considering the APt and
DPt . Therefore, the original optimization problem is subdivided into two problems, where the APt
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 9 of 23

and DPt are modelled by keeping the other one constant as can be seen in the following optimization
minimizekPopt − DPt × APt k2F
Constraint to AP (16)
t ∈ Q

2 Tx Ct
kDPt × APt kF = Ct Tx x = x

minimizekPopt − DPt × APt k2F

DPt    (17)
Constraint to kDPt × APt k2F = TCxt TCxt x = x
By relaxing the constraint on the optimization problem in Equation (16), each of the entries of APt
can be written as:  jθ T   jθ T 
 jθ  x +1  2 x +1 
 e 1  
e Ct  
e Ct 
AP1 =  jθ Tx , AP2 =  jθ T , AP3 =  jθ T 
 
e Ct 2 x 3 x
e Ct e Ct
   

Furthermore, the matrices of analogue precoder can be generalized as:

 jθ 
(Ct −1) Tx +1
=  e
 Ct 
APCt  (18)

e T x

" #
The phase angles θ1 , θ2 , θ3 , . . . , θ Tx , θ T ,θT , . . . , θTx are required to construct the overall
2 x 3 x
Ct Ct Ct
matrix APK , and the set of phase angles can be extracted from the overall optimal hybrid precoder and
the digital precoder by using the following approach:
For AP1 :
!  !H 
θ AP Tx = θ Popt × (DP) Ct
1, 1: T :

Ct x

For AP2 :
!  !H 
θ AP = θ Popt × (DP) Ct 

2,2 x 2: 2T : x

For AP3 :
!  !H 
θ AP3,3 Tx = θ Popt × (DP) Ct 

Ct 3: 3T : x

Similarly, the APCt th entry of APt can be written as:

θ(APCt ,Tx ) = θ Popt × (DP)Tx : (19)
Ct :

It is difficult to solve the optimization problem in Equation (17) in its present form. Therefore, the
objective function of the optimization problem in Equation (17) needs to be simplified. By using the
properties of trace, the objective function of the optimization problem in Equation (17) can be written
as:   H 
kPopt − DPt × APt k2F = trace Popt − DPt × AP Popt − DPt × AP
h  i
kPopt − DPt × APt k2F = trace Popt − DPt × APt Popt H − DPt H × APt H (20)

As, APt consists of block diagonal matrices so the Equation (20) can be written as:
h   i
kPopt − DPt × APt k2F = trace Popt − DPt × (Ix ⊗ APt ) Popt H − DPt H × Ix ⊗ APt H
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 10 of 23

   
 Popt Popt H − Popt × DPt H × Ix ⊗ APt H 
 
kPopt − DPt × APt k2F = trace +DPt × (Ix ⊗ APt ) × DPt H × Ix ⊗ APt H
 (21)
−DPt × (Ix ⊗ APt ) × Popt H
 

Ix ⊗ APt = d1

Ix ⊗ APt H = d2

Therefore, the Equation (21) can be simplified as:

Popt Popt H − Popt × DPt H × (d2 )

" #
kPopt − DPt × APt k2F = trace
+DPt × (d1 ) × DPt H × (d2 ) − DPt × (d1 ) × Popt H

Following the above-mentioned simplification, the objective function in the optimization problem
(Equation (17)) can be written as:

Popt Popt H − Popt × DPt H × (d2 )

" #
minimize trace
DPt +DPt × (d1 ) × DPt H × (d2 ) − DPt × (d1 ) × Popt H (22)
Constraint to kDPt × APt k2F = TCxt TCxt x = x

5. Computation of the Consumed Power

The overall power consumed, in the case of mmWave Massive MIMO by considering the RF
modified circuit configuration, is modelled in this section. The overall consumed power is equal to
the transmitted power required to transmit the signal, power consumed in the circuitry of Massive
MIMO, power losses due to hybrid architecture and the power required for the compensation of losses
by using the low-end amplifiers:

PT/P = PT + PC + PLoss + PCOM (23)

where PT/P is the overall consumed power, PT is the transmission power, PLoss is the power reduction
due to the hybrid architecture, PCOM is the power required for the low end amplifiers to compensate
the losses, and PC is the overall consumed power. The PC represents the overall consumed power in the
circuitry of Massive MIMO i.e., power consumption in each transceiver chain PTR , power consumption
during the coding and decoding of the transmitted and received signal PC/D , fixed power consumption
PFiX i.e.,
PC = PTR + PFiX + PC/D (24)

The transmitted power required to transmit the signal by assuming the uniform distribution of
users can be written as:

dαMx − dαMn
 
+2 +2
KBpα2 kDPt × APt k2F  
PT = ×   (25)

ηAM  1 + α d2 − d2 

2 Mx Mn

where ηAM is the efficiency of the power amplifier, dMx , dMn represents the maximum and minimum
distance between the base station and end users.
As, each RF chain is equipped with the filter, mixer and the oscillator so the power consumed in
each RF chain can be modelled as:
PR/F = PF + Pm + Po (26)

where, PF is the power consumption during the filtering of the signal, Pm is the mixer power
consumption, Po is the oscillator power consumption. The overall power consumption of transceiver
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 11 of 23

chains by employing Ct and Cr transmitter and receiver chains at the base station and end users
respectively can be written as:
PTR = (Ct + Cr )PR/F (27)

The PC/D is the consumed power during the coding and decoding of the signal and it is dependent
on the system spectral efficiency. The PC/D in terms of overall system spectral efficiency can be written
PC/D = RK (Pcod + Pdec ) (28)

where, Pcod is the power consumption during the coding of the signal and Pdec is the power consumption
during the decoding of the signal.
The power losses gets significantly reduced by modifying the circuit configuration because the
signal of each RF chain is divided into Tx /Ct equal power outputs without the need of using any
combiners as can be seen in Figure 2. Therefore, the power loses at the transmitter side can be written as:

PLoss = (29)

where LST LP.S represents the static power losses of splitters and the phase shifters respectively. On the
receiving end, the above-mentioned power losses are compensated by using the low-end amplifiers,
and the power consumption during this process can be written as:


The modified version of RF mapping circuit configuration requires (Tx + K)PPS number of phase
shifters. Therefore, total consumption of phase shifters PTPS at the transmitter and receiving end can
be written as:
PTPS = (Tx + K)PPS (31)

The overall consumed power (Equation (23)) by using the Equations (24) to (31) can be written as:

dαMx −dαMn
+2 +2
KBpα2 kDPt ×APt k2F
PT/P = ηAM ×
(1+ α2 )(d2Mx −d2Mn )
Tx LST LP.S (32)
+(Ct + Cr )PR/F + PFiX + RK (Pcod + Pdec ) + Ct
+(Tx + K)PPS + KPLNA

6. Analytical Comparison in Terms of Consumed Power

In this section, the comparison is presented and discussed in terms of consumed power between the
conventional and the modified RF mapping circuit configurations. The power losses gets significantly
reduced by modifying the circuit configuration because the signal of each RF chain is divided into
Tx /Ct equal power outputs without the need of using any combiners as can be seen in Table 1. Whereas,
the conventional version of RF mapping divides the output of each RF chain into Tx equal power
outputs, which in turn results into the increment in the consumed power. Furthermore, the traditional
configuration of RF mapping requires (Tx Ct + KCr )PPS number of phase shifters as compared to the
modified version of circuit configuration where (Tx + K)PPS number of phase shifters are required.
Due to the significant reduction of phase shifters and combiners, the smaller the number of low end
amplifiers is required to compensate the losses induced at the transmitter side.
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 12 of 23

Table 1. Analytical Comparison in terms of Consumed Power.

Total Power Required to

Total Power Reduction Due Total Power
Compensate the Loses by
Circuit Configurations to the Hybrid Architecture Consumption of Phase
Using Low End Amplifiers
(PLoss ) Shifters (PTPS )
Figure 1 Ct Lc Tx LST LP.S K(Cr + 1)PLNA (Tx Ct + KCr )PPS
Figure 2 Ct

7. Alternating Optimization Algorithm and the Computation of Optimal Parameters

The expression of the energy efficiency of mmWave Massive MIMO is derived, and the optimization
problem for the maximization of energy efficiency is presented in this section. The energy efficiency
can be written as the overall area throughput divided by all the transmitted and consumed power:

Area Throughput
E.E =
Overall tranmitted and consumed power

The overall area throughput by using the Equation (9) can be written as:
Tsum K
Area Throughput = B × RK = BK 1 − C
 2 
 p APH
×Hk ×APt,k ×DPt,k  (33)
× log2 1 +
kAPH ×DPH k r,k r,k F

The overall transmitted and consumed power is modelled in the previous section, and it can be
written as:
dαMx −dαMn
! +2 +2
KBpα2 kDPt ×APt k2F
PT/P = ηAM × + (Ct + Cr )PR/F
(1+ α2 )(d2Mx −d2Mn )
+PFiX + PC/D + RK (Pcod + Pdec ) + x ST Ct + (Tx + K)PPS + KPLNA
Therefore, the energy efficiency can be written as:
 2 

Tsum K
  p APH
×Hk ×APt,k ×DPt,k 
BK 1 − log2 1 +

C 2
r,k r,k
E.E = (34)
dαMx −dαMn
+2 +2
KBpα2 kDPt ×APt k2F
ηAM × + (Ct + Cr )PR/F
(1+ α2 )(d2Mx −d2Mn )
+PFiX + RK (Pcod + Pdec ) + Ct + (Tx + K)PPS + KPLNA

The optimization problem of the energy efficiency maximization can be illustrated as:

Maximize E.E
Constraint to Tx ∈ Z+ , K ∈ Z+
Tx > K, p > 0 (35)
APt ∈ Q
kDPt × APt k2F ≤ Pmax

The number of transmitting and receiving antennas cannot be negative so that is why they have
been set positive in the first two constraints of optimization problem. The last two constraints in the
above optimization problem deals with the designing of the hybrid analogue and digital precoders,
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 13 of 23

and they have been discussed in details in Section 4. Furthermore, the expression of energy efficiency
is simplified by using the following substitutions:
k t,k t,k
Tsum K r,k r,k
r1 = BK 1 − C , r2 = 2
α+2 α+2
KBα2 kDPt ×APt k2F dMx −dMn
r3 = ηAM × ,
(1+ α2 )(d2Mx −d2Mn )
r4 = (Ct + Cr )PR/F + PFiX + Ct

+(Tx + K)PPS + KPLNA , r5 = (Pcod + Pdec )

Following the above-mentioned substitutions, the Equation (35) can be rewritten as:

r1 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
E.E(p) =
r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 )

As it can be seen in the above equation, the optimization of the energy efficiency is equivalent to
the computation of transmitted power that results into the maximization of energy efficiency. Therefore,
the optimization problem in Equation (35) can be written as:

p= arg maximize(E.E(p))
Constraint to Tx ∈ Z + , K ∈ Z +
Tx > K, p > 0 (36)
APt ∈ Q
kDPt × APt k2F ≤ Pmax

The energy efficiency undergoes the quasi concave response with respect to p, and it is explained
at the end of this section. Furthermore, the solution of the above optimization problem is obtained by
searching for the optimal transmitted power where the corresponding energy efficiency comes out to
be maximum: !
(E.E(p)) d r1 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
d =
dp dp r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
 r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) dp r1 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) 
   
− r1 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
 
 
   
(E.E(p)) d 
 × dp 3 r p + r4 + r5 × log 2 ( 1 + pr 2 ) 
d =  2
dp dp    
 r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) 
 
 
 
 

r1 r2 ×(r3 p+r4 +r5 ×log2 (1+pr2 ))

 
 
  (1+pr2 ) 
 − r5 r2 + r3 r1 × log (1 + pr2 )
  
d  1+pr2 2 
d =   2 
dp dp  
 r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
 
 
    
 r1  h r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) r2 i  
 1+pr2  − (r (1 + pr ) + r r ) × log (1 + pr )  
(E.E(p))  3 2 5 2 2 2 
d = 
dp  2 
r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
 
 
 
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 14 of 23

    
 r1  r4 r2 + r3 pr2+ r5 r2 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) − pr2 r3 log2 (1 + pr2 )  
 
 1+pr2  −r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) − r5 r2 × log2 (1 + pr2 )  
(E.E(p))  
d =  2  (37)
dp  
r3 p + r4 + r5 × log2 (1 + pr2 )
 
 
 

Equate the Equation (37) to zero in order to compute the optimal transmitted power:
   
r1  r4 r2 + r3 pr2 + r5 r2 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) − r3 log2 (1 +pr2 ) 
 = 0
1 + pr2 

−r5 r2 × log2 (1 + pr2 ) − pr2 r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) 

r1 h i
r4 r2 + r3 pr2 + [r5 r2 − r3 − pr2 r3 − r5 r2 ] log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
r1 h i
r4 r2 + r3 pr2 − [r3 + pr2 r3 ] log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
" #
r4 r2 + r3 pr2
− r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
" #
r3 pr2 + r4 r2
+ r3 − r3 − r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
" #
r4 r2 + r3 pr2 − r3 (1 + pr2 )
+ r3 − r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
" #
r4 r2 + r3 pr2 − r3 − pr2 r3
+ r2 − r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
" #
r4 r2 − r3
+ r3 − r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) = 0
1 + pr2
" #
r4 r2 − r3 h i
− r3 log2 (1 + pr2 ) − 1 = 0 (38)
1 + pr2
Let h i
log2 (1 + pr2 ) − 1 = q1 (39)

Taking exponential on both sides:

e[log2 (1+pr2 )−1] = eq1

pr2 − 1 = eq1 e (40)

By utilizing the Equation (39) and Equation (40), the Equation (38) can be written as:

r4 r2 − r3
= r3 q1
eq1 e
r4 r2 − r3
q1 eq1 = (41)
r3 e
As we know:
u = f −1 (ueu ) = W(ueu )

where W (.) is the Lambert Omega function, so Equation (40) can be written as:
r r2 − r3
q1 = W 4 (42)
r3 e
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 15 of 23

Substitute the value of q1 from the Equation (42) to Equation (39):

r r2 − r3
log2 (1 + pr2 ) − 1 = W 4
h i
r3 e

Taking exponential on both sides:

r4 r2 −r3
W( r3 e )
e[log2 (1+pr2 )−1] = e
r4 r2 −r3
W( r3 e )
e−1 × (1 + pr2 ) = e
r4 r2 −r3
W( r3 e )−1
(1 + pr2 ) = e
Finally, the optimal value of transmitted power that results into the maximization of energy
efficiency can be computed by using the following:
r4 r2 −r3
W( r3 e )−1
e −1
p= (43)

The response of E.E(p) with respect to p is first increased and then decreased when we equate
Equation (37) to zero. Furthermore, the E.E(p) is negative when E.E(p) < r15 and positive when p > −1
r2 ,
so the d2 dp2 comes out to be less than zero. Therefore, the E.E(p) follows the quasi concave response.
In the proposed alternating optimization algorithm, the first step is to construct the matrix APt . The
phase angles are estimated with the help of Equation (19), and the estimated phase angles are used to
construct the entries of APt with the help of Equation (20). The DPt is estimated by using the entries of
APt with the help of Equation (22). All the entries of APt are updated by using the entries of DPt . Once
we get the hybrid design, the power consumed in the circuit of mmWave Massive MIMO is computed
with the help of Equations (24) to (31). Once we get the consumed power, the optimal transmitted
power where the energy efficiency of the system comes out to be maximum is computed with the help
of Equation (43). Furthermore, the overall transmitted and the consumed power PT/P along with the
area throughput is calculated with the help of Equation (32) and Equation (33), respectively. Finally, the
optimal energy efficiency of the system is calculated by using the PT/P and area throughput with the
help of Equation (34). The steps of the proposed algorithm (Algorithm 1) are summarized as follows:

Algorithm 1. Proposed Alternating Optimization Algorithm

• Input Tx , Ct , K, Cr , H, dMx , dMn .

" #
• Estimate the phase angles θ1 , θ2 , θ3 , . . . , θ Tx , θ Tx , θ T , . . . , θTx with the help of Equation (19).
2 3 x
Ct Ct Ct

• Utilize the estimated phase angles to calculate the entries of the analogue precoder APt with the help of
Equation (18).
• Utilize the calculated entries of the APt to construct DPt with the help of Equation (22).
• Update all the entries of the APt by utilizing the DPt constructed in the previous step.
• Calculate the overall consumed power of the system with the help of Equations (24) to (31).
• Calculate the optimal transmitted power where the energy efficiency of the system comes out to be
maximum with the help of Equation (43).
• Utilize the optimal transmitted power to calculate the PT/P and Area throughput with the help of
Equation (32) and Equation (33) respectively.
• Finally, utilize the PT/P , Area throughput to calculate the E.E with the help of Equation (34).
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 16 of 23

8. Simulation Results
The simulation results are shown and discussed in this section. The simulation parameters used
for the simulations are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Simulation Parameters.

Parameter Value
C 1850
Nray 10 rays
Azimuthal sector angle 50◦ wide
Elevation sector angle 22◦ wide
d λ/2
Channel realization 5000
B 19 MHz
Pcod 0.8
Pdec 0.2
Pm 19 mW
PF 14 mW
LST 30 mW
ηAM 32%
Tsum 22 m
Po 4 mW
LP.S 0.45 dB
PLNA 14 mW
dMn 30 m
α 3.8

The Figure 3 shows the overall spectral efficiency with respect to different SNRs, where the
spectral efficiencies are computed for the fully digital precoding circuits, conventionally used circuit
configuration and the modified RF configuration, respectively. It can be seen that the modified RF
configuration approaches closer to the conventionally used circuit configuration. Furthermore, Figure 4
shows the optimized area throughput computed by using the proposed alternative algorithm for
different circuit configurations with respect to different maximum distances between the base station
and end users.
As it can be seen in Figure 4, the proposed RF mapping approaches closer to the traditionally
used circuit configuration in terms of throughput at different number of transceiver chains along with
the transmitting antennas and users. The Figure 5 unveils the optimal transmitted power computed by
using the proposed alternative algorithm for different circuit configurations, where the x axis shows
the maximum distances between the base station and end users and the y axis shows the optimal
transmitted power required to transmit the signals in log scale.
As it can be seen in Figure 5, that when the base station needs to transmit the signals at the distant
users, then the transmit power required to transmit the signals also is increased. Furthermore, the RF
modified circuit requires less power to transmit the signals as compared to the conventionally used
circuit configuration. In addition, when the number of transceiver chains along with the number of
transmitting antennas and end users increases, then the performance of the modified configuration
also is further improved in terms of transmission power as can be seen in Figure 5.
Energies 2019,
2019, 12,12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
4356 1719ofof2325

Figure 3. Overall Spectral Efficiency.

As it can be seen in Figure 4, the proposed RF mapping approaches closer to the traditionally
used circuit configuration in terms of throughput at different number of transceiver chains along
with the transmitting antennas and users. The Figure 5 unveils the optimal transmitted power
computed by using the proposed alternative algorithm for different circuit configurations, where the
x axis shows the maximum distances between the base station and end users and the y axis shows
the optimal transmitted power required to transmit the signals in log scale.
Figure OverallSpectral

As it can be seen in Figure 4, the proposed RF mapping approaches closer to the traditionally
used circuit configuration in terms of throughput at different number of transceiver chains along
with the transmitting antennas and users. The Figure 5 unveils the optimal transmitted power
computed by using the proposed alternative algorithm for different circuit configurations, where the
x axis shows the maximum distances between the base station and end users and the y axis shows
the optimal transmitted power required to transmit the signals in log scale.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Optimal
Optimal Area
Area Throughput.

As it can
Figure be seenthe
6 unveils in Figure
optimal5, energy
that when the base
efficiency station needs
computed to transmit
by using the signals
the proposed at the
distant users,
algorithm for then the transmit
different circuit power requiredby
configurations to transmit the signals
setting different also is increased.
number of maximum Furthermore,
between the base station and end users, different number of transceiver chains, different number
of transmitting and receiving chains respectively. The optimal energy efficiency of the system gets
reduced when the base station needs to transmit the signal at the distant users because the system
needs more transmission power in order to transmit the signal at the distant user as can be seen in
Figure 5. Figure 4. Optimal Area Throughput.

As it can be seen in Figure 5, that when the base station needs to transmit the signals at the
distant users, then the transmit power required to transmit the signals also is increased. Furthermore,
the RF modified circuit requires less power to transmit the signals as compared to the conventionally
used circuit configuration. In addition, when the number of transceiver chains along with the number
of transmitting antennas and end users increases, then the performance of the modified configuration
also is2019,
Energies further improved in terms of transmission power as can be seen in Figure 5.
12, 4356 18 of 23

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW Figure

Power. 21 of 25

Figure 6 unveils the optimal energy efficiency computed by using the proposed alternative
algorithm for different circuit configurations by setting different number of maximum distances
between the base station and end users, different number of transceiver chains, different number of
transmitting and receiving chains respectively. The optimal energy efficiency of the system gets
reduced when the base station needs to transmit the signal at the distant users because the system
needs more transmission power in order to transmit the signal at the distant user as can be seen in
Figure 5.

Figure 6.
Figure EnergyEfficiency.
6. Energy Efficiency.

Due to the more transmission power and the reduction in the overall system throughput, the
Due to the more transmission power and the reduction in the overall system throughput, the
overall optimal energy efficiency of the system gets reduced. In addition, the proposed RF circuit
overall optimal energy efficiency of the system gets reduced. In addition, the proposed RF circuit
configuration significantly improves the overall energy efficiency of the system as it can be seen in
configuration significantly improves the overall energy efficiency of the system as it can be seen in
Figure 7. The energy efficiency of the proposed RF circuit configuration is compared with respect to
Figure 7. The energy efficiency of the proposed RF circuit configuration is compared with respect to
the energy efficiency computed by using the feedback and the OMP algorithm for the conventional
the energy efficiency computed by using the feedback and the OMP algorithm for the conventional
circuit configuration in Figure 7. The number of transmitting antennas, users and the transmitter and
circuit configuration in Figure 7. The number of transmitting antennas, users and the transmitter and
receiver chains are set to be 148, 42 and 11, respectively.
receiver chains are set to be 148, 42 and 11, respectively.
configuration significantly improves the overall energy efficiency of the system as it can be seen in
Figure 7. The energy efficiency of the proposed RF circuit configuration is compared with respect to
the energy efficiency computed by using the feedback and the OMP algorithm for the conventional
circuit configuration in Figure 7. The number of transmitting antennas, users and the transmitter and
receiver chains
Energies 2019, are set to be 148, 42 and 11, respectively.
12, 4356 19 of 23

Figure ofthe
different algorithms.

Figure 8 unveils the effects of the number of transceiver chains on the overall optimal energy
efficiency of the system, where the x axis is showing the number of transceiver chains deployed in the
system, and the y axis is showing the optimal energy efficiency of the system. The optimal energy
efficiencies are computed by setting the different number of distances and the number of transmitting
antennas and end users. As it can be seen in Figure 8, the optimal energy efficiency of the proposed
RF modified circuit performs better when the number of deployed transceiver chains is increased.
Energies 2019, 12,the optimal
x FOR energy efficiency of the conventional circuit configuration gets reduced 22
of 25
the number of deployed transceiver chains is increased as can be seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8.
Figure 8. Effects
Effects of
of the
the transceiver
transceiver chains
chains on
on the
the optimal

Figure 8 unveils the effects of the number of transceiver chains on the overall optimal energy
efficiency of the system, where the x axis is showing the number of transceiver chains deployed in
the system, and the y axis is showing the optimal energy efficiency of the system. The optimal energy
efficiencies are computed by setting the different number of distances and the number of transmitting
antennas and end users. As it can be seen in Figure 8, the optimal energy efficiency of the proposed
Energies 2019, 12, 4356 20 of 23

9. Conclusions
This paper mainly focused on enhancing the energy efficiency of mmWave Massive MIMO by
modifying the RF circuit configurations. The RF circuit configuration was modified by connecting
each of the RF chain to some of the transmitting antennas of mmWave Massive MIMO. As a result,
the modified RF circuit configuration required a significantly smaller number of the phase shifters
and the corresponding low-end amplifiers as can be seen in Table 1. Furthermore, the analogue
precoders and decoders were also designed by taking all the circuit and system configurations into the
account for the modified RF configuration. Contrary to the existing researches, the realistic modelling
of the circuit power consumptions was presented and used in the simulations. In addition, the
proposed alternating optimization algorithm worked well to compute the optimal system papers,
and to enhance the performance of the system in terms of energy efficient approach. Contrary to the
existing optimizing algorithms, where the researches computed the optimal solution of the hybrid
architectures by maximizing the spectral efficiency of the system, the proposed framework provided
deeper insights of the optimal system parameters in terms of throughput, consumed power and
the corresponding energy efficiency. The simulation results showed that the modified RF circuit
configuration significantly reduced the power consumption of the system, with a little compromise on
the spectral gain. Due to the significant reduction in the system power and energy consumptions, the
modified RF circuit configuration of the mmWave Massive MIMO can be a fascinating option for the
future of wireless systems.

Author Contributions: P.U. conceptualized the idea, and supervised the designing and modelling of the proposed
framework. A.A.K. worked on the mathematical modelling, optimization and the simulations under the fruitful
guidance of P.U. All the authors discussed the final results and approved the publication.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Suranaree University of Technology.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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