DTS Live Birth, PROM Associated With Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Anemia 2 Degree To Acute Blood Loss
DTS Live Birth, PROM Associated With Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Anemia 2 Degree To Acute Blood Loss
DTS Live Birth, PROM Associated With Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Anemia 2 Degree To Acute Blood Loss
As Partial Fulfillment
For NCM501205(RLE)
A Care Study on
DTS live birth, PROM associated with severe Pre-
Eclampsia and anemia 2nd degree to acute blood
Submitted to:
Mrs. Lucy Estrada R.N. M.N.
January 14, 2009
Submitted by:
Baculio, Edzel
Group B11
Table of Contents
I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. ..
a. Profile of patient………………………………………………………..
b. Drug Study……………………………………………………………….
c. Diagnostic Tests………………………………………………………..
IX. Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………
X. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….
This case study aims to improve the present condition of the patient and is
conducted to gain a thorough understanding about the client’s condition. We as
student nurses will not only learn about the condition itself, but how we as nurses
can provide a holistic care to this client by applying our knowledge on nursing
assessment, problem identification, nursing interventions, and evaluation related
to the condition. Furthermore, by gathering the subjective and objective data
regarding the case, it will allow us to have a proper and appropriate personalized
nursing care for the patient. This study also aims to improve our skills in the
clinical area, our interpersonal relationship with other health care givers, and to
gain more confidence in ourselves towards the task assigned to us.
The result of this study will provide valuable benefits to the following
groups of persons:
In this study, the patient can receive a quality, personalized, and holistic
care coming from the student nurses. Through the daily assessments of
students, they can closely monitor the condition as well as the progress of the
Family of the Patient:
In this study, the family can be provided with more knowledge regarding
the patient’s condition. In addition, through demonstration and explanations, the
family can gain more knowledge and skill on the proper care of the patient.
Student Nurses:
a. Profile of Patient
Name : Ms. RD
Age : 24 Y.O.
Gender : Female
Height: 5’1
Weight: 57 kilograms
Nationality: Filipino
Final Diagnosis: DTS alive baby girl, 3.1 kg cephalic G1P1(2001) PROM,
24H Severe pre-eclampsia, anemia 2nd degree to acute
Blood loss.
Upon interview, the patient had denied any history of other serious
diseases. She just claimed that she had some relative from his father’s side who
is experiencing hypertension. She also Claimed that this is her 2nd pregnancy and
her 1st hospitalization.
Please admit
Secure consent
TPR q 4
Start IV D5LR iL @
- U/A
- Crea
- Ampicillin 20mg
- Hydralazine 5mg
IVTT now then
report BP after
20mins then refer
- Hyosine –N-
Butylbonde amp
- MgSO4 4mg slow
IVTT now then
deep IM to both
Insert FBC attach to URO
Monitor FHT and BP hourly
and record.
O2 inhalation at 2 LMP
Refer accordingly
January 2, 2009
1. Captopril
Date: 1/05/09
Classifications: anti-hypertensive
2. Methyldopa
Date: 1/3/09
Classifications: Anti-Hypertensive
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Side Effects: Sedation, Nasal stiffing, Bradycardia, edma, and hemolytic
3. Ampicillin
Date: 1/1/09
Classifications: Anti-infectives
Side Effects: Seizures. Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting urticaria and rashes.
Nursing Implications: Advise patient to report signs of allergy
4. Hydralazine
Date: 1/1/09
Classifications: Anti-Hypertensive
5. Cefuroxime
Date: 1/2/09
Classifications: Anti-bacterial
Side Effects: Seizures. Diarrhea, Nausea and vomiting urticaria and rashes.
Date: 1/2/09
Classifications: Anti-anemia
7. Mefenamic acid
Date: 1/2/09
Classifications: Analgesics
c. Diagnostic Tests
Urine analysis-1/1/09
HBSAg Non-reactive Non-reactive Normal
HGB 7.3 11.7-14.5 g/dl Anemia
HCT 22.0 34.-44.3 vol anemia
-Pregnancy uterine 31 wks 1 day by fetal biometry cephalic presentation,
low singleton fetus
Many women do not know the signs of labor and do not understand the
labor and delivery process. It can be a very emotional and frightening
experience unless you are prepared for it. The best thing to do is to talk to your
health care provider and educate yourself in other ways.
It is important to know the signs of labor and learn about the different
options available for giving birth so you feel confident and comfortable with your
experience. Signs of true labor can include contractions at regular and
increasingly shorter intervals that also become stronger in intensity, lower back
pain that does not go away, your water (amniotic sac) breaks, you experience a
bloody, brownish or blood-tinged mucous discharge, and your cervix begins
dilating (opening up) and becoming thinner and softer.
It is important to know that you have several options available such as
where you will have your baby (home birth, birthing center or hospital), who will
assist in the delivery (midwife, doctor, doula, significant other), what kind of
delivery you have (vaginal, C-section, episiotomy, water birth), what kind of pain
management (drugs, hypnosis, natural) and even post delivery options.
Before you reach the last few weeks of pregnancy, it is a good idea to
review your birth plan and pain relief issues with your doctor or midwife and visit
the hospital you have selected or the birthing center where you plan to deliver.
Don't get short on time and remember that your due date is only an estimate of
the date of delivery and that most women do not deliver on the estimated due
Anemia affects 20% of all females of childbearing age in the United States.
Because of the subtlety of the symptoms, women are often unaware that they
have this disorder, as they attribute the symptoms to the stresses of their daily
lives. Possible problems for the fetus include increased risk of growth retardation,
prematurity, intrauterine death, rupture of the amnion and infection.
Pre-eclampsia Pathophysiology
Placental Hypoperfusion
Name: Datuin, Rio A. a
Vital Signs:
Pulse: 84 bpm ; RR: 23 cpm ; BP: 180/120 mmhg ; Temp: 36.6 C ; Height: 5’1 ; Weight: 56 kg
[ ] impaired vision [ ] blind
[ ] pain redden [ ] drainage Sleep deprvation
[ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf
[ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth Pale orbital area
Assess eyes ears nose throat for abnormality Frequent yawning
[x] no problem
[ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea [ ] barrel chest Linea nigra: straea
[ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough
[ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi gravidarum
[ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea
[ ] orthopnea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing
[ ] pain [ ] cyanotic Acute pain on
Assess resp. rate, rhythm, depth, pattern, breath sounds, episiotomy site
[X] no problem
Minimal vaginal
[ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ]numbness discharge
[ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue
[ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur
[ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain
[ ] obese [ ] distention [ ] mass
[ ] dyspagea [ ] rigidity [ ] pain Fatigue: Pallor and weak
Assess abdomen, bowel habits, swallowing, bowel in appearance
sounds, comfort
[x] no problem
BT of FWB type B
[ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding regulated at 15gtts/min
[ ] hematuria [X] discharge [ ] nocturia
Assess urine frequency, control, color, odor, comfort, PNSS 1liter at KVO
gyne bleeding, discharge
[x] no problem
[ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures
[ ] lethargic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] treamors
[ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip
Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength,
grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech Warm Skin
[x] no problem
[ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae
[ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling
[ ] lesion [ ] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity
[ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed
[ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] ecchymosis
[X] diaphoretic [X]moist
L + + + +
[ ] swallowing
Difficulty Lower [] [] []
[X] denied
ELIMINATION: Comments: Bowel sound is
character amount
[ ] SBE Last Pap Smear: N/A The patient is strictly following and took
LMP: march 2008
the prescribed medications.
[ ] dry
Comments: [ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale
[ ] other “Dili man ga
katol akong [ ] flushed [X] warm
[x ] denied panit” as
verbalized by [X] moist [ ] cyanotic
he patient
*rashes, ulcers, decubitus (describe size,
verbalized by
[ ] other extremities
E At the end of the shift, the patient was be able to learn what are the
appropriate measures in controlling BP.
E At the end of 8 hours, the patient was will be able to sleep and gain
energy and verbalized of reduced fatigue
Generally the prognosis of our client was Poor; the intervention that was
implemented to our patient had made less improvement to the condition of my
As a student nurse during our clinical exposure with this patient, the
knowledge that we had gained during the 24 hours (2 days clinical exposure and
1 assessment day) in assessing and caring for the patient had enhanced our
understanding about Elective health nursing, not only that we had implemented
interventions but the feeling of fulfillment by being accepted as a health care
provider and touch others’ lives in our own little ways somehow made a
The concept of Team nursing is not all about fulfilling thee requirements to
pass the subject, or just intervening the problems identified as required. But it is a
random act of kindness without expecting something in return, it is more of
touching other people’s lives, where there is compassion determination and
motivation towards oneself and the patient’s significant others to act upon the
task to promote health and prevent disease.
This exposure had already helped improved our well-studied skills in the
clinical area. It has also enabled us to develop interpersonal relation with people
whom we worked with. Team building and organizing is a good quality of a nurse
that should be develops to have a good flow of activity during duty hours.
Through this we were able to understand deeply the essence of nursing.
Black, Joyce M. 1993. Medical-Surgical Nursing- A Psychologic Approach. 4th ed.
W.B Saunders Company: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,USA.
Davis, F.A. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. 19th ed. F.A. Davis Company: