ISO 18001:2007 Internal Audit Checklist: Against

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The document discusses an internal audit checklist for an ISO management system and outlines the audit methodology and management review process.

The internal audit checklist ensures each audit concisely compares the requirements of the ISO standard against actual business practice.

The document discusses preparation, document review, criteria, objectives, findings from previous audits, customer complaints and corrective actions as principles of auditing.

The internal audit checklist is just one of the many tools available

Table of Content
from the auditor’s toolbox. The checklist ensures each audit
concisely compares the requirements of ISO 18001:2007 and
your EQMS against actual business practice.

ISO 18001:2007
Internal Audit
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ABOUT THIS CHECKLIST.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

AUDIT SCORING CRITERIA............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
PRINCIPLES OF AUDITING................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
AUDIT METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Preparation.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Documented Information Review............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Process Criteria, Metrics and Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Previous Audit Findings.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Customer Complaints and Corrective Actions....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Inputs and Outputs.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Relevant ISO standards................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Review Performance........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Review Competencies..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Review Linkages & Interactions................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Review the Process........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Review the Findings......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Prepare the Report........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

INTERNAL AUDIT CHECKLIST...........................................................................................................................................................................................................10

PART 1: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................10

PART 2: HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY.....................................................................................................................................................................................................12
PART 3: PLANNING.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
PART 4: IMPLEMENTATION & OPERATION...........................................................................................................................................................................................15
PART 5: CHECKING.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................21

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PART 6: MANAGEMENT REVIEW..........................................................................................................................................................................................................25

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About this Checklist
The audit checklist is just one of the many tools which are available from the auditor’s toolbox that help ensure your audits address the necessary
requirements. It stands as a reference point before, during and after the audit process and if developed for a specific audit and used correctly will provide the
following benefits:

 Ensures the audit is conducted systematically;

 Promotes audit planning;
 Ensures a consistent audit approach;
 Actively supports your organization’s audit process (OHSAS 18001:2007, Clause 4.5);
 Provides a repository for notes collected during the audit;
 Ensures uniformity in the performance of different auditors;
 Provides reference to objective evidence.
This audit checklist comprises tables of the certifiable (‘shall’) requirements, from OHSAS 18001:2007, each required is phrased as a question. This audit
checklist may be used for element compliance audits and for process audits. If you wish to create separate process audit checklists, select the clauses from the
tables below that are relevant to the process and copy and paste the audit questions into a new audit checklist. We suggest that you retain this audit checklist
as your ‘master copy’.

Audit Scoring Criteria

A risk-based internal audit approach allows the internal audit to concentrate on reviewing the major risks to your organization. The audit’s role is to provide
assurance that key risks to your organization’s objectives are being well controlled.

The audit findings ‘traffic lights’ are intended to visually communicate the risk posed by the audit finding of any system or processes being audited. The rating
system is stratified from ‘compliant’ to ‘major non-conformance’ to convey a concise and consistent method for scoring each audit finding. At the end of the
audit, you can transfer the findings into an Excel spreadsheet to create charts, summary tables and trend data to paste into your audit report or management
review documentation.

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This methodology should be uniformly applied to all types of internal audit (gap analysis, system audits and process audits) that your organization will likely

Finding Definition/Impact Action/Mitigation

COMPLIAN Compliant means adherence with the requirements of the standard and the EQMS. The
process is implemented and documented and records exist to verify this. Continue to monitor trends/indicators.

A low risk issue that offers an opportunity to improve current practice. Processes may Review and implement actions to improve the process(s).
OFI cumbersome or overly complex but meet their targets and objectives. Unresolved OFIs may Monitor trends/indicators to determine if improvement was
degrade over time to become non-compliant. achieved.
A medium risk, minor non-conformance resulting in deviation from process practice not
likely to result in the failure of the management system or process that will not result in the Investigate root cause(s) and implement corrective action by
delivery of non-conforming products nor reduce the effectiveness of the EQMS. next reporting period or next scheduled audit.

A high risk, major non-conformance which directly impacts upon customer requirements, Implement immediate containment action, investigate root
MAJOR N/C likely to result in the customer receiving non-conforming products or services, or which may cause(s) and apply corrective action. Re-audit in 4 weeks to
reduce the effectiveness of the EQMS. verify correction.

Principles of Auditing
Auditing relies on a number of principles whose intent is to make the audit become an effective and reliable tool that supports your company’s management
policies and procedures whilst providing suitable objective information that your company can act upon to continually improve its performance. Adherence to
the following principles are considered to be a prerequisite for ensuring that the conclusions derived from the audit are accurate, objective and sufficient. It
also allows auditors working independently from one another to reach similar conclusions when auditing in similar circumstances. The following principles
relate to auditors.

1. Ethical conduct: Trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion are essential to auditing;
2. Fair presentation: Audit findings, conclusions and reports reflect truthfully and accurately the audit activities ;
3. Professional care: Auditors must exercise care in accordance with the importance of the task they perform;
4. Independence: Auditors must be independent of the activity being audited and be objective;
5. Evidence-based approach: Evidence must be verifiable and be based on samples of the information available.

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Audit Methodology
Introduction 4. Are links between other processes established?
The adoption of the ‘process approach’ is mandated by OHSAS 18001:2007 5. Are processes and their links monitored?
and is one of the most important concepts relating to quality management 6. Are records maintained?
systems. Process auditing is about auditing your organization’s processes
As part of the process approach, the process audits must be scheduled
and their interactions, which together comprise the quality management
according to the processes defined by your management system. The
audit schedule should not be based on the clauses of the standard, but it
The process approach is one of the core quality management principles, should instead be based upon the importance and criticality of the process
which is defined as a ‘consistent and predictable results are achieved more itself. The process approach to auditing should cover three vital stages:
effectively and efficiently when activities are understood and managed as
1. Preparing for the audit; (desk review)
interrelated processes that function as a coherent system’.
2. Auditing the process and its linkages;
The process audit provides assurance that the processes have been
implemented as planned and provides information on the ability of the 3. Preparing the summary and audit report;
process to produce a quality output. Done properly, a process audit is An audit of customer related processes should be conducted at planned
much more than verification that processes are being followed. Although intervals in order to determine whether the processes conform to planned
preparation can take a day or two, actual audit time is about two hours per arrangements in order to determine whether the process is properly
shift. implemented and maintained and to provide process performance
A process is a set of interrelated activities that transform inputs, such as information to top management.
materials, customer requirements and labor, via a series of activities into Effective process auditing requires the auditor to identify and record audit
outputs, such as a finished product or service. Various stages of the trails that will make a difference to your organization. The audit should
process must meet various applicable clauses of the standard. There are six begin with the process owner in order to understand how the process
characteristics to look out for when auditing a process: interacts with the other process inputs, outputs, suppliers and/or
1. Does the process have an owner? customers.

2. Is the process defined? The auditor should be able to determine whether the outputs are complete
3. Is the process documented? and that process measurements demonstrate whether all of the outputs

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are consistently fit for purpose and are efficiently managed. Do the Gather together all the relevant documented information that relates to
customers agree with the outputs and the measures? Audit of customer the process you will be auditing. Look at process metrics, work instructions,
processes at planned intervals to: turtle diagrams, process maps and flowcharts, etc. If applicable, collect and
review any control plans and failure mode effects analysis work sheets too.
1. Determine whether the process conforms to planned
arrangements; Review these thoroughly and highlight the aspects that you plan to audit.
Using the documented information in this way ensures they become audit
2. Determine whether the process is properly implemented and
3. Provide information on process performance to top management. Your organization’s documented information may not cover all of the
requirements that may be relevant to the process. If certain information is
Consider these points during the process audit:
not available, it may become your first audit finding, not bad for the pre-
1. Is there continuity between the various support processes? audit review! Certain information and linkages should be audited. Some
2. Is the task done consistently on a person-to-person or day-to-day are required and some are simply good audit practice. Putting these
basis? sections into a worksheet format gives auditors a guide to follow, to
3. Do the interfaces between the departments operate smoothly? ensure the relevant links are audited.

4. Does product information flow freely? Documented Information Review

5. Is the process practice right? Following are examples are of information that should be gathered and

6. Does it meet the requirements of the standard or specification? reviewed. The audit scope, audit objectives, audit criteria are required and
this information be defined and documented. Usually, this is just basic
7. Is it helping your organization effectively?
formality, document it and move on.
1. The audit scope defines what is included and excluded from the
Before the audit, prepare thoroughly! Spending an hour or three in audit, what will be audited.
preparation will make you a better auditor and you will be much more
2. The audit objectives define the purpose and what the audit should
effective during the audit. Auditors should not skip this step as it provides achieve.
much needed value to the audit. Taking the time to prepare and organize
3. The audit criteria define what systems, standards and documented
actually saves time during the audit.
information will be audited.

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Process Criteria, Metrics and Objectives Relevant ISO standards

Each process is required to define this in the quality management system. Review relevant sections of applicable ISO standards (e.g., ISO 9001, ISO
Evaluate metrics and objectives to determine strengths and weaknesses. 14001, OHSAS 18001, etc.) that are relevant to the process that you will be
Compare actual performance to targets. This will guide you on how to auditing. Print those pages and highlight any requirements to ensure they
should allocate your audit time. If targets are not met, identify it as an are documented correctly within the quality management system and that
audit trail. Where goals are met, focus more on other areas with bigger they get audited.
Flowcharts, turtles, procedures, work instructions, records, process
Previous Audit Findings sequence. Review the documented information that describe and control
Verify if actions from previous audits remain effective and closed. Review the process. Review all the important steps and activities of the process
previous audit trails to see if there is more to review, or whether they being audited. This information must be documented within the quality
should be audited again. Past problems areas may reveal more management system. Evaluate how effectively the process flows through
improvement opportunities. each step. Do you see any roadblocks or issues? Make notes directly on
the documents. During the audit, use them as check sheets and audit the
Customer Complaints and Corrective Actions trails and notes you marked.
Review previously identified problems and the effectiveness of any actions
Review Performance
taken. Note what should be re-verified to ensure problems and issues
remain closed. There could be incomplete actions, or new personnel that Review metrics and performance with appropriate managers, supervisors
are not aware of previous issues. and operators. They will know how well things are running, objectives,
customer issues and problem areas. If they do not, the requirements were
Inputs and Outputs not met. Audit the sequence of the process with the people actually
The quality management system must define and document the inputs, performing the process. Do people know and follow the steps? Is what
activities and the outputs for each process. If your management system they do the same as what is documented? Are best practices documented
uses flowcharts, turtle diagrams, process maps, etc., it should be and followed? Do personnel have changes they would recommend?
documented there. Are inputs and outputs clearly defined? Do you see

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Review all the relevant steps of the assigned process. Evaluate how the should include interactions with relevant supporting processes, such as
process flows through the steps. Are the process steps effective? Do you training, quality, maintenance, calibration, record and document control,
see roadblocks or issues? Notate and follow audit trails you find with the etc.
relevant personnel. Observe their work. Look for things that are not as they
Often a process will work pretty well by itself but it does not always sit well
should be.
with other processes at the hand over points. These must be audited as to
Review Competencies how they perform and interact with the main process. Note: don’t audit
Training, skills and competencies are always a potential area for each linked process at this time, only audit the pieces that interact with the
improvement. Training and competency is vital and you should always assigned process. The full processes will get audited as a separate process
review whether training could be improved. Pay particular attention to audit.
newer employees or people who do not demonstrate good skills or Review the Process
competencies. Put people at ease, so they are not nervous. If there are
The first task for the auditor is to establish what the process is intended to
people who do not seem to be ‘up on their game’ note their names and
achieve. For example, the Sales Department’s primary function is to
review this with the training process owner.
provide an effective interface between your organization and its customers
Links to skills, competencies and training needed for each process must be and to input clear and accurate customer data onto the computer system
documented. Review skill lists for the assigned process. Are there clear lists in a timely manner. If these are the most important objectives of that
of skills for each position? Do they show enough detail? This is often a process, then the audit must concentrate on verifying whether or not they
finding, where lists are generic with inadequate detail. Training is a key are being achieved.
process of any system. Are there specific people or new hires you wish to
Performance is often best proven by looking at how well the output of
review? Are there particular skills you want to evaluate? Collect names to
Process A satisfies the input requirements of Process B. For example: how
review later.
often does Process B have problems with customer data entered on the
Review Linkages & Interactions system, how many customer complaints have arisen due to inaccurate or
Linkages and interactions with other processes are always important. As late information being entered? If there is a documented procedure in
you audit the assigned process, you will see how it connects and interacts place, it should define the process and the steps to be taken to ensure the
with other processes. As you audit, also audit the relevant links to related objectives are achieved.
processes and support processes. These would include the input hand over In the absence of any particular standard requirements, you may want to
from the previous process and the output hand over to the next process. It determine what customer driven requirements you might have. And audit

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for effectiveness. The audit tool is there to check how the plan is When you have completed the audit, you will probably have findings.
functioning and if it delivers as expected. Consider these points: Some findings might be problems and some might be opportunities for
improvement. Review your notes and collect the findings into the audit
1. Is there continuity between the various processes within your
organization? report. Audit teams should review findings with the lead auditor and/or
management representative as it important to calibrate the findings and
2. Is the task done consistently on a person-to-person or day-to-day
serves as a learning process. If there is disagreement over some findings,
the Lead Auditor has the final vote.
3. Do the interfaces between the departments operate smoothly?
Prepare the Report
4. Does product information flow freely?
A good summary report is the output which is the value of the audit. It
5. Is the procedure right and does it meet the standard?
deserves an appropriate amount of attention and effort. As you moved
6. Is it helping your organization effectively? through the audit, you should have noted the issues and improvements
Review the Findings you saw. These should have been marked clearly so you are now able to
quickly review and capture them as you write the report.
Mark findings and issues as you go. When you finish auditing, you should
have a collection of various findings to review. Organize the notes you These findings and conclusions should be formally documented as part of
made, these findings need to be reported to management. As you moved the summary report. Too often, the audit report only recites back facts and
through the audit, you should have noted the issues and improvements data the managers already know. The value is in identifying issues and
you saw. These should have been marked clearly so you are now able to opportunities they do not know! This summary should be reviewed first
quickly review and capture them as you write the report. with the lead auditor, then the Process Owner and Management Team.
Make final revisions and file the audit report and all supporting audit
materials and notes.

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Internal Audit Checklists

Part 1: General Requirements
Audit Findings Opportunities for
Audit Evidence
Question No.

Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement
Has the organization established, documented,
implemented and maintained and continually improved
4.1 1
an H&S management system in accordance with the
Has the organization determined how it will fulfil these
4.1 2
Has the organization determined defined and
4.1 3
documented the scope of its H&S management system?
Has the organization established an appropriate health
4.1 4
and safety policy?
Has the organization identified the health and safety
hazards arising from its past, existing or planned activities,
4.1 5
products and services, in order to determine the health
and safety risks of significance?
Has the organization Identified applicable legal
4.1 6 requirements and other requirements to which it
Has the organization identified priorities and set
4.1 7
appropriate health and safety objectives and targets?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Question No. Audit Evidence
Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Has the organization established a structure and

4.1 8 program(s) to implement the policy and achieve
objectives and meet targets?
Has the organization facilitated planning, control,
monitoring preventive and corrective actions, auditing and
4.1 9 review activities to ensure both that the policy is complied
with and that the H&S management system remains
Is the organization capable of adapting to changes in
4.1 10

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Part 2: Health & Safety Policy

Audit Findings Opportunities for
Audit Evidence
Question No.

Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Is the health and safety policy documented and

4.2 11
authorized by top management?
Is the policy is appropriate to the nature and the scale of
4.2 12
the organization’s health and safety risks?
Does the policy include a commitment to continual
4.2 13
Does the policy include a commitment to comply with
4.2 14 applicable legislation and other requirements to which the
organization subscribes?

4.2 15 Is the policy implemented?

Is the policy effectively communicated in the organization

4.2 16
and employees are aware of their H&S obligations?

4.2 17 Is the policy made available to all interested parties?

4.2 18 Is the policy periodically reviewed for suitability?

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Part 3: Planning
Audit Findings Opportunities for
Audit Evidence
Question No.

Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Is a procedure for the identification of hazards and

4.3.1 19 assessment of risks established and is the methodology
Do risk assessment procedures cover routine-non
4.3.1 20 routine activities; personnel having access to the
workplace (visitors, subcontractors)?
Does the methodology provide for the classification of
4.3.1 21 risks and identification of those that are to be eliminated
or controlled?
Does the methodology provide input into the
determination of the facility requirements, identification
4.3.1 22
of training needs and development of operational
Do risk assessment results demonstrate that all the
4.3.1 23 activities and facilities were covered and risks were
Does the process link to operational control procedures?
4.3.1 24
(See 4.4.6.)
Are results of hazard identification and risk assessments
4.3.1 25
considered while setting health and safety objectives?
Is a procedure established for identifying and accessing
4.3.2 26
legal requirements?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Are requirements other than legal requirements

4.3.2 27
Is the information concerning applicable legislation and
4.3.2 28
other requirements kept up-to-date?
Is relevant information on legal and other requirements
4.3.2 29 is communicated to employees and other interested
Are documented health and safety objectives
4.3.3 30
established for each relevant function?
Are the results of hazard identification and risk
4.3.3 31 assessments are considered while setting health and
safety objectives? (See 4.3.1.)
Are H&S objectives established and they consistent with
4.3.3 32
the commitment to continual improvement?
Are programmes for achieving health and safety
4.3.3 33
objectives are established?
Are responsibilities, means and timeframe for achieving
4.3.3 34
objectives are documented?
Are health and safety management programmes are
4.3.3 35
reviewed at regular and planned intervals?
Are health and safety management programmes are
4.3.3 36
amended to address changing circumstances?

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Part 4: Implementation & Operation

Audit Findings Opportunities for
Audit Evidence
Question No.

Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Are roles, responsibilities and authorities are defined and

4.4.1 37
Is a member of top management appointed to ensure
4.4.1 38 that the health and safety management system is
Are health and safety performance reports presented to
4.4.1 39 top management for review and as a basis of
improvement of the H&S management system?
Do those with management responsibility demonstrate
4.4.1 40 their commitment to continual improvement of the
health and safety performance?

4.4.2 41 Are competence requirements are defined?

Are employees are aware of the importance of the

4.4.2 42
requirements of the H&S management system?
Are employees are aware of the H&S consequences of
their work activities, benefits of improved personal
4.4.2 43
performance, and consequences of departing from
Are employees are aware of their roles and
4.4.2 44 responsibilities in achieving conformance to the H&S
management system?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Do training procedures take into account differing levels

4.4.2 45
of responsibility, ability, literacy and risk?
Are training needs are identified and trainings are
4.4.2 46
provided to satisfy competence needs?

4.4.2 47 Are training records are maintained?

Are employees are consulted for changes that affect

4.4.3 48
H&S, documented?
Is there employee involvement in the development and
4.4.3 49 review of policies and procedures to manage risks is
Is there a procedure to ensure that health and safety
4.4.3 50 information is communicated to and from employees
and other interested parties?
Are employees are represented on health and safety
matters, and informed as to who is their employee
4.4.3 51
health and safety representative(s) and management
Are the core elements of the health and safety
4.4.4 52
management system are documented?
Does the information provide direction to the related
4.4.4 53

4.4.5 54 Is there a procedure for document control established?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Are documents are periodically reviewed, revised as

4.4.5 55
necessary and approved by authorized personnel?

4.4.5 56 Are current versions available at all relevant locations?

Are obsolete docs protected against unintended use;

4.4.5 57
retained ones identified?
Are operations and activities associated with risks where
4.4.6 58 control measures need to be applied are identified?
(Also see clause 4.3.1.)
Do operational control requirements cover all activities
4.4.6 59
and facilities? (See guidance to operational control)
Do documented procedures exist where their absence
4.4.6 60 could lead to deviations from the policy and the

4.4.6 61 Are operating criteria stipulated in the procedures?

Has the organization established, implemented and

maintained a procedure(s) to identify potential
4.4.7 62
emergency situations and potential accidents that can
have an impact(s) and how it will respond to them?
Does the organization respond to actual emergency
4.4.7 63 situations and accidents, and prevent or mitigate
associated adverse risks?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement
Does the organization periodically review and, where
necessary, revise its emergency preparedness and
4.4.7 64
response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence
of accidents or emergency situations?
Does the organization also periodically test such
4.4.7 65
procedures where practicable?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
considered the nature of on-site hazards, e.g., flammable
4.4.7 66 liquids, storage tanks and compressed gases, and
measures to be taken in the event of spillages or
accidental releases?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 67 considered the most likely type and scale of an
emergency situation or accident?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 68 considered the most appropriate method(s) for
responding to an accident or emergency situation?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 69
considered internal and external communication plans?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 70 considered the action(s) required to minimize
environmental damage?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

In developing its procedures, has the organization

considered the mitigation and response action(s) to be
4.4.7 71
taken for different types of accident or emergency
In developing its procedures, has the organization
considered the need for a process for post-accident
4.4.7 72
evaluation to establish and implement corrective and
preventive actions?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 73 considered the periodic testing of emergency response
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 74 considered the training of emergency response
In developing its procedures, has the organization
considered a list of key personnel and aid agencies,
4.4.7 75
including contact details (e.g. fire department, spillage
clean-up services)?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
4.4.7 76
considered evacuation routes and assembly points?
In developing its procedures, has the organization
considered the potential for an emergency situation(s) or
4.4.7 77
accident(s) at a nearby facility (e.g. plant, road, railway

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

In developing its procedures, has the organization

4.4.7 78 considered the possibility of mutual assistance from
neighbouring organizations?

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Part 5: Checking
Audit Findings Opportunities for
Audit Evidence
Question No.

Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Has the organization established and implemented a

procedure to regularly monitor and measure the key
4.5.1 79
characteristics of its operations that have a significant
Does the procedure include documenting information to
monitor performance, applicable operational controls
4.5.1 80
and conformity with the health and safety objectives and
Does the organization ensure that calibrated or verified
4.5.1 81 monitoring and measurement equipment is used and

4.5.1 82 Does the organization retain associated records?

When necessary to ensure valid results, is measuring

equipment calibrated or verified with measurement
4.5.1 83
standards traceable to international/national
measurement standards?
If no such standards exist, is the basis used for
4.5.1 84
calibration recorded?
Has the organization established and implemented a
4.5.2 85 procedure to periodically evaluate how well your
organization complies with legal requirements?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Are there records of the results of your organization's

4.5.2 86
legal compliance evaluations?
Has the organization established and implemented a
procedure to periodically evaluate how well your
4.5.2 87
organization complies with non-legal (other)
Are there records of the results of your organization's
4.5.2 88
non-legal (other) compliance evaluations?
Is the responsibility and authority for handling and
investigating accidents, incidents, nonconformities;
4.5.3 89
taking action to mitigate their consequences; initiation
of corrective and preventive actions established?
Are the causes of nonconformities are investigated and
4.5.3 90
results documented?
Are appropriate corrective actions developed to
4.5.3 91
eliminate the causes of nonconformities?
Are proposed corrective and preventive actions are
4.5.3 92
reviewed through risk assessment?
Are corrective and preventive actions are followed up for
4.5.3 93
effective implementation?

4.5.4 94 Are health and safety records identified?

Do records show effective operation of the health and

4.5.4 95 safety management system and conformance to

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Are health and safety records are readily retrievable and

4.5.4 96
retention times recorded?
Are audit programmes and procedures for periodic
4.5.5 97
system audits are established?
Do internal audits determine whether or not the H&S
4.5.5 98 system conforms to planned arrangements including the
requirements of OHSAS 18001?
Do internal audits determine whether or not the H&S
system is properly implemented, maintained and
4.5.5 99
effective in meeting the organization policy and
Is the audit programme is based on the results of risk
4.5.5 100
assessment and previous audits?
Do audit procedures cover the scope, frequency,
4.5.5 101 methodologies, competencies and responsibilities and
requirements for conducting audits?
Is the competence, experience, training and
4.5.5 102
independence of internal auditors determined?
Is the effectiveness of audit findings including reports
4.5.5 103
and records?
Does top management follow-up on the timeliness and
4.5.5 104
effectiveness of the corrective actions?

4.5.5 105 Do internal audits provide information to management?

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Part 6: Management Review

Audit Findings Opportunities for
Audit Evidence
Question No.

Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Has top management reviewed the organization’s health

and safety management system at planned intervals, to
4.6 106
ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and
Have top management reviews included assessing
opportunities for improvement and the need for
4.6 107
changes to the management system, including the
policy, objectives and targets?
Have records of the management reviews been
4.6 108
Does input to management reviews include results of
internal audits and evaluations of compliance with legal
4.6 109
requirements and with other requirements to which the
organization subscribes?
Does input to management reviews include
4.6 110 communication(s) from external interested parties,
including complaints?
Does input to management reviews include the health
4.6 111
and safety performance of the organization?
Does input to management reviews include the extent to
4.6 112
which objectives and targets have been met?

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Audit Findings Opportunities for

Audit Evidence
Question No. Improvement (OFI)
Clause No.

(Score ‘1’ per box)

Audit Question

Minor N/C

Major N/C

Provide reference to documented Provide suggestions for
information to justify the finding process improvement

Does input to management reviews include status of

4.6 113
corrective and preventive actions?
Does input to management reviews include follow-up
4.6 114
actions from previous management reviews?
Does input to management reviews include changing
circumstances, including developments in legal and
4.6 115
other requirements related to its health and safety
hazards aspects?
Does input to management reviews include
4.6 116
recommendations for improvement?
Do the outputs from management reviews include any
decisions and actions related to possible changes to the
4.6 117 policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the
management system, consistent with the commitment to
continual improvement?

Document Ref: Page 26 of 28

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