This patent describes a method for stabilizing mercury-containing waste by adding elemental sulfur, cement kiln dust, and optionally a strong base like sodium hydroxide. This reduces the amount of leachable mercury in the waste to environmentally acceptable levels below 2 parts per billion. The method is described as effective for stabilizing mercury in chlor-alkali plant sludges from electrolysis of brines in an economical and environmentally safe way.
This patent describes a method for stabilizing mercury-containing waste by adding elemental sulfur, cement kiln dust, and optionally a strong base like sodium hydroxide. This reduces the amount of leachable mercury in the waste to environmentally acceptable levels below 2 parts per billion. The method is described as effective for stabilizing mercury in chlor-alkali plant sludges from electrolysis of brines in an economical and environmentally safe way.
This patent describes a method for stabilizing mercury-containing waste by adding elemental sulfur, cement kiln dust, and optionally a strong base like sodium hydroxide. This reduces the amount of leachable mercury in the waste to environmentally acceptable levels below 2 parts per billion. The method is described as effective for stabilizing mercury in chlor-alkali plant sludges from electrolysis of brines in an economical and environmentally safe way.
This patent describes a method for stabilizing mercury-containing waste by adding elemental sulfur, cement kiln dust, and optionally a strong base like sodium hydroxide. This reduces the amount of leachable mercury in the waste to environmentally acceptable levels below 2 parts per billion. The method is described as effective for stabilizing mercury in chlor-alkali plant sludges from electrolysis of brines in an economical and environmentally safe way.
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,844,815
Ader et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 4, 1989
(54. STABILIZATION OF (56) References Cited MERCURY.CONTAINING WASTE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,804,751 4/1974 McCord et al. ................ 210/914 X 75 Inventors: Milton Ader, Park Forest; Edward F. 3,984,312 0/1976 Dulin et al. .. ... 210/751 X Glod, Olympia Fields; Edward G. 4,338,288 7/1982 Rollmann ..... ... 210/914 X Fochtman, Elmhurst, all of Ill. 4,354,942 10/1982 Kaczus et al. ... ... 210/751 X 4,432,666 2/1984 Frey ................. 106/900 X 4,613,374 9/1986 Smith .................................. 106/118 73) Assignee: Chemical Waste Management, Inc., Oak Brook, Ill. Primary Examiner-Tom Wyse Attorney, Agent, or Firn-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, (21) Appl. No.: 231,561 Macpeak, and Seas (57) ABSTRACT (22 Filed: Aug. 12, 1988 A method for stabilizing a mercury-containing waste comprising adding elemental sulfur and cement kiln 51 Int. Cl." ............................ C02F1/62; B09B 3/00 dust to the waste in amounts effective to reduce the 52 U.S. C. .................................... 210/751; 210/914; amount of leachable mercury to an environmentally 106/900; 405/129 acceptable level. 58) Field of Search ............... 210/751, 763, 913,914, 210/901, 724, 726; 106/118,900; 405/129 11 Claims, No Drawings 4,844,815 2 1. larly mercury, to below 20 parts per billion (ppb), pref STABILIZATION OF MERCURY.CONTAINING erably below 2 ppb. WASTE Still another object of the present invention is to provide a method for stabilizing mercury-contaminated FIELD OF THE INVENTION 5 sludges in an economical and environmentally safe man ner requiring only minimal equipment. The present invention relates to a method for trea Yet another object of the present invention is to con ting/stabilizing mercury-containing waste in order to tribute to a clean environment by providing long-term reduce the amount of leachable mercury in the waste to assurance that leachate from toxic metal-containing environmentally acceptable levels. 10 wastes/sludges will not have an adverse impact on the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION surrounding environment. The above and other objects and advantages of the Methods for treating various types of industrial was present invention can be attained by a method for the tes/sludges are known and have been practiced on a stabilization of a mercury-containing waste which con commercial scale. However, attempts to treat mercury 15 prises adding elemental sulfur and cement kiln dust to containing wastes/sludges in order reduce the mercury the waste in amounts effective to reduce the amount of concentrations to environmentally acceptable levels leachable mercury in the waste to an environmentally have been scattered, and at best, marginally successful. acceptable level. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,354,942 discloses a Preferably, a strong base, such as a strong caustic, method for stabilizing mercury in mercury-containing 20 (e.g., sodium hydroxide) is also added to the waste with materials by adding selected inorganic sulfur com the sulfur and cement kiln dust. The amount of leach pounds thereto to prevent the removal or leaching of able mercury in said waste is reduced to the EPA Tox soluble mercury therefrom. The mercury-containing icity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) stan material is preferred to be pre-treated with a base such dard for drinking water, calculated in accordance with as line or caustic sods. However, the use of inorganic 25 40 C.F.R., Part 141.11, p. 525 (July 1, 1986) (2 ppb) or sulfur compounds such as sulfides as disclosed in this less. patent often results in inadvertent mixing of acids with DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE the sulfides, thereby releasing toxic hydrogen sulfide INVENTION gas. Even alkaline solutions of certain sulfides emit Many types of industrial processes generate waste malodorous vapors. Obviously, this type of treatment 30 containing toxic metals, including mercury. Two com method, while effective in reducing the amount of mon types of such waste to which the present invention leachable mercury, can cause detrimental effects to the is applicable are sludge wastes generated during the environment. U.S. Pat. No. 3,804,751 describes a method of dispos 35 production concentrated of chlorine and caustic by electrolysis of brines, known in the industry as mercury ing waste containing metallic mercury by treating the cell chlor-alkali production. These types of sludges are same with sulfuric acid, followed by neutralizing the referred to sometimes hereinafter as K071 waste, a des treated waste with a basic (line) slurry to convert the ignation used in experimental work by the present in metallic mercury into an insoluble form. ventors and used by the EPA is categorizing this type of The treatment of mercury in aqueous media by con 40 waste in RCRA. These types of waste are considered tacting the mercury-containing solution with a sulfide hazardous because of mercury contamination. Present to form insoluble mercury sulfide is disclosed in U.S. K071 waste generation in the U.S. is estimated to be on Pat. Nos. 3,674,428, 4,147,626 and 4,614,592. However, in the context of mercury-containing wastes/sludges, theInorder of from 20,000 to 30,000 tons/year. particular, two types of K071 sludges, sodium the addition of a sulfide would cause the same type of 45 chloride (naCl) and potassium chloride (KCl) have been toxic and malodorous gaseous vapors mentioned above tested extensively as representative mercury-containing due to the formation of hydrogen sulfide gas. waste. The laboratory studies discussed herein demon Also, methods known as solidification treatment of strate the effectiveness of cement kiln dust (CKD) and wastes/sludges by adding cement kiln dust or the like sulfur (and caustic (NaOH) in preferred embodiments) thereto are relatively widespread. Besides cement kiln 50 stabilization for NaCL K071 sludge. These two partic dust, other calcia-type materials can be used for solidifi ular mercury-containing NaCl and KCl sludges were cation purposes. See, e.g., R.B. Pojasek, Toxic and Haz generated at plants owned and operated by Occidental ardous Waste Disposal, Vol. 1, Ann Arbor Science Pub Chemical Corporation in Muscle Shoals, Alabama and lishers, Inc. (1979). Delaware City, Delaware. Accordingly, although various attempts have been 55 The KCl K071 waste is a mixture obtained from clari made in the past to treat mercury-containing wastes/- fier and filter operations in the production of chlorine sludges, room for improvement in such treatment meth and caustic by electrolysis of concentrated brines. The ods clearly exists, particularly from an environmental waste primarily contains KCl (40-60%) and water standpoint. (35-60%). The waste further contains CaCO3 and hy 60 droxides of iron, aluminum and magnesium. The sludge SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION typically consists of fine particles and will not dewater Accordingly, one object of the present invention is to easily. This type of KCl waste typically contains more provide a method for restricting the concentration of mercury than the NaCl sludge. toxic metals, particularly mercury, in a leachate of NaCl K071 sludge is a mixture of sludges from such Waste. 65 clarifier, filter press and saturator operations. However, Another object of the present invention is to provide clarifier and filter press produce a somewhat liquid a method for treating toxic metal-containing waste to homogenous sludge whereas the saturator operation reduce the amounts of leachable toxic metals, particu produces a dry, coarse, sandy waste containing rock salt 4,844,815 4. 3 particles about one-quarter inch in diameter. Larger from an environmental standpoint. Further, soluble particles (up to about 4 inches in diameter) are com sulfide salts (free sulfides) are known to be hazardous posed of crystals of rock salt or clay-like balls of globu upon acidification when contacting acids present in the lite (Na2SO4.CaSO4). These two distinct streams are waste. This produces poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas, as blended to obtain a solid waste with little or no free also mentioned above. Another drawback to addition of liquid. Depending on process conditions, the compos sulfides is that a large excess of sulfide in an alkaline ited NaCl sludge will contain 0-60% of the saturator environment will react with the mercury sulfide to form waste. Typically, a K071 NaCl waste contains 50% the more soluble mercury sulfide complex: Saturator waste. A typical NaCl sludge might be com Hgs--S2-(HgS2) posed of calcium carbonate (30–40%), sodium chloride O (30–40%) and water (20-35%) with magnesium, alumi See, e.g., W. H. Nebergall, H. F. Holtzclaw, Jr., and W. num and iron hydroxides also present. The sludges are R. Robinson, "College Chemistry With Qualitative entirely inorganic. Analysis,” D. C. Heath and Co., p. 861 (1980). This, in Treatment of laborabory-size batches of KCl K071 turn, contributes to undesirable mercury leaching from waste in accordance with the present invention was 15 the waste. satisfactorily demonstrated in the laboratory. Treat Thus, in accordance with the treatment method of ments of NaCl K071 waste in accordance with the pres the present invention, elemental sulfur is added to the ent invention were carried out on laboratory samples mercury-containing waste along with the CKD. This is . and on a typical batch (25,400 lb) of waste as described preferably done in the presence of a strong base, such as hereafter in the example. Although the novel treatment 20 caustic (e.g., NaOH and /or lime). Although elemental method of the present invention has been experimen sulfur interacts with strong alkaline compounds to yield tally tested on laboratory-size and typical industry some sulfide or undergoes sulfide-type reactions, at any generated-size batches of mercury-containing KCl and one time only a very small portion of the sulfur is con NaCl waste, it will be understood by one of ordinary verted so that sulfides are not generated in large skill in the art that because of the seminal chemical 25 amounts. Hence, exact process controls for excess Sul reactions underlying the treatment process, the method fide formation and handling are not necessary in accor of the present invention is applicable to a wide array of dance with the present treatment method. In fact, the mercury-containing wastes/sludges, the only require addition of a strong soluble caustic to the waste actually ment being that the material to be treated contain leach increases the magnitude of sulfide-type reactions (but able mercury. 30 still produces sulfides in amounts well below what Also, the treatment method of the present invention is would be present if inorganic sulfides were added di beneficial in that levels of other free toxic metals which rectly to the waste rather than elemental sulfur), and may be present in the waste, such as arsenic, barium, this has unexpectedly been found to markedly reduce cadmium, chromium, lead, selenium, silver, copper, the amount of leachable mercury to a level of a few ppb. nickel, zinc and cobalt, may also be desirably reduced. 35 The underlying chemistry of the present process is be Although the CKD and sulfur (and, in preferred lieved to be as follows. It is considered that sulfur (S) embodiments, a base such as caustic) may be added and caustic (OH-) form polysulfide (S2). The poly simultaneously to the mercury-containing waste, pre sulfide then reacts with free leachable mercury ions to ferred results are obtained when the sulfur (and base) form an insoluble (K=3x1052) mercury (II) sulfide are added prior to adding the CKD. 40 (HgS): One goal of the present invention is to reduce the amount of leachable mercury (as determined by the S + OH --GeS2 EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) (Federal Register, Vol. 51, No. 114, Part 261.24, p. 21685 (June 13, 1986) to below 20 ppb, which 45 S2- + Hg2-GHgS + S-1 is ten times the drinking water standard. Leachable mercury analyses (TCLP) were performed using EPA It is also considered that the lime alkalinity in CKD is approved methods and quality control procedures cited sufficient to generate polysulfide from sulfur. The addi in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste' (SW tion of the strong caustic ensures that sufficient polysul 846). Mercury analyses were done by the cold vapor 50 fide is available to react with the free mercury ions to /AA (atomic absorption) technique, Method 7470. So form the insoluble mercury sulfide. Further, the addi lidification treatment of mercury-containing sludges tion of water to the thus-treated waste will enable sulfur using CKD alone does reduce leachable mercury some and alkalinity to interact over time; thus, the excess what, but not to the very low ppb levels desired. Thus, sulfur and alkalinity will act as a polysulfide reservoir to effectively stabilize the waste, i.e., to chemically tie 55 and will resist any tendency for mercury to leach away. up the toxic metals to prevent leaching from the waste, The elemental sulfur is usually and most economi requires more than solidification by adding CKD. Re cally added to the mercury-containing waste in the acting mercury with sulfide would appear to be benefi form of solid, powdered sulfur, comprising about 0.5 to cial, since mercury (II) sulfide is one of the most insolu 3 wt % of the waste, and most preferably 1 wt % of the ble inorganic compounds. Hence, the use of mercury 60 Waste. sulfide precipitation to purify contaminated waste wa The most preferred strong base to be added to the ters is known, as mentioned above. mercury-containing waste is sodium hydroxide, which However, when sulfides are added directly or as is added as a solution having a concentration of 30 to soluble salts or partially soluble salts, and added indi 70% NaOH, comprising about 0.5 to 10 wt % of the rectly as a sulfide-producing precursor, to a mercury 65 waste as NaOH and most preferably 3% of the waste as containing waste or sludge, although the amount of NaOH. Solid NaOH can also be employed if the waste leachable mercury is reduced more than when adding contains sufficient water. Other suitable bases include CKD alone, the reduction amount is still not sufficient KOH and Ca(OH)2, added in similar amounts. 4,844,815 6 5 The caustic solution and sulfur are generally added to are employed. In practice, however, temperatures of the mercury-containing waste in an amount effective to about 20-25 C. obtain excellent results. reduce the leachable mercury levels to environmentally The present invention is explained hereinafter with acceptable limits. Thus, there is no particular restriction reference to the following specific examples which are as to amounts which should be added, as this will be not intended to limit the scope of the present invention determined depending on the particular type of waste to in any manner whatsoever. be treated, the amounts of mercury contained in the EXAMPLE 1. waste and other factors. The appropriate amounts would be readily apparent to one of ordinary skill in the A mixed K071 brine sludge (an NaCl brine sludge in art. However, as an example, for a mercury-containing 10 this particular example) was treated/solidified in accor sludge containing up to 100,000 ppb mercury, the pow dance with the present invention and by various com dered sulfur is usually added in an amount of about 60 parative treatments using combinations of CKD, sulfur pounds per ton of waste to achieve the desired reduc and sodium hydroxide as shown below. The K071 NaCl tion in mercury level, while a 50% sodium hydroxide brine sludge used herein has the general characteristics solution is added in an amount of about 120 pounds per 15 of the K071 sludge described above. The results for ton of waste. These amounts, however, are only given various treatments are shown in Table 1 below: as a general guideline, and it will be understood that TABLE 1. widely varying amounts of these reagents will be neces K071 Hg in sary depending on the condition of the waste and the 20 NaCl Cure Cure Hg as Leachate particular type of waste to be treated, in addition to the Sludge Addi- Time Temp. Recvd. (TCLP amount of leachable mercury present therein. Sample No. tives (days) (C.) (ppb) ppb) Preferred results can be obtained when the waste is 1 - - 23 54,000 900 2 CKd- 6 23 490 thoroughly mixed after the addition of sulfur and the 3 CKD 5 23 f 120 base prior to the addition of CKD. 25 6% NaOH The cement kiln dust employed in the process of the 4 CKD 6 23 20 present invention can be selected from among many of 5 1%, S CKO 5 23 2 those commercially available. Mineralogical and chemi 1% S cal compositions of over 100 different suitable cement 6% NaOH kiln dusts are tabulated in Bureau of Mines Information 30 6: - - 23 63,000 95 Circular 8885. A commonly used type is RCI cement 94,000 1,500 7 CKD 5 23 13 kiln dust (which may be obtained from the LaFarge 1% S Corporation, Demopolis, Alabama), which assignee 1% NaOH Chemical Waste Management, Inc. has frequently em 8 CKD 1% S 5 23 5 ployed in solidification treatments and which was used 35 3% NaOH in the present stabilizations of K071 sludges. 9 CKD 5 23 2 In general, the amount of CKD added to the sludge is 1% S relatively large in order to solidify the sludge. Again, 10 9% NaOH CKD 5 23 8 the particular amount to be added is not necessarily 3% S restricted, and will depend on the consistency of the 0.5% NaOH waste/sludge and other factors, but as a general guide 11 CKD 5 23 3 line, can be said to range from about 0.1 to 0.5 parts by 3% S 3% NaOH weight CKD to 1 part by weight of the waste to be RCI cement kiln dust was used in all samples at a mix ratio of 0.2 parts (by wt) treated. CKD to 1 part sludge. To determine the optimum ratio of CKD to waste, 45 **Mixed sample from two samples having the mercury content shown above. samples of the waste can be manually mixed for 5 min utes at room temperature using various ratios of CKD. As shown above in Table 1, the addition of 1% sulfur The ratio selected is usually the one that used the mini and 0.2 parts by wt CKD to the NaCl sludge in Sample mum amount of CKD, yet achieved a practical level of No. 4 reduced the amount of mercury leachate to 20 structural integrity, e.g., 1 ton/ft2 after 24 hours as mea 50 ppb. Also, preferred results are obtained when NaOH is sured by a Soil Test penetrometer. When additives were added as shown Sample Nos. 5 and 7-11 where mercury used, the waste was first stirred with the additive(s) for levels as low as 2 ppb can be obtained. Mercury levels 5-10 minutes before CKD was added and stirred in. lower than 2 ppb have also been obtained in additional The treatment conditions that are employed in accor experimental studies on varying samples of NaCl dance with the process of the present invention are not 55 sludge. necessarily limited. However, as mentioned above, pre Having thus generally described the present inven ferred results can be obtained when the sulfur and tion with reference to specific embodiments thereof, it strong base are added prior to the addition of the ce will be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art ment kiln dust. It is further preferred that after the that various modifications can be made thereto without addition of the caustic, sulfur, and CKD, the treated 60 departing from the spirit and scope thereof. waste is allowed to cure for several hours although the What is claimed is: exact cure time is not particularly essential. In practice, 1. A method for stabilizing a mercury-containing however, the treated waste is usually allowed to cure waste comprising adding elemental sulfur and cement for about 5 days to obtain optimal mercury stabilization. kiln dust to said waste in amounts effective to reduce Although the temperature at which the curing of the 65 the amount of leachable mercury in said waste to an treated waste takes place is not necessarily restricted, environmentally acceptable level. preferred results are obtained when cure temperatures 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said ranging from about room temperature to about 35 C. mercury-containing waste is generated during the pro 4,844,815 8 7 duction of chlorine or caustic by electrolysis of concen 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein said trated brines. strong base is NaOH. 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein said 8. The method according to claim 7, wherein said elemental sulfur is added to said waste prior to addition NaOH is added in an amount of from about 0.5 to 10 wit of said cement kiln dust in an amount of about 0.5 to 3 5 % of the waste as NaOH. wt % of the waste, and said cement kiln dust is added to 9. The method according to claim 8, wherein said said waste in an amount of from about 0.1 to 0.5 parts by NaOH is added as a solution of 30-70% NaOH. wt per 1 part waste. 10. The method according to claim 5, wherein said 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein said waste is mixed after the addition of said sulfur and said elemental sulfur is added in the form of solid powdered 10 strong base prior to the addition of said cement kiln sulfur. dust. 5. The method according to claim 1, which further 11. The method according to claim 1, wherein said comprises the addition of a strong base to the waste. waste is mixed after the addition of sulfur and prior to 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein said the addition of cement kiln dust. ck sk >k ck ck strong base is NaOH, KOH or Ca(OH2).