Steel Construction: Today & Tomorrow
Steel Construction: Today & Tomorrow
Steel Construction: Today & Tomorrow
37 December 2012
【 s u - m u 】
“住む (su-mu)” in Japanese, or “live” in English
After choosing a house and its location, people live there; Living
Steel structures are increasingly being used as houses,
station buildings and other structures common to our daily life.
In this issue.....
Advanced Construction Project
1st floor
Photo 1 Appearance of Tokyo Station Building in the days of initial construction (1914)
Development of Prefabricated
Steel-frame Housing in Japan
by Shuichi Matsumura
Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Studies of the total floor space of new build- directed at the building construction market, giants of the steel industry as ready-to-use
ing construction starts in Japan show that al- which was expected to show rapid growth. structural members for building construc-
though wooden structures have long account- In order to effectively establish a new steel tion.
ed for the largest share, in the recent economic market in building construction, it was nec- While the home structural methods em-
bubble period, steel-frame structures have essary to develop the technology to produce ploying light-gauge shapes differed from
suddenly captured the top spot. I believe that light-gauge shapes such as channels etc. by one prefabricated steel-frame homebuilder
amidst the worldwide construction market, it cold-forming steel sheets with thicknesses to another, the framing method was nearly
is only in Japan that steel-frame structures of 2~6 mm. the same for every builder-channels and
comprise the largest share of total national As soon as the domestic production of square tubes were used as column members
building construction, outstripping both RC light-gauge shapes by means of cold form- while channels and light-gauge H-shapes
and wooden structures. It can be said that ing became available, the Japanese steel in- were used as lateral framing and truss mem-
Japan is uniquely a “great country for steel- dustry quickly started developing applica- bers. Compared to the precast concrete wall
frame structures.” tions for these shapes. The Light-gauge method, this method of steel framing gained
When considering structures that are rep- Steel-frame Association was inaugurated by popularity because of the flexibility in ar-
resentative of steel buildings in Japan, some the Kozai Club (an association for develop- ranging rooms that was permitted by con-
people call to mind high-rise office buildings ing new steel markets, which then merged ventional wood framing methods. As a
such as the Kasumigaseki Building, Japan’s with the Japan Iron and Steel Federation). result, pref a b r i c a t e d steel-frame
first full-scale high-rise building completed in The leading figures of the time and prom- homebuilders directed their marketing ef-
1967. Still others suggest the ubiquitous, me- ising young researchers in the field of ar- forts not only towards expanding sales
dium-rise buildings that are constructed by at- chitecture as well as many scholars in a volume but also towards steadily expanding
taching ALC panels to framing composed of wide range of fields, from structural and
square steel tube columns and H-shape beams. planning engineering to architectural design,
However, these two types of steel structures participated in the Association’s work. Their
alone cannot command the largest share of goal was to design guidelines for houses,
steel building construction. There is another school buildings and other low-rise build-
type of steel-structure building that also ac- ings employing light-gauge shapes and to
counts for a considerable share of the floor develop structuring methods including join-
space in new building construction starts. This ing details. Further, trial designs and con-
type consists of low-rise prefabricated steel- struction formats were accumulated at a
frame buildings such as steel-frame detached rapid pace.
homes and apartment buildings.
Prefabricated Houses Employing Photo 1 A prefabricated steel-frame house in
Light-gauge Steel Shapes for Light-gauge Steel Shapes the initial day and marketed in 1960.
Structural Use From around 1960 when these efforts start- Brilliant aluminum wall, new steel sash,
The history of prefabricated steel-frame ed to yield results, the housing market start- and plastic-made eaves and buttress
housing in Japan dates back to 1955 when ed to show signs of rapid growth, and many were impressive.
light-gauge steel shapes were domestically companies that had been engaged in non-
produced by means of cold forming. Fol- building operations started moving into this
lowing the Meiji Era (1968~1912), develop- promising market. The companies that ad-
ment of the Japanese steel industry was con- vanced from the steel, chemical and home
sidered a national priority and was steadily appliance industries focused on the produc-
realized with support provided mainly tion and supply of highly industrialized
through public demand. However, with the (prefabricated) houses, in contrast to
end of the Second World War and the ne- wood-framed houses that depended on tra-
gotiated cease-fire of the Korean War, there ditional carpentry skills. Consequently,
was strong sentiment for the steel industry these companies, or homebuilders, directed
to cultivate new sources of steel demand, their attention to the application potential
i.e. for private demand to replace military of the light-gauge shapes that had just Photo 2 A prefabricated house in the first part of
demand. come to market. In those days, light-gauge the 1960s, which is remained in a
Given this situation, broad attention was shapes were already being marketed by the homebuilder’s research institute.
Rigid frame system (Asahi Kasei Homes) Framing brace system (Sanyo Homes) Box rigid-frame unit system (Sekisui Chemical)
Panel frame system (Sekisui House) Framing brace system (CEL Corp.) Framing-panel combined system (Daiwa House)
Framing system (Toyota Home) Framing system (PanaHome) Unit system (Misawa Homes)
sion-resistant coatings.
Welding, cutting and drilling operations
are no longer needed at home construction
sites because shop-manufactured members (modified asphalt roofing)
with high dimensional accuracy are deliv- Roof backing (sheathing board)
ered for assembly, which allows building of
Roof backing (purline)
high-quality homes.
Among the main structural methods for
prefabricated steel-frame houses are the
panel framing system, framing system, fram- Partition wall backing
Interior backing
ing-panel combined system, the rigid frame
Floor backing
system using heavy-weight steel frames, and Stair
the unit system. Homebuilders offering mul-
tiple structural systems are promoting the de- Beam
Pass core
velopment of houses and housing projects
that meet specified building applications and Floor backing (plywood)
regional needs. (See Photo 1)
These structural systems were originally Floor backing (joist)
developed by various prefabricated home-
builders. Even within the same framing Exterior wall panel
Floor backing (sleeper)
system, the structural system differs by Window sash
homebuilder. Wall framing
The main structural systems adopted for
building prefabricated steel-frame houses by rated into the new design. Specifically, the In the newly-developed system, the bear-
respective prefabricated homebuilders in metric module (1,000 mm) was adopted, ing walls contain steel braces (pivotal to se-
Japan are introduced below: and, in order to increase vertical expanse, curing seismic resistance) assembled in an
the ceiling height was increased to 2,400 X-shape and are arranged independently on
Framing System mm, 300 mm higher than the minimum stan- the 1st and 2nd floors in order to secure
● Panel-Frame System dard height prescribed in the Building Stan- compatibility between design freedom and
A typical framing system in this category is dard Law. Sandwich panels composed of structural strength.
the panel-frame system developed in 1960 styrene foam and aluminum were adopted
by Sekisui House, Ltd. The system mainly for the exterior walls to improve thermal in-
employs C-shaped light-gauge steel. At a sulation. While a simple gable roof was ad-
time when houses were most commonly opted, the girders were lengthened to extend
built of wood, the homes built using the the eaves by about 1 m; this was to provide
system employing steel, aluminum and plas- devices to prevent the influx of rainwater
tics as the main structural materials were during the rainy season and to block off sun-
highly innovative. light during the summer.
In 1961, the company improved on its ini- The windows incorporated newly market-
tial homes with the development of new ed aluminum sashes to improve installation
structures with high performance and a new precision. The interiors were finished by re-
structural design (Photo 2). Many epoch- placing the plastic members used widely in Photo 3 Original panel-frame system
making improvements, that were well ahead the initial-stage homes with wooden mem-
of competing homebuilders, were incorpo- bers, which led to more appealing to the
tastes of the Japanese people. (Fig. 1)
In 1962, two-story houses adopting the
new system in an overlapped form were de-
veloped, and in 1964, split-level 2-story
houses with improved design performance
were developed that employs an original
steel framing system (Photo 3). The new
system allowed for effective structural de-
signs that met not only the need of home-
buyers for flexibility in locating the 2nd
story and arranging rooms but also to meet Photo 4 Shop production line of panel-frame
Photo 2 Panel frame system originally marketed legal specifications. (Photo 4) system
Unit System
● Steel Unit System
Among unit systems is the steel unit system
developed by Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. In
Photo 8 Urban-type 3-story house employing this system, a housing structure is divided
rigid frame system into multiple structural units, which are
shop-manufactured to a nearly finished state.
These units are then transported to the con-
struction site and assembled to complete the
house. At a time when great numbers of
houses were needed, the steel unit system
with its high shop productivity was able to
produce high-performance and high-quality
The first steel unit system house was mar-
keted in 1971. This system featured a high
degree of shop prefabrication of unit box
rigid frame structures. Assembly of each unit
structure was easy, which made it possible to Photo 12 Installation of unit structure
Photo 9 Exhibition model house employing rigid meet the need for detached houses with com-
frame system plex plans and specifications. (Photos
Photo 10 4-story house of composite use type Photo 11 House employing unit system Photo 13 Production line for unit system
employing rigid frame system housing
units available has multiplied and the assem- 14).
Space for
bly method for these units has evolved. The
following three types are cited as particularly
Fig. 9 Production Process for Outer Walls Employing Multi-function ALC Panels
Photo 18 Steel-frame home production plant in Photo 20 Detached house constructed in China
We wish to thank the following companies
for their generous cooperation in providing
the photos and figures used in this article:
● Asahi Kasei Homes Corporation
● Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.
● Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.
Photo 23 House for sale in lots exhibited in Taiwan
Successful Operations ● Sekisui House, Ltd.
in China and Taiwan ● Misawa Homes Co., Ltd.
Misawa Homes has promoted overseas hous- home in Taipei (Photo 23). Visitors to the site
ing operations for nearly 30 years. exceeded 300 during the first month after
In 1986, the company built 134 single-fam- opening, an indication of high user interest.
ily homes in Beijing and in the following year ◆◆◆
14 homes in Tianjin. The company has also On the strength of advanced knowhow accu-
built homes in Taiwan, including a model mulated in the design and construction of
Roof sheathing
Web member
Wall panel
Top track Verge rafter
Top track
Exterior sheathing
Stud Stud Header
Bottom track Gable wall stud
Track joist 2nd-floor floor joist Exterior sheathing
Window sill
Window frame
Top track
Exterior sheathing Bottom track Interior sheathing
Header Floor panel
Bottom track
Floor sheathing
Continuous footing Sleeper Floor joist
Floor sheathing
Growing Construction of
Steel-framed Housing
After enforcement by the Ministry of Con-
struction in November 2001 of Technical
Standard Notification No. 1641 Concerning
Light-gauge Steel Shape Structures, the
above-mentioned steel-framed housing
method was formally prescribed as a gener-
al housing method in the Building Standard
Law of Japan. The number of steel-framed
housing starts has shown steady growth due
to this public notification and to its increas-
ing adoption by major homebuilders as
well. ■
Fig. 6 Example of Horizontal Fig. 7 Example of Drilled
Haunch Method Flange Method
Diaphragm Flange
Fig. 3 Configuration of
Test Specimen for
60×E×I ・・・(Equation 1)
ever, when the welding conditions mentioned earlier are satisfied, suffi-
cient deformation will occur in beam-to-column joints to cause fracture.
H= 1)
Solid end tabs are ceramic and are easily attached to the base
V metal by pressing them against the metal with galvanized wire, rather
than by welding. Because solid end tabs are removed after welding,
Where stress concentration caused by the slits does not occur. However,
depending on the skill of the welding operators, weld defects are still
H : Welding heat input (J/cm) liable to remain at the start and finish points in groove welding.
I : Welding current (A) In order to compare the effect of weld defects on weld joint deforma-
E : Arc voltage (V) tion, a test similar to that used in the “Non-scallop Method” described
V : Welding speed (cm/min) above was conducted using a test specimen employing an
H-400×200×13×21 beam member. Fig. 12 shows the deformation test
As shown in Fig. 10, as the heat input and interpass temperature increase, results for a beam end with a weld defect located 40 mm in the beam-
the yield strength drops regardless of the kind of welding wire adopted. The flange width direction and 10 mm in the thickness direction (Fig. 11);
appropriate heat input and interpass temperature differ depending on the Fig. 13 shows the results when no weld defect is present4)5). As shown
type of steel product used. To illustrate, in order to secure dynamic properties in the figures, the deformation capacity of a weld joint drops remarkably
for welds of steel products equivalent to SM490, the appropriate heat input when a weld defect is present. Accordingly, it is necessary to use ultra-
and interpass temperature are: an interpass temperature maintained at sonic flaw detection tests to confirm that weld defects do not occur.
350°C or lower, a heat input of 40 kJ/cm or less, and a wire extension of
20~30 mm. In cases where the wire extension is excessive, the welding
current and voltage become unstable, thereby causing inadequate shield Fig. 11 Position of Providing Welding Defect
effect and deterioration in toughness.
Backing metal
Avoidance of welding