Chest Physiotherapy PDF
Chest Physiotherapy PDF
Chest Physiotherapy PDF
Cardiac status (Acute MI, CHF: avoid
Improve respiratory efficiency
trendelenburg position)
Promote expansion of the lungs
Any structural deformities of the chest
Strengthen respiratory muscles
wall and spine (Fracture Ribs, Disease
Eliminate secretions from the respiratory system
due to increased intracranial pressure
like head or brain injuries: avoid
trendelenburg position)
To help the patient breathe more freely and to
Auscultating the chest before and after the
get more oxygen into the body by removing
bronchial secretions to improve ventilation
The position providing drainage of the lungs
To increase the efficiency of respiratory muscles:
Proper care in handing and disposing
o Postural Drainage
o Chest Percussion and Vibration
Performed 2 to 4 times daily, before meals and
o Breathing Retraining
at bedtime
o Effective Coughing Technique
Administer bronchodilator or medications per
doctor’s order
To thin the mucous before the airway
Kidney Basin or Sputum Cup
clearance session
Chair or Foot Stool
It must be given prior to CPT or
Nebulization (can liquefy secretions)
Tissue Paper
Check the diagnosis: <Congestive Heart
Pillows for positioning
Failure, Respiratory Failure wherein fluid is
Hospital Bed that can be placed in
trendelenburg position
o Increased in 3 to 4 L of fluid per day
o Increased in 2 to 3 L of fluid per day
A glass of water
Cystic Fibrosis
Chronic Bronchitis
Date and Time
Procedure, Duration and Frequency
Patients reaction during and after the
Note the amount, color, viscosity and
character of expelled sputum
Evaluate pulse and skin color
2. Percussion
Consist of rhythmically “clapping”