Harish - Synopsis
Harish - Synopsis
Harish - Synopsis
Department of MBA
Management development is a systematic process of growth and development by
which the manages develop their abilities to manage. So it is the result of not only
participation in formal sources of instruction but also of actual job experience. It is
concerned with improving the performance of the managers by giving them opportunities
for growth and development.
It is any attempt that improves managerial performance by imparting knowledge,
changing attitudes, or increase skills. It thus includes in house programs like courses,
coaching and rotational assignments. Its focuses more on the employee’s personal growth.
“The learning experiences which are mainly concerned with actual job performance”
“The process of teaching new employees the basics skills they need to perform their
Training is a systematic process to increase the knowledge and improve the skills of
people performing various specialized parts of overall tasks of the enterprise.
The purpose of training is to bring the hidden skills of individual upto a desired
standard for present and future assignments. In a more general sense, training improves the
In India the manufacture of cement was started in tamilnadu as in 1904. The output of
the major and mini plants has been increased from 57.96 million tonnes in 1993-94. It has
been raised to 68 million tonnes in 1995-96. In 1996-97 the output has increased to 73.98
million tonnes.
The cement industry occupies a position of predominance not only as on the basic
infrastructure for development but also it is eighty largest in the world which directly
employees about one million persons.
The first cement factory was established around in the year 1890 in both Canada,
Portland and Australia . while it was found in 1884 in new Zealand . However in India it
came to be established during the beginning of the twentieth century. Today port land cement
is an essential commodity on which our modern standards of living is greatly dependent,
building, seaports, airports, irrigation schemes etc., all demand cement.
Cement is manufactured either by wet process or by dry process or semi dry
process .Wet process remained popular for many years with the modern development of the
techniques of dry mixing of powered materials using compressed air, the dry processed
gained momentum. Now-a-days in the most of the plants,cement is being manufactured by
dry process.
The basic raw material for manufacturing cement is limestone, which is available in
plenty,in the form of limestone deposits in nature. Limestone is excavated from mines by
mechanical equipments with the help stacker and reclaimed the correct blending of lime stone
is ensured. The same is processed through crushers to bring it to the required size.
The raw material consisting of limestone, iron ore, and bauxite or literate in the
correct proportions are fed into grinding mill where they are reduced to a very fine powder .
It further blended and corrected for the right composition and mixed by means of compressed
Sagar group a reputed industrial house in Andhra Pradesh is a 25 years old enterprise
which has interest in cement and power generation and group turnover of Rs.1300 millions.
Shri S.Veera reedy, a well known industrialist hailing from Nalgonda district in A.P
and with his friends and associates promoted the sagar cements limited the flag ship company
of the group in 1981. This company established a mini cement plant at mattampally in
nalgonda dist, as an assistant unit under the auspices of A.P industrial development
corporation. SCL as a chequred history of growth and but for the brief interval of a few years
as paid dividend consistently at reasonable levels.
Sagar cements is engaged in the manufacture of cement at its plant in mattampally in
nalgonda dist. This plant commenced its commercial production on 26th Jan 1985. With
annual capacity of 560000 tonnes and 66000 tonnes of clinker and cement respectively. The
cement capacity has been increased to 198000 tonnes per annual.
The company chairman and also board of director is Shri O. Swaminatha reddy, C.A,
Ex-chairman of Andhra bank limited. And APSFC limited and well known management
from Hyderabad.
The board includes Shri K.Thanupillai, Ex-managing director of S.B.H. and Shri
S.Ramana a nominee director of APIDC.
Shri S.Veera reddy and his sons, DR.S Anand reddy ,medical graduate and Sri S.
sreekanth reddy, a cement technologist and industrial production engineer and both are board
of directors.
”To provide foundations for society’s future.”
The new millennium will bring it new challenges and greater opportunities. The 21 st
century will most certainly see the unfolding of a period of extraordinary possibilities and
incredible developments bringing about more fundamental changes in global economy than
the last 200 years. The successful corporates will be those who equip themselves to meet the
“To be the India’s most respected and attractive company in our industry creating
value for all our stakeholders.”
We work in an environment when the cement industry is giving through a period of
sealing up and consolidation. We should be one of the largest cement companies in the
country. Our growth in size will be through cement assured review of potentials of the
existing manufacturing resources, strategic organizes and expansions.
Cement will be our main stay, however we shall venture into related fields, which
offered purposeful synergy.
To find out the impact on the employees before and after the training and
development programs.
To study the adequacy and effectiveness of training programs.
To identify how this training & development program affects the working
8. Research methodology:
3.4.1 Research methodology: