Directives For The Registration of Construction Professionals and Consultants

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Ministry of Urban

Development and Construction

Directives for the Registration of

Construction Professionals and


May 2005
Addis Ababa

Whereas, it is essential to safeguard the interest of the public at large and that of the
government by regulating the participation of the persons and other legal entities engaged
in the field of construction by setting certain rules and standards to be observed for
purposes of safety, quality works and efficiency:

Whereas, construction plays a key role in the national economic development:

Whereas, the private construction sector can play a role in this national endeavor:

Whereas, to determine the capacity and extent of participation of the private sector it is
necessary to know the available manpower and field of specialization of the individuals
and Consulting firms in view of overall planning:

Now, therefore, the Ministry of Works and Urban Development, in accordance with the powers
and duties conferred on it by the definition of powers and duties of the Executive Organs of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No.691/2005 and Ethiopian Building
Proclamation No. 624/2009 " License private construction consultants; Determine their standards
and supervise their activity; register engineers, architects, surveyors and other construction
professionals according to their qualification, " Has hereby issued these amended Directives for
the Registration of Construction Professionals and Consultants.
1. Short Title

This Directive may be cited as the “Amended Directives for the registration of Construction
Professionals and Consultants No. …………. /2013”

2. Definition:

In these Directives unless the context requires otherwise:

1. "Ministry" means Ministry of Works and Urban Development as established through

transitional government of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 41/1993;
2 "Bureau Head" means the Construction Industry Development and Regulatory
bureau head of the ministry;

3 "Committee" means the registration committee established as stated in Article 2


4 "Applicant" means any individual or legal personality who has applied to the
Ministry for registration as a professional or a consultant.

5 "Professional" means an individual registered with the Ministry after having satisfied
the various requirements specified in Part II and II of these guidelines.

6 "Consultant" means an individual or legal personality registered with the Ministry

after having satisfied the various requirements specified in Part IV of this guideline.

7 "Register" means the record containing entries of the name of the professional and
consultants who are qualified and registered as provided in this guideline.

8.."Engineering Management" means all works of engineering management related to

infrastructure development, material supply, equipment allocation; and other services
connected to management activities.

9. "Practicing Professional" means an individual or legal personality registered with

the MoWUD after having fulfilled the various requirements specified in this
10. "RELEVANT means among other, applicants involvement in undertakings related to
the field applied for, size of projects handled by applicant in the practice of his
profession, whether he practiced independently or under the supervision of other
professionals etc.

3. Scope of Application

This Directive shall apply to Consultants who registered as a Consultant in the ministry and
involved in Federal and Regional Financed Projects,

4. Establishment of the Registration Committee

The registration committees (hereinafter referred to as the committee) is here by established

by the Construction Industry Development and Regulatory bureau of the ministry to handle
matters falling under this directives for the registration of construction professionals and

5. Composition of the Committee

The committee shall be composed of:

1) Head of the registration of Contractors, Professionals and Construction Equipment
department of the ministry ….. Chairman;
2) Team leader of the licensing and registration division ……… member and secretary
3) Two others appointed by head of construction works coordinating bureau of the ministry
………. members;

5. Meetings of the Committee

1) The committee shall meet at least twice in a month;

2) There shall be a quorum when a majority are present; are present;
3) Decisions are passed by majority vote and incase of tie, the chairman shall have a
casting vote;
4) The secretary shall keep record of the committee's deliberations and such other
matters related to registration;
5) Meetings shall be convened by the committee chairman at appropriate time and
6) If as consequence of the absence of the chairman the committee is unable to meet for
two consecutive scheduled time, up on being informed of same by the secretary

head of construction works coordinating bureau of the ministry will appoint a
person to act as a chairman;
7) The committee shall otherwise establish its own internal rules of procedure and
working formats.

6. Powers and Procedures of the Committee

1) The committee shall accept all applications submitted to the Ministry for registration and
shall examine such application as objectively as possible on the basis of the requirements
specified in this guideline.

2) The committee, having examined the application, may recommend that the applicant be
registered or rejected or suspended. It shall also inspect cases brought forward for
cancellation or revoking or reinstatement and transmit its recommendation to the bureau

3) Whenever an application is accepted by the committee it shall submit its

recommendation to the construction works of coordinating bureau of the ministry
for approval.

4) Construction Industry Development and Regulatory bureau of the ministry may approve
such recommendation or may direct the committee in writing to reconsider the
application in view of the reasons he indicated.
5) The committee shall act on discrepancies or evidences of unsatisfactory
performance of a registered party and shall bring the matter to the attention of the
construction works & coordinating bureau of the ministry.

6) Construction Industry Development and Regulatory bureau of the ministry may approve
such recommendation or may direct the committee in writing to reconsider the
application in view of the reasons he indicated.

7) The committee shall submit a complete annual report to the chief engineer.

7. Registration

1) Any natural or juridical person who satisfies the requirements specified in these
Directives may file an application with the Ministry to be registered and to have
his hers or its name entered in the Register.
2) The application shall be submitted through one of these formats:-

3) All practicing professionals and consultants already registered require to renew their
registrations with the Ministry yearly in accordance with these Directives;
4) All foreign professionals and consultants who may undertake any activity
related to building, transport and civil engineering construction design and
supervision works in Ethiopia are obliged to register with the Ministry, though such
undertakings may be for a definite duration of time and under special
agreement with a government organization;

5) The secretary shall keep an up-to-date register of all persons with the Ministry in
accordance with these Directives;

6) Every person whose name is entered in the register shall keep the Licensing and
Registration team promptly informed on any change i.e. the particulars listed
in his application and the secretary shall amend the Register accordingly.

8. Certificate of Registration

1) Any natural or juridical person, who has satisfied the requirements set in this directive,
shall be entitled to have his or its name entered in the register and to hold the Ministry's
certificate of registration of the particular class and category qualified for.

2) Any natural or juridical person, who, according to the examination of the

committee, has satisfied the requirements under these guidelines, shall be entitled
to have his, her or its name entered in the Register and to hold certificate of

3) The certificate of registration shall contain.

a) Full name of the registered applicant and full name of firm:

b) His, her or its business address:

c) Category and class of professional classification as well as the specialized field
of practice.
d) Date of first registration, and
e) Dates of all subsequent renewals.
f) Full name and photograph of the manager;

4) The certificate of registration shall bear the seal of the Ministry and being serially
numbered, shall be signed by the bureau head;
5) The certificate of registration shall bear the seal of the Ministry and being serially
numbered, shall be signed by the committee chairman.

6) In the event a certificate is lost or destroyed and such a loss or destruction is

proved to the satisfaction of the committee, a duplicate of such registration
certificate may be issued to the holder upon payment of twenty (20) Birr for
professionals and thirty (30) Birr for contractors.

9. Rejection of Application

The committee shall reject an application for registration on any one of the following

1) Has been adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound mind,

2) Has been convicted by court of competent jurisdiction, whether in Ethiopia or
elsewhere, of any offense involving fraud or dishonesty, or
3) Is found unfit to satisfactorily carry on business by reason of his physical or
mental disability as may be certified by a competent physician.
4) Does not fulfill the specified requirements in this Directives.

10. Renewal of Registration

1) Registration of construction professionals shall be valid for a period of two

calendar years beginning from the date of such registration and may be renewal
for additional two years period.
2) Registration of consultants and practicing professionals shall be valid for a period
of one calendar year beginning from the date of such registration and may be
renewed for a one-year additional period.

3) No registration may be renewal unless the person seeking renewal has been complying
with the requirements for registration set out herein.

4) Any registration that is not renewal within one year after its expiry date shall be
deemed to be canceled automatically.

5) Application for renewal shall be made either in MoW&UD/Rop, MoW&UD/Ropp

or MoW&UD/Roco, as the case may call.

11. Suspension of Registration Certificate

A registration certificate may be suspended by the committee if its holder.

1) Participates in any tender for the design and or supervision of government projects
without the prior approval from the Ministry, or
2) Fails to comply with the requirements set out in the procedure for carrying out the
design and supervision of building, transport and all civil engineering construction
projects, or
3) Shows his conduct of gross negligence in matters relating to his professional practice,
4) Fails to submit programs, reports and other relevant information as required by the
Ministry, or
5) Employs government employees without requiring them to produce release of
employment, or
6) Fails to abide by the codes of practice and or the best standards of professional
practice in the trade for design and supervision of project.

7) Pursuant suspension, the certificate shall be returned forth with to the Ministry.

12. Cancellation or Renovation of Certificate

Certificate of registration shall be canceled or revoked as the case may be, when:

1) The registered person dies, or is incapacitated or quits the business or fails to

comply with the requirements.
2) Measures taken by the government are incompatible with the registration.
3) A registered person or juridical person is adjudged bankrupt or dissolved in
accordance to the commercial code of transitional government of Ethiopia.

13. Hearing

1) Upon receipt of notification of the rejection of their application or suspension,

cancellation or evocation of their registration applicants or registered persons may,
within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the said notification, appear before
the committee to defend their case.
2) The committee shall fix the place and time of hearing and shall give adequate notice
thereof to the concerned applicant.
3) Failing receipt of an application for hearing within the prescribed thirty (30) days, no
hearings shall be allowed unless strictly specific circumstance shall justify the giving
of such opportunity.
4) Having heard the defense of the matter, the committee shall submit its
recommendation in writing to the chief engineer.
5) The decision by the bureau head shall be final.

14. Prerogative of the Ministry

The Ministry has the right to suspend, cancel or revoke the certificate of registration for
reasons arising from policy or administrative circumstances.

15. Representation

Individuals and juridical persons registered or to be registered may be represented by

legally authorized individuals.

16. Follow-up

The Contract Administration Supervision & Registration Department of the MoW&UD

shall be responsible to follow-up decisions of the committee and to ensure that each
registered person under this guideline is operating legally and efficiently in accordance
with the specific requirements under which his/its certificate of registration has been


(Building Works)

This part of the directives is pertinent to the registration professionals, Practicing Professionals,
and Consulting Offices. Requirements in respect of education and experience as well as the scope
of professional engagement each can have are specifically given for the various registrations;


1) Registration of Professional Architects and Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course, in architecture or engineering from a recognized university or similar

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of relevant and
progressive design and supervision experience acquired after graduation in the field of
architecture or engineering.

c/ Applicant may be professionally engaged in the preparation of design documents and in

the supervision of construction works for projects sponsored by his employer.

2) Registration of Graduate Architects and Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course, in architecture or engineering from a recognized university or similar
b/ Applicant may have up to four years experience relevant to the field applied for.
However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this registration.
c/ Applicant may be professionally engaged in the preparation of design documents and
supervision of construction works for projects sponsored by the employer.

3/ Registration of Associate Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in building engineering or the equivalent qualification in

an approved course in construction from a recognized or similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant
experience acquired after graduation in construction or supervision works of projects.
c/ Applicant may be professionally engaged in construction superintendence or
supervision for projects sponsored by his employer.

4/ Registration of Graduate Associate Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in building engineering or the equivalent qualification in

an approved course in construction from a recognized university or similar institution.
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence up to six years of relevant experience in
fields of construction or supervision works of all projects.
c/ Applicant may be professionally engaged either part time or full time in construction or
project supervision.

5/ Registration of Engineering Aides

a/ Applicant must hold a technical school certificate or the equivalent from similar
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant
experience in fields of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or the
equivalent qualification.
c/ Applicant may be engaged in drafting and in surveying works.

6/ Registration of Graduate Engineering Aides.

a/ Applicant must hold a technical school certificate or the equivalent from similar
b/ Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in drafting and surveying works
of projects.


1) Application for registration as a practicing professional may be submitted for anon of the
following practices:-

a/ Practicing Irrigation Engineer

b/ Practicing Hydraulics Engineer
c/ Practicing Water Supply and Sewerage Engineer
d/ Practicing Sanitary Engineer
e/ Practicing Hydrologist

2) the applicant shall submit satisfactory design experience and evidence relative to his
educational background and work experience in accordance to form No. MOW&UD/RPP;
3) Applicant shall submit release papers and satisfactory evidence that he has working places
the necessary equipment and facilities for performing the services applied for.

4) All practicing professionals registering under these directives are required to register first
with the Ministry of Domestic Trade in accordance with the commercial code of Ethiopia
and related directives of the Ministry. To this effect, he shall submit a photocopy of the
registration he has with the MOW&UD on applying for professional practice.

5) Applicant shall submit photocopy of this degree which need to be pertinent to the field of
practice applied for.

6) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence for not less than eight years of relevant and
progressive design experience obtained after acquiring the 1st degree.

7) The applicant shall require obtaining a minimum grading of 80 points from the
marking system below plus a B.Sc. degree from as accredited University in the
field of practice applied for. The grading of Practicing professionals is as follows:

Points 1 Relevant Education 40 10 15

Points 2 Relevant Experience

Under supervision 2 points for every year

Independent 4 points for every year

Supervisory 5 points for every year

Point 3 Evaluation of design projects submitted

Independent (five best only 1 point for every project

In supervision capacity 2 points for every year

(five best only)
Point 4 Construction experience 1 point for every year
(upto 8 years)


1) General Classifications

Applications may be submitted for registering a consulting office under one of the
following classification:-

a/ Consultants registered in Consulting Architects and engineers classification may

participate in the preparation of total design documents for building and civil projects
befitting their category;
b/ Consultants registered in Consulting Architects classification may participate in the
preparation of design of building projects befitting their category;

c/ Consultants registered in Consulting engineers, general classification may participate in

the preparation of all engineering design works befitting their category;

2) Application for registration for Consulting Engineers, Specialized may be submitted in

the following specific fields of engineering:

a/ Structural
b/ Road
c/ Sanitary and Mechanical
d/ Foundation
e/ Electrical
e/ Quantity Surveying
f/ Surveying

3) Application shall submit MOW7UD? RCO dully filled out with all documentary
evidences required there in. The Ministry reserves the right to ascertain any of these
independently at any time during the validity of the registration;

4) Applicant shall submit the following supporting Documents

a/ Satisfactory evidence that the owner manager of the applicant office is a registered
practicing architect or engineer;
b/ satisfactory evidence that the firm or organization has comparable financial standing,
equipment, office, area and office facilities for classification be fitting category of
consulting office applied for;

5) Consulting offices intending to register under this directives are required to register with
the Ministry of Trade in accordance with the commercial Code of Ethiopia a related
directives of this Ministry prior to the occasion of applying to register with the Ministry.

6) Applying offices shall submit satisfactory evidence showing that the dim has the
minimum preferable number of registered staff as set out for the different categories of
consulting offices shown in the tables below.



Office Project
Capital in
Cat. Staff Points Area in Office Facility Qty Value in
M2 Birr
1 2 practicing professional 38 computer 2
3 professional Architects 27 Blue print machine 1
2 professional structural Engineer 18 tables 26
1 Professional Electrical Engineer 9 chairs 26
1 Professional Sanitary Engineer 9 Typewriters 3

4 Associate Graduate Engineers 24 Binding machine 1 above

3 Graduate Architects 15 vehicles 5 315
7 Engineering Aides 17.5 calculators 15 million
3 Secretaries or equivalent staffing 9 filing cabinet 10
166.5 shelves 15
photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1
II 2 practicing professional 38 computer 1
2 professional Architects 18 Blue print machine 1
1 professional structural Engineer 9 tables 19
1 Professional Sanitary Engineer 9 chairs 19

2 Graduate Architects 10 Typewriters 2 upto


1 Graduate Engineer 5 vehicles 8 315

2 Associate Engineers 14 calculators 3 million
5 Graduate Architect Eng. 12.5 filing cabinet 2
2 Secretaries or equivalent staffing 6 shelves 5
strength 130.5 photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1
III 1 Practicing Professional 19 Blue print machine 1
2 professional Architects 27 tables 13
1 prof. Structural Engineer 18 chairs 13
2 Graduate Architects/ Eng. 10 Typewriters 1
2 Associate Graduate Engineer 12 vehicles 1 upto


4 Engineering Aides 10 calculators 4 213

1 Secretaries 3 filing cabinet 1 million
or equivalent staffing strength 81
shelves 2
photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1
IV 1 practicing prof. Arch/Eng. 19 tables 8
1 professional Architect 9 chairs 8
1 professional Structural Eng's 9 calculators 2

1 Associate/Graduate Eng./ Typewriters 1


Graduate Architect 7 shelves 1

3 Engineering Aides 7.5 vejoc;e 1
1 Secretary 3 filing cabinet 1
or equivalent staffing strength 54.5 Stencile machine 1
v 1 practicing Prof. /Arch./Engineer 19 tables 4
1 Graduate Architect Engineer 5 chairs 4 upto


1 Engineering Aide 2.5 calculators 1

1 Secretary 3 Typewriters 1 million
or equivalent staffing strength 29.5 shelves 1


Capital in Office Project Value

Cat. Staff Qty.
Birr Facility in Birr
I 1 practicing Engineer computer 2
2 professional Structural Engineer blue print 1
1 professional Electrical machine

1 Professional Sanitary Engineer above
4 Associate/Graduate Engineers 315 million
4 Engineering Aides
1 Secretaries
or equivalent staffing strength
II 1 practicing Engineer computer 1
1 professional Structural Engineer blue print 1
1 professional Electrical Engineer 50,000 machine
1 Professional Sanitary Engineer upto
3 Associate/Graduate Engineers 315 million
3 Engineering Aides
1 Secretaries
or equivalent staffing strength
III 1 practicing Engineer computer 1
1 professional Structural Engineer
2 Associate/Graduate Engineers

4 Engineering Aides upto upto

Secretaries 213 million
or equivalent staffing strength

IV 1 practicing Engineer computer 1

1 professional Structural Engineer

1 Associate/Graduate Engineers upto

1 Engineering Aides 165 million
1 Secretaries
or equivalent staffing strength
PP 1 practicing Engineer computer 1
1 Engineering Aides

1 Secretaries
75.6 million
or equivalent staffing strength


Office Project
Capital in
Cat. Staff Points Area in Office Facility Qty Value in
M2 Birr
1 1 practicing Architect 19 Blue print machine 1
3 professional Architect 27 tables 12
3 Graduate Architect 15 chairs 12
4 Engineering Aides 10 Typewriters 2

2 Secretaries 6 vehicles 2

or equivalent staffing strength 77 calculators 5
filing cabinet 5
shelves 7
photocopy machine 1
Stencile machine 1
II 1 practicing Architect 19 Blue print machine 1
1 professional Architect 9 tables 9
2 graduate Architects 10 chairs 9
2 engineering Aides 5 Typewriters 1 upto

1 Secretary 3 vehicles 1 315

or equivalent staffing strength 46 calculators 3 million
filing cabinet 3
shelves 3
photocopy machine 1
Stencile machine 1
III 1 practicing Architect 19 Blue print machine 1
1 professional Architect 9 tables 7
2 Graduate Architects 10 chairs 7
2 Engineering Aides 5 Typewriters 1 upto.


1 Secretary 3 vehicles 1
or equivalent staffing strength 46 calculators 2 million
filing cabinet 2
shelves 2
Stencile machine 1
IV 1 Practicing Architect 19 tables 4
1 Professional Architect 9 chairs 5

1 Graduate Architect 5 Typewriters 2


1 Engineering Aide 2.5 calculators 1

1 Secretary 3 filing cabinet 1
or equivalent staffing strength 38.5 shelves 1
v 1 Practicing Architect 19 tables 4
1 Professional Architect 9 chairs 5

1 Graduate Architect 5 Typewriters 2


1 Engineering Aide 2.5 calculators 1

1 Secretary 3 filing cabinet 1
or equivalent staffing strength 38.5 shelves 1


Office Project
Cat. Staff Points Area in Office Facility Qty Value in
in Birr
M2 Birr
1 1 practicing Engineer 19 computer 2
2 professional Structural Engineer Blue print machine 1
1 professional Electrical Engineer 18 tables 12
1 professional Sanitary Engineer 9 chairs 12
4 Associate. Graduate Engineers 9 Typewriters 2 above


4 Engineering Aides 24 vehicles 2 315
2 Secretaries 10 filing cabinet 5 million
or equivalent staffing strength 6 shelves 7
95 Stencile machine 1
photocopy machine 1

II 1 practicing Engineer 19 computer 1

1 professional Structural Engineer 9 Blue print machine 1
1 professional Electrical Engineer 9 tables 9
1 professional Sanitary Engineer 9 chairs 9 upto
3 Associate. Graduate Engineers 17 Typewriters 1 315

3 Engineering Aides 17.5

vehicles 1 million
1 Secretaries 3 calculators 3
or equivalent staffing strength 83.5 filing cabinet 3
shelves 3
Stencile machine 1
photocopy machine 1
III 1 practicing Engineer 19 computer 1
1 professional Structural Engineer 9 tables 7
2 Associate. Graduate Engineers 12 chairs 7
4 Engineering Aides 5 Typewriters 1 upto

Secretaries 3 vehicles 1 213


or equivalent staffing strength 48 calculators 2 million.

filing cabinet 2
shelves 2
Stencile machine 1
IV 1 practicing Engineer 19 tables 5
1 professional Structural Engineer 9 chairs 5

1 Associate. Graduate Engineers 5 Typewriters 1


1 Engineering Aides 2.5 calculators 1

1 Secretaries 3 filing cabinet 1
or equivalent staffing strength 38.5 shelves 1
pp 1 practicing Engineer 19 tables 2

1 Engineering Aides 2.5 chairs 2


1 Secretaries 3 calculators 1
or equivalent staffing strength 24.5 shelves 1 32.4


Office Project
Cat. Staff Points Area in Office Facility Qty Value in
in Birr
M2 Birr
III practicing Engineer 19 tables 7
1 professional Engineer 9 chairs 7
2 Graduate Engineers 10 Typewriters 2
2 Engineering Aides 5 vehicles 1 upto

1 Secretaries 3 calculators 2 213

or equivalent staffing strength 46 Filing cabinets 2 million
shelves 2
photocopy machine 1

IV 1 practicing Engineer 19 tables 4

1 Graduate Engineer 5 chairs 4
1 Engineering Aides 2.5 Typewriters 1

1 Secretaries 3 calculators 1
or equivalent staffing strength 29.5 shelves 1

V 1 practicing Engineer 19 tables 3

1 Engineering Aides 2.5 chairs 3

3 Secretaries 3 calculators 2

or equivalent staffing strength 24.5

pp 1 practicing Engineer 19 tables 2

1 Engineering Aides 2.5 chairs 2 upto


or equivalent staffing strength 21.5 calculators 1 32.4


20. Prerequisite for all Practicing Professional (Building/Road/Water Works

1) He or she has to a graduate from a recognized university and should hold at least a BSc.
Degree in Engineering or Architectural fields.

2) Required years of experience for BSc. MSc. PHD holders.

a/ BSc. He or she should have 8 years of experience in the field applied for.
b/ MSc. He or she should have 6 years of experience in the field applied for.
c/ PHD. He or she should have 4 years of experience in the field applied for.

3/ From the required experience of years, he or she should have at least 4 years of direct
design experience.

4) Project submission for building works designers.

a/ The applicant shall submit 5 best projects which he designed independently and
another 5 best projects which he performed in supervisory capacity.

5)Project submission for water works designers.

a/ The applicant shall submit 2 best projects which he designed independently and
another 2 best projects which he performed in supervisory capacity.

6) Project submission for road works designers.

a/ The applicant shall submit 3 best projects which he designed independently and
another 3 best project which he performed in supervisory capacity.

7) If any on of the above practicing professional failed to submit project in supervisory

capacity in the field to his application. He or she will be required to add 2 more projects
which performed in independent capacity.

21. Registration of Practicing Professionals for Engineering Project/Management


1) Fields of Activities for Engineering Management and Infrastructure Planning

Professional shall :
a/ supervise periodically the execution of all works on site against the working plan

b/ Inspect the quality for works progress, Inspect work measurement for payment,
Inspect the execution of all works on site against the designed and planned

c/ Inspect all construction projects and make recommendation to improvement, Key

record of the volume and quality measure of construction;

d/ Provide full Project Management Guidance & service, for all Engineering fields.

2) In Quantity Surveying, Measurement of price, quantity & not, for all aspects of
Engineering & construction works.

3) In Construction Planning, Programming and planning of allocation of materials,

equipments on site.

4) In Claim administration, All necessary studies & proposals connected to design &
construction claims.

5) In Engineering Economic Study, General studies of new engineering technologies of

construction materials.

6) In Construction Engineering advisory, Advice all information required for

construction work programming and scheduling on all engineering activities.
7) In Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects, Monitoring and evaluating the execution of
all project works against the planned schedule, Monitor the availability of work & its

8) In Contract Document Preparation, Organize and coordinate contract document,

which includes instruction to sitters, drawing specification and bill of quantities,
standard condition of contract, projects particular condition of contract, contract
agreement, and insurance guarantee formats and handling other necessary contract
administrative document, Preparation of document with laws of Ethiopia, Preparation
of documents mutually explanatory

9) In Housing Urban Development Study, General Studies for the development of

regional; town planning; basic service areas & housing improvement

10) In Organization System Study, Provide full organization system and engineering
management, which includes short & long term objectives of the organization.

11) In Enterprise Management Service, General Studies of construction management

guidance, which includes defining short and long term objective of enterprises,
reviewing manpower development & material supply and other related tasks
connected to enterprise Management Service, Provide appropriate research study for
proper allocation of infrastructure development.

12) In Infrastructure Development Study, General Studies of programming & Planning
of different infrastructures and Provide appropriate research study for proper
allocation of infrastructure development.

22. Prerequisite for Engineering Project/Management Practitioners (Practicing


1) He or she has to be a graduate from a recognized university and should hold at least
a B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering or architectural fields.
2) if a professional has worked for more than ten years as a designer in the field
relevant to his application, such experience, shall bring him credit of 2 years of
equivalent Engineering Management experience.

3) The applicant shall submit satisfactory experience evidence relative to his education
background in accordance to form MoWUD/RPP

4) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence that he has a working place, and the
necessary basic equipments and facilities for performing the services applied for.
5) The practicing professional registering under these guideline are required to register
first with the Ministry of domestic Trade in accordance with the commercial code of
Ethiopia and related directives of the Ministry. To this effect, he shall submit a
photocopy of the registration he has with the ministry on applying for professional
6) For Grading of Practicing Construction Management Professionals, the applicant
shall require to obtain a minimum grading of 80 points from the marking system
below plus a B.Sc. degree from a credited university in the field of practice applied

No. Requirement B.Sc. M.Sc. Doctor

Point 1 Relevant education 40 50 65

Point 2 Relevant experience in 3 points for every
under supervision year
Point 3 Relevant experience in 1 point for every year
related fields (upto ten years)
Point 4 Relevant experience in 5 points for every
supervisory capacity year
Point 5 Evaluation of document in Year
related fields (in group or 1 point for every
independently project

23. Registration for Construction Management Consulting Office

1) Consultants Registered in Construction Management Consulting Office

classification may participate in the work of supervision construct document
preparation; Project Management Service, Quantity Surveying, Construction
Planning, claim administration, engineering economics construction engineering,
engineering management, infrastructural development study documents for building,
highway, Railway, Harbor and Civil Projects befitting their category.
2) Applicant shall duly fill out submit MoWUD/RCO with all documentary evidence
required therein. The Ministry reserves the right to ascertain an of the independently
at any time during the validity of the registration.
3) Applicant shall submit the following Supporting Documents:
a/ satisfactory evidence that the owner Manager of the applicant office is a registered
practicing construction Management Professional.
b/ satisfactory evidence that the firm or organization has comparable financial
standing, office equipment area and office facilities for classification be fitting
category of consulting office applied for.
4) Consulting offices intending to register under this directives are required to register
with the Ministry of Domestic Trade in accordance with the commercial code of
Ethiopia and related directives of this Ministry prior to the occasion of applying to
register with the Ministry.
5) Applying offices shall submit satisfactory evidence showing that the firm has the
minimum preferable member of registered staff as set out for the different categories
of Construction Management Consulting Office shown in the tables below.

 1 Practicing 19 pts 50,000 100m2 Blue print
Professional 1 in Machine (1)
Engineering computer 3
Management and
Planning (1)
2 Professional 9 pts photocopy Above 315
Quantity Surveyor Machine (1) million
(1) project
3 Professional 18 pts Table (2)
Engineer in
Supervision (2)
4 Professional 9 pts Chairs (2)
Mechanical Engineer
5 Associate Engineer Typewriters
(3) (2)
6 Graduate Civil 18 pts Vehicles
Engineer (1) 5 pts
7 Graduate Architect 5 pts Filing
(1) Cabinet (4)
8 Computer Expert (1) 5 pts Shelves (4)
9 Economist (1) 4 pts Calculators
10 Accountant (1) 4 pts
11 Engineering Aide (3) 5 pts
12 Secretary 6 pts
or equivalent staffing 107 pts

 1 Practicing 19 pts Blue Print
Professional in Photocopy
Engineering Machine (1)
Management and
Planning (1)
2 Professional 18 pts Computer 2
Engineer in Stencil
Construction Tables (2)
Supervision (2)
3 Professional 9 pts Chairs (2)
Mechanical Engineer Typewriters upto


(2) project
4 (4) Associate 12 pts Vehicles (1) 315 million
Engineer (3) Filling
5 Graduate Civil 5 pts (2)
Engineer (1) Shelves (4)
6 Engineering Aide (3) 5 pts Calculators
7 Secretary 6 pts
8 or equivalent staffing 79 pts


 1 Practicing 19 pts Stencil
Professional in Machine (1)
Engineering Computer 1
Management and Tables (10)
Planning (1)
2 Professional 9 pts Chairs (10)
Engineer in Type
Construction Writer (1) upto

Supervision (1) 15,000 project

3 Associate Engineer 6 pts Shelves (1) 213 million
4 Graduate Civil 5 pts Calculators
Engineer or (6)
Architect (1)
5 Secretary (1) 3 pts
or equivalent staffing 44.5

V 1 Practicing 19 pts Tables (5)
Professional in Chairs (6)
Engineering Computer (1)
Management and Typewriter
Planning (1) (1)
2 Professional 9 pts Calculator (1)
Engineer in Shelves (2) upto

Construction 10,000 project
Supervision (1) 165 million
3 Associate 6 pts
Engineer (1)
5 Secretary (1) 3 pts
or equivalent 37 pts
staffing strength


V 1 Practicing 19 pts Computer (1)
Professional in Tables (4)
Engineering Chairs (4)
Management (1) Typewriter
7,000 (1) upto

2 Associate Engineer 6 pts Shelves (2) project

(1) 165 million
3 Secretary (1) 3 pts Calculator (2)
or equivalent staffing 28 pts

Computer (1)
Tables (1)
PP 1
Practicing 19 pts Chairs (2)
Professional (1) Typewriter upto

(1) project
100 million
Shelves (1)

6) Valuation of Staffing Strength
a/ Preferable staffing status for the different categories of registration are shown as
here above in order to find out equivalent staffing list than the ones shown in the
table above.
b/ Professionals and non-professionals of an office shall be considered on basis of
the following marking system.

1. Practicing Professions 5 4 4 6 19 pts
2. Professional Engineer 5 4 9 pts
3. Graduate Engineer or Architect 5 5 pts
4. Associate Engineer (Diploma) 4 2 6 pts
5. Engineering Aide (Certificate) 1 1 1/2 2 pts
6. Computers expert (graduate) 5 5 pts
7. Economist (graduate) 4 4 pts
8. Other profile with BA & B.Sc. more 2 1.5 1.5 2.0 7 pts
than 8 years
9. Other profiles with BA & B.Sc. (Less 2 1.5 0.50 4 pts
than 8 years)
10. Secretary 1.5 0.75 0.75 3 pts


An application satisfying requirements set for the different categories will be marked as

a/ Category I 6 marks

b/ Category II 5 marks

c/ Category III 4 marks

d/ Category IV 3 marks

e/ Category V 2 marks
f/ Category VI 1 mark

8) Weight Factor for the Different Registration Requirements

Weight factors are determined for the staff, office facility, office area and capital positions
of an applicant utilizing the following relative weight among the four requirements.

a/ Capital position is assigned a weight factor of 1.

b/ Staff position is assigned a weight factor of 2.5.
c/ Office facility is assigned a weight factor of 1.25
d/ Office area is assigned a weight factor of 1.

9/ Procedure for Grading Application

a) Through comparing the capital, staffing list, office facility, and office area an
applicant of each requirement as set in (1.3) above.
b) Marks given as in an above for capital, staff, office facility and office area are then
multiplied by their respective weight factors specified in sub article (8)
c) The total grade for the applicant shall be the sum of the results obtained in processing
the operations specified in sub article (9b)
d) The final category of a consulting office shall be determined through comparing the
total grade obtained in (c) above against the standard totals of the various categories,
which standard total grade is as tabulated below.

 Capital 1x6 = 6 Sum = 34.5 pts
Staff 2.5x6 = 15
Office Facility 1.25x6=7.5
Office area 1x6=6
 Capital 1x6 = 6 Sum = 28.75 pts
Staff 2.5x5 = 12.5
Office Facility 1.25x5=6.5
Office area 1x5=5
 Capital 1x4 = 4 Sum = 23 pts
Staff 12.5x4 = 10
Office Facility 1.25x4=5
V Capital 1x4 = 4 Sum = 17.25 pts
Staff 1x3 = 3
Office Facility 2.5x3=5
Office area 1x3=3

V Capital 1x2 = 2 Sum = 11.5 pts
Staff 2.5x2 = 5.0
Office Facility 1.25x2=2.5
Office area 1x2=2
V Capital 1x1 = 1 Sum = 5.75 pts
Staff 2.5x1 = 2.5
Office Facility 1.25x1=1.25
Office area 1x1 = 1

24) Registration of group professional

Requirements for Registration of group professional Architect, structure Engineer;

Sanitary. Engineer; Electrical Engineer; Mechanical Engineer; Road Hydrologist; Irrigation
Engineer; in respect of education and experience as well as the scope of professional
engagement each can have are specified as follows:

1) Professional Architect
a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course in Architectural Engineering from-a recognized university or similar
b/ Applicant shall submit two high standard design ·projects_ and satisfactory evidence
of not less than years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field of
Architectural Engineering
c/ Applicant- may be engaged in general studies and designing of hospitals; public and
commercial buildings, sports facilities; Gymnasium, Education and Cultural Projects;
Airports; Agro-: Technical Projects and big industrial projects.·

2) Professional Electrical Engineer

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or the equivalent qualification in-
approved course in electrical Engineering from a recognized university or similar
b/ Applicant shall submit two higher standard design and satisfactory evidence of not
less - than 4 years of relevant , experience acquired after graduation in the field of
electrical engineering.
c/ All Electrical utilities installation and design services connected to high rise building

project and more specially

- External and internal Electrical Installation

- External end Internal communication system
- Five preventation and alarm & thunder system

3) Professional Mechanical Engineer:-

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or the equivalent qualification in a

approved course in mechanical Engineering from a recognized university or
similar institution
b/ Applicant shall submit two high standard design and satisfactory evidence or not less
than 4 years or relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field of
mechanical engineering
c/ Applicant may be engaged in general studies of mechanical engineering projects,
more specially in mechanical installation elevators, conveyors, pneumatic systems

4) Professional Road Engineer:-

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or equivalent qualification in an approved

course in road' engineering from a recognized university or civil engineer with high
standard experience of road engineering field
b/ Applicant shall submit. two high standard design and-satisfactory evidence of not less
than 4 years of relevant experience acquired after. graduation in the field of road
c/ Applicant may be engaged in general studies and designing of high-ways; different types of
roads, Air fields and other related works:-

5) Professional Material Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC degree or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course in material engineering from a recognized universe,: or similar
institution or civil engineer with high standard experience in related works
b/ Applicant shall submit two high standard design or researches and satisfactory
evidence not use than 4 years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the
field of construction materials.
c/ Applicant shall submit two high standard design or researches and satisfactory

evidence not use than 4 years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the
field of construction materials

6) Professional Hydraulics Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold, at least a BSC' degree or the equivalent qualification. in an

approved course in hydraulics structure from' recognized university or similar
b/ Applicant shill 4ubmit two high standard design projects and satisfactory evidence of
not less than 4 years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field of
hydraulics engineering.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in general studies of hydraulics structures more specially


Dam structure
Culvert structure
Intake and out let structures etc.

7) Professional Irrigation Engineer:-

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or the equivalent qualification in an
approved Course.
b/ Applicant shall Submit two high standard design projects. and satisfactory evidence of
not less than 4 years or re/even! experience acquired after graduation in the field of
c/ Applicant may be engaged in general studies of different type of irrigation works.
Applicant may be engaged in general studies of different type of irrigation works.

8) Professional Hydrologist:-

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or equivalent qualification in an approved.

Course in hydroul9GY from recognized university Or similarity institution
b/ Applicant shall Submit two high, standard design projects, land satisfactory evidence
of not less than 4 year or relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field of
c/ Applicant may be engaged in general studies water availability study.

9) Professional Quantity Surveyor:-
a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree or the equivalent qualification in an
approved Course in quantity surveying from a recognized university or in civil
engineer educational background and quality surveying experience.
b/ Applicant shall submit two high standard design projects which he performed as
quantity surveyor and satisfactory evidence of not less than 4 years of relevant
experience acquired after graduation in the field of quantity surveying
c/ Applicant may be engaged in general study of quantity surveying mainly in
measurement of price for all aspects of engineering and construction works, and all
necessary studies connected to quantity surveying

10) Professional Surveyor:-

a/ Applicant must hold at least a BSC Degree of equivalent qualification in an approved

course in Road, Building, Tunnel surveying from a recognized university or a civil
engineer with high standard surveying experience.
b/ Applicant shall submit two high standard designs, and satisfactory evidence of not less
that 4 years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field of surveying.
c/ Application may be engaged in general surveying more specially
in topography surveying; route surveying; location surveying; traffic surveying &
land use surveying.

24. registration of class "B" or class II Professionals

1) Requirements for registration of class "B" or class II Professional Architect, Structural

Engineer, Sanitary Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Quantity Engineer, , Surveyor, Hydraulic
Engineer, Hydrologist, Irrigation Engineer in respect of education and experience for
class B" or class II professional - .are listed as follows:

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. Degree or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course from a recognized university or similar institution for the field
applied for.
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than 4 years of relevant and
progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field applied for.
c/ Applied may be engaged in general studies and designs of medium size projects. Applicant
shall submit at least two medium size deign projects in the field for professional applied for

2) Requirements in respect of education and experience for class III or class C

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. Degree or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course from a recognized university or similar institution for the field
applied for
b/ Applicant shall submit two high standard deign projects and satisfactory evidence not
less than 4 years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field applied
c/ Applied may be engaged in general studies and designing of small projects.

25. Registration fees for PROFESSIONALS and CONSULTANTS in Building Works

1) The registration fee for professional architects, engineers, or graduate architects and
engineers shall be as follows:

a/ at the time of 1st registration forty (40) 400 Birr shall be paid;
b/ Thereafter, a renewal fee of twenty (20) 200 Birr shall be paid biannually as from
the date and first registration;

2) The registration fee for associate engineers, graduate associate engineers, engineering
aids and associate engineering aids shall be as follows:

a/ at the time of 1st registration thirty (30) 300 Birr shall be paid;

b/ Thereafter, a renewal fee of fifteen (15) 150 Birr shall be paid biannually as
from the date and first registration;

3) The registration fee for practicing professional shall be:-

a/ at the time of 1st registration Birr 200 (2000) Birr

b/ for yearly renewals Birr 80 (800) Birr

4) The registration fee for Engineering Project/Management Professional shall be :

a/ at one time of first registration Birr ....................200 (2000)

b/ for yearly renewals Birr...................................... 80 (800)




This clause is pertinent to the Registration of Practicing Professional Highway Engineers, Location
Engineers, Material Engineers, Geologist and Bridge Engineers Requirements in respect of
education and experience as well as the scope of professional engagement,


a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved
course, in Materials Engineering or Civil Engineering from a recognized university or
similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant and
progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of Road Materials

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the testing and preparation of reports on materials for projects
and also in the supervision of construction material works for projects sponsored by his


a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved
course, in Geology from recognized university or similar institution.

b/ Applicant may have up to 5 years experience relevant to the field applied for. However,
lack of it does not disqualify him from registration.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the Geological and Interpretation nof aerial and satellite
photos for projects sponsored by his employer.


a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an approved
course, in Highway Engineering or civil Engineering from a recognized university or
similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than ten years of relevant and
progressive experience acquired atfer graduation in the field of Highway Engineering.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of Highway Design & Contract

Documents and in the supervision of Highway construction works for projects
sponsored by his employer.


a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering, Highway Engineering
or equivalent qualification from recognized university or similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than ten years of relevant and
progressive experience acquired after gradation in the field of location and design.


a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course in Geology and engineering field from a recognized university or
similar institution.
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than 5 years of relevant and
progressive acquired after graduation in the field of engineering geology.
c/ applicant may be engaged in the Geological and Interpretation of Aerials Satellite
Photos and geo-technique projects sponsored by his employer.


a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course, in Civil Structural Engineering from recognized university or similar
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant and
progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of Bridge & Foundation

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of Bridge Designs and in the Supervision
of Bridge, Tunnel, Viaduct Construction works for projects sponsored by his employer.

a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in Building or Civil Engineering or the equivalent
qualification in an approved course in construction, design from a recognized
university or similar institution.
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant
experience acquired after graduation in Road Design, construction or supervision
works or projects.
c/ Applicant may be engaged in construction super-intendance, design or supervision for
projects sponsored by his employer.


a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in Building or Civil Engineering or the equivalent
qualification in an approved course in construction from a recognized university or
similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of up to six years of relevant experience in

fields of Road Design, construction or supervision works of all project supervision.

a/ Applicant must hold a Technical School Certificate or the equivalent from similar
b/ shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant experience in
fields of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or the equivalent
c/ Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in drafting, surveying and design
works of projects.


a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in Building or Civil Engineering or the equivalent
from similar institution.
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of up to six years of relevant
experience in field of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or

the equivalent qualification. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from
this registration.
c/ Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in drafting, surveying
design works of projects.


a/ Application for registration as a practicing professional may be submitted for anyone of

the following practices.

- Practicing Highway Engineer

- Practicing Pavement Engineer
- Practicing Location Engineer
- Practicing Bridge Engineer
- Practicing Foundation Engineer
- Practicing Materials Engineer

b/ An applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence relative to his education

background and work experiences in accordance to APPLICATION form No.
/MoW&UD/ Rpp.

c/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS evidence that he

has a working place, and the necessary equipment and facilities for performing the
services applied for.

d/ All Practicing professionals are required to register first with the Ministry of
Domestic Trade in Accordance with the Commercial Code of Ethiopia and related
directives of the Ministry. To this effect, he shall submit a photocopy of the
registration he has with the Ministry on applying for professional practice.
e/ Applicant shall submit photocopy of his degree which need to be pertinent to the
field of practice applied for:
f/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence for not less than ten years of relevant
and progressive experience obtained after acquiring the first degree.

g/ The applicant shall require to obtain a minimum grading of 75 points from the
marking system below plus a BSc. degree from an accredited university in the
field of practice applied for.

No Requirement B.Sc. M.Sc Ph.D.

1 Relevant Education 40 10 15

2 Relevant Experience

 Under Supervision 3 points for every year

 Independent 4 " " " "
 Supervisory 5 " " " "

3 Evaluation of Design Projects Submitted

 Independently (five best only) 1 point for every project

 In Supervising Capacity 2 " " " "
(five best only) 1 " " " "

4 Construction Experience


a/ Applications may be submitted for registering a Highway & Bridge Consulting

Office in the preparation of design of projects befitting their category.

b/ Applicant shall submit BaTCODA dully filled out with all documentary evidences
required therein. The Authority reserves the right to ascertain any of these
independently at any time during the validity of the registration.
c/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence that the owner Manager or Manager of
the applicant office is a Registered Practicing Highway Engineer.
d/ Applicants shall submit satisfactory evidence that the firm or organization has
comparable financial standing, equipment office area and office facilities for
classification befitting category of Highway & Bridge Consulting Office applied.

d/ Consulting Offices intending to register under this guideline are required to register
with the Ministry of Domestic Trade in accordance with the Commercial Code of
Ethiopia & related directives of this Ministry prior to the occasion of applying to
register with the Ministry.

e/ Applying offices shall submit satisfactory evidence showing that the firm has the
minimum preferable number of registered staff as set out for the different
Categories of Highway & Bridge Consulting Offices shown in the tables below



Categ Capital Office Project Value in

Staff Points Office Facility Qty.
ory in Birr Area Birr
1 1 Practicing Highway Engineer 10 Computer 2
1 Professional Location Engineer 9 Blue print machine 1
1 Road Engineer 9 Drawing tables 10
2 Professional Material Engineer 14 Tables 20
1 Professional Geologist 87 Chairs 40
2 Professional photogrametrist 18 Binding machine 1
2 Professional Bridge Engineers 11 Transport Vehicles 2
4 Associate or Graduate 10 4-wheel drive 3
2 Engineering Aides 6 Calculator 15 above

2 Secretaries 10 Filing cabinet 6

2 Computer Analyst 10 250m Shelves 10
Computer Operator 6 Photocopy 1
machine 4 Billion
Typewriter 1
Stencil machine 1
Unimag or similar 1
Courier truck 2
Theodolite 2
Transit 1
To reducing arch 1
stereo scope
II 1 Practicing Highway Engineer 19 Computer 2
1 Professional Material Engineer 9 Blue Print 1
1 Professional Geologist 7 Drawing tables 8
1 Professional photogrametrist 7 Tables 15
1 Professional Bridge Engineers 9 Chairs 30
1 Associate Engineer 6 Transport Vehicles 1 upto
1 Graduate Engineer 5 4 wheel drive 2 100,000,000

3 Engineering Aides 7.5 Calculators 10



2 Secretaries 6 Filing cabinet 4

2 Computer Analyst 5 Shelves 6 Billion
Computer Operator 3 Photocopy 1
machine 2
Typewriter 1
Stencil machine 1
Theodolite 1
Transit 1
Stereo Scope

Cate Capital Office
Staff Office Facility Qty. Value in
gory in Birr Area
III 1 Practicing Highway Engineer Computer 1
1 Professional Material Engineer Blue print machine 1
1 Professional Bridge Engineers Drawing tables 6
1 Professional Road con. Engineers Tables 10
1 Associate or Graduate Engineers Chairs 20
2 Engineering Aides/with Road Transport vehicle 1


Cons. Experience
1 Secretaries 4-wheel drive 1 1.2
1 Computer Analyst Calculators 8 Billion
Filing cabinet 3
Shelves 4
Photocopy machine 1
Typewriter 1
Theodolite 1
IV 1 Practicing Highway or Bridge Computer 1
1 Professional Material Engineer Drawing tables 3
1Professional Road Construction Tables 7
2 Engineering Aides/with Road Chairs 14 upto
Cons. Experience 60,000,000


1 Secretaries Transport Vehicle 1

1 Computer Analyst Pick-up car 1
Calculator 5 Million
Filing cabinet 2
Shelves 3
Photocopy machine 1
Typewriter 1
Theodolite 1
V 1 Practicing Highway or Bridge Computer 1
1 Professional Material Engineer Drawing table 2
1 Engineering Aide/with Road Tables 4
Construction experience /or upto
Associate Engineer 50,000,000


1 Secretary Chairs 8
Transport vehicle 1
Calculator 3 Million
Filing cabinet 2
Shelves 2
Typewriter 1
Theodolite 1
VI 1 Practicing Highway or Bridge Computer 1
1 Professional Engineer in Road Drawing table 2
Construction Supervision
1 Engineering Aide or Associate Tables 4

Engineer/ with Road Chairs 8


Construction Supervision Transport vehicle 1 608

1 Secretary Calculator 2 Million
Filing Cabinet 2
Shelves 2
Typewriter 1
Theodolite 1


Practicing Highway Engineer 5 4 4 6 19
Professional Location Engineer 5 4 9
Professional Material Engineer 5 4 9
Professional Engineering Geologist 4 4 8
Professional Bridge Engineer 5 4 9
Graduate Engineer 5 5
Graduate Geologist 4 4
Associate Engineer (Road) 4 3 7
Computer Analyst 5 4 9
Graduate Associate Engineer 4 4
Engineering Aide 1 11/2 2.5
Assoicate Engineering Aide 1 5 1.5
Photogrametirst 5 5
Other Diploma Holders (More than 8 11/2 11/2 3
Other Diploma Holders (less than 8 11/2 1.5
Other Certificate Holders (more than 8 0.5 75 1.25
Other Certificate Holders (less than 8 0.5 0.5

NOTE: For all type of profession, the given points are the same, if some one need to register for practicing level.


1) HIGHWAY & BRIDGE CONSULTING OFFICEs shall have the following system of

a/ Category I..................................................... 6 Marks

b/ Category II.................................................... 5 Marks
c/ Category III................................................... 4 Marks
d/ Category IV................................................... 3 Marks
e/ Category V.................................................... 2 Marks
f/ Category VI................................................... 1 Marks

2) Weight Factor for Registration Requirement of Highway & Bridge Consulting Office are
determined for the staff, office facility, office area and capital positions of an applicant
utilizing the following relative weights among the four requirements.

a/ capital position is assigned a weight factor of 1.00

b/ staff position is assigned a weight factor of 2.5.0
c/ office facility is assigned a weight factor of 1.75
d/ office area is assigned a weight factor of 1.00

3) Procedure for Grading and Application

a/ Through comparing the capital, staffing list, office facility and office area an applicant
has registered against those stipulated for the three categories, the applicant is
graded in respect of each requirement as set in .......above.
b/ Marks given as in (a) above for capital, staff, office facility and office area are then
multiplied by their respective weight factors specified in ......

c/ The total grade for the applicant shall be the sum of the results obtained in processing
the operations specified in 2.2b.
d. The final category of a Consulting Office shall be determined through comparing
the total grade obtained in (c) above against the standard totals of the various
categories, which standard total grades are as tabulated below.

Category Weight Factory X Category Points Standard Total Grades

I Capital 1x6 = 6
Staff 2.5x6=15
SUM = 37.5 Points
Office Facility 1.75x6=10.5
Office Area 1x6=6
II Capital 1x5=5
Staff 2.5x5=12.5
SUM = 31.25 Points
Office Facility 4.75x5=8.75
Office Area 1x5=5
III Capital 1x4=4
Staff 2.5x4=10
SUM = 25 Points
Office Facility 1.75x4=7
Office Area 1x4=4
IV Capital 1x3=3
Staff 2.5x3=7.5
SUM = 19.75 Points
Office Facility 1.75x3=5.25
Office Area 1x3=3
V Capital 1x2=2
Staff 2.5x2=5
SUM = 12.5 Points
Office Facility 1.75x2=3.5
Office Area 1x2=2
VI Capital 1x1=1
Staff 2.5x1=2.5
SUM = 6.25 Points
Office Facility 1.75x1=1.75
Office Area 1x1=1

Procedure for Grading and Application

a. Through comparing the capital, staffing list, office facility and office area an
applicant has registered against those stipulated for the three categories, the
applicant is graded in respect of each requirement as set in 2.00 above.

b. Marks given as in (a) above for capital, staff, office facility and office area are
then multiplied by their respective weight factors specified in 2.1.

c. The total grade for the applicant shall be the sum of the results obtained in
processing the operations specified in 2.2b.

d. The final category of a Consulting Office shall be determined through comparing
the total grade obtained in (c) above against the standard totals of the various
categories, which standard total grades are as tabulated below.

4) Procedure for Grading and Application

a/ Through comparing the capital, staffing list, office facility and office area an applicant
has registered against those stipulated for the three categories, the applicant is
graded in respect of each requirement as set in 2.00 above.

b/ Marks given as in (a) above for capital, staff, office facility and office area are then
multiplied by their respective weight factors specified in 2.1.

c/ The total grade for the applicant shall be the sum of the results obtained in processing
the operations specified in 2.2b.

d/ The final category of a Consulting Office shall be determined through comparing the
total grade obtained in (c) above against the standard totals of the various
categories, which standard total grades are as tabulated below.

28. Registration Fee for Professionals and Consultants in Transport Construction Works

1) The registration fee for Professional Engineer, Graduate Geologist, Highway Engineer,
Location Engineer, Bridge Engineer shall be as follows:

a/ At the time of first registration twenty (20) 200 Birr shall be paid.
b / Thereafter, a renewal fee of ten (10) 100 Birr shall be paid a bi-annually as from
the date and first registration.

2) The registration fee for Associate Engineers, Graduate Associate Engineers, Engineering
Aides and Associate Engineering Aids shall be as follows:

a/ At the time of first registration, fifteen (15) 150 Birr shall be paid.

b/ Thereafter, renewal fee of ten (10) 100 Birr shall be paid bi-annually as from the
date and year of first registration.

3) The registration fee for professional Material Engineer, Location Engineer, Bridge
Engineer shall be as follows.

a/ At the time of first registration twenty (20) 200 Birr shall be paid.

b/Thereafter, a renewal fee of ten (10) 100 Birr shall be paid bi-annually as from the
date and first registration.

4) Registration Fee for Practicing Professional shall be:

a/ at the time of 1st Registration Birr (200) 2000

b/ for yearly renewals birr (80) 800 Birr

5) Registration for Highway & Bridge Consulting Office shall be as follows:-

a/ At the time of first registration for Category I, II, III, of Highway & Bridge
Consulting Office Birr (1200) 2400
b/ for Category IV Highway & bridge Consulting Office Birr (1200) 2400, for
Highway V, VI & Bridge Consulting Office Birr (750) 1500
c/ Thereafter a renewal fee of:

- Birr (600) 1200 for Category I, II, III of Highway &Bridge Consulting Office.
- Birr (500) 1000 for Category IV of Highway & Bridge Consulting Office.
- Birr (250) 500 Two hundred fifty) for Category V, VI of Highway & Bridge
Consulting Office.

6) The registration fee for RR30 & RR50 Consulting Offices shall be as follows:

a/ for Category I, of Service to Road Consulting Office Birr (750) 1500

b/ for Category II, III Service to Road Consulting Office Birr (500) 1000, for
Category IV, V, VI Service to Road Consulting Office Birr (400) 800
d/ Thereafter a renewal fee of:

- Birr (300) 600 for Category I, of Service to Road Consulting Office.
- Birr (200) 400 for Category II, III, IV, V, VI Service to Road Consulting



This clause is pertinent to the registration of professional Water supply Engineers, Irrigation
& Hydraulics Engineer, Sanitary Engineers, Associate Engineers, Engineering Aides and
Associate Engineering Aides.

1) Professional Water supply Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an approved
courses in Water Supply Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of relevant and
progressive design experience acquired after graduation in the field of water supply

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of design documents and in the supervision
of construction works for projects sponsored by his employer.

2/ Professional irrigation and Hydraulics Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course, in Irrigation and Hydraulics engineering from a recognized
university of similar institution.

3/ Professional Water supply Engineering & Hydrologist

a/ Applicants must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in a

approved course, in water supply engineering from a recognized university or
similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than-four years of relevant
and progressive desire experience acquired after graduation in the field of water
supply engineering.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of design documents and in the
supervision of construction works for projects sponsored by his employer.

4) Professional Irrigation & Hydraulics Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course, in irrigation and hydraulics engineering from a recognized university
or similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of relevant and
progressive design experience acquired after graduation in the field of irrigation
hydraulics engineering.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of design documents and in the

supervision of construction works for project sponsored by his employer.

5) Graduate Irrigation, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Water supply engineers

a/ Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course, in irrigation and hydraulics engineering.

b/ Applicant may have upto four years experience relevant to the field applied for.
However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this registration.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of design documents and supervision of

water works for projects sponsored by the employer.

7) Associate Engineer

a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in engineering or the equivalent qualification in an

approved course in construction from a recognized university or similar institution.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant
experience acquired after graduation in construction or supervision works of projects.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in construction super intendance

8) Graduate Associate Engineers

a/ Applicant must hold a diploma in water technology engineering or the equivalent

qualification in an approved course in construction from a recognized university or
similar institution.
b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of upto six years of relevant experience
in fields of construction
c/ Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in construction or project

9) Engineering Aides

a/ Applicant must hold a technical school certificate or the equivalent from limited

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant
experience in fields of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or the
equivalent qualification.

c/ Applicant may be engaged in drafting and surveying works.

9. Associate engineering Aides

a/ Applicant must hold a technical school certificate or the equivalent from similar

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of upto six years of relevant

experience in fields of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or
equivalent qualification. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this

c/ Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in drafting and surveying
works of project.

8 Registration Fees

a/ The registration fee for professional water resources engineering (irrigation, hydraulics
engineers) sanitary engineer (excluding buildings) civil engineering related to
water works or graduate irrigation, hydraulics, sanitary engineers) shall be as

- at the time of 1st registration Birr forty (Birr 40) 400 shall be paid.
- thereafter a renewal fee of Birr twenty (Birr 20) 200 shall be paid biannually as
from the date and 1st registration.

b/ The registration fee for associate engineers graduate associate engineers, engineering
aides and associate engineering aides shall be as follows:-

- at the time of 1st registration Birr thirty (Birr 30) 300 shall be paid.

- thereafter a renewal fee of Birr fifteen (Birr 15) 150 shall be paid biannually as
from the date and year of 1st registration.


1) Application for registration as a practicing professional may be submitted for anon of

the following practices:-

a/ Practicing Irrigation Engineer

b/ Practicing Hydraulics Engineer
c/ Practicing Water Supply and Sewerage Engineer
d/ Practicing Sanitary Engineer
e/ Practicing Hydrologist

2) The applicant shall submit satisfactory design experience and evidence relative to his
educational background and work experience in accordance to form No.

3) Supporting Documents

a/ Applicant shall submit release papers and satisfactory evidence that he has working
places the necessary equipment and facilities for performing the services applied

b/ All practicing professionals registering under this guidelines are required to register
first with the Ministry of Domestic Trade in accordance with the commercial code
of Ethiopia and related directives of the Ministry. To this effect, he shall submit a
photocopy of the registration he has with the MOW&UD on applying for
professional practice.

c/ Applicant shall submit photocopy of this degree which need to be pertinent to the
field of practice applied for.

d/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence for not less than eight years of
relevant and progressive design experience obtained after acquiring the 1st degree.


1) General Classifications

Applications may be submitted for registering a consulting office under one of the
following classification:-

a/ Office for Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering Constancy Consultants registered
in this classification may participate in the preparation of total design & supervision
documents for water supply and sewerage projects be fitting their category.

b/ Office of Irrigation, Drainage & flood Control Constancy Consultants registered in this
classification may participate in the preparation of total design & supervision
documents for irrigation, drainage and flood control projects be fitting their category.

c/ for Sanitary Installation Constancy Consultants registered in this classification may

participate in the preparation of total design & suppression documents for sanitary,
building projects be fitting their category.

d/ Office for Hydraulics Engineering Constancy Consultants registered in this

classification may participate in the preparation of total design & supervision
documents hydraulics engineering projects be fitting their category.

e/ Office for Consulting Water Works Constancy (General Water Resource) Consultants
registered in this classification may participate in the preparation of all water
engineering design works & supervision be fitting their category.

f/ Application for registration Office of consulting Hydro & Geo-Engineers may be

submitted in the following specific field of water engineering.

- Hydro geologist
- Engineering Geologist (related to water works)

g/ Consultants registered in one of the above specialized fields may participate in the
preparation design of projects befitting their category.

2) Application Form

Application shall submit MOW7UD? RCO dully filled out with all documentary
evidences required there in. The Ministry reserves the right to ascertain any of these
independently at any time during the validity of the registration.

3) supporting Documents

a/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence that the owner manager of the applicant
office is a registered practicing irrigation, hydraulics, water supply, sewerage and
sanitary engineer.

b/ Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence that the firm or organization has
comparable financial standing, equipment office area and office facilities for
classification be fitting category of consulting office applied for.

c/ Consulting offices intending to register under this guideline are required to register with
the Ministry of Domestic Trade in accordance with the commercial Code of Ethiopia a
related directives of this Ministry prior to the occasion of applying to register with the

d/ Applying offices shall submit satisfactory evidence showing that the dim has the
minimum preferable number of registered staff as set out for the different categories of
consulting offices shown in the tables below.

4) Grading of Practicing Professionals

The applicant shall require to obtain a minimum grading of 80 points from the marking
system below plus a B.Sc. degree from as accredited University in the field of practice
applied for.

Points 1 Relevant Education 40 10 15

Points 2 Relevant Experience

- Under supervision 3) points for every year

- Independent 4 " '" " "
- Supervisory 5 " " " "

Point 3 Evaluation of design projects


- Independent (five best only) 1 point for every project

- In supervision capacity 2 " " " "
(five best only)
Point 4 1 point for every year
Construction experience (upto 8 years)

5) Evaluation of Staffing Strength

a/ Preferable staffing status for the different categories of registration are shown here
alone. In order to find out equivalent staffing strength of an office which has different
staffing list than the ones shown in the table above.

b/ Professionals and non-professional of an office shall be considered on bases of the

following marking system.

Type of Profession B.Sc. Exper. Indep. Super. Total

Practicing Professional 5 4 4 6 19
Professional irrigation 5 4 - - 9
Sanitary, hydraulics:
Environmental Engineers
Graduate irrigation; 5 - - - 5
Sanitary; hydraulics;
Environmental Engineers
Associate Engineer 4 2 6

Graduate Associate 4 - - - 4
Engineer (Diploma)
Engineering Aides 1 1.5 2.5
Ass. engineering Aides 1 - - - 1
Other secretarial 1.5 1.5
diploma holders
(more than 8 years)
Secretarial Diploma 1.5
holders (less than 8 years)

6) Overall Determination of a Category Befitting an Application

a/ An application satisfying requirements set for the different Marketing System categories
will be marked as follows:-
- Category I ........................ 6 marks
- Category II ........................ 5 marks
- Category III ........................ 4 marks
- Category IV ........................ 3 marks
- Category V ........................ 2 marks
- Category VI ........................ 1 mark

b/ Weight factors for the Different Registration Requirement are determined for the staff
office facility, office area and capital positions of an applicant utilizing the following
relative weights among the four requirements:-

- capital position is assigned a weight factor of 1

- Staff position is assigned a weight factor of 2
- Office facility is assigned a weight factor of 1.25
- Office area is assigned a weight factor of 1

c/ Procedure for Grading of an applicant

- Through comparing the capital, staffing list, office facility, and office area an
applicant has registered against those stipulated for the six categories, the
applicant is graded in respect of each requirement

- Marks given as in (a) above for capital, staff, office area are then multiplied
by their respective weight factors
- The total grade for the applicants shall be the sum of the results obtained in
processing the operations
- The final category of a consulting office shall be determined through
comparing the total grade obtained in 9c) above against the standard totals of
the various categories, which standard total grades are s tabulated below.

i Capital 1X6 = 6
Staff 2X6 =12
Office facility 1.25x6 7.6 sum = 31.5 points
Office area 1x6=6
II Capital 1x5= 5
Staff 2x5=10
Office facility 1.25x5= 6.25 sum = 26.25 points
Office area 1x5= 5
III Capital 1x4= 4
Staff 2x4= 8
Office facility 1.25x4= 4 sum = 21 points
Office area 1x4= 4
IV Capital 1x3= 3
Staff 2x3= 6
Office facility 1.25x3= 3.75 sum = 15.75 points
Office area 1x3= 3
V Capital 1x2= 2
Staff 2x2= 4
Office facility 1.25x2= 2.5 sum = 10.5 points
Office area 1x2= 2
VI Capital 1x1= 1
Staff 2x1= 2
Office facility 1.25x1= 1.25 sum = 5.25 points
Office area 1x1= 1

31. Registration Fees for Consultants in Water Works Design

1) The registration fee for professional water resources engineering (irrigation, hydraulics
engineers) sanitary engineer (excluding buildings) civil engineering related to
water works or graduate irrigation, hydraulics, sanitary engineers) shall be as
a/ at the time of 1st registration Birr forty (Birr 40) 400 shall be paid.

b/ thereafter a renewal fee of Birr twenty (Birr 20) 200 shall be paid biannually
as from the date and 1st registration.

2)The registration fee for associate engineers graduate associate engineers, engineering
aides and associate engineering aides shall be as follows:-

a/ at the time of 1st registration Birr thirty (Birr 30) 300 shall be paid.

b/ thereafter a renewal fee of Birr fifteen (Birr 15) 150 shall be paid biannually
as from the date and year of 1st registration.
3) The registration fee for professional water resources engineering (irrigation, hydraulics
engineers) sanitary engineer (excluding buildings) civil engineering related to
water works or graduate irrigation, hydraulics, sanitary engineers) shall be as
a/ at the time of 1st registration Birr forty (Birr 40) 400 shall be paid.
b/ thereafter a renewal fee of Birr twenty (Birr 20) 200 shall be paid biannually
as from the date and 1st registration.

c/ The registration fee for associate engineers graduate associate engineers,

engineering aides and associate engineering aides shall be as follows:-

- at the time of 1st registration Birr thirty (Birr 30) 300 shall be paid.

- thereafter a renewal fee of Birr fifteen (Birr 15) 150 shall be paid
biannually as from the date and year of 1st registration.

4) the registration fee for consulting offices shall be as follows:-

a/ At the time of 1st registration

- for water engineering Consultancy Birr (1500) 3000

- for irrigation, drainage and flood control Consultancy Birr (1000) 2000

- for sanitary engineering Consultancy Birr (750) 1500

- for hydraulics engineering Consultancy Birr (750) 1500

- for water works Consultancy (General) Birr (1500) 3000

b/ office for consulting geo-engineers or hydro engineers (related to water works

(specialized) Birr (750) 1500

c/ Thereafter a renewal fee of

- Birr (500) 1000 ……… for category I

- Birr (500) 1000 . …… for category II
- Birr (300) 600 ………for category III
- Birr (300) 600 ………for category IV
- Birr (300) 600 …… for category V
- Birr (30) 300 ……… for category VI

Minimum Requirement for the varies categories
1 Office for Water Resource Consultancy
Table 1
III 2 Practicing Professional Water supply 38 computer 1
or Sewerage or Environmental Engineering 27 Blue print machine 1
3 Prof. Sanitary or environmental Engineer 18 Tables 20
2 Professional Hydraulic engineer 9 Chairs 20
1 professional Hydro-Geologist 9 typewriters 3

1 Professional Engineer 24 Calculators 12

4 Associate/Graduate Engineer 12.5 Vehicles 3
5 engineering Aides 9 Filing cabinet 2
3 Secretaries 146.5 Theodolite&
or equivalent staffing strength Shelves 2
Photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1
IV 1 Practicing Professional Water supply Blue print machine 1
or sewerage or Environmental Engineering 19 Tables 11
1 Prof. Sanitary or Environmental engineer 9 Chairs 11
1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 9 Typewriters 2

1 graduate Hydro-Geologist or Geologist 5 Calculators 6

2 Associate/Graduate Engineer 12 Vehicle 1
3 engineering Aides 7.5 Filing cabinet 2
2 Secretaries 6 Shelves 3
or equivalent staffing Strength 67.5 Photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1
V 1 Practicing Professional Water supply 10 computer 1
or Sewerage or Environmental Engineering 9 Blue print machine 1
1 Professional Hydraulic engineer 9 Tables 9
1 professional Hydro-Geologist 9 Chairs 9
1 Professional Engineer 7 typewriters 1
2 Associate/Graduate Engineer 2.5 Calculators 9


2 Engineering Aides 3 Vehicles 1

1 Secretaries 58.5 Filing cabinet 2
or equivalent staffing strength Theodolite&
Shelves 2
Photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1
VI 1 Practicing Professional Water supply 10 Blue print machine 1
or sewerage or Environmental Engineering 9 Tables 9
1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 5 Chairs 9
1 graduate Hydro-Geologist or Geologist 12 Typewriters 2


2 Associate/Graduate Engineer 7.5 Calculators 6

2 Engineering Aides 6 Vehicle 1
1 Secretaries 58.5 Filing cabinet 2
or equivalent staffing Strength Shelves 3
Photocopy machine 1
Stencil machine 1

Office for Irrigation, Drainage &
flood Control Consultancy

Table II


III 2 Practicing Professional Water Supply 38 Computer 1

or Sewerage or Environmental 27 Blue Print 1
Engineering machine
3 Prof. Sanitary or Environmental Engineer 18 Tables 20
2 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 9 Chairs 20
1 Professional Hydro-Geologist 9 Typewriters 3
1 professional Engineer 24 Calculators 12

4 Associate/Graduate Engineer 12.5 Vehicles 3

5 Engineering Aides 9 Filing cabinet 2
3 Secretaries 146.5 Teodolite & 2
or equivalent staffing strength Shelves 2
Photocopy 1
Stencil machine 1

IV 1 Practicing Professional Water Supply 19 Blue Print 1

or Sewerage or Environmental Engineering 9 Tables 11
1 Prof. Sanitary or Environmental Engineer 9 Chairs 11
1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 5 Typewriters 2

1 Graduate Hydro-Geologist or Geologist 12 Calculators 6


2 Associate/Graduate Engineer 7.5 Vehicles 1

3 Engineering Aides 6 Filing cabinet 2
2 Secretaries 67.5 Shelves 3
or equivalent staffing strength Photocopy 1
Stencil machine 1

V 1 Practicing Professional Water Supply 19 Tables 8

or Sewerage or Environmental 9 Chairs 8
1 Graduate Sanitary or Environmental 5 Typewriters 1


1 Graduate Engineering Geologist 6 Calculators 3

1 Associate/Graduate Engineer 5 Vehicles 1
2 Engineering Aides 3 Filing cabinet 1
1 Secretary 47 Shelf 1
or equivalent staffing strength Stencil machine 1

VI 1 Practicing Professional Water Supply 19 Tables 4

or Sewerage or Environmental 2.5 Chairs 4

1 Engineering Aides 3 Typewriters 1


1 Secretaries 24.5 Calculators 4

or equivalent staffing strength

Office for Sanitary Installation Consultancy

Table III

III 2 Practicing Professional sanitary 34 Computer 1
or Environmental Engineering 18 Blue Print 1
2 Prof. Mechanical Engineer 9 Tables 20
1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 9 Chairs 20
1 Professional Hydrologist Engineer 24 Typewriters 3
4 Associate (Graduate Engineer) 12.5 Calculators 12

5 Engineering Aides 9 Vehicles 3

3 Secretaries 146.5 Filing cabinet 2
or equivalent staffing strength Teodolite & 2
Shelves 2
Photocopy 1
Stencil machine 1

IV 1 Practicing Professional sanitary 19 Blue Print 1

or Environmental Engineering 9 Tables 11
1 Prof. or environmental Engineer 9 Chairs 11
1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 5 Typewriters 2

1 Graduate Hydro-Geologist or Geologist 12 Calculators 6


2 Associate/Graduate Engineer 7.5 Vehicles 1

3 Engineering Aides 6 Filing cabinet 2
2 Secretaries 67.5 Shelves 3
or equivalent staffing strength Stencil machine 1

V 1 Practicing Professional sanitary Tables 8

or Environmental Engineering 19 Chairs 8
1 Professional Mechanical Engineer 9 Typewriters 1
1 Graduate Sanitary or Mechanical Engineer 5 Vehicles 1


1 Associate/Graduate Engineer 6 Calculators 3

2 Engineering Aides 6 Filing cabinet 1
1 Secretary 3 Shelf 1
or equivalent staffing strength 48 Stencil machine 1

VI 1 Practicing Professional sanitary Tables 4


or Environmental Engineering 19 Chairs 4


1 Engineering Aides 2.5 Typewriters 1

1 Secretaries 21.5 Calculators 1
or equivalent staffing strength

Office for Hydraulics engineering Consultancy

Table IV
III 2 Practicing Prof. Hydraulics Engineer 34 Computer 1
2 Prof. Sanitary or Environmental Engineer 18 Blue Print 1
1 Prof. Hydraulics Engineer 9 Tables 20
1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 9 Chairs 20
1 Professional Hydrologist Engineer 24 Typewriters 3
4 Associate (Graduate Engineer) 12.5 Calculators 12

5 Engineering Aides 9 Vehicles 3

3 Secretaries 146.5 Filing cabinet 2
or equivalent staffing strength Teodolite & 2
Shelves 2
Photocopy 1
Stencil machine 1

IV 1 Practicing Prof. water supply 19 Blue Print 1

or sewerage or environmental 9 Tables 11
1 Prof. sanitary or environmental Engineer 9 Chairs 11

1 Professional Hydraulic Engineer 5 Typewriters 2


1 Graduate Hydro-Geologist or Geologist 12 Calculators 6

2 Associate/Graduate Engineer 7.5 Vehicles 1
3 Engineering Aides 6 Filing cabinet 2
2 Secretaries 67.5 Shelves 3
or equivalent staffing strength Stencil machine 1

V 1 Practicing Professional Hydraulics 19 Tables 8

1 Prof. Sanitary Engineer or Envier. 9 Chairs 8
1 Professional Hydraulics Engineer 9 Typewriters 1

1 Graduate Hydraulics Engineer 5 Calculators 3


1 Graduate Hydrogeologist 5 Vehicles 1

1 Associate/Graduate Engineer 6 Filing cabinet 1
2 Engineering Aides 5 Shelf 1
1 Secretary 3 Stencil machine 1
or equivalent staffing strength 63

VI 1 Practicing Professional Hydraulic 19 Tables 4


1 engineering Aide 2.5 Chairs 4


1 Secretaries 3 Typewriters 1
or equivalent staffing strength 24.5 Calculators 1
Shelf 1

32. Effective Date

These Directives shall inter into force as of Hamle 1,2005 EC.

Mekuria Haile
Ministry of Urban Development and Construction


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