Perspective: Colloidal Diffusion in Confined Geometries
Perspective: Colloidal Diffusion in Confined Geometries
Perspective: Colloidal Diffusion in Confined Geometries
23632 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 23632--23641 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2017
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density profile n(z). Diffusing particles probe their neighbourhood using eqn (3). The fluid’s density profile n(z) across the confining slit (blue
for available space and hence diffusivity should be roughly line) is shown for comparison. (b) Pair excess entropy s(2) ex (red circles) as
a function of confining slit width H, obtained as the weighted average of
proportional to the local available space, or to the density profile s(2)
ex (z). The average number density nH in the slit (blue line) is shown for
as seen in Fig. 6. comparison.
A close inspection of Fig. 6 reveals a phase shift between
extrema in D>(z) and n(z), most notable around z = 1s. In line
with the discussion of Section 3.1, a local excess entropy may be density profile. One possibility is the position-dependent pair
a better predictor of position-dependent diffusivity than the excess entropy,66
ð2Þ ðzÞ ¼ pkB Rnðz1 Þðg ln g hÞdz1 dR; (3)
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Recent simulation studies have shown a rich behaviour of describing the effect of indirect interactions mediated by the
the position-dependent diffusivity.67 First, the self-diffusivity solvent. Note that while eqn (4) has been derived in the short-
D8(z) parallel to the confining walls does not show any dependence time limit, for bulk colloids the long-time diffusion has been
of the particle’s position in the slit, in stark contrast to the normal observed to exhibit almost the same wave-vector dependency
diffusivity D>(z). This observation has also been corroborated (apart from a scaling factor).69,70
experimentally by video microscopy on colloidal dispersions The functional form of eqn (4) is physically appealing.
confined between glass plates.64,68 Second, upon increasing the Density components corresponding to a maximum in S(q) are
Published on 19 May 2017. Downloaded by Nanyang Technological University on 9/15/2019 12:23:06 PM.
particles’ volume fraction to high densities, the positive correlation favourable in terms of the interaction free energy and therefore
between the normal diffusivity D>(z) and the number density decay slowly. This inverse relationship between D(q) and S(q)
profile n(z) evolves into a negative one, with local maxima (minima) is sometimes referred to as ‘de Gennes narrowing’,71 in spirit
in D>(z) approximately coinciding with local minima (maxima) of early work by de Gennes on the dynamics of atomic and
in n(z). To date no rationale for either the position-dependent molecular systems,72 although the underlying physics of
diffusivity or its concentration dependence has been proposed. colloidal diffusion and atomic/molecular dynamics differ.73
Let me close this subsection by returning to the slit-width- It should be noted, however, that the simple form of eqn (4) is
dependent excess entropy sex of the confined hard-sphere fluid. In conceiving, with the long-ranged and non-additive hydrodynamic
Fig. 7(b) I present the theoretical pair contribution s(2) ex versus slit interactions rendering H(q) a rather complicated function.
width H for the system of panel (a). For comparison, I also show In particular, while H(q) can be theoretically calculated with a
the average particle number density between the confining walls, reasonable accuracy in bulk,74–76 the presence of walls have so
nH ¼ H 1 nðzÞdz.15 In contrast to Fig. 5, where nH (and likewise far hindered its theoretical analysis in confinement.
f) was kept constant, these data were obtained by keeping the Note that the short-time wave-vector-dependent diffusion
confined fluid in equilibrium with a bulk reservoir, resulting in a coefficient D(q) and the Stokes–Einstein coefficient D0 can be
slit-width-dependent nH. The data exhibit two prominent effects. experimentally determined in photon correlation experiments
First, the general decrease in nH with decreasing slit width H is (DLS33,34 or XPCS35,36), whereas the structure factor S(q) can be
accompanied by an increase in s(2) ex . Second, and more interesting, determined in the temporally averaged limit (SLS6 or SAXS37,38).
we observe a phase shift between s(2) (2)
ex and nH versus H; sex exhibits By combining these results one thus obtains access to the
maxima (minima) for H slightly below integer (half-integer) multi- hydrodynamic function H(q) via eqn (4). For bulk colloids this
ples of the particle diameter, while for nH these occur at larger H is a standard approach,6 and it has also been applied to study
values. Clearly, in confinement the pair excess entropy is not the diffusion of dense colloidal dispersions near single solid
directly proportional to the number of particles in the slit, as walls by evanescent-wave DLS.77,78 For spatially confined dense
would be expected in analogy with bulk, but depends instead more colloids, in turn, previous work has mainly concentrated on the
subtly on particle packing at the level of pair densities via eqn (3). limiting cases of one- and two-dimensional fluids,7,8,79–81
rather than the strong confinement which is the focus here.
In the latter case a promising approach is to confine colloidal
4 Wave-vector-dependent diffusion dispersions in micro- or nanofluidic channel arrays, and use
In the preceding section I discussed self-diffusion in the long- X-rays for characterisation.82–85 We have recently extended this
time limit, with an emphasis on simulation studies. In the approach for simultaneous experimental determination of the
remainder of this perspective I will briefly consider the extension static structure factor27–30 and the wave-vector-dependent diffusion
to wave-vector-dependent diffusion, which has recently become coefficient39 of dense colloidal dispersions in confinement. In the
experimentally accessible.39 I foresee that this approach in the following I will exemplify these novel results.
coming years also will provide means to experimentally corro- In Fig. 8(a) I present the structure factor S(q), collected from
borate the simulation-based predictions discussed above. a confined colloid in three directions with respect to the
Wave-vector-dependent diffusion is in general a complicated confining walls.39 The structure factor exhibits strong aniso-
phenomenon, which I will not pursue here. Let me instead for a tropy similar to the data of Fig. 4(a); the primary peak in S(q) is
moment focus on short times, where the analysis is simplified. more prominent and shifted towards larger q values in the
In this limit the wave-vector-dependent diffusion coefficient intermediate direction (161 with respect to the confining walls)
D(q), which describes spatiotemporal density fluctuations of compared to the parallel (01) and diagonal directions (451).
wave vector q, retains the formally simple form6,32 In panel (b) I present for comparison the inverse of the wave-
vector-dependent diffusion coefficient, D1(q). Most importantly,
HðqÞ the qualitative agreement between the data of panels (a) and (b)
DðqÞ ¼ D0 : (4)
SðqÞ corroborate the inverse relationship between D(q) and S(q) of
Here D0 denotes the Stokes–Einstein diffusion coefficient of non- eqn (4), demonstrating the important contribution of direct
interacting particles, S(q) the structure factor describing the effect of particle interactions on wave-vector-dependent diffusion.8
direct particle interactions, and H(q) the hydrodynamic function¶
8 The data of Fig. 8(b) were not collected strictly in the short-time limit.39
¶ For clarity I use different fonts to make a distinction between the hydrodynamic However, very recent analysis in the short-time limit does yield a qualitatively
function H(q) and the slit width H. similar inverse relationship between D(q) and S(q).86
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I thank Jeetain Mittal, Gaurav Goel, and Thomas M. Truskett 86, 66001.
Published on 19 May 2017. Downloaded by Nanyang Technological University on 9/15/2019 12:23:06 PM.
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