Long-Range Interactions Between Soft Colloidal Particles in Slit-Pore Geometries
Long-Range Interactions Between Soft Colloidal Particles in Slit-Pore Geometries
Long-Range Interactions Between Soft Colloidal Particles in Slit-Pore Geometries
Combining theoretical and experimental techniques, we investigate the structure formation of charged colloidal
suspensions of silica particles in bulk and in spatial confinement (slit-pore geometry). Our focus is to identify
characteristic length scales determining typical quantities, such as the position of the main peak of the bulk
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structure factor and the period of the oscillatory force profile in the slitpore. We obtain these quantities from
integral equations/SANS experiments (bulk) and Monte Carlo simulations/colloidal probe-AFM measurements
(confinement), in which the theoretical calculations are based on the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeck
(DLVO) potential. Both in bulk and in the slitpore, we find excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement
between theory and experiment as long as the ionic strength chosen in the DLVO potential is sufficiently low
(implying a relatively long-ranged interaction). In particular, the bulk properties of these systems obey the
widely accepted density scaling of ξ ∝ φ-1/3. On the other hand, systems with larger ionic strengths and,
consequently, more short-ranged interactions do not obey such power law behavior and rather resemble an
uncharged hard-sphere fluid, in which the relevant length scale is the particle diameter.
and the ionic strength, on the bulk structure peak, focusing on the actual calculations, the parameter ff has been set such that
the appearance of power law behavior. Another point we wish the SS interactions are essentially neglible against the DLVO
to explore is the density dependence of the period of force repulsion (see below).
oscillations in the slit pore, which has been discussed in the To model the slit-pore confinement, we consider the silica
literature,19,20 and has generated some controversy. Connected solution to be squeezed between two plane, parallel, smooth,
to these questions is the mathematical description of the colloidal surfaces separated by a distance h along the z axis of the
interactions, which we achieve by comparing theory and coordinate system and of infinite extent in the x-y plane. In
experiment. the present work, we confine ourselves to the investigation of
uncharged surfaces only. Specifically, we employ the fluid-
Model System and Parameters wall potential21
In the present work, we adopt an effective one-component
4π σ 9 σ 9
description of the real colloidal solution. That is, we focus on
the structure and ordering of the macroions (silica particles),
ufw(z) )
h/2 + z
+) (
h/2 - z )] (7)
whereas the “solvent particles” (counterions plus additional salt
ions) are treated only implicitly. For a system with low macroion From the preceding equations, it follows that the physical
density, F (and moderate macroion charges Z), the corresponding properties of the colloidal model system depend on temperature
effective interaction between two macroions with separation r (T), density (F), valency (Z), and diameter (σ) of the macroions,
can be derived on a rigorous statistical-mechanical basis,21 the ionic strength (I) of the additional salt, and the numerical
leading to the well-known DLVO potential,18 parameters ff and fw characterizing the fluid-fluid and fluid-
wall repulsion, respectively. To mimic the experimental condi-
exp(-κ(r - 2R)) tions (see Experimental Methods), the theoretical results pre-
uDLVO(r) ) (Z̃e0)2 (1)
4π0r sented in this work have been obtained with the parameters T
) 298 K and σ ) 26 nm. The valency has been set to Z ) 35,
where e0 is the elementary charge, 0 is the permeability of as estimated from the Grahame equation for the surface charge
vacuum, is the dielectric constant of the solvent, and R is the density, σ22
particle radius. In addition, Z̃ is the effective valency which
(assuming that the colloidal concentration is low compared to
that of the added salt) is given by σ ) x80kBT sinh ( )e 0ζ
Z̃ ) (2) where the ζ potential is given by (about) -80 mV at an ionic
1 + κR
strength of (about) I ) 10-4mol/L (see Particles and Suspen-
Finally, κ is the inverse Debye screening length, defined as sions). However, since the precise value of I is not known from
the experiments, and to clarify the role of I for the system’s
1 K properties, we have performed calculations also at several other
(Fc(zce0)2 + ∑ Fk(zke0)2) (3) values of the ionic strengths in the range I ) 10-1-10-5 mol/
k)1 L. From a more physical point of view, variation of I allows us
to explore the influence of the range of the repulsive interactions,
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the temperature, and Fc which depend on the (inverse) Debye length and, therefore, also
and zc are the number density and valency of the counterions, on I (see eq 4).
respectively. The remaining sum refers to the additional salt The density of macroions has been characterized through the
ions. Assuming univalent counterions (|zc| ) 1), the condition volume fraction φ ) Fσ3, and we have considered systems in
of charge neutrality between counter- and macroions requires the range φ ) 0.2-30 %. Finally, the repulsion parameters have
Fc ) |Z|F. Equation 3 can then be rewritten as been fixed such that ff/kBT ) fw/kBT ) 1.0.
e02 Integral Equations for the Bulk System
κ) (ZF + 2INA) (4)
0kBT In bulk experiments, the characteristic length describing the
1/ ∑K F z2
local structure in the fluid was deduced from the location of
where we have introduced the ionic strength I ) of
2 k)1 k k the first (“structural”) peak in the scattering intensity I(q) ∝
the additional salt, and NA is Avogadro’s constant. We note P(q)S(q), where P(q) and S(q) are the form factor and the
that due to the appearance of the Debye length, the DLVO structure factor, respectively, and q ) |q| is the length of the
potential depends on both the density of the macroions and on scattering vector. The relevant structural information is contained
the temperature. in S(q), which is related to the pair correlation g(r) via21
The total fluid-fluid interaction potential used in the present
calculations is given by
S(q) ) 1 + F ∫ dr exp[iq ‚ r](g(r) - 1) (9)
uff(r) ) uSS(r) + uDLVO(r) (5)
In the present work, we calculate S(q) or, equivalently, the
where the first term represents an additional soft-sphere repul- pair correlation function g(r) ≡ h(r) + 1 (with h(r) being the
sion. The latter is defined as total correlation function) by integral equations theory. This
involves simultaneous (numerical) solution of the exact Orn-
uSS(r) ) 4SS(σ/r)12 (6) stein-Zernike equation23
with the particle diameter σ ) 2R. The soft-sphere interactions
have been introduced purely for technical reasons. In fact, in h(r12) ) c(r12) + F ∫ dr3 h(r13)c(r32) (10)
1298 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 6, 2007 Klapp et al.
TABLE 1: HNC Results for the Dimensionless ensemble, P⊥ can be expressed as a statistical average involving
Compressibility, Internal Energy, (Virial) Pressure, and the instantaneous normal component of the (virial) pressure
Excess Chemical Potential of the Colloidal Solution at tensor,13 that is
Volume Fraction O ) 5.0 % (Gσ3 ) 0.095) and Various Ionic
〈∑ ∑ 〉
Strengths Ia
I [mol/L] κσ βχ/F βU/N βP/F βµex
〈N〉µ,T 1 N N z2ij ∂uff(r)
P ⊥ ) kB T - r)rij -
10-5 1.11 0.033 10.6 (10.6) 1.46 (1.46) 26.04 (25.16) Ah Ah rij ∂r
〈∑ 〉
i)1 j*i µ,T
10-4 1.37 0.052 5.98 (5.95) 0.93 (0.93) 15.76 (15.22)
2.91 0.224 0.76 (0.75) 0.25 (0.25) 2.90 (2.84) 1 ∂ufw(z)
The corresponding values for the dimensionless inverse Debye
zi z)zi (12)
Ah i)1 ∂z µ,T
lengths κσ are given in the second column. MC data are shown in
where 〈...〉µ,T denotes an average in the grand canonical
where c(r) is the direct correlation function, combined with an ensemble.
approximate closure relation relating the correlation functions A second quantity of interest is the local density profile. Due
to the pair potential. We choose the hypernetted chain ap- to the planar, homogeneous character of the confining walls,
proximation,21 defined as the fluid is translationally invariant in the x and y directions
such that the local density depends only on z. A statistical
g(r) ) exp[-βu(r) + h(r) - c(r)] (11) expression is then given by
ξ ) aφ-b (14)
is, indeed, shown by the data for I ) 10-5 mol/L and for the
SANS data, whereas the data at I ) 10-4 mol/L are less
conclusive. Using the above power law as a fit formula, one
obtains for the theoretical curves (including that for I ) 10-4)
the values a ≈ 80, b ≈ 0.30 (I ) 10-5) and a ≈ 70, b ≈ 0.21
(I ) 10-4), respectively. The corresponding SANS parameters
lie between these values, that is, aSANS ≈ 80, bSANS ≈ 0.25.
Strictly speaking, the geometric scaling (b ) 1/3) should be
restricted to weakly interacting (ideal gaslike) systems, such as
the ones considered in the above-mentioned SANS experiments.
Interestingly, however, the present theoretical data at I ) 10-5
mol/L can be fitted to the above power law up to volume
fractions φ ≈ 20 % (see Figure 3b). Only at even higher
concentrations do the functions ξ(φ) approach a limiting value
given roughly by the particle diameter, σ ≈ 26 nm.
Turning now to the theoretical model systems with high salt
concentrations, one sees from Figure 3a that the density
dependence of ξ(φ) is much less pronounced. Indeed, a fit to
eq 14 turned out to be impossible for these systems; instead, ξ
Figure 3. (a) Characteristic length as function of the volume fraction
for various ionic strengths, I. Included are the experimental (SANS) is close to the particle diameter for all volume fractions
data. (b) Double-logarithmic representation of the data corresponding considered in Figure 3a. This is reminiscent of pure hard-sphere
to low I, together with the SANS data. (HS) systems, where ξ (as obtained from the Verlet-Weiss fit34
of the exact hard-sphere structure factor) nearly coincides with
spectra of polyelectrolyte solutions.31 In all these systems, the the particle diameter throughout the fluid density range.
addition of salt has two effects. One is the screening, that is, It seems worth noting that in a very recent study of silica
the increase in κ (see eq 4), which leads to a stronger damping solutions, Waltz and co-workers19 presented and analyzed
of the oscillations. The other effect is ion condensation at the another measure (different from ξ) for a mean particle distance
macroion, which reduces the effective charge (see eq 2). that is not based on the structure factor, but on first-order
Having seen the effect of the additional salt, it is worthwhile perturbation theory. According to this measure, even HS systems
to briefly come back to the density dependence of S(q) shown obey power law behavior up to high concentrations, indicating
in Figure 1. Due to charge neutrality, an increase in macroion that the precise definition of the mean distance is crucial for its
concentration implies a simultaneous increase in the counterion density dependence.
concentration and, consequently, in the screening effect (that Colloidal Films. Experimentally, the primary quantity from
is, an increase in κ, see eq 4). Therefore it is interesting to ask which we extract relevant length scales in the confined silica
for the role of the counterion screening for the structure factor. solutions is the force-distance profile, that is, the force, F,
For the studied system, a particle concentration of 0.5 vol % between a solid surface and that of a spherical nanoparticle
corresponds to 10-6 mol/L and 30 vol %, to 6 × 10-5 mol/L. (radius R) as function of the thickness, h, of the liquid film
Under the assumption that each particle carries 35 charges, the confined between them. When the diameter of the nanoparticle
contribution by the counterions of the particles to ionic strength is sufficiently large as compared to the distance between the
increases from 3.5 × 10-5 mol/L to 2.1 × 10-3 mol/L in the interfaces, which is the case in the present experiments (see
considered particle concentration regime. Hence, the screening the Colloidal-Probe AFM section), the two surfaces can be
length would be dominated by the counterions, and its value assumed to be locally planar (Derjaguin approximation22,35). As
varies between 53 nm (for 0.5 vol %) and 6.9 nm (for 30 vol a consequence, the normalized force, F/R, becomes a function
%). But obviously, the screening effect of the counterions is of the film thickness alone, that is, F/R ) F(h)/R. In typical
much weaker than the influence of the increase in charges that colloidal suspensions, this function displays oscillatory character,
leads to a pronounced structure peak in Figure 1 for high particle and the period of these oscillations, dslit, characterizes the
concentrations. An analog experimental result was found for structure formation in the film.
other charged macroions, such as polyelectrolytes, in which an Within the GCMC simulation technique, we do not have
increase in concentration or degree of charge leads always to a direct access to the force profile, but rather, to a closely related
higher amplitude of the structure peak.32 quantity, the pressure, P⊥, exerted by the fluid onto two plane-
The theoretical results for the length ξ ) 2π/qmax as function parallel confining surfaces separated by a distance h (see eq
of both the volume fraction and the ionic strength are sum- 12). Connection between P⊥ and F/R involves again the
marized in the two parts of Figure 3, where we have included Derjaguin approximation,22,35 which allows one to derive the
the experimental (SANS) data. From Figure 3a, one clearly relation16,12
observes that the two theoretical curves obtained at low salt
concentrations (I ) 10-5-10-4mol/L) are closest to the F(h)
experimental data, both in magnitude of the characteristic length,
) ∫ dh′ (P⊥(h′) - Pbulk) (15)
ξ, and in its dependence on the volume fraction, φ. From simple h
Soft Colloidal Particles in Slit-Pore Geometries J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 6, 2007 1301
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