Plant Structure
Plant Structure
Plant Structure
– present in almost all vascular plants
-function in anchorage and absorption of water and
-consists of apical meristem that gives rise to a
protective root cap, central endodermis-bounded
vascular cylinder, absorptive root hairs, and
endogenously developed lateral roots
Sporophytic shoots
- Consists of stem and leaves
- - shoots contain an apical meristem of actively
dividing cells that, through continued
differentiation, result in the elongation of the stem
and formation of leaves and buds.
GENERAL PLANT STRUCTURE Major organs of vascular plants
-organ of the shoot that is generally dorsiventrally
flattened and that functions in photosynthesis and
- Derived from leaf primordia within the shoot apex
and are often variously modified.
- A plant in which any aboveground shoots, whether vegetative or reproductive, die back at the end of
an annual growth of season.
- A plant with elongate, weak stems, that are generally supported by means of scrambing, twining,
tendrils or roots
- May be annual, perennial, herbaceous or woody
- A vine that is perennial and woody
- A perennial, woody plant with several main stems arising at ground level
- A short shrub that is woody only at the base and that seasonally bears new, nonwoody, annual
shoots above.
- Generally tall, perennial, woody plant having one main stem (the trunk) arising at ground level.