Fundamentals of Drawing Syllabus
Fundamentals of Drawing Syllabus
Fundamentals of Drawing Syllabus
Create observational line drawings in graphite, charcoal and ink that demonstrate the ability to:
a. Observe and accurately record essential visual characteristics of unique objects-‐-‐form, volume, proportion, and space—using line.
b. Organize spaces and objects within a drawing according to basic principles of good design and composition.
c. Apply the principles and techniques of linear perspective to render the illusion of three-‐dimensional space on a two-‐dimensional surface.
Evaluate observational line drawings orally and in writing using correct terminology related to concepts, materials and techniques.
Core Concepts: Using line to accurately record volume, shape, proportion, space, and value from observation.
Related Critique /
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Homework Quiz
Student information card
Undirected Graphite pencil, Begin
Week 1 Introductions Undirected drawing No
Introductory Drawing drawing paper. sketchbook
Self-evaluation journal (6 per
This unit explores how light and dark are applied and manipulated to create the illusion of volume, space and form in a drawing. Students successfully completing this unit
with a three or higher score on their review rubric should be able to:
Create observational value drawings in graphite, charcoal and ink that demonstrate the ability to:
a. Observe and accurately record simple and complex forms through gradations of value.
b. Create the illusion of depth and space through the manipulation of value and edge detail.
c. Combine line and value to accurately render objects.
Evaluate observational value drawings in small-group critique and in writing using correct terminology related to concepts, materials, and techniques.
Core Concepts: Utilizing value to create the appearance of volume and space in observational drawings.
Critique /
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Week 7
Compositi Vine charcoal,
Compositional Drawings compositional
2nd on and newsprint, tape, Sketchbook Small group
Negative Shape Drawings drawings
Portfolio Pictorial drawing board, eraser.
Four negative shape /
Due Space
space drawings
Week 10
Gesture Value Drawings w/ Two reductive-value Vine charcoal, white
Reductive Small Group
3rd Erased Lights drawings in vine drawing paper, tape, Sketchbook
Value Critique
Drawings Toned-paper drawing w/ Erasure charcoal. drawing board, erasers.
Unit 3: Applying Core Skills Weeks 13 - 18
This unit focuses on the application of the core skills developed in Units 1 and 2 to more complex visual and conceptual problems. Students successfully completing this
unit with a three or higher score on their review rubric should be able to:
Core Concepts: Applying and combining core skills to create and present finished
Critique /
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Week 13
Three-tone gesture and extended Black, white, and
Translating drawings from full-color still life One hue-to-value sanguine conte, white
4th Sketchbook Small Group
Color into using conte crayons. Emphasis on translation drawing. paper, blending stump,
Value space through atmosphere. tape.
Long-session One-on-one
1, six-hour drawing from complex
Week 16 Drawings 1 six-hour drawing. Everything Sketchbook with
still-life set up.
from Instructor
Core Concepts: Applying and combining core skills to create and present finished drawings.
Critique /
When Topics Assignments Save for Portfolio Materials Homework
Week 17 Final Portfolio.
Figurati 2 figurative gestures Small Group
Drawing from live model. Final Portfolio
Final ve 1 long-pose drawing Write self- Critique
Portfolio Drawing evaluation.
Assess growth between first and Pick up your First drawing and
Week 18 Final Critique None Class critique.
final drawings in oral critique. final portfolio. final drawing.
Fundamentals of Drawing
Grading Explanation