Food Log Itl 528
Food Log Itl 528
Food Log Itl 528
Day 1: Weekday
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar Fiber Calcium Iron Potassium
Daily Goals
To find more nutrients: Click on Reports (on top), Chooses a report and choose the nutrient.
Day 2: Weekend
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar Fiber Calcium Iron Potassium
Daily Goals
Briefly summarize your Nutrient Report. Use Complete Sentences
1. Are you meeting your recommended caloric intake? Are you over or under your Daily Goals?
2. Are there nutrients you are missing from your diet? List any nutrients you are missing or do not get enough of.
3. Describe your energy level and if you think it has anything to do with the way you eat.
4. List anything that came as a surprise to you or you weren’t expecting to see in your nutrient report (ie high sodium, high saturated
fat, low in calories).
5. Are there any changes you need to make to your diet to help meet your nutritional needs? What changes would you make or what
would you continue doing to meet those needs?
List some foods that will help increase what you are missing or what could you cut back on?