Crosspointe: A Publication of Monticello United Church of Christ

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From the
Page 2

Happening in
Page 3

Food Ministry
Page 4

MUCC Family &

Page 5

Celebrations &
Page 6


Page 2 ⚫ AUGUST 2020 ⚫ MUCC News
Go, inspect the city of Jeru- so consumed with the details of the city,
salem. Walk through and temple, towers, and citadels?
count the many towers.
Take note of the fortified However, I think we understand it better
walls, and tour all the cita- when we remember that we now live in a
dels, that you may describe transient and rootless society. Very few
them to future generations. people feel connected to their neighbor-
(Ps. 48:12–13) hood, city, workplace, where they shop,
and even their church. Much of this is
Psalm 48 is a beau- due to a changing workplace, moving to
Pastor Greg Bouck tiful psalm that honors be closer to the kids-grandkids, relocat-
both God and the place ing to a safer environment, etc. Often the
where He is worshipped. While v.10 tells inability to lay down roots or make con-
us that the praises to the Lord extend to nections can lead to spiritual dryness.
the end of the earth, the rest of the So understanding that people are on the
psalm focuses on the city of Jerusalem move-more transient than ever before,
and the Temple. The psalmist reminds we must remember that space matters.
us to pay close attention to details of That God does and will meet us in spe-
both, remembering that God lives here. cific places and times. Maybe it’s on a
The psalmist wants the reader to tell oth- bike ride, a hike, a beautiful pew in your
ers of the beauty of the temple who have church, or while you’re holding your
not seen it. grandchild. Perhaps God spoke to you in
Christians do not confine God to a a sermon or a song you heard. When we
particular geographic location and have remember these things well, we can
worshipped Him outside of the church begin to share this
building. This is correct of course since hope in a transient
God has no physical boundaries and is world.
not limited to any. So we scratch our
heads and wonder why the psalmist is Blessings,
Pastor Greg

God amid pandemic

Last spring, life changed as we became familiar with terms such as social distancing, flattening
the curve and self-quarantining. We could hardly believe the closed schools, businesses and espe-
cially churches — just as Holy Week and Easter drew near! The coronavirus ran rampant in the
world. Where was God?
But as the spread continued, many civic leaders stepped up, calmly informing us of the facts, of
actions being taken to mitigate the crisis and of how we could help. Healthcare professionals
risked their lives and endured separation from families; teachers drew on astounding stores of
creativity to teach online; pastors delivered sermons and lessons to empty sanctuaries as mem-
bers listened and prayed while living in lockdown. Surely God was present — through them!
Then I remembered how God assures us through Isaiah, “Fear not! When you pass through the wa-
ters, the fires, yes, even the pandemics of this world, I will be with you” (43:1-2, paraphrased).
And Jesus echoes, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).
—Sandy Hyland NewsletterNewsletter August 2020
MUCC News AUGUST 2020 ⚫ Page 3

Women’s Fellowship will meet on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. We will be discussing two very important issues and encourage
all who can to attend. All are asked to please wear a mask.
The 2020-2021 PW/Horizons Bible Study materials have been ordered. We are ex-
cited about this year’s study as it appears to be very timely indeed! Read more
about it below.
To say that we are very disappointed that the Annual Rotary Picnic has been can-
celled this year due to the pandemic is a huge understatement! For over 60 years
MUCC Women’s Fellowship has catered this special event with the help of our
entire congregation of excellent cooks. It is always a wonderful time of fellowship
with special friends. And the monies raised have significantly supported the works
of Women’s Fellowship. We hope this revered tradition will be able to continue in
the near future.
Women’s Fellowship Officers will remain the 2020—2021 Officers
same as last year for 2020-2021. Thank you to Becky Bishop …. President
all for your leadership. Clyda Johnson …… Vice President
Gayle Hughes … Secretary
Blessings, Carol Rudd ….. Treasurer
Becky Bishop, Laura Smith …. Key Member

The 2020–2021 PW/Horizons Bible study is Into the

Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament. Art
and text are by Lynn Miller and Suggestions for Leaders
by Dee Koza. Below is information from the website about
this year’s timely study. “It revives lament as a proper the-
ological response to the difficult situations of our world.

“One of the foundational points of the study is that, in

scripture, lament usually leads to hope. After crying out to
God, the one who laments remembers God. And while that
doesn’t fix things in the moment—the injustice, the loss,
the wrong still exist—the one who laments is strengthened
to face the world and to hope.
When we lament, we move from suffering to faith. In our
faith there is hope. We lament in order to hope. Recover-
ing lament may be one of the church’s most timely gifts to the world.”
As events are cancelled and we stay
home during this pandemic, revived
memories of fun times with special
friends can bring smiles and warm our
hearts. Remember and enjoy these of
your MUC family!

Singing at Blumenthal Nursing Center with

Gail Smith

Bible Study at Pastor Greg’s

Providing School Supplies for Teachers

of South End Elementary

Celebrating Dot Lambeth’s

90th Birthday The Spaghetti Munch Bunch
at M O N T I C E L L O U C C

As the Coronavirus Pandemic continues to restrict many activities, Monticello
Church has carefully and prayerfully resumed in-church Sunday services, follow-
ing the CDC’s Coronavirus guidelines. There are two services each Sunday: one
at 9:30 a.m. and one at 11 a.m. Those attending in person are encouraged to
wear a mask. Seating promotes safe distancing and hand sanitizer is readily
available. Please see “MUCC Church Council Statement on Resuming Services”
at for more details about how we are creating a safe wor-
ship environment. For those who prefer not to attend in person at this time,
worship services are available online at MUCC’s website and YouTube site.
This month Pastor Greg Bouck continues his sermon series “God and Me.” Come
and enjoy the fellowship of this loving community of believers at Monticello
Church. We welcome you!
There is no Outlet or nursery at this time.

Wednesday, August 5
Women’s Fellowship
7:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, August 19
Church Council
7:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Sunday, August 30
Quarterly Church Conference
7:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Please wear a mask to all gatherings!
Page 4 ⚫ AUGUST 2020 ⚫ MUCC News

FOOD DRIVE: Food Collection for

5th Sunday Sing will be postponed again due
to COVID-19. MUCC is still scheduled to host
Canned Meats (Tuna, chicken, beef stew,
the next one as soon as all services are back
spam, corn beef, etc.)
to in person and it is deemed safe for singing.
There are baskets in table in narthex for your The Methodist Church in person services are
donations. Thank you! still suspended by the Western NC Methodist
Conference until further notice.
Anyone who would like
1) Give in person when you worship at to provide special
church. Offering plates are at the front music for a service on
and back of the sanctuary. Sunday morning, please
2) Give Online at by contact Lavinia to sign
clicking on “Give Now” in up.
the upper right hand corner.
3) Mail your check to P.O Box Lavinia Combs, Director
496, Browns Summit, NC


No ushers at
this time. A sign-up sheet for August 2 August 2
Offering plates both 9:30 and Lewis Smith COMMUNION
will be placed at 11:00 services is
August 9 August 9
front & back of available on the
Dick Faucette Carol Rudd
sanctuary to front pew.
receive August 16 August 16
offerings. Please sign up to Carol Rudd Gayle Faucette
be a lay reader in
CLEANING August 23 August 23
Patsy Smith Whitfield Faucette Tammy Turner
& additional August 30 August 30
special clean- Lisa Brooks Ann Paquette
MUCC News ⚫ AUGUST 2020 ⚫ Page 5
services in COVID-19
. . . Jimmy Sloan is times. It is beautiful and
awaiting the start of a uplifting and much ap-
new treatment for his preciated!
cancer. He and his fami-
ly greatly appreciate your prayers.

Thank you to:

. . . Tammy Turner, Cari Wilson, Lavinia
Combs and Allison Underwood for providing
special music for our Sunday morning worship

Giving Opportunities at MUCC

The Strengthen the Church offering supports the expansion of minis-

try and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support of this offering
will help the UCC fulfill on its commitment to creating a just world for all
by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the emerging
needs of local communities.

As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your

generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing
churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults.

MUCC will receive the STC offering on Sunday, August 2, 2020. This
offering is one of the 5 for 5 ministries of the UCC that provides basic
support for UCC’s Wider Mission as well as special Mission Offerings.
The graphic below shows some of the many good
works of the Wider Mission. Thank you for taking
the opportunity to add your gift—and prayers—to
the work of this very important UCC ministry our
church is proud to support each year!

The first Sunday of every month, MUCC collects money for Hunger.
The Hunger Offering donations go to feed those who are food inse-
cure in our community, state and world. The Western Association of the
Southern Conference UCC (of which MUCC is a member church)
collects and administers these monies. If writing a check, please specify
“Hunger Offering” in the “For” space of your check.
Page 6 ⚫ AUGUST 2020 ⚫ MUCC News

3 John Dieterly 18 Mickey Sloan

4 Bill Hughes 19 Steve Durham
6 Carolyn Kernodle 19 Dennis Conner
7 Chase Rowland 25 Steve Collins
11 Dot Lambeth 28 David M. Johnson
16 Ethan Wilson (younger)
16 Lilly Byrd

Please keep us informed about

birthdays, anniversaries, etc. There are
notebooks on the front pew for you to
enter new or updated information. Or
e-mail updates to
6 Steve and Linda Collins [email protected].
Thank you!

Our Nation & a Great Spiritual Sue Lambeth Vivian Spencer
Awakening Dennis Conner Gail Smith
Unspoken Requests Eli Dilty Rachel Troxler
Jimmy Sloan Donna Chappell Willard Peeples
Pete Griffin & family Jordon Rhodes
Janet Faucette Remember also those overseas and/
Lyndi and Greg Forehand
or serving our country:
Family of Faye Stephenson Ruth Smith Thornburg
Jeremy Byrd
Jay Rudd First Responders
Gabriel Chrismon
Kay Gunn
Our Homebound/care center Dwayne Winder
Jeff Guffey
members & friends: Cindy Dieterly
Mary Hunter
Shirley Linville Shane Miller
Jennifer Earle
Otis Green And others

Please submit news, photos and other

information for the CrossPointe
Newsletter to Gayle Faucette at
[email protected] or place in
church mailbox. Your suggestions for
improvements & help are needed &
MUCC News ⚫ AUGUST 2020 ⚫ Page 7

In John of Patmos’ vision,
what is special about the 12
gates of the New Jerusalem?

A. They are made of gold and

always closed.
B. They are made of amethyst and onyx.
C. They are closed by day and open by night.
D. They are made of pearl and never closed.
Answer: D (See Revelation 21:21, 25.)
In our Monticello Church family, we seek to serve God as we
serve the needs of others in our community and our world.
We seek to share God’s Word and purpose in the world
pointing to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Visit us and
discover boundless opportunities for personal
and spiritual growth.


Monticello United Church of ANNOUNCEMENT E-MAIL CHAIN:
Christ Pastor Greg Bouck is available 24/7 for
P. O. Box 496 appointments, visits, emergencies, etc. More and more Monticello
5001 East NC 150 and can be reached at 336-209-3024. UCC families are signing up
Brown Summit, NC 27214 to receive updated Prayer
Pastor Greg is available 24/7 Concerns and Announcement by
by phone. e-mails. If you are interested,
Phone: 336-656-3400
please e-mail
Please contact Laura Smith to place [email protected]
[email protected]
Website: announcements in the bulletin.
Facebook: Monticello
United Church of Christ
CHRIST 1909—2009
are available for $50.00
Please see Laura Smith

___________________ 9:30 a.m. COOKBOOKS
are $15 and are available
Greg Bouck and
from Patsy Smith or Gayle Hughes
Pastor 11:00 a.m. Checks should be written to
Monticello Women’s Fellowship.
Lavinia Combs
Pianist, Organist,
Choir Director

Church Council Officers Flavorings are restocked and ready for
Hunter Smothers, purchase! There are a dozen or more
President great varieties of flavorings, food colors,
Stacey Wilson, Danny Duzits (stainless stell pot scrub-
Vice President bers) & black pepper. See a Women’s
Fellowship member if you’d like any of
Diaconate Chairpersons these.
Jerry Smothers, Deacon
Ginger Smothers,

Gayle Faucette
CrossPointe News
Team Leader

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