Mid Term Exam 2
Mid Term Exam 2
Mid Term Exam 2
Time allotted: 3hrs (1:50 P.M- 4:50 P.M) February 28, 2006
Examination is closed book.
In this part, 10 theoretical questions are given and you are required to answer five of the
given theoretical questions. From the first 8 questions choose and attempt three questions
only, and the last two questions (question No. 9 and 10) are compulsory.
10.If you are assigned as a transport planner to develop a transport plan for a certain
area on a specific transport issue or problem, what are the basic steps/elements
that you will follow in your planning process? Discuss each element briefly.
Part II
1. In a city with 4 zones the following total zonal trip data obtained from the trip
generation/production models, and the travel time between zones and the
corresponding value of the time inverse function (Fij) is also given below:
Traffic Zones
1 2 3 4
Total trip Production 200 150 250 200
Total trip attraction 100 200 200 300
Zone 1 2 3 4
t F t F t F t F
1 2 25 4 40 2 25 7 65
2 4 40 3 35 2 25 6 55
3 2 25 2 25 2 25 4 40
4 7 65 6 55 4 40 3 35
Assume Kij value to be the same for all the four zones.
a. Using the gravity model of trip distribution, distribute the zonal total
productions and attractions into a zone to zone trips (develop O-D matrix).
b. Adjust the trip matrix until the difference between the actual and the
computed total values close sufficiently (until it reaches 5%) or the ratio is
close to one.
c. Most of the trips from zone one to zone two is made by the two dominant
modes bus and private car and their corresponding utility functions of each
mode is given as:
And the travel characteristics between zone one and zone two is:
Car Bus
Calculate the number of trips from zone one to zone two made by each
d. Load the network for trips from zone one to the other three zone if the
hypothetical link to node network is given as shown below:
1 2
1. The Ethiopian Roads Authority has planned to upgrade the existing 100km two
way two lane gravel road of width 6m into an asphalt concrete surfaced road of
width 7m with a certain geometric realignment, and due to the realignment there
is a 10km reduction of distance and an expected accident rate reduction of 40%
from the existing conditions.
To perform economic evaluation (cost benefit analysis) for the planned condition,
the following data and assumptions are given:
Based on the above data and assumptions answer the following questions
a. Calculate user benefit on the first year after opening of the new planned
b. Calculate change in accident costs first year after opening of new planned
c. Calculate net present value for the planned project and comment on the
economic viability/ feasibility of the project.