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Gtummo Protection Techniques (Hendrawan)

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gTummo Protection Techniques

Ok, now I would like to explain a little about gTumo

protection technique. I have explained you the samaya
before. Now is the time for more secret teachings.This
article was taken from Master Liang Shen's teaching.
Since this article itself has explain all aspects of
gTumo protection, I will just add a little comments


What do you mean by defining the protective boundary?

How is the ritual performed?

When a protective boundary is defined for the sacred

shrine, all evil spirits will not dare to enter the
protected area, while the good ones will frequent the
place and stay. The size of the boundary can vary from
small to big. A big protective boundary can cover an
entire planet, a continent or a country. (For the
Benevolent King country protection ritual, the protected
area is as big as a country). A small protective
boundary can be defined for a ritual site, a place for
precepts observation, a house, or a sacred shrine.

As understood by Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, the boundary

ritual practiced by Vajrayana Buddhism is as follows:

1. Vajra-pillar- erect pillars on the ground.

2. Vajra-wall- a square wall.

3. Vajra-net- a net is hung in the air, with the four

corners covering the whole Vajra shrine.

4. Maha-Samaya- using mudra to define the boundary

outside the area of fire.

Today, I am going to introduce the ritual of Vajra-fire

to you; a ritual which is a profound secret and seldom

1. Clean yourself and enter the shrine. After

invocation, perform the Fourfold Refuge, great
Prostration, Great Offering, and the Four Immeasurables.

2. Form the vajra-net mudra: cross both hands, let the

two last fingers and index fingers touching one another
and facing upwards. The two thumbs must not touch each
other, the back of your hands face upwards; this is the

3. Visualization: the sacred shrine is the focal point.

A ray of white silk net is being emitted from the crown
of the root-deity, which envelops the whole area. It is
just like a fountain; spraying water into the sky, and
falls down in the shape of an umbrella. This is the
umbrella visualization. You may visualize it to be as
big as you wish. This visualization is of utmost

4. Vajra-fire mudra: both palms face upwards, the right

palm on top of the left. Both thumbs contact and face
upwards. This is the mudra.

5. Visualization: Visualize the Vajra-net is burning

with fire, such is the visualization of the fire

6. Chant the mantra:

OM NAMO SVAHA- chant 7 times (fire-net).

OM SILINMA- CHANT 21 TIMES (protection).

100 Syllable mantra- chant 3 times.

7. Next, enter the "true mind" of the fire court.

Setting up the purest Vajra-fire in the air, and as if
it is protected by the wheel of maha-will, immediately,
all kinds of evil will not be able to penetrate. A
practitioner who performs spiritual cultivation in the
sacred shrine will gain enlightenment, his greed and
hatred will be eradicated, and his cultivation perfect.

8. Rise from the meditation and do the dedication of


The convergence of vajra-fire, all the evils spree

Through constant cultivation, tranquillity is achieved

And all major misfortunes disappear

Heavenly and earthly beings, in the sacred shrine they


The virtue is the same as a temple radiating its

brilliance into all directions.

9. The auspicious ritual is complete and perfect.

Living Buddha Lian-Sheng always encourages the use of

Great Compassion Mantra for empowering the water, for
purification and definition of protective boundary. So,
he has now disclosed the ritual and hopes that all True
Buddha practitioners can now understand the way for
setting up a sacred shrine, the consecration ritual, and
how to define the protective boundary. And he hopes all
the rituals can be carried out perfectly.

There is another ritual for defining the boundary known

as Mahasamaya. It is the greatest ritual for defining
the boundary, which must be taught personally by the
Grandmaster, as it is no ordinary ritual. There are two
sayings about this ritual:

"Those who are against the path will not be able to

untie or ruin it. For it is regarded as something
similar to the King of the Dharma Wheel, and the crown
of the Buddha."

"All the saints will not be able to descend to the

practioners’ sacred shrine within 500 yojana
(measurement of distance), for this is the King of Wheel
and crown of the Buddha, it is capable of destroying all
the phenomena."

What are the five shapes of boundary?

The five shapes are square, round, drum, crescent and

triangle. The Vajra-fire net is of crescent shape and
when touching the ground it turns round. The
practitioner can also use pieces of wood or stones to
mark the boundary. Vajra-wall is square while the Vajra-
pillar is normally a triangle.

After the boundary is defined, can we allow outsiders to

visit the shrine or pay homage to the images?

This question has been asked many times, I shall explain

it again: the sacred shrine is an assembly place for the
saints; therefore ordinary people, non-believers, filthy
folks should not be allowed to enter freely, lest they
are careless and misbehave in the shrine. you may allow
any guru to use the place to give instructions, or
fellow practitioners to use the place for group
practice. This will be harmless. On the other hand,
sometimes you may want to allow others to enter the
sacred shrine for a visit, for admiration of its
solemnity. However, you must explain to them the right
mannerism expected in front of a sacred shrine. This is
to provide a means for others to be introduced to the
faith. A sacred shrine that is frequented by outsiders
must be purified and its boundary redefined from time to

Master Liang Shen teach the method of Vajra Fire in this

article, you can try it if you want. The protection
technique of gTumo has many differences from one
lineages to others. Some lineages don't teach it but
request the student to ask it directly from the root
guru through meditation.
But, actually the student don't have to confused about
it since the lineages itself is the highest protector.

Back to the protection technique, as explained above in

Master Liang Shen's article, Maha-Samaya is the highest
gTumo protection. That's in our lineages being called as
Vajra Bhairava, others lineages may be have difference
name or technique. Maha Samaya protection means a
protection that being given a samaya, that means even
though the negative energy was located outside of the
Vajra Fire but as long as there are in the Samaya Radius
(for Vajra Bhairava 30-50 metres), the negative energy
will be removed automatically. Vajra Bhairava means
similar to Giant Vajra Fire.

Besides, our lineages also has two protection techniques

called Vajra Dherk (for physics and metaphysic-5 metres)
and Vajra Sattva (for metaphysic protection-10 metres).
Vajra Dherk special for protection only. Vajra Sattva
besides for protection also for charisma and attraction.

That will be given to you only once you pass the test
and can learn the Vajra Master level. But, if you can
not pass the test, don't be disappointed because in
Master level, the basic Vajra Fire protection technique
will be taught to you.

If you pass level 4, I will also teach you the complete

teachings of gTumo Mao Shan freely,include gTumo MaoShan
isoteric and exoteric energy patterns, also the mystic
part. The meditation technique in gTumo Maoshan actually
the same as Yulius english gTumo manual. so, the
differences only the symbols (energy patterns) and
mantras. But you will have no authorization to teach
this system, just for your own knowledge.
If you are really sincere in learning gTumo, I will
offer you a lot of sacred teachings, which in fact cost
more than what I charge from you. If you don't believe
it, you can ask Yudha, I think for original gTumo with
energy pattern he will charge more than US$300 for 3
levels and more for Vajra Master level. gTumo MaoShan
$500. The protection techniques itself may be separated
in one manual with price more than $100,etc. In
Indonesia itself, in the year of 2001, to get Vajra
Master level, the cost is about 72 million Rupiahs, or
about $8,000. gTumo Mystic $500 and gTumo esoteric $
200. So that, the first Vajra Master whom teach me gTumo
told me this is a very sacred system. That's why even
gTumo is very well-known among western reiki
practitioner but the original teachings never spread
out. In Indonesia, the number of Vajra Master, as I know
are less than 100 people, I guess may be only 60 more.
Compare it to reiki, whom has thousands to millions
practitioners/ Master Teacher around the world in less
than 20 years. gTumo also has been spread out for more
than 15 years. And you can see until now, no manual
exactly explain all parts of gTumo sacred teachings.
This is what I offer you now. So keep focus on learning
it and you will be a very powerful gTumo practitioner.

If Yudha really have and can offer Reiki Tummo Master

Teacher level to you, I think he will charge more than
$1,000. In Padmajaya, the cost about $10,000 for Master
Teacher level and once you out from the institute, you
will have no authorization to teach it. That's the great
thing about Tummo as Tantric tradition,the Master has
control of student spiritual improvement.

However, I still can not promise you about Reiki Tummo

since I'm in the process of learning. But The Master has
told me, I could be pass the Master Teacher level test
since I have that quality to get it. This Master is very
powerful, I myself has been scared by many Reiki Master
in Indonesia since I can read their past-lives, their
aura conditions, their way of thinking, can close their
chakra, kundalini, etc, but this Master is more powerful
than me. Even he is still less powerful than my
Spiritual Master, but since I'm still in the process of
wait for next teaching from my Spiritual Master, I
continue learn Reiki Tummo from him first. So if you are
lucky, I will give you the Reiki Tummo attunement til
Master Teacher level and share you the method to give
attunement and lift up others kundalini. For the
authorization to teach others til Master Teacher level,
just see it later. If you have that fate, I will give
you but may be I want several system as form of
feedback. You can count by yourself the advantages of
Reiki Tummo, that can make you become a great Spiritual
Master, so that even you offer all of your reiki system
to me will not be enough, but just take it easy, I just
want to ask for several systems only (not the presential
one, so take it easy). If at the time, you have Jinlap
Maitri, may be that will be one of them. If not, than
that will be fine for another systems. Just see it later

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