2240s PDF
2240s PDF
2240s PDF
300550EN, Rev AA
December 2010
Rosemount 2240S
Multi-Input Temperature Transmitter
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
December 2010 Rosemount 2240S
Rosemount 2240S
Multi-Input Temperature
Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and for
optimum product performance, make sure you thoroughly understand the contents before
installing, using, or maintaining this product.
For equipment service or support needs, contact your local Emerson Process
Management/Rosemount Tank Gauging representative.
Spare Parts
Any substitution of non-recognized spare parts may jeopardize safety. Repair, e.g.
substitution of components etc, may also jeopardize safety and is under no circumstances
Rosemount Tank Radar AB will not take any responsibility for faults, accidents, etc caused
by non-recognized spare parts or any repair which is not made by
Rosemount Tank Radar AB.
The products described in this document are NOT designed for nuclear-qualified
Using non-nuclear qualified products in applications that require nuclear-qualified hardware
or products may cause inaccurate readings.
For information on Rosemount nuclear-qualified products, contact your local Rosemount
Sales Representative.
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
December 2010 Rosemount 2240S
Table of Contents
SECTION 1 1.1 Safety Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Introduction 1.2 Manual Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1.3 Technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.4 Service Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.5 Product Recycling/ Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.6 Packing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.6.1 Reuse and Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.6.2 Energy recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Safety Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1-1
1.2 Manual Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1-2
1.3 Technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1-3
1.4 Service Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1-4
1.5 Product Recycling/ Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1-4
1.6 Packing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1-4
1.1 SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this manual may require special precautions to
MESSAGES ensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information that
raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol ( ). Refer to
the safety messages listed at the beginning of each section before performing
an operation preceded by this symbol.
Any substitution of non-recognized parts may jeopardize safety. Repair, e.g. substitution
of components etc., may also jeopardize safety and is under no circumstances allowed.
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
1.2 MANUAL This manual provides installation, configuration, and maintenance information
OVERVIEW for the Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter.
Section 1: Introduction
• Manual overview
• Product recycling/disposal
• Product recycling
Section 2: Overwiew
• Introduction
• 2240S components
• Raptor system architecture
• Getting started
• Brief descripiton of installation procedure for the Rosemount 2240S
Section 3: MST/WLS Installation
• Installation considerations
• Multi Spot Thermometer
• Water Level Sensor
• Tube installation
Section 4: 2240S Installation
• Installation considerations
• Mechanical installation
• Electrical installation
Section 5: Configuration/Operation
• Introduction
• Basic configuration
• LED signals
• Switches and reset buttons
• Configuration using TankMaster WinSetup
• Advanced configuration
Section 6: Service and Troubleshooting
• Service
• Troubleshooting
Appendix A: Reference Data
• Specifications
• Dimensional drawings
• Ordering information
Appendix B: Product Certifications
• EU Conformity
• Hazardous locations certifications
• Approval drawings
1.4 SERVICE SUPPORT For service support contact the nearest Emerson Process
Management/Rosemount Tank Gauging representative. Contact information
can be found on the web site www.rosemount-tg.com.
1.5 PRODUCT Recycling of equipment and packaging should be taken into consideration
RECYCLING/ and disposed of in accordance with local and national legislation/regulations.
DISPOSAL The label below is put on Rosemount Tank Gauging products as a
recommendation to customers if scrapping is considered.
Recycling or disposal should be done following instructions for correct
separation of materials when breaking up the units.
1.6 PACKING Rosemount Tank Radar AB is fully certified according to ISO 14001
MATERIAL environmental standards. By recycling the corrugated paperboard, or wooden
boxes, used for shipping our products you can contribute to take care of the
1.6.1 Reuse and Experience has shown that wooden boxes can be used several times for
Recycling various purposes. After careful disassembly the wooden parts may be reused.
Metal waste may be converted.
1.6.2 Energy recovery Products which have served their time may be divided into wood and metal
components and the wood can be used as fuel in sufficient ovens.
Due to its low moisture content (approximately 7%) this fuel has a higher
calorific value than ordinary wood fuel (moisture content approximately 20%).
When burning interior plywood the nitrogen in the adhesives may increase
emissions of nitrogen oxides to the air 3-4 times more than when burning bark
and splinter.
Landfill is not a recycling option and should be avoided.
Section 2 Overview
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2-1
2.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2-2
2.3 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2-3
2.4 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2-7
2.5 Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2-8
2.1 INTRODUCTION The Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter can connect up
to sixteen 3- or 4-wire temperature spot elements and an integrated water
level sensor. The 2240S sends measurement data, such as temperature and
water level, via the intrinsically safe 2-wire Tankbus(1), to a Rosemount
2410 Tank Hub. Measurement data and status information can be viewed on
a PC with the Rosemount TankMaster software, on the integral display of the
2410 Tank Hub, and on a Rosemount 2230 Graphical Field Display.
2160 Field
Communication Unit
2230 Display
Primary Bus
Group Bus
(1) The intrinsically safe Tankbus complies with the FISCO FOUNDATION™ fieldbus standard.
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
1 5
1. Cover.
2. Glands (x 5) of type ½ - 14 NPT.
3. Lock nut for connection of Multi Spot Temperature sensors
and Water Level Sensors (MST/WLS).
4. Cover screws (x 4).
5. External ground screw.
6. M32 Cable gland (option for remote mounting).
2.3 SYSTEM Raptor is a state-of-the art inventory and custody transfer radar tank level
OVERVIEW gauging system. It is developed for a wide range of applications at refineries,
tank farms and fuel depots, and fulfills the highest requirements on
performance and safety.
The field devices on the tank communicate over the intrinsically safe Tankbus.
The Tankbus is based on a standardized fieldbus, the FISCO(1) FOUNDATION™
fieldbus, and allows integration of any device supporting that protocol. By
utilizing a bus powered 2-wire intrinsically safe fieldbus the power
consumption is minimized. The standardized fieldbus also enables integration
of other vendors’ equipment on the tank.
The Raptor product portfolio includes a wide range of components to build
small or large customized tank gauging systems. The system includes various
devices, such as radar level gauges, temperature transmitters, and pressure
transmitters for complete inventory control. Such systems are easily
expanded thanks to the modular design.
Raptor is a versatile system that is compatible with and can emulate all major
tank gauging systems. Moreover, the well-proven emulation capability
enables step-by-step modernization of a tank farm, from level gauges to
control room solutions.
It is possible to replace old mechanical or servo gauges with modern Raptor
gauges, without replacing the control system or field cabling. It is further
possible to replace old HMI/SCADA-systems and field communication
devices without replacing the old gauges.
There is a distributed intelligence in the various system units which
continuously collect and process measurement data and status information.
When a request for information is received an immediate response is sent
with updated information.
The flexible Raptor system supports several combinations to achieve
redundancy, from control room to the different field devices. Redundant
network configuration can be achieved at all levels by doubling each unit and
using multiple control room work stations.
TankMaster PC
2230 Display
2410 Tank Hub
2160 Field
Communication Unit 5900S Radar
2180 Field Level Gauge
Bus Modem
Segment splitter
5300 Level
TankMaster PC
See the Raptor Technical Description (Document no. 704010en) for more
information on the various devices and options.
2.5 INSTALLATION Follow these steps for proper installation of the Rosemount 2240S:
3.1 SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to
MESSAGES ensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information that
raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol ( ). Please
refer to the following safety messages before performing an operation
preceded by this symbol.
Failure to follow safe installation and servicing guidelines could result in death or
serious injury:
Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the
protection provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any service other than those contained in this manual unless you are
To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, disconnect power before
Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
Reference Manual
Rosemount 2240S 300550EN, Rev AA
December 2010
High voltage that may be present on leads could cause electrical shock:
Avoid contact with leads and terminals.
Make sure the main power to the Rosemount 2410 is off and the lines to any other
external power sources are disconnected or not powered while wiring the gauge.
3.2 INSTALLATION Multiple Spot Temperature sensor (MST) and Water Level Sensor (WLS) must
CONSIDERATIONS be installed on the tank before installing the Rosemount 2240S Multi-input
Temperature Transmitter.
The MST/WLS is normally anchored to the bottom of the tank by attaching a
weight at the end of the tube. A tank expands when it is filled or warmed up,
causing the roof to move slightly upwards. The weight has a shackle which
allows the tube to follow the expansion, preventing it from breaking.
Multiple Spot Temperature Sensor (MST):
• Be careful with the flexible protection tube
• Temperature and Water Level Sensors should be located as far away
as possible from heating coils and mixers.
• In case the flexible tube is damaged, please contact Emerson Process
Management/Rosemount Tank Gauging.
• Do not attempt to fix or rebuild the temperature sensor since this may
cause serious malfunctions
Water Level Sensor:
• Handle the Water Level Sensor carefully
• Leave the sensor protection on until the final positioning in the tank
3.3 MULTIPLE SPOT The Multiple Spot Temperature sensor (MST) measures the temperature with
TEMPERATURE a number of Pt 100 elements placed at different heights to provide a
temperature profile and average temperature of the product. The spot
elements are placed in a flexible gas tight tube made of stainless steel which
can be anchored to the tank bottom, see “Installing a Temperature Sensor
Tube” on page 3-8.
Up to 16 Pt100 temperature elements can be connected to a Rosemount
2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter.
3.3.1 Installation on On fixed roof tanks the MST is attached to a flange mounted on a suitable
Fixed Roof Tanks nozzle.
Maximum level
0.5-1 m
(1.6-3.2 ft)
Upper spot
2.5-15 kg
(5.5-33 lbs) 85-330 mm
(33-130 in.)
First spot
0.5-1 m
(1.6-3.2 ft)
Anchor weight
3.3.2 Installation on On floating roof tanks the temperature elements can be mounted in a still-pipe
Floating Roof as illustrated in Figure 3-2 or in other suitable roof openings.
Maximum level
0.5-1 m
(1.6-3.2 ft)
Upper spot
2.5-4 kg
(5.5-8.8 lbs)
100 mm
(3.9 in.)
First spot
0.5-1 m
(1.6-3.2 ft)
3.3.3 Custody Transfer For Custody Transfer applications, API chapter 7 recommends a minimum of
Applications one temperature element per 3 meters (10 feet) as illustrated in Figure 3-3.
Emerson Process Management/Rosemount Tank Gauging may in some
cases recommend even more temperature elements for Custody Transfer
tanks, depending on how the tanks are operated.
0.5-1 m
(1.6-3.2 ft)
Minimum level
0.5-1 m
Tank Zero level (1.6-3.2 ft)
5 spot sensors and H=12 m.
A=12/(5-1)=3 m.
The position of a temperature element is measured from the Tank Zero Level.
See the Rosemount Raptor System Configuration Manual (Document no.
300510EN) for more information about how to use the TankMaster WinSetup
software to configure temperature elements for average temperature
3.4 WATER LEVEL The water level sensor probe, with integrated temperature elements, is
SENSOR attached at the lower end of the flexible protection tube. A weight is attached
to stabilize the tube as illustrated in Figure 3-4:
(13.8 in.)
350 mm
Nuts to adjust the
sensor position
Recommended distance:
0.5 to 1.5 m (1.6 to 4.9 ft)
3.5 INSTALLING A Follow these steps to install the temperature sensor tube:
TEMPERATURE 1. Mount the anchor weight on the tube.
SENSOR TUBE 2. Mount the tube so that the threads at the top of the tube fits the nozzle
flange as illustrated in Figure 3-5:
Tube Locknut
2.5-15 kg
(5.5-33 lbs)
85-330 mm
(33-130 in.)
3. When the tube is placed on the nozzle, adjust the position with the lock
nuts. If the weight is placed at the end of the tube, it should barely touch
the tank bottom.
4. Install the Rosemount 2240S Multi-Input Temperature Transmitter, see
“Mechanical Installation” on page 4-3.
Ensure that the flexible protection tube is in a vertical position to obtain correct
measurement data.
4.1 SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to
MESSAGES ensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information that
raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol ( ). Please
refer to the following safety messages before performing an operation
preceded by this symbol.
Failure to follow safe installation and servicing guidelines could result in death or
serious injury:
Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the
protection provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any service other than those contained in this manual unless you are
WARNING – Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
WARNING – To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, disconnect
power before servicing.
High voltage that may be present on leads could cause electrical shock:
Avoid contact with leads and terminals.
Make sure the main power to the Rosemount 2240S is off and the lines to any other
external power sources are disconnected or not powered while wiring the gauge.
Reference Manual
300550en, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
4.2 INSTALLATION The information in this section covers installation considerations for the
CONSIDERATIONS Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter in order to achieve a
proper installation and optimum measurement performance.
In order to reduce the required cabling, Raptor devices, including the 2240S,
are designed for daisy-chain connection of the Tankbus and shield grounding
to other field devices.
The Rosemount 2240S is designed for mounting
• on top of the MST/WLS
• remote on a pipe or wall
With remote mounting of the Rosemount 2240S, the nut and sleeve at the
bottom of the 2240S can be replaced by a M32 cable gland, see
“Components” on page 2-2 and “Ordering Information” on page A-4.
When the Rosemount 2240S transmitter is installed in a hazardous area,
ensure that the installation requirements according to “Hazardous Areas” on
page 4-8 are complied with.
Ensure that the recommended cable glands/conduits are used.
Ensure that the Tankbus is correctly terminated, see “Termination” on
page 4-9.
Ensure that grounding is performed according to national and local electrical
codes, see “Grounding” on page 4-6.
Do not install the Rosemount 2240S in non-intended applications, for
example environments where it may be exposed to extremely intense
magnetic fields or extreme weather conditions.
Ensure that the Rosemount 2240S is installed such that it is not exposed to
higher pressure and temperature than specified in Appendix A: Reference
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the device meets the specific
inside tank installation requirements such as:
• chemical compatibility of wetted materials
• design/operation pressure and temperature
Sensor wires
4.3.3 Wall Mounting To mount the Rosemount 2240S on a wall, do the following:
70 mm (2.7 in.)
94 mm (3.7 in.)
4.4.1 Cable/Conduit The electronics housing has five entries for ½ - 14 NPT glands. Optional
Entries M20×1.5, minifast and eurofast adapters are also available.
For remote mounting, the nut and sleeve on the Rosemount 2240S can be
replaced with a M32 gland for connection of temperature sensors/WLS.
Connections must be made in accordance with local or plant electrical codes.
Make sure that unused ports are properly sealed to prevent moisture or other
contamination from entering the terminal block compartment of the electronics
Use the enclosed metal plugs to seal unused ports. The plastic plugs
mounted at delivery are not sufficient as seal!
It is recommended that a sealant of type PTFE is used to prevent water
ingress and to enable future removal of the plug/gland.
Ensure that glands for the cable entries meet the following requirements:
• IP class 66 and 67
• material: metal (recommended)
4.4.2 Power The Rosemount 2240S is powered over the Tankbus by the Rosemount 2410
Requirements Tank Hub. The 2240S has a current consumption of 30 mA.
4.4.3 Grounding The housing should always be grounded in accordance with national and
local electrical codes. Failure to do so may impair the protection provided by
the equipment. The most effective grounding method is direct connection to
ground with minimal impedance.
There is an external grounding screw located at the bottom of the housing and
three internal grounding screws located inside the housing, see Figure 4-2 on
page 4-7. The internal ground screws are identified by a ground symbol: .
Use the external ground terminal on the transmitter to ground the housing.
Grounding the transmitter using the threaded conduit connection may not
provide a sufficient ground. Make sure the connection provides a sufficiently
low impedance.
4.4.4 Cable Selection Use shielded twisted pair wiring for the 2240S in order to comply with
FISCO(1) requirements and EMC regulations. The preferred cable is referred
to as type “A” fieldbus cable. The cables must be suitable for the supply
voltage and approved for use in hazardous areas, where applicable. In the
U.S. explosion-proof conduits may be used in the vicinity of the vessel.
Use 22 AWG to 16 AWG (0.5 to1.5 mm²) in order to minimize the voltage drop
to the transmitter.
The FISCO specification reqires that cables comply with the following
Table 4-1. FISCO cable
parameters Parameter Value
Loop resistance 15 to 150 /km
Peak Intudance per unit length 0.4 to 1 mH/km
Capacitance per unit length 45 to 200 nF/km
Maximum length of each spur cable 60 m in gas Groups IIC and IIB
Maximum length of each trunk cable 1 km in gas Group IIC and 1.9 km in gas
Group IIB
4.4.5 Hazardous Areas When the Rosemount 2240S is installed in a hazardous area, national and
local regulations and specifications in applicable certificates must be
observed. See Appendix B: Product Certifications.
Rosemount 2240S with ATEX and IECEx Certifications as well as Zone
classification in USA and Canada is Ex-coded Ex ia (part of code) for both
FISCO and Entity installations. In order to maintain the Ex ia coding the
2240S must be powered from a power supply coded Ex [ia]. However, most
general FISCO power supplies are coded Ex [ib] and if the 2240S is powered
from such a supply the 2240S coding automatically becomes Ex ib. This
means that neither the 2240S itself or any RTD or other sensors connected to
the RTD terminals or Sensorbus terminals of the 2240S may be located in
Zone 0.
However, when the 2240S is powered from a Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub via
the Raptor Tankbus, the FISCO SYSTEM codings according to Appendix B
Clause B.3 and Control Drawings 9240040-910 and 9240040-976, Note 8,
apply, and the 2240S can be connected to RTDs or other sensors located in
Zone 0.
4.4.6 The Raptor The Raptor system is easy to install and wire. Devices can be “daisy-chained”
Tankbus thus reducing the number of external junction boxes.
In a Raptor system devices communicate with a Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub
via the intrinsically safe Tankbus. The Tankbus complies with the FISCO(1)
FOUNDATION fieldbus standard. The Rosemount 2410 acts as power supply to
the field devices on the Tankbus. A FISCO system enables more field devices
to be connected to the segment compared to conventional IS systems based
on the entity concept.
A terminator is needed at each end of a FOUNDATION Fieldbus network.
Generally, one terminator is placed in the fieldbus power supply, and the other
one in the last device in the fieldbus network.
Ensure there are two terminators on the Tankbus, see Figure 4-3.
In a Raptor system the Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub acts as power supply.
Since the 2410 normally is the first device in the fieldbus segment, the built-in
termination is enabled at factory
Other Raptor devices such as the standard version of the Rosemount 5900S
Radar Level Gauge, the Rosemount 2230 Graphical Field Display, and the
Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter also have built-in
terminators which can easily be enabled by inserting a jumper in the terminal
block when necessary.
If the 2240S is not the last device in the fieldbus network, disconnect the
termination jumper. See Figure 4-4 on page 4-11.
Segment design
When designing a FISCO fieldbus segment a few requirements need to be
considered. Cabling has to comply with FISCO requirements as described in
“Cable Selection” on page 4-8.
You will also have to ensure that the total operating current of the connected
field devices is within the output capability of the Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub.
The 2410 is able to deliver 250 mA. Consequently, the number of field devices
has to be considered so that the total current consumption is less than
250 mA. See section “Power Budget” in the Rosemount 2410 Reference
Manual (Document No. 300530EN) for more information
Another requirement is to ensure that all field devices have at least 9 V input
voltage at their terminals. Therefore you will have to take into account the
voltage drop in the fieldbus cables.
Distances are normally quite short between the Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub
and field devices on the tank. In many cases you can use existing cables as
long as the FISCO requirements are fulfilled (see “Cable Selection” on
page 4-8).
See chapter “The Raptor Tankbus” in the Rosemount 2410 Reference Manual
(Document no. 305030EN) for more information on segment design of a
Raptor system.
4.4.7 Typical The example below (Figure 4-3) illustrates a Raptor system with terminators
Installations at both ends of the fieldbus segment as required in a FOUNDATION fieldbus
system. In this case terminators are enabled in the Rosemount 2410 Tank
Hub and a Raptor field device at the end of the network segment.
2230 Display
Tankbus 2240S Multi-input
Temperature Transmitter
5900S Radar
Level Gauge
enabled on the
last device
The maximum distance between the 2410 Tank Hub and the field devices on
the tank depends on the number of devices connected to the Tankbus and the
quality of cables.
See chapter “Electrical Installation” in the Rosemount 2410 Reference
Manual (Document no. 305030en) for more information about cable selection,
power budget, and the Raptor Tankbus.
See chapter “Typical installations” in the Rosemount 2410 Reference Manual
(Document no. 305030en) for more examples of how to install a Raptor
4.4.8 Tankbus Wiring Follow this procedure to connect the Rosemount 2240S:
1. Ensure that the power supply is switched off.
2. Loosen the four screws and remove the cover on the terminal
Figure 4-4. 2240S terminal
X2: Tankbus (+) output
Daisy-chain connection
to other field devices
X3: Tankbus (-) output (page 4-12)
Jumper to
invoke built-in
X1: Cable Shield termination
X4: Tankbus
Internal grounding
3. Run the Tankbus wires through the appropriate cable glands or conduits.
4. Connect the Tankbus wires to the X2 and X3 terminals as shown in
Figure 4-4.
5. Connect the cable shield to the terminal marked X1.
6. Use metal plugs to seal unused ports.
7. In order to prevent water from entering the terminal compartment, ensure
the cover sealing is placed in the correct position
8. Attach and tighten the cover on the terminal compartment. Ensure that
the cover is fully engaged to meet explosion-proof requirements and to
prevent water from entering the terminal compartment.
9. Tighten the conduit/cable glands. Note that adapters are required for
M20 glands
Ensure that o-rings and seats are in good condition prior to mounting the
cover in order to maintain the specified level of ingress protection. The same
requirements apply for cable inlets and outlets (or plugs). Cables must be
properly attached to the cable glands.
4.4.9 Daisy-chain The Raptor system supports daisy-chain connection of devices to the
Connection Tankbus. To daisy-chain the 2240S to other devices do the following:
1. Make sure the power supply is switched off.
2. Loosen the four screws and remove the cover on the terminal
3. Disconnect the termination jumper from the X3 terminal, see Figure 4-4
on page 4-11.
4. Run the Tankbus cable into the Rosemount 2240S through an
appropriate gland.
5. Connect the Tankbus wires to the X2 output and X3 output terminals as
illustrated in Figure 4-4.
6. Connect the cable shield to the X1 terminal.
7. Attach and tighten the cover on the terminal compartment. Ensure the
cover sealing is placed in the correct position.
8. Tighten the conduit/cable glands. Note that adapters are required for
M20 glands.
TankMaster PC
2240S Multi-input
5900S Radar Temperature
2160 Field Level Gauge Transmitter 2230 Display
Communication Unit
2410 Tank Hub
Ensure that there are only two terminators enabled on the Tankbus. In the
example above, one terminator is enabled in the 2410 Tank Hub. The second
terminator is enabled in the terminal compartment of the 2230 Display since
this is the last device on the Tankbus segment. Incorrect terminations may
cause malfunctioning communication on the Tankbus.
4.4.10 Temperature The Rosemount 2240S is compatible with multiple element Resistance
Element Wiring Temperature Detectors (RTDs). 2240S can connect up to sixteen 3- or 4-wire
temperature spot elements.
Three connection types are supported: 3-wire with common return, 3-wire
individual spot, and 4-wire individual spot. The 2240S is also compatible with
averaging sensor types. A maximum of 16 elements can be connected to the
Rosemount 2240S transmitter.
If an averaging temperature detector is connected to the Rosemount 2240S, a
DIP switch must be set, see “DIP Switches” on page 5-13 for more
When the 2240S transmitter is mounted on top of the MST/WLS, the sensor
wires will enter the terminal compartment through the sleeve at the bottom of
the 2240S housing.
In case the 2240S is mounted on a pipe or a wall (see “Mechanical
Installation” on page 4-3), the sleeve and nut can be replaced by an M32
cable gland, see Figure 2-2 on page 2-2.
There are three wiring types that can be used for temperature elements
connected to a Rosemount 2240S. The number of elements that can be
connected varies depending on the type of temperature sensor that is used as
illustrted in Table 4-2:
See the Raptor Technical Description (Document No. 704010en) for more
information on various Multiple Spot Temperature Sensors.
Cable entries
Temperature elements must be connected in the order 1, 2, 3 etc. without any
gaps (e.g 10 elements must be connected to channel 1-10).
Use terminals “b”, “c”, and “d” for 3-wire connections.
Up to 16 channels
Common return
The common return wires must always be connected to the c- and d-
terminals on left-hand side of the terminal block.
Up to 16 channels
Individual return
Up to 10 channels
Up to 16 channels
Individual return
4.4.11 Water Level The Rosemount 2240S has a Sensorbus terminal for connection of a water
Sensor Wiring level sensor. Use the following steps to connect the sensor wires from a water
level sensor to the Rosemount 2240S:
1. Make sure the power supply is switched off.
2. Loosen the four screws and remove the cover on the terminal
3. Run the sensor wires through the sleeve at the bottom of the transmitter
housing, see Figure 4-10.
If the 2240S is mounted on a wall or pipe (remote mounting), run the
sensor wires through the appropriate cable gland/conduit entry, see
Figure 2-2 on page 2-2.
4. Connect the sensor wires to the terminals. See information on cable
colors in Figure 4-10.
5. Connect the water level sensor cable shield to one of the three ground
6. Make sure the cover sealing is in the correct position.
7. Attach the cover on the terminal compartment and tighten the four
8. Tighten the conduit/cable glands.
Internal grounding
+ B A -
Wire color: Red Green White Black
Section 5 Configuration/Operation
5.1 Safety Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5-1
5.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5-2
5.3 Basic Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5-3
5.4 LED Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5-11
5.5 Switches and reset buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5-13
5.6 Configuration using TankMaster WinSetup . . . . . . page 5-15
5.1 SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to
MESSAGES ensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information that
raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol ( ). Please
refer to the following safety messages before performing an operation
preceded by this symbol.
Failure to follow safe installation and servicing guidelines could result in death or
serious injury:
Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the
protection provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any service other than those contained in this manual unless you are
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
5.2 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides information about configuration of the Rosemount
2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter regardless of the configuration
tool used. However, you will find frequent references to TankMaster
WinSetup, which is the recommended configuration tool.
It is important that configuration is properly prepared by listing the appropriate
Modbus addresses, device tags, and tank tags.
5.2.1 Configuration Basically, a Rosemount 2240S can be installed and configured by one of the
procedure following methods:
• As part of the installation of a Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub. This is the
standard procedure when a new system is installed, see the Raptor
System Configuration Manual (Document no. 300510EN).
• As a separate device, added to the Tankbus in an existing Raptor
system. The device is configured with a suitable tool, such as
TankMaster WinSetup.
5.3 BASIC Temperature elements and a water level sensor can be connected to the
CONFIGURATION Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter.
5.3.1 Temperature The following configuration options are supported for temperature elements
elements connected to a Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter:
Exclude spot element You can exclude certain spot elements from the average
from tank average temperature calculation, see “Tank Average Temperature
temperature calculation Calculation” on page 5-4.
Zero Level
A faulty temperature sensor will affect the temperature calculation. For more
information see “Ground Fault Detection” on page 6-5.
Insert Distance
You can specify a minimum distance between the product surface and the first
temperature spot element to be included in the average temperature
calculation. If the temperature spot element is within or above the Insert
Distance, the element will be excluded from the calculation.
Product surface
Insert Distance
This function may be useful if the temperature of the atmosphere above the
product surface significantly deviates from the temperature of the product
itself, resulting in large temperature gradients close to the product surface. By
specifying an Insert Distance, temperature elements within this region can be
excluded from average temperature calculations.
This function can also be used to compensate for inaccuracies in the
measured temperature element positions, in order to make sure that elements
above the product surface are not included in the average temperature
calculation. If, for example, the positions of the temperature elements are
measured with an accuracy of 10 mm, setting the minimum distance to at
least 10 mm will guarantee that sensors above the surface are not included in
the average temperature calculations.
5.3.2 Water Level The Water Level Sensor (WLS) measures the free water level below an oil
Sensor surface. The WLS can be combined with Multiple Spot Temperature sensors.
Calibration The WLS is calibrated under the assumption that the dielectric constant
εr=2.3 (diesel). The factory calibration values are stored in a separate write
protected Holding Register area.
The following parameters are stored in the factory calibration:
• Full = The measured capacitor value when the probe is completely
covered with water
• Empty = The measured capacitor value when the probe is completely
covered by the reference product
In case the dielectric constant of the product differs from factory calibration
you will need to perform a new Empty calibration.
To calibrate the Water Level Sensor:
1. Lift the Water Level Sensor from the bottom of the tank and make sure
the sensor is covered by the product only.
2. Wait five minutes.
3. Press the ZERO button on the Rosemount 2240S for three seconds to
begin calibration (see Figure 5-3).
4. Wait for the Status LED to turn from a steady light to normal LED status
(2 sec. interval). Calibration error is indicated by blinking at a high
5. When the calibration process is completed, anchor the Water Level
Sensor to the bottom of the tank.
ZERO button
Tank Reference Point
Level offset
Water Zero Level
Lower Sensor Limit (0%)
Level Offset
The Level Offset X between the Tank Zero Level and the Water Zero Level
has to be considered when the WLS is configured. X can be calculated from
known tank distances as illustrated in Figure 5-4.
Measurement Limit Upper dead zone
Measurement Limit
Lower dead zone
To convert from the reference system of the water level sensor (WLS) to the
reference system of the tank, the distance X needs to be calculated by using
the following formula:
X = (R-L1) - (L-L2).
X=distance between the Tank Zero Level and the Water Zero Level.
L=distance between Water Zero Level and mark on the upper part of the
R= Tank Reference Height. This is the distance between the Tank Reference
Point and the Tank Zero Level.
L1=distance between the Tank Reference Point and the temperature sensor
L2=distance between the mark on the top of the WLS and the temperature
sensor flange.
The conversion from the WLS reference system to the tank reference system
is handled by the Rosemount 2240S. In the tank reference system, the Lower
Sensor Limit (0%) and the Upper Sensor Limit (100%) are given by the
following formulas:
Upper Sensor Limit (100%) = LA + X
Lower Sensor Limit (0%) = X
where LA is the active length of the Water Level Sensor, and X is the distance
between the Water Zero Level and the Tank Zero Level (Minimum Water
Distance), see examples in Table 5-2 on page 5-10.
Upper and lower Measurement Limit
The Upper Measurement Limit and the Lower Measurement Limit are
obtained using the following formulas:
Upper Measurement Limit (100%) = (LA + X) - UDZ
Lower Measurement Limit (0%) = X + LDZ,
where UDZ is the Upper Dead Zone and LDZ is the Lower Dead Zone.
Configuration Examples
The configuration of the WLS can basically be divided into three cases as
illustrated below:
In this case the Lower Sensor Limit (0%) In this case the Lower Sensor Limit (0%) on In this case the Lower Sensor Limit (0%)
on the WLS is below the Tank Zero Level. the WLS corresponds to the Tank Zero on the WLS is above the Tank Zero Level.
Note that when the Lower Sensor Limit Level. Note that when the Lower Sensor Limit
(0%) is below the Tank Zero Level this (0%) is above the tank Zero Level this
results in X<0. results in X>0.
Tank Zero
Water Zero Tank Zero Water Zero Water Zero
Level Level Level Level
0% Tank Zero
0% Level
5.4 LED SIGNALS The Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter is equipped with
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) in order to indicate status and communication.
Error Codes
Using different blinking sequences, the status LED indicates error codes. In
normal operation the LED flashes once every other second. When an error
occurs, the LED flashes a sequence that corresponds to a code number
followed by a five second pause. This sequence is continuously repeated (for
more information see “Device Error LED Signals” on page 6-7).
5.4.2 Communication There are two pairs of LEDs that indicate communication status for the
LEDs Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter:
• when a Water Level Sensor (WLS) is connected, two LED signals
indicate that measurement and status information is communicated
over the Sensor bus to the 2240S
• two LEDs indicate that the 2240S communicates over the Tankbus with
a Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub
5.5.1 DIP Switches The Rosemount 2240S is equipped with four DIP switches, see Figure 5-8.
DIP Switches
1 2 3 4
Manual configuration may override the switch settings.
5.5.2 Reset Button Use the reset button to force a restart of the processor (for more information
see “Reset and WLS Calibration” on page 6-6).
6.1 SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to
MESSAGES ensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information that
raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol ( ). Please
refer to the following safety messages before performing an operation
preceded by this symbol.
Failure to follow safe installation and servicing guidelines could result in death or
serious injury:
Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the
protection provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any service other than those contained in this manual unless you are
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
6.2 SERVICE The Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter has no moving
parts and requires a minimal amount of scheduled hardware maintenance. In
case of a malfunction, check for an external cause and use the diagnostics
presented below.
6.2.1 Viewing Input Transmitter data is stored in Input Registers. By viewing the contents of the
and Holding input registers, advanced users can check that the Rosemount 2240S works
The Holding Registers store various parameters such as configuration data
used to control measurement performance. By using the TankMaster
WinSetup configuration tool, most Holding Registers can be edited simply by
typing a new value in the appropriate value input field.
ATD device
6.2.2 Editing Holding Most Holding Registers can be edited simply by typing a new value in the
Registers appropriate Value input field. Some Holding Registers (marked grey in the
Value column) can be edited in a separate window. In this case you can
choose from a list of options or you can change separate data bits.
For more information see the Rosemount Raptor System Configuration
Manual (document no. 300510EN).
(1) Note that Input Register data from the 2240S transmitter is temporarily stored in the Input
Register database of the 2410 Tank Hub. The Input Registers presented in TankMaster
WinSetup refer to the internal register area of the 2410. Therefore, for tank 1 you will have to
add 10000 to the 2240S internal register number as given by Table 6-4 in order to find the
register presented by WinSetup. For tank 2 (requires a 2410 with the multi-tank option) you
will have to add 12000, for tank 3 you will have to add 14000, and so on.
6.2.3 Diagnostics The TankMaster WinSetup program lets you view the current device status in
the View Diagnostic Registers window. It shows a selection of database
registers that gives you an instant view of how the device operates. You may
configure the window by adding registers of special interest.
To view and configure the diagnostic registers:
1. Select the ATD device icon in the TankMaster WinSetup workspace.
2. Click the right mouse button and choose View Diagnostic Registers.
The register values in the View Diagnostic Registers window are of “read
only” type. They are loaded from the device as the window is opened.
In the Value column a grey background color in a table cell means that the
register is of either Bitfield or ENUM type. An expanded Bitfield/ENUM
window can be opened for this type of register by double-clicking the table
If needed, the values can be presented as hexadecimal format. This applies
to registers of the Bitfield and ENUM types. Select the Show in Hex check
box to present Bitfield and ENUM registers as hexadecimal figures.
The Configure button lets you open the Configure Diagnostic Registers
window to change the list of registers to be displayed in the View Diagnostic
Registers window. See the Raptor System Configuration Manual (Document
No. 300510EN) for more information.
In the Configure Diagnostic Registers window a Log Setup button provides
access to the Register Log Scheduling window which allows you to setup a
log schedule for automatic start and stop of register logging.
6.2.4 Ground Fault The Rosemount 2240S has a built-in function for ground fault detection. When
Detection the ground fault detector is enabled, a faulty temperature sensor is indicated
in a status register (see “Temperature Element Status” on page 6-20). A
single fault will affect the measurement on all channels.
If one of the temperature elements fails, for example caused by a short circuit
to ground, you can change the jumper setting to temporarily disable ground
fault detection, see Figure 6-1.
Ground fault detection should only be used as a temporary solution in case of
a malfunctioning temperature element. The faulty temperature element must
be replaced for accurate measurement. See “Test and Simulation” on
page 6-9.
6.2.5 Reset and WLS Resetting the 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter
Calibration The RESET button can be used to force a restart of the 2240S Multi-input
Temperature Transmitter. Restarting the 2240S has the same effect as
switching off and on the power supply.
ZERO Level Calibration
6.2.6 Device Error LED Inside the transmitter housing, the Rosemount 2240S has a red Light Emitting
Signals Diode (LED) that presents the current transmitter status. The LED uses
different blinking sequences for presentation of various error types.
In normal operation, the LED flashes once every other second. When an error
occurs, the LED flashes a sequence that corresponds to the device error code
number (see Table 6-1) followed by a four second pause. The code sequence
is continuously repeated.
The following error codes can be presented by the LED:
See “Device Errors” on page 6-18 for more information about the different
error messages.
An example of a flash sequence is illustrated in Figure 6-4 on page 6-8.
Error code 4 (Other memory error) is displayed as the following LED flash
In case there are several simultaneous errors only the first detected error is
indicated by the LED.
6.2.8 Communication The Rosemount 2240S has four yellow LEDs that indicate communication on
the Sensor Bus and the Tankbus.
The two LEDs on the left indicate Receive and Transmit for the Sensor bus.
The two LEDs on the right indicate Receive and Transmit for the Tankbus.
Communication LEDs
No communication with the Wiring • Check that the device appears in the Device Live List,
Rosemount 2240S transmitter see the Rosemount 2410 Reference Manual
(Document No. 300530EN) for more information
• Check that wires are properly connected to the
• Check for dirty or defective terminals.
• Check wire insulation for possible short circuits to
• Check that there are no multiple shield grounding
• Check that the cable shield is grounded at the power
supply end (2410 Tank Hub) only.
• Check that the cable shield is continuous throughout
the Tankbus network.
• Check that the shield inside the instrument housing
does not come into contact with the housing.
• Check that there is no water in conduits.
• Use shielded twisted pair wiring.
• Connect wiring with drip loops.
• Check the 2410 Tank Hub wiring.
Incorrect Tankbus termination • Check that there are two terminators on the Tankbus.
Normally the built-in termination in the 2410 Tank Hub is
• Check that terminations are placed at both ends of the
Too many devices on the Tankbus • Check that the total current consumption of the devices
on the Tankbus is less than 250 mA. See the
Rosemount 2410 Reference Manual (Document no.
305030en) for more information.
• Remove one or more devices from the Tankbus. The
2410 Tank Hub supports a single tank. The multiple
tank version of the 2410 supports up to 10 tanks.
Cables are too long • Check that the input voltage on the device terminals is
9 V or more.
Hardware failure • Check the 2240S Error LED:s (see “Device Error LED
Signals” on page 6-7).
• Check the 2160 Field Communication unit (FCU).
• Check the 2180 Field Bus Modem.
• Check the communication port on the control room PC.
• Contact Emerson Process Management/Rosemount
TankGauging service department.
Software failure • Restart the 2240S with the Reset button or by using the
Restart command in TanMaster WinSetup.
• Restart all devices by disconnecting and connecting the
power supply to the 2410 Tank Hub.
• Contact Emerson Process Management/Rosemount
TankGauging service department.
Field Bus Modem (FBM) • Check that the 2180 Field Bus Modem is connected to
the right port on the control room PC.
• Check that the 2180 modem is connected to the right
port on the 2160 Field Communication Unit (FCU).
Connection to FCU 2160 • Check that the right field bus port on the 2160 FCU is
connected to the Primary bus on the 2410 Tank Hub.
• Check communication port LED:s inside the 2160 Field
Communicaton Unit.
Incorrect configuration of FCU 2160 • Check the Modbus communication address specified
for the ATD device that represents the 2240S
Multi-input Temperature Transmitter in the 2160 FCU
Slave Database. For the single tank version, this
address is equal to the Modbus address of the 2410
Tank Hub itself.
• Check configuration of communication parameters for
the 2160 FCU fieldbus ports.
• Check that the correct communication channel is
See the Raptor System Configuration Manual
(Document no. 300510EN) for more information on how
to configure the FCU 2160.
Incorrect configuration of 2410 tank • Check the 2410 tank database; ensure that the device
database is available and mapped to the right tank.
• 2410 tank database; check that the ATD Modbus
address is equal to the 2410 Temp Modbus address in
the FCU Slave Database.
• See the Raptor System Configuration Manual
(Document no. 300510EN) for more information on how
to configure the FCU 2160 slave database and the
2410 tank database.
Connection to 2410 Tank Hub • Check wiring to the 2410 Tank Hub.
• Check the 2410 Tank Hub; check the Error LED or the
integral display for information.
Incorrect configuration of the 2160 Field • Check the Modbus communication address in the 2160
Communication Unit’s slave database FCU slave database. In TankMaster WinSetup open the
FCU Properties/Slave Database window.
• See the Raptor System Configuration Manual
(Document no. 300510EN) for more information on how
to configure the FCU 2160 slave database.
Incorrect configuration of 2410 tank • Check the 2410 tank database; ensure that the device
database is available and mapped to the right tank.
• 2410 tank database; check that the ATD Modbus
address is equal to the 2410 Temp Modbus address in
the FCU Slave Database.
• See the Raptor System Configuration Manual
(Document no. 300510EN) for more information on how
to configure the FCU 2160 slave database and the
2410 tank database.
Incorrect temperature Incorrect configuration • Check temperature element configuration. See the
measurement Raptor System Configuration Manual (Document no.
300510EN) for more information on how to use
TankMaster Winsetup for configuration of temperature
elements connected to the Rosemount 2240S.
• Check status and diagnostics information, see
“Diagnostics” on page 6-4.
Configuration can not be saved Write protection switch is set to the ON • Check write protection switch on the 2240S, see “DIP
position Switches” on page 5-13.
The Status LED is blinking error 2240S transmitter, temperature element, • Check the 2240S for hardware or software errors.
codes or Water Level Sensor error • Check temperature elements.
• Check Water Level Sensor.
• See “Device Error LED Signals” on page 6-7.
• See “Device Errors” on page 6-18.
• Check Device Status input register (see “Device Status”
on page 6-15).
• Contact Emerson Process Management/Rosemount
TankGauging service department.
2240S icon in TankMaster Simulation mode active • Stop Simulation mode by setting the Simulate switch to
WinSetup is red OFF(see “DIP Switches” on page 5-13).
• Stop Simulation mode in TankMaster WinSetup (open
WinSetup Set Simulation Mode window and click the
Stop button).
6.3.1 Device Status Table 6-4 shows a list of device status messages for the Rosemount 2240S
Multi-input Temperature Transmitter. Messages may appear on the display of
a Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub, and in the Rosemount Tankmaster program
(See “Viewing Input and Holding Registers” on page 6-2 for more information
on how to view Input registers).
TankMaster WinSetup is a useful tool for diagnostics and troubleshooting a
2240S transmitter. The View Input Registers function allows you to view the
current device status and search for the root cause of warnings and errors.
Device status
(1) Note that Input Register data from the 2240S transmitter is temporarily stored in the Input
Register database of the 2410 Tank Hub. The Input Registers presented in TankMaster
WinSetup refer to the internal register area of the 2410. Therefore, for tank 1 you will have to
add 10000 to the 2240S internal register number as given by Table 6-4 in order to find the
register presented by WinSetup. For tank 2 (requires a 2410 with the multi-tank option) you
will have to add 12000, for tank 3 you will have to add 14000, and so on.
(1) The register number refers to the internal Input Register in the 2240S database.
6.3.2 Device Warnings Table 6-5 shows a list of warning messages for the Rosemount 2240S
Multi-input Temperature Transmitter. The warnings may appear on the display
of a Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub and in the Rosemount Tankmaster program.
Warnings are less serious than errors.
Detailed information about the different warning messages can be found in
Input registers 1050 to 1070 as shown in Table 6-5.
See “Viewing Input and Holding Registers” on page 6-2 for more information
on how to view Input registers.
6.3.3 Device Errors Table 6-6 shows a list of error messages for the Rosemount 2240S Multi-input
Temperature Transmitter. The error messages may appear on the display of a
Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub and in the Rosemount Tankmaster program.
Detailed information about the different error messages can be found in Input
registers 1100 to 1134 as shown in Table 6-6.
See “Viewing Input and Holding Registers” on page 6-2 for more information
on how to view Input Registers.
Table 6-6. Device errors for the
2240S Multi-input Temperature
6.3.4 Measurement Table 6-7 shows measurement status for a water level sensor connected to a
Status for the 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter.
WLS You can view status registers by using the View Diagnostic Registers function
or the View Input Registers function in TankMaster WinSetup, see
“Diagnostics” on page 6-4 and “Viewing Input and Holding Registers” on
page 6-2.
Message Description
Status Input register no. 500 .
Bit 0: No Device Connected
Bit 1: Device reports value under or above 15%
Bit 2: Saturated Low
Bit 3: Saturated High
Bit 4: Relative Pressure
Bit 7: Saturated
Bit 8: In Calibration Mode
Bit 11: Frozen Value
Bit 12: Option Not Available
Bit 13: Power Up
Bit 14: SW_HW_Error
Bit 15: Invalid
Primary Variable (PV) Input register no. 502.
Primary value from the connected sensor
Unit Input register no. 504.
Measurement unit such as Feet, Meters, Inches etc.
(1) The register number refers to the internal Input Register in the 2240S database.
6.3.5 Temperature Table 6-8 shows measurement status messages for temperature elements
Element Status connected to a 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter.
You can view status registers by using the View Diagnostic Registers function
or the View Input Registers function in TankMaster WinSetup, see
“Diagnostics” on page 6-4 and “Viewing Input and Holding Registers” on
page 6-2.
(1) The register number refers to the internal Input Register in the 2240S database.
Product Rosemount 2240S Multi-Input Temperature Transmitter
Number of spot elements and wiring Up to 16 RTD spot elements or averaging sensors can be connected to a 2240S.
Rosemount temperature / water level sensors (models 565, 566 and 765)
Three wiring types can be used:
• 3-wire RTD with common return (1-16 spot elements)
• 3-wire RTD individual (1-16 spot elements with Rosemount 565, 1-6 spot elements
with Rosemount 566, and 1-14 spot elements with Rosemount 765)
• 4-wire RTD individual (1-16 spot elements with Rosemount 565, 1-4 spot elements
with Rosemount 566, and 1-10 spot elements with Rosemount 765)
Standard temperature sensor types Supports Pt-100 (according to IEC/EN60751, ASTM E1137) and Cu-90
Metrology sealing possibility Yes
Write protect switch Yes
Hazardous location certifications ATEX, FM-C, FM-US, and IECEx.
CE-mark Complies with applicable EU directives (EMC, ATEX)
Ordinary location certification Complies with FM 3810:2005 and CSA: C22.2 No. 1010.1
Measuring Performance
Temperature conversion accuracy(1) ±0.05 °C (±0.09 °F)
Ambient temperature effect ±0.05 °C (±0.09 °F)
Temperature measuring range Supports -200 to 250 °C (-328 to 482 °F) for Pt-100
Resolution ± 0.1 °C (± 0.1 °F) according to API chapter 7 and 12
Update time 4s
Configuration tool TankMaster WinSetup is the recommended tool for easy configuration of 2240S.
The Tankbus autoconfiguration feature, handled by the Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub,
supports 2240S
Configuration parameters (examples) Temperature:
• Number of temperature sensor elements
• Temperature element type (spot or average)
• Temperature element position in tank
Output variables and units Spot and average temperature: °C (Celsius), and °F (Fahrenheit)
Free water level (FWL): meter, centimeter, millimeter, feet, or inch
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
Power supply Powered by Rosemount 2410 Tank Hub, 9.0-17.5 VDC, polarity insensitive
(10.0-17.5 VDC for non-IS installations)
Internal power consumption 0.5 W
Bus current draw 30 mA
Cable entry (connection/glands) Five ½ - 14 NPT entries for cable glands or conduits (of which two are plugged at delivery).
• M20 x 1.5 conduit / cable adapter
• Metal cable glands (½ - 14 NPT)
• 4-pin male Eurofast connector or A size Mini 4-pin male Minifast connector.
An M32 adapter can be used if the 2240S is installed away from the sensor
Tankbus cabling 0.5-1.5 mm2 (AWG 22-16), twisted shielded pairs
Built-in Tankbus termination Yes (to be connected if required)
Tankbus to sensor isolation Minimum 700 VAC
Auxiliary sensor input Digital bus connection for water level sensor
Housing material Polyurethane-coated die-cast aluminum
Installation The 2240S can be installed directly on top of the temperature / water level sensor or
remotely installed on a 33.4-60.3 mm (1 to 2 in.) pipe or on a wall
Dimensions See “Dimensional drawings” on page A-3
Weight 2.8 kg (6.2 lbs)
Ambient temperature -40 to 70 ºC (-40 to 158 ºF). Minimum start-up temperature -50 °C (-58 °F)
Storage temperature -50 to 85 ºC (-58 to 185 ºF)
Humidity 0-100% relative humidity
Ingress protection IP 66 and 67 (Nema 4X)
(1) Over measuring range and ambient temperature 20 °C (68 °F).
244 mm (9 in.)
177 mm (7 in.)
143 mm (6 in.)
Min. 500 mm
(20 in.) to top
spot element
Min. 150 mm
(5.9 in.) to bottom
spot element
(1) Temperature sensors of Pt-100 or Cu-90 type, for use in -200 to 250 ºC (-328 to 482 ºF), can be connected to the Rosemount 2240S.
(2) Water level sensor only requires Pos 3 code 00, Pos 4 code 0, and Pos 5 code A.
(3) Not available with LPG/LNG antenna.
(4) Includes an M32 gland if combined with Pos 11 code W or P.
B.1 SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to
MESSAGES ensure the safety of the personnel performing the operations. Information that
raises potential safety issues is indicated by a warning symbol ( ). Please
refer to the following safety messages before performing an operation
preceded by this symbol.
Failure to follow safe installation and servicing guidelines could result in death or
serious injury:
Make sure the transmitter is installed by qualified personnel and in accordance with
applicable code of practice.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the
protection provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any service other than those contained in this manual unless you are
Any substitution of non-recognized spare parts may jeopardize safety. Repair, for e.g.
substitution of components etc. may also jeopardize safety and is under no
circumstances allowed.
To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, disconnect power before
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
High voltage that may be present on leads could cause electrical shock:
Avoid contact with leads and terminals.
Make sure the mains power to the Transmitter is off and the lines to any other external
power source are disconnected or not powered while wiring the transmitter.
B.2 EU CONFORMITY The EC declaration of conformity for all applicable European directives for this
product can be found on the Rosemount website at www.rosemount.com. A
hard copy may be obtained by contacting our local sales representative.
B.3 HAZARDOUS The Rosemount 2240S Multi-Input Temperature Transmitters that have the
LOCATIONS following labels attached have been certified to comply with the requirements
of the approval agencies noted.
B.3.1 Factory Mutual Certificat of Compliance: 3035518.
US Approvals
RTD Terminals
Uo=5.9V, lo=398mA, Po=585mW
Group IIC: Co43µF, Lo0.2mH
Group IIB: Co=unlimited, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 1.8mH
Sensorbus Terminal
Uo=6.6V, lo=223mA, Po=0.363W
Group IIC: Co 22µF, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIB: Co 500µF, Lo 3.3mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 6mH
RTD Terminals
Uo=5.9V, lo=398mA, Po=585mW
Group IIC: Co43µF, Lo0.2mH
Group IIB: Co=unlimited, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 1.8mH
Sensorbus Terminal
Uo=6.6V, lo=223mA, Po=0.363W
Group IIC: Co 22µF, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIB: Co 500µF, Lo 3.3mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 6mH
B.3.3 European ATEX The Rosemount 2240S Multi-Input Temperature Transmitters that have the
Directive Information following label attached have been certified to comply with Directive 94/9/EC
of the European Parliament and the Council as published in the Official
Journal of the European Communities No. L 100/1 on 19-April-1994.
• Model number
• Serial number of the device
• Year of construction
• ATEX EC-Type Examination Certificate Number FM 09ATEX0047X
• Install per Control Drawing: 9240040-976
RTD Terminals
Uo=5.9V, lo=398mA, Po=585mW
Group IIC: Co43µF, Lo0.2mH
Group IIB: Co=unlimited, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 1.8mH
Sensorbus Terminal
Uo=6.6 V, lo=223 mA, Po=0.363 W
Group IIC: Co 22µF, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIB: Co 500µF, Lo 3.3mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 6mH
The following information is provided as part of the label of the transmitter:
Name and address of the manufacturer (Rosemount)
Model number
Serial number of the device
IECEx Certificate of Conformity Number IECEx FMG 10.0010X
Install per Control Drawing: 9240040-976
RTD Terminals
Uo=5.9V, lo=398mA, Po=585mW
Group IIC: Co43µF, Lo0.2mH
Group IIB: Co=unlimited, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 1.8mH
Sensorbus Terminal
Uo=6.6 V, lo=223 mA, Po=0.363 W
Group IIC: Co 22µF, Lo 0.7mH
Group IIB: Co 500µF, Lo 3.3mH
Group IIA: Co=unlimited, Lo 6mH
B.4 APPROVAL Follow the installation guidelines presented in Factory Mutual system control
DRAWINGS drawings in order to maintain certified ratings for installed devices.
The following drawings are included in the documentation for the Rosemount
2240S Multi-Input Temperature Transmitter:
• 9240040-910 System Control Drawing for hazardous location
installation of intrinsically safe FM-US and FM-C approved apparatus
• 9240040-976 System Control Drawing for hazardous location
installation of intrinsically safe FM ATEX and FM IECEx approved
See the “Manuals & Drawings” CD ROM that is shipped with the Rosemount
2240S Multi-Input Temperature Transmitter for electronic copies of the system
control drawings.
Drawings are also available on the Rosemount Tank Gauging web site:
Numerics Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 E
2160 Field Communication Unit 2-5 conversion method . . . . . . 5-3 Electrical Installation . . . . . . . . .4-6
2410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Exclude spot element . . . . 5-3 Cable Selection . . . . . . . . .4-8
2410 Tank Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Insert distance . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Cable/Conduit Entries . . . .4-6
3-wire with common return . . . 4-13 number of temperature elements Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
3-wire with independent spot. . 4-15 5-3 Hazardous Areas . . . . . . . .4-8
4-wire individual spot . . . . . . . 4-13 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Element Positions . . . . . . . . . . .5-4
4-wire with independent spot. . 4-15 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Empty calibration . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6
5300 Guided Wave Radar . . . . 2-6 Sensor type . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Error codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
5400 Radar Level Transmitter . 2-6 Sensor wiring . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . .6-18
5900S Radar Level Gauge . . . . 2-5 Temperature element position 5-3 Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-18
Temperature range . . . . . . 5-3 EU Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
Configuration Parameters Eurofast adapter . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Temperature Elements . . . 5-2
Anchor weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Water Level Sensor . . . . . . 5-2
API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 F
Configuration procedure . . . . . . 5-2
Approval Drawings . . . . . . . . . B-11 Factory Calibration . . . . . . . . . .6-6
Configuration tools . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
ATD device icon . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Factory calibration . . . . . . . . . . .5-6
Configuration/Operation . . . . . . 5-1
ATEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7 Factory Mutual
Configure button . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Auto Configuration . . . . . . . . . 5-14 Canadian Approvals . . . . . B-5
Configure Diagnostic Registers window
Auto Sensor Configuration . . . . 5-3 US Approvals . . . . . . . . . . B-3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13 Faulty temperature sensor . . . .6-5
Average switch . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 FCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5
Sensorbus . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Average temperature . . . . . . . . 5-5 Field Communication Unit . . . . .2-5
Temperature Detectors . . 4-14
Average Temperature Calculation 5-4 FISCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-9
Water Level Sensor . . . . . 4-16
Average temperature sensor . 5-13 FISCO fieldbus segment . . . . . .4-9
Conversion method. . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Custody Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
B Custody Transfer applications . 3-6 G
Basic Configuration . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Glands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Temperature elements . . . 5-3 Ground Fault Detection . . . . . . .6-5
Water Level Sensor . . . . . . 5-6 Jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-5
Daisy-chain connection . . . . . . 4-12
Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Device Error LED Signals . . . . . 6-7
Foundation Fieldbus . . . . .4-6
C Device Errors
Shield Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7
Cable Temperature Transmitter . 6-18
Group Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Device errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
Cable shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Device Live List . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Calculation Device status messages . . . . . 6-15 H
Water Level Sensor . . . . . . 5-8 Device warnings Hazardous Locations Certifications
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Temperature transmitter . 6-17 B-3
Empty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Water Level Sensor . . . . . 6-18 Holding Registers . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
Water Level Sensor . . . . . . 6-6 Diagnostic Registers . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Communication LED . . . . . . . . 6-10 Dimensional Drawing . . . . . . . .A-3
Communication LEDs . . . . . . . 5-12 DIP switch
IEcEx Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . B-9
auto configuration . . . . . . 5-14
Input Register
Simulate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Device Errors . . . . . . . . . .6-18
Write Protect . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Input Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
DIP switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Input voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-9
Dip switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Insert distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-5
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
Rosemount 2240S December 2010
Reference Manual
300550EN, Rev AA
December 2010 Rosemount 2240S