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ADP Guidelines 2015 16

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Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Planning and Development Department

Civil Secretariat Peshawar
(Coordination Section)
Phone No. 091-9211137 – 9210494-95

Dated: Peshawar, the 23rd December 2014

1. All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Khyber
2. All Commissioners in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
3. All Deputy Commissioners in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


PROGRAM (ADP), 2015-16

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am directed to enclose herewith guidelines for the preparation of ADP

2015-16, along with Appendix I, II, III as well as proforma I & II, and to request that
the sponsoring agencies under your administrative control may be directed to finalize
the process of preparation of project proposals within the framework of policy
decisions taken by the Government from time to time.

2. The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is moving towards modern

planning, budgeting, and monitoring systems under its Medium Term Budgetary
Framework (MTBF) with the aim to enhance delivery of public services. Hence, the
formulation of ADP shall be based on the following parameters:

i. The exact size of the program cannot be indicated at this stage.

However, the overall size of your budgeted program should not
be more than 10% above the allocations for the current year
ii. The foreign component for each of the medium term i.e. 2015-18 shall be
determined/finalized by respective sectors in consultation with the Foreign
Aid Section of P&D department. It may be added that these guidelines
shall be read with the Budget Call Circular (2015-16) already issued by
Finance Department vide its letter No. No. BO.1/ FD/5-20/2015-
2016/MTBF BCC, Dated: 27-11-2014 to ensure greater integration of
recurrent and development budget for a more focused approach towards
service delivery
iii. The inclusion of medium term perspective to the ADP/budgeting
process is aimed to help the provincial government in achieving
overall fiscal discipline, as well as allocative and operational
efficiencies. Thus, the ADP 2015-16 shall stipulate the year wise
breakup of throw forward for at least two outer years i.e. 2016-17 &
2017-18 with the leftover clubbed together in the prescribed format.

Page 1
3. The final deadline for the submission of ADP 2015-16 will be 31st March,
2015, which should be strictly adhered to. It is requested to provide hard copy of
relevant Proforma/Annexures to this department latest by 31st March 2014, along
with soft copy / CD. Calendar of various activities in this regard has also been
provided in these guidelines. The guidelines and timelines as circulated vide this
memo shall strictly be adhered to.

Chief (Coord)

Copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and further necessary
action to the:-
1. All Heads of attached Departments Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
2. The Director General, Monitoring & Evaluation, P&D Department.
3. All Chiefs of Sections, P&D Department
4. Director General, SDU, P&D Department

Chief (Coord)
Copy to:-
1. The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Government of Khyber
2. PSO to Chief Secretary, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
3. PS to the Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
4. PS to Parliamentary Secretary P&D Department
5. PS to Secretary, P&D Department.
6. PA to Chief Economist, P&D Department.

Chief (Coord)

Page 2


(December, 2014)



Page 3
1. General:
1.1 Annual Development Program represents a key policy instrument
for actualizing development vision of provincial government through
strategic resource investment. By virtue of its size and sectoral
spread, ADP interventions should also be seen as principal drivers
of economic growth and equitable development in the province. For
these reasons, ADP formulation process needs to be accorded
utmost priority and meticulous handling by provincial line
1.2 P&D department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa intends to ensure that
formulation process of ADP 2015-16 is fully geared towards and
informed by principles of value for money through precious public
sector investments. It is therefore expected that provincial
government departments will view this process as a means to
support actualization of sectoral policy goals and assign it utmost

2. Overarching Development Policy Framework:

2.1 It is critical to remember that provincial government is embarking

upon formulation process for ADP 2015-16 within a specific and
well-defined development policy milieu. Development vision of
provincial government has already been articulated through the
development of Strategic Development Partnership Framework
(SDPF) and Integrated Development Strategy (IDS). These policy
instruments would need to be fully considered by provincial
government departments for defining direction and determining the
contours of their ADP interventions
2.2 ADP formulation process by individual departments is also required
to be fully cognizant of OBB (Output based Budget) stipulations
which are extremely useful in terms of defining results from
budgetary investments. It is critical to ensure alignment of outcomes
and outputs proposed to be generated through public sector
resource utilization across development, non-development and
current side
2.3 Considering above points, it is expected that departments will make
every effort to ensure that ADP 2015-16 is not a compendium of
PC-Is but is actually reflective of priorities set out in SDPF and IDS
besides contributing to outcome areas of OBB
2.4 Last but not the least, sectoral interventions in ADP 2015-16 should
be contributing to Government’s mission of achieving 7% growth
rate, complimenting private sector-led economic development,
boosting competitive and entrepreneurial spirit and facilitating timely
pursuit of MDG/ SDG targets in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Page 4
3. ADP Formulation Parameters:

3.1 Formulation of ADP 2015-16 will continue to follow the medium term
perspective, adopted for ADP 2014-15. Such a perspective is
central to helping provincial government in realizing its objectives of
fiscal discipline, allocative as well as operational efficiencies.
3.2 Following Medium-Term Development Framework, ADP 2015-16
will comprise portfolio of development schemes for 2015-16 and
projections for next two financial years, viz, 2016-17 and 2017-18 in
the prescribed format
3.3 Each department/sector is required to submit proposed ADP
including mission statement with vision and goals to be achieved in
the next 2-3 years. Needless to say, these statements will be
contextualized within laid down policy framework of SDPF and IDS.
Sector briefs will also contain reference to OBB parameters, clearly
identifying strategic objectives and targets, proposed to be achieved
through ADP 2015-16 for each department/sector
3.4 Proposed interventions under ADP 2015-16 must be arranged by
assigning clear and logical prioritization, facilitating readjustments
and course correction during the year, in accordance with resource
situation. Proposed interventions, establishing robust linkages with
SDPF objectives and priorities shall be assigned high priority
3.5 The exact size of the program cannot be indicated at this
stage. However, the overall size of your budgeted program
should not be more than 10% above the allocations for the
current year
3.6 The foreign aid component for the medium term i.e. 2015-18 shall
be determined/ finalized by respective sectors/departments in
consultation with the Foreign Aid Section, P&D Department
3.7 Departmental ADP proposals should be worked out on net basis
and information supplied in the proforma at Appendix-I. All figures
in relevant columns of the proforma are to be indicated in million
3.8 Details of ADP will be provided as per prescribed Proformas. The
priority for allocation of funds should be as follows:
a. Counterpart funds for foreign aided projects as per commitment
should be given highest priority.
b. Maximum allocation should be provided to on-going projects
that are at fairly advanced stage of implementation.
c. Full funding should be allocated to projects that are due for
completion in 2015-16.
d. Projects dealing with emergencies, such as flood relief,
rehabilitation etc may be prioritized.

Page 5
e. Departments dealing with social sector may focus on
consolidation and improving service delivery activities instead
of expansion
f. New projects.

3.9 Allocations to the individual projects should be decided on the basis

of past performance and the phasing set out in the PC-I/PC-II
3.10 Counterpart funding for the foreign aided projects and projects co-
financed with Federal Government be phased as per PC-I
3.11 For the new projects, the departments shall prepare a detailed
concept paper highlighting different aspects of the project. For this
purpose the details should be put in the proforma at Appendix-II.
This will enable the Planning & Development Department to capture
necessary inputs on new initiatives. Please note that no proposal
of new project would be accepted for which the proforma in not
properly filled
3.12 The Cost Estimation of the new schemes proposed for inclusion in
the ADP 2015-16 should be based on rational calculation, cost
escalation and marketing analysis, because any scheme whose
cost would exceed by 15% of the ADP cost would require approval
of the competent authority
3.13 Project life should be kept at minimum possible and in no case
should exceed 2-3 years. Projection for 2016-17 and 2017-18 may
be worked out with due care on the proforma at Appendix-I
3.14 The Sectoral allocation for ADP 2015-16 shall be in accordance with
the ADP 2013-14 as per following distribution formula:-
i. 70% ongoing projects
ii. 30% for reforms initiatives and new program.

Efforts should be made to focus the new portfolio on SDPF/IDS-

related reforms initiatives
3.15 Education & Health Departments shall make every effort to ensure
consolidation and improvement in services delivery projects for
enhancing efficiency and effectiveness
3.16 Unapproved on-going projects reflected in the current year (ADP
2014-15) may be considered for deletion if they are no longer
priority of the sector. All un-approved projects by 30th of June 2015
would automatically become new projects in the next ADP (2015-
3.17 Special attention may be given to new initiatives /programmes of the
Government with emphasis on pro-poor growth, poverty alleviation,
MDGs attainment and creation of productive assets

4. District ADP
Page 6
4.1 Decentralization represents one of the key policy priorities for the
provincial government in KP. Divisional and District Administrations
are therefore required to ensure necessary facilitation and
coordination for finalization of development proposals, planned to
be implemented through District ADP on the principles of
decentralized planning. Objective of this strategy is to gear up
district departments for future implementation of local governance
framework in the province
4.2 Both in design of District ADP as well as for proposed interventions
in sectoral ADP having a localized character, Divisional and District
Administrations are expected to ensure adherence to processes of
needs analysis, evidence-based planning and stakeholder
4.3 Alongside other needs-based sectoral priorities, proposed
interventions under District ADP should prioritize community-led
development, provision of improved municipal and social services at
local level as well as pro-poor and gender mainstreaming

5 All the above-mentioned ADP guidelines shall be read with the Budget
Call Circular (2015-16) already issued by Finance Department vide its
letter No. No. BO.1/ FD/5-20/2015-2016/MTBF BCC, Dated: 27-11-
2014 to ensure greater integration of recurrent and development budget
for a more focused approach towards service delivery. The Budget Call
Circular contains sufficient provisions to complement the “Output Based
Budgeting/Budgeting for Service Delivery” by clearly spelling the vision,
goal, outcomes and outputs of each department with SMART output
level indicators. Thus, all the developmental schemes identified for
inclusion in the ADP as per the prescribed format circulated herewith
need to be duly mapped/incorporated in the forms and formats already
circulated by Finance Department via Budget Call Circular (2015-16)

6 All provincial government departments are requested to indicate

their proposed programs under ADP 2015-16 after thorough
deliberations and get these countersigned by the Administrative
Secretary accompanying one page brief indicating vision of the
sector, objectives and glimpses of the strategic intervention. The
proposals must also be shared with respective Ministers.

Page 7
December Circulation of guideline for the preparation of the
2014 Draft ADP 2015-16 to all departments
31st March Submission of draft ADP 2015-16, proposals by
2015 the concerned departments to the P&D
8 April 2015 All Chief of Sections will have to submit the draft
ADP 2015-16 to Computer Section for
processing after scrutiny & examination of the
proposal received from counterpart line
15th April The Computer Section will furnish the
2015 consolidated report of Draft ADP 2015-16 to the
Chief Economist, P&D Department.
20 April 2015 Meetings with the departments to discuss &
to 9th May 2015 finalize the Draft ADP 2015-16
15th May 2015 Submission of 2nd Draft ADP 2015-16 by the
concerned department to the P&D Department.

22nd May 2015 Meeting of ACS on the Draft ADP 2015-16 with
the departments to finalize the Draft ADP 2015-
3rd June 2015 Submission of Draft ADP 2015-16 to Chief
Minister for approval.

7th June 2015 Final Draft 2015-16 will be sent to the printing
press for printing with copy to Finance
Department for budgeting.
2nd July 2015 Circulation of ADP 2015-16 to all concerned

Page 8



ADP Code, Name of Cost Exp Allocation for 2015-16 2016- 2017- Throw
Sr. the Scheme, Loca Foreign Upto Local Forei 17 18 Forward
No. (Status) with l June Capit Reve Tot gn beyond
forum and date 2015 al nue al 2015-16
of last approval

Page 9
Project Concept Form for New Initiatives
Rs in million
Cost Allocation for 2015-16
Throw Forward
Local Foreign Foreign
Cap Rev Total 2016-17 2017-18 Beyond 2017-18

1 Title of the Proposed Project.

2 Proponent Information.
3 Goals & Objectives set to be
4 Rationale for ADP Funding.
5 Geographical Coverage
(For whole province or specific
6 Is the project aligned with KP
Development Frameworks.
7 Relationship of the Project with
SDPF’s objectives (in case of Foreign
8 Nearest place where similar facility is
9 Financial Phasing.
10 Detail of post completion annual
operation and maintenance cost
- Maintenance
- HR
- Operation
- Repairs
- Others
11 Beneficiaries (Type & Number).
12 Expected Output (Qualitative &
13 Priority (Indicate Top, Normal, or

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