Art of sound
From the French word mousike which means the “art of music”
Originally functional: dance and religion
Unique art
Absolute music: music without a subject
Program music: music with a subject
Functions of Music
Religious and ceremonial purpose
Therapeutic value
Releases tension and emotions
For entertainment
Elements of Music
Most basic of the elements
Gives sense of movement
Order of movement which gives us the duration of tones and the degrees of accent
Elements of Music
Pitch and Melody
Any succession of single tones which, by virtue of being placed sequentially, gives sense of continuity
When all the tones of a melody have been sounded, their total relationship establishes tonality
The relationship of the tones within the chord and the relationship of chords to one another
Rate of speed of the music and is measured by number of beats per minute
Pace is slow, quick, or moderate
Tempo (Italian terms)
Grave gravely, solemnly, slowly
Largo very slowly and broadly
Adagio very slowly
Andante moderately slow
Andantino somewhat faster than andante
Moderator at a moderate tempo
Allegreto at a pace between moderator and allegro
Allegro fairly fast
Presto very fast
Prestissimo as fast as possible
Slow tempo
concentration, reflection, and deep feeling, solemnity
Quick tempo
gaiety, joy, fun, vigor, excitement
Increasing speed
increase in excitement and tension
Decreasing speed
loss of life or power/relaxation and rest/exhaustion
Remember: Sudden changes in tempo often suggest changes in mood or meaning.
Degree and variation of volume and force
Soft to loud (Dudley et. al, 1978)
Pianissimo (pp.) as softly as possible
Piano (p.) Softly
Mezzo piano (mp.) somewhat softly
Mezzo forte (mf.) somewhat loudly
Forte (f.) loudly
Crescendo (cresc.) getting louder
Decresendo (decres.) getting softer
Number of tones we are asked to apprehend simultaneously
Timbre/Tone color
Distinguished quality of sound produced by the human voice or by an instrument
Media in Music
Vocal medium
Human voice as the oldest and most popular of all instruments
Men’s vocal chords: longer and larger (lower range of pitches)
Vocal register
Soprano high register female voice
Mezzo medium register female voice
Alto low register female voice
Tenor high register male voice
Baritone medium register male voice
Bass low register male voice
Musical instruments
“Colors” of music
Means by which composer communicates to the listener
Main kinds: instruments which are: bowed (strings), blown (brasses and woodwind), and struck
Brass Instruments
Kinds of Music
Program music
Folk music
Art music
Jazz music
Ways of Singing
Quartet (4 parts)
Person who creates musical/ literary work
Ryan Cayabyab
Louie Ocampo
Levi Celerio
Effortlessly translated/wrote anew the lyrics to traditional melodies (i.e O Maliwanag Na Buwan)
National Artist for Literature
Guinness Book of World Records as the only person who can make music out of a leaf
Pagay, J. S. (2013). Art Appreciation (Introduction to Humanities).
(M. Jalon, Ed.) St. Andrew Publishing.