02 Strategy and Proj Selection
02 Strategy and Proj Selection
02 Strategy and Proj Selection
Production Factors
Marketing Factors
Financial Factors
Personnel Factors
Administrative and Misc. Factors
Types of PS Models:
Sacred Cow
Operating Necessity
Competitive Necessity
Product Line Extension
Comparative Benefit Model
See Q sort
Comparative Benefit
Q sort
of 8
Numeric PS Models:
Profit / Profitability
Payback Period (PB)
Discounted Cash Flow (NPV)
Internal Rate of Return
Profitability Index
Other Profitability Models
Numeric PS Models:
1. Unweighted 0-1 S = ∑(x)
Factor Model
2. Unweighted Factor
S = ∑(s)
Scoring Model
3. Weighted Factor
Scoring Model S = ∑(s·w)
4. Constrained
Weighted Factor S = ∑(s·w) ∏(c)
Scoring Model
Choosing the PS Model
Dependent on wishes and philosophy
of management
80% of Fortune 500 firms choose
“nonnumeric” PS models
Firms with outside funding often
choose scoring PS models
Firms without outside funding often
choose profit / profitability PS models
Management of Risk:
Risk: Decision based on complete
information about the probability of
each possible outcome.
Uncertainty: Decision based on
incomplete or insufficient data.
Game: Decision based under
conditions of conflict.
Areas of Uncertainty
Project timing & expected cash flow
Platform Projects
Breakthrough Projects
R & D Projects
Step 3: Collect Project
Use “activity based costs”
Verify all data
Include timing for benefits and
resource needs
Document assumptions for future
Step 4: Access Resource
Access availability of Internal and
External Resources by:
– Type
– Department
– Timing: can vary 100% over project life
Step 5: Reduce the
Project and Criteria Set
Narrow down existing projects
– required competence exists in organization
– Market for offering
– Profitability
– Risk
– Potential partner to assist with project
– Right resources available at the right times
– Good technological fit with organization
– Uses organization’s strengths
– Synergetic with other important projects
– Slipped in desirability
Step 6: Prioritize Projects
within Categories
Rank projects within each category
Measure by
– Risk
– Development of new knowledge
Consider benefits first
Consider cost second
Step 7: Select the projects
to be Funded and Held in
Determine the mix of projects across
various categories and time periods
Provide references
Project Proposal:
Technical Approach
Special requirements
Test procedures
Project Proposal:
Implementation Plan
Establish milestones
List costs
Nature and Timing of all reports
Change management
Termination Procedures
Several variations
The design entity subcontracts parts of design
scope to several specialty design consultants.
The construction contractor subcontracts part or
all of its construction scope.
The owner selects a designer, a constructor
takes possession at substantial completion.
Select designer
Select constructor
Select design-builder
CM @Risk
• Any savings in actual costs under the guaranteed
maximum price can be shared by the owner and
contractor, or retained in full by the owner.
• The owner selects a designer to design the facility.
The owner can simultaneously select a CM/GC to
provide constructability input to design and then to
build the facility. The CM/GC then constructs the
facility and the owner takes possession at substantial
designer Manager/
Construction Management at
Project start Risk... Substantial completion
select designer
* The level of certainty is a statistical measure used to express the ability of a particular
regression model to explain differences in each performance metric. The higher the
Level of certainty the more confident one can be about the results shown.
(Sanvido & Konchar 1999)
Illustrates the average
differences among the project
delivery systems ……..
Design-build Vs. CM@R vs. Design-build vs. Level of
Metric Design-bid-build Design-bid-build CM@R
* The level of certainty is a statistical measure used to express the ability of a particular
regression model to explain differences in each performance metric. The higher the
Level of certainty the more confident one can be about the results shown.
(Sanvido & Konchar 1999)