Ethlyene Solubility PDF
Ethlyene Solubility PDF
Ethlyene Solubility PDF
Solubilities of ethylene at atmospheric pressure and tempera- On rapporte les solubilitks de l'kthylhne, 1 la pression
tures ranging from -9°C to 70°C are reported in solvents atmosphtrique et A des tempkratures bchelonn6es entre -9°C
ranging from the non-polar ones, heptane, dodecane, carbon et 70"C, dans des solvants non polaires (heptane, dodecane,
tetrachloride, carbon disulfide and chlorobenzene to the highly tktrachlorure de carbone, bisulfure de carbone et chloroben-
polar ones, isopropanol, butanol and ethylene glycol. A useful z h e ) et dans des solvants fortement polaires (isopropanol,
relation was observed between ethylene solubilities in non-polar butanol et glycol khylhique). On a nott une relation utile
solvents and those of methane, ethane and propane, along entre les solubilitks de l'kthylhe dans des solvants non polaires
with the corresponding energy of vaporization at the normal et celles du methane, de l'ethane et du propane, ainsi que
boiling for those gases. In the highly polar solvents on the l'hergie de vaporisation correspondante aux points normaux
othex hand, hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) factors were found d'kbullition de ces gaz. Par contre, dans les solvants fortement
more useful in relating solubilities in one hydrogen bonding polaires, on a constat6 que les facteurs relatifs A la liaison
solvent to those in other hydrogen bonding solvents. d'hydroghe (liaison H) btaient plus utiles pour 6tablir une
relation entre les solubilitks entre les solubilitk dans un
solvant 1 liaison d'hydroghe et celles dam d'autres solvents
A lthough ethylene is a commercial gas of consider-
able importance, solubility data for it appearing
in the literature are sparse. The early work of
possedant la m&me liaison.
Horiuti"' provided solubilities in benzene, chloroben- On the other hand, a chemical reaction between the
cene, carbon tetrachloride and acetone. Solubilities gas and solvent would be expected to yield a high
were measured a t high temperatures in octadecane solubility sometimes exceeding the ideal solubility.
and higher molecular weight paraffins by Ng et al(*' For these purposes the ideal solubility was defined
using a chromatographic technique. Ethylene solu- as :
bilities in heptane and toluene were reported by
Waters et a P . Ethylene solubilities in ethanol were pz / Pi.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x; = . (1)
originally reported by Winkler'4'. More recently The H-b'onding factor was defined as:
solubilities of ethylene along with other gases a t
Lya0lUcn) = x2 / x;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
26°C have been reported in a sequence of alcohols '
from methanol to octanol, by Boyer and Bircher'". It was found that the H-bonding factors for a num-
It is frequently necessary to predict gas solubilities, ber of unreaetive gases were lowest in water, tending
and variations with temperature when experimental to increase for normal alcohol solvents with increas-
data are not available. Predictions have been partially ing carbon context. In chlorobenzene, only slightly
successful particularly for solubilities in non-polar polar and non-hydrogen bonding, gas solubilities
solvents. Such predictions have often been based on tended to approach ideal solubilities, and the H-bond-
comparisons of solubilities of several gases, prefer- ing factors tended to approach unity. It was therefore
ably of similar properties, in the same solvents, It possible to compare H-bonding factors of gases in
bas been confirmed by Wilhelm and Battino"' that a number of chemically similar hydrogen bonding
the energy of vaporization of the gas at its normal solvents and to deduce the effects of molecular asso-
boiling point (AEb) is the preferred gas parameter ciation or hydrogen bonding in the solution on gas
for such solubility comparisons in non-polar solvents, solubility.
the use of this parameter having been pointed out
originally by Hildebrand e t al"'. The temperature Experimental
variation of gas solubility in non-polar solvents has The solubility apparatus used was similar to that
been empirically correlated by Hayduk and Buckleu"'. described earlieF4'. An apparatus utilizing a gas
The correlation was subsequently re-examined by burette, and solution burette, of 20 em', and 10 cm'
Gotoh's' using the free-volume theory. Several other in volume, respectively, was used for most experi-
theories for gas solubilities and effects of temperature ments, whereas a second apparatus having 6-cm',
variation may be found in the literature"O*ll~la'. and 10-cms, gas and solution burettes, respectively,
Gas solubility predictions in hydrogen bonding sol- was used when the solubility was relatively low. De-
vents are most difficult mainly because of the diver- aerated solvent was introduced a t a constant rate by
sity of possible molecular interactions, whether as- means of 10 ems and 20 em8 Gas-Tight Hamilton
sociation between solvent molecules, between solute syringes and a Harvard Apparatus syringe pump
and solvent molecules even to the extent of reversible using motor speeds of yz and 1 rpm in suitable
chemical reaction between them, or a combination of combinations. Constant temperature ( & 0.05"C) gly-
both. For these types of complex behaviour, a semi- col-water solution (or just tap water a t normal tem-
quantitative prediction method has been proposed by peratures) was circulated through the jackets sur-
Hayduk and Laudie"'' based on H-bonding factors. rounding the solubility apparatus and solvent syringe.
A strong association between solvent molecules was It was also necessary to insulate the syringe head
postulated to result in a reduced solubility for all and needle to obtain consistent results when experi-
gases in that solvent well below the ideal solubility. ments were performed above or below ambient tem-
354 The Canadion Iournal of Chemical Enginem'ng, Vol. 56, rune, 1978
" I
Y 0.01
2 .
2.40 2.50 2.60 0.0007
LOG TEMP., T'I' 7 to 16 18
AE,,, kJ/rnol
Figure 1 - Ethylene solubilities as a function of temperature.
Figure 2 - Ethylene solubilities at 25' compared with those
of the paraffin gases in solvents:
perature. A Neslab Instruments refrigeration unit 1-perfluoroheptane, 2-hexadecane, 3dodecane, 4-hesane, 5-
provided cooling for measurements below ambient cyclohexane, 6-carbon tetrachloride, 7-benzene, %carbon disul-
temperature. Most results were obtained in triplicate fide, 9-butanol, 10-acetone, ll-ethanol, 12-methanol.
yielding reproducible values, the average of which
was estimated to be accurate to a t least 2%.
C P grade ethylene having a specified purity of sources. The methods for calculating solubilities were
99.6 mol % was purchased from Matheson of Canada. as reported e ~ r l i e r " ~ ' .
The gas molar volumes were taken from International
Thermodynamic Tables""; the equivalent value Results and discussion
a t 25°C and atmospheric pressure was 24.326 dm3/mol. Ethylene solubilities for temperatures ranging from
The solvents were obtained from variqus sources. -9°C t o 70°C and calculated for a gas partial pressure
Hexane, ethylene glycol, butanol, and chlorobenzene, of one atmosphere are listed in Table 1and graphically
were supplied by Fisher Chemicals and were specified indicated in Figure 1. Comparative solubilities are
to have minimum purities of 99.0 mol %, 99.8 mol %, available from the literature for a number of sol-
99.0 mol %, and 99.9 mol %, respectively. Chromato- vents. Solubilities in carbon tetrachloride and chloro-
graphic grade heptane and carbon disulf ide, were benzene a t 25°C compare favourably (within 1%)
supplied by Matheson Coleman and Bell, both with a with those of Horiuti"'. Solubilities in butanol differ
minimum specified purity of 99.0 mol %. Carbon from those of Boyer and Bircherc5' by 4.4% with no
tetrachloride and isopropanol were supplied by J. T. apparent reason for the discrepancy. Solubilities in
Baker both with a minimum specified purity of hexane by Waters et 511"' appear not to be reliable
99.9 mol %. Research grade dodecane was supplied especially a t temperatures near the ambient. Mole
by Phillips Petroleum a t a specified minimum purity fraction solubilities of hydrocarbon gases in hexane
of 99.0 rnol %. Solvent densities'16~'T~'8'and vapour are usually very similar to those in heptane which i n
pressure^"^*"'^^^' were taken from standard literature turn are less than those in dodecane or also in hexa-
Dodecane -9.2 4.08 402 25.0 2.35 216
48.0 1.81 159 66.0 1.55 ,131
Heptane 0.0 4.56 284 25.0 3.35 198
50.0 2.51 143
Hexane 25.0 3.91 207 25.0 - 230(3)
Carbon Tet. 0.0 5.02 208 25.0 3.72 146
25.0 - 145(1) 50.0 2.74 103
Chlorobenzene 0.0 3.92 173 25.0 2.90 I20
25.0 - 120.5(1) 50.0 2.27 89.3
Butanol -9.2 3.62 149 25.0 2.23 83.4
25.0 - 87.1(5) 49.0 1.67 59.6
70.0 1.50 51.1
Isopropanol 0.0 3.02 101 25.0 2.14 67.3
50.0 1.58 47.3
Carbon Disulfide 25.0 2.61 64.6
Ethylene Glycol 25.0 0.312 7.15
Solvent I Methane 1 Ethylene I Ethane 1 Fropane
Hexane 8 this work 14 21
Dodecane 8 this work 14 23
Hexadecane 8 - 14 23
Cyclohexane 22 - 24 21
Benzene 8 1 1 21
C&&n tetra-
chloride 1 this work 14 21
Carbon disulfide 25 this work 26 21
Fluoroheptane 25 - 26 -
Acetone 1 1 1 27
Butanol 28 this work - 27
Ethanol 5 5 5 29
Methanol 5 5 5 29
356 The Canadian lournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 56, June, I978
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: P. M. and PrausnitZ. J. M.. J. Phys. Chem. 76, 601
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