Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing - 0845-0845
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing - 0845-0845
Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing - 0845-0845
Chapter 35 Nursing Care of Patients With Liver, Pancreatic, and Gallbladder Disorders 807
1. The nurse is planning care for a patient with cirrhosis. 7. The nurse is collecting data for a patient who
For which condition would the nurse place the patient develops jaundice and dark, amber-colored urine.
on bleeding precautions? The nurse recognizes that which of the following is
1. Encephalopathy most likely the cause of these manifestations?
2. Low vitamin K 1. Encephalopathy
3. Elevated liver enzymes 2. Pancreatitis
4. Hepatorenal syndrome 3. Bile duct obstruction
4. Cholecystitis
2. The nurse is caring for a patient with cirrhosis. The
nurse would cautiously use sedatives for the patient 8. The nurse reinforces teaching for a patient after a
due to which of the following? cholecystectomy who is on a low-fat diet. The nurse
1. The liver’s ability to synthesize protein is altered. will know that the patient understands the diet if
2. Sedatives may increase the risk of jaundice. which menu items are selected?
3. Sedatives are potentially toxic to the cirrhosis 1. Roast chicken, rice, gelatin dessert
patient. 2. Cream of chicken soup, milk, gelatin dessert
4. Sedatives promote the conversion of ammonia to 3. Meat loaf, mashed potatoes with small amount of
ammonium ion. gravy, green beans
4. Turkey and cheese sandwich on whole-grain bread,
3. The nurse is collecting data for a patient with suspected apple, milk
acute hepatitis A infection. Which clinical manifesta-
tions would the nurse expect the patient to report? 9. The nurse is caring for a patient who had an open
1. Brown urine and anorexia cholecystectomy 24 hours ago. Which actions should
2. Malaise, lighter colored stools, and pruritus the nurse take to assist the patient to maintain an
3. Headache, nausea, and flulike symptoms effective breathing pattern? Select all that apply.
4. Abdominal pain and jaundice 1. Place in a supine position.
2. Provide analgesics for pain relief.
4. The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic pancre- 3. Encourage coughing and deep breathing.
atitis. While reviewing laboratory data to contribute 4. Monitor bowel sounds.
to the plan of care, the nurse would expect an eleva- 5. Assist with splinting during coughing.
tion in which laboratory value? 6. Maintain bed rest for 48 hours after surgery.
1. Serum bilirubin
2. Serum calcium 10. The nurse is to administer promethazine 12.5 mg
3. Serum albumin intramuscularly and has 50 mg/mL on hand. How
4. Serum amylase many milliliters should be drawn up? Fill in the
5. A patient with acute pancreatitis is started on early Answer: ______________ mL
aggressive IV hydration. Which laboratory result
indicates the need to consult the dietitian for initial Answers can be found in Appendix C.
nutritional support?
1. Potassium 4.2 mEq/L
2. Sodium 130 mEq/L
3. Fasting glucose 82 mg/dL
4. Serum albumin 2.9 g/dL