Formative Assessments-1-9 - Nathan Wiese
Formative Assessments-1-9 - Nathan Wiese
Formative Assessments-1-9 - Nathan Wiese
Formative Assessments
Activity 1-9
Activity 1
The things that should be contained in a health and safety policy are as follows:
The way that the responsibility of a policy should be designated is by assigning the responsibilities to
a position, rather than a nominated person. This provides continuity and prevents responsibility
being lost if a person leaves the organisation. For example, a policy might state the health and safety
committee is responsible for reviewing its contents on a regular basis.
No, a policy should not be written in legal terms. The health and safety policies should be written in
a style and format that is easy to understand. If necessary, it should be translated into different
languages or transmitted in alternative media so that it is easily accessed and understood by
workers, including those who consider English as a second language or those with a disability.
There are many ways that a health and safety policies can be promoted and some of them are as
The person who is responsible for the policy can take an active role in promoting the policy
by making sure that everyone in the organisation is aware of it
The health and safety policies can be brought up in safety meeting and normal meetings
The health and safety policies can be displayed on noticeboards
Health and safety policies can be emailed to all the employees
Health and safety policies should be available to all employees on an internal information
Nathan Wiese
Activity 2
The methods that can be used to facilitate the contribution of others in the development of health
and safety policies is to have regular workshop meetings to keep everyone up to date with the
developments and changes that could impact their health and safety. Also, in the workshop
meetings there can be an open discussions about improvements and about problems with the health
and safety policies.
Media is another good way that the staff can be consulate about developing health and safety
policies and how they can respond if there are any concerns.
Another method that the workers may prefer is that they elect Health and Safety Representatives to
deal with all the common health and safety concerns.
Another method is to have a health and safety committee to bring workers and management
together to assist in the development of the health and safety policies. There is a main benefit to
having a health and safety committee is that it brings together a group of workers and business
representatives to collaboratively to discuss and develop ways of improving the system for managing
health and safety at the work place.
Activity 3
The duty holders is everyone on a worksite who has a legal responsibility under duty of care to do
everything reasonably practicable to protect others from harm by complying with safe work
practices, including activities that require licences, tickets or certificates of competency or any other
relevant state and territory WHS requirements.
Duty holders may include persons as specified in WHS Acts such as:
The phrase reasonably practicable means that which is, or was at a particular time, reasonably able
to be done to ensure health and safety, taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters
The types of registers and records that should be kept as a part of its health and safety management
system is as follows:
Risk assessments
Health and safety inspections
Hazard reports
Investigations results
Health and safety management system reviews
Health and safety meeting
Training register
Safe work practices for employees
Maintenance schedules and maintenance conducted
Emergency evacuation drills conducted
Workplace environmental monitoring
Confined space entry
Hot work permits
Purchasing where health and safety implications have been considered
- Register of injuries
- Workplace substances held on site, including safety data sheets
- Plant and equipment, including electrical equipment
- Dangerous goods held on-site, including site plans
Records must be marked and keep for seven years by the PCBU.
Nathan Wiese
Activity 4
An approach to health and safety management planning may include a range of elements such as:
Objectives and targets (short term and long term), and how and when they will be achieved.
Compliance with WHS legislation. Effective injury and claims management.
Effective rehabilitation management of work injuries and disease.
Effective return-to-work of injured workers.
Identification of hazards and control of risks, including how often risk assessments will occur,
who will conduct them and how they will be performed and documented.
Roles and responsibilities – who is responsible for what in the plan.
Budget – allocated funds for health and safety management including provisions for training,
resources, equipment and maintenance.
Consultation strategy – how will you facilitate contributions from staff, provide information
and solicit feedback.
Resources – including administrative support, record keeping facilities and information.
Timelines – deadlines for achieving goals as well as frequency of audits, housekeeping
inspections and reviews.
Planned actions – a list of actions that will be required.
Evaluation procedures – including how the plan will be monitored and reviewed.
Health and safety plans are important because they establish arrangements for protecting the health
and safety of workers. A written general health and safety plan demonstrates to management,
supervisors and workers that there is a commitment to ensuring high standards of health and safety.
Areas that can be included in the health and safety plan should include, and not be limited too:
Risk assessments
Worker/staff training
Emergency procedures
Nathan Wiese
The health and safety plan should identify areas and actions; it should describe what needs to be
established or implemented, who is responsible for establishing or implementing the item, time
frames, and review date.
Responsibilities: this relates to the organisations responsibilities. This includes policies and
procedures and identifying accountability.
Consultation: relates to implementing the consultation strategies so the organisation meets
its obligations under the legislation.
Identifying hazards: involves using the tools developed for the health and management
system to conduct a systematic evaluation of the workplace and processes.
Risk assessment: is identifying the tools used and time frames for initial assessment and
Implementing controls: planning the implementation of risk control measures.
Information, instruction, and training: identifying health and safety information and planning
Managing injuries: planning the provision of first aid and return to work programs.
Recordkeeping: plan how records are stored and retrieved.
Continual improvement: planning for reviewing the management system through monitoring
and auditing the system, checking compliance, and implementing improvement.
Activity 5
Return to work and injury management is an important part of a safety management system
because that studies have shown that helping injured workers return to work is an important step in
their rehabilitation.
Workplace rehabilitation is designed to allow an injured worked to remain at work or safely return
to pre-injury employment.
Increased confidence
Minimising the likelihood of long-term disability
Reduce chance of depression
Continued skill development
For these and many more benefits, this is why a good return to work and injury management is
important in a safety management system.
Activity 6
Implementing a health and safety plan
In this report is going to be how the implementation of a health and safety plan prosses and how to
gauge the effectiveness of the plan.
Implementation Prosses
Once the health and safety plan has been developed, approved by all parities involved in the
prosses. There needs to be a person elected to take on the role of managing (project manager) the
role out of the health and safety plan.
As the project manager of the role out of the health and safety plan there are a few things that that
they will need to do:
Once implemented there should be a review conducted on the effectiveness of the role out. A check
list should be designed to aid in this prosses.
All employees should be able to have their say on how they think the implementation plan went and
if there is something that could have been done better.
Nathan Wiese
Activity 7
An organisation might wish to measure and evaluate health and safety performance to provide
information that the strategies that they have in place are effective in meeting the health and safety
The information and data collected can help the organisation decide
Positive performance indicators (PPI’s) are a process focused indicators used to measure the health
and safety systems performance. PPIs are a measurement of the success of good health and safety
system. They are a way of measuring the health and safety performance in your business.
Minimise the occurrence of workplace injuries or diseases by reducing the levels of risk
Provides feedback to workers and management
Helps provide sound management
Activity 8
The seven steps in developing PPI’s to measure and evaluate health and safety performance are as
The performance indicators that can be used to evaluate contribution and participation in the
evaluation of a health and safety management system by workers are as follows:
Activity 9
The organisation should review its health and safety management systems on a regular basis. Its vital
to keep track in the changes in legislation, work systems and technology and also, the best way
possible that the company can protect the workers with new and better methods.
The review and improvements of the health and safety management system take many forms and
they are as follows:
The objectives of a review into a health and safety management system is as follows:
To see if health and safety performance indicators, objectives and that targets are met
To see if the health and safety management system is compliant with legislation and any
other mandatory requirements
If there is any opportunities for improvements by updating the health and safety
management system
To see if there is a need to change the way that work practices are carried out and also if
there is any new equipment / technology to help improve the health and safety
management system