Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoinedhistories

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Civil Society and


Dominique Colas
Translatedfrom the French by Amy Jacobs


Civil Society and
Conjoined Histories

Dominique Colas
Translated from the French by Amy Jacobs



List of Illustrations xiii

Preface to the English Edition xv
Introduction: The Fanatic's Truth i
1. Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoined Histories 8
"Fanatic": Insult and Concept...// The Metamorphoses
of "Civil Society"...20 "Civil Society": An Expression
Much in Use These Days...31
2. Civil Society and the City of God 4a
Aristotle: Civil Society, a Natural Community...^ City
of God, Earthly City...54 Spiritual Sword, Temporal
Sword.. .63 The Catholic Church and Its Will to
Control Civil Society...79 Mahomet the Prophet, or
3. Sword Against Flail 99
Luther, Iconoclast.. .101 Luther Against the
Iconoclasts.. .110 The Peasants' War: Death to the
Fanatics\...u8 The Two Kingdoms.../^ The Fanatics
Against Civil Society... 132 Calvin Against the
Phantastiques... 138 Luther's Cemetery... 147

4. The Painter of the Two Cities 155

Diirer, Painter of the City of God... 160 The Monument
to the Peasants' Defeat.../<?7 The Four Apostles...177
5. The Mouth of God 182
Inspiration, Prosopopoeia, Critique.../#p Spinoza's
Antifanatical Political Order... ig3 Empire of the One:
The Secret of Tyranny... 201
6. The Voice of the Prophets 203
Fanaticism: Fury and Mysticism.. .206 Hysteria.. .211
Paranoia... 215
7. The Absolute Bourgeois 224
Civil Society: Mirror of the City of God.. .227 The
Sovereign Is Not a God: Leibniz as the Anti-Hobbes....2ty5
The Fanatic Rejects the Universality of Reason...243
Locke and the Birth of Tolerance.. .248 Government and
Civil Society: The People Are Endowed with Reason. ..252
Civilization and Its Discontents...2
8. The Citizen as Bourgeois 263
Kant's Revolutionary Enthusiasm.. .264 A Citizen Is a
Bourgeois.. .266 The Meaning and Value of Freedom of
Thought...271 The Imageless Sublime...275 The Tip
of the Fakir's Nose and the Cabbage Head...278
Hegelian Civil Society and State...281
9. Civil Society and Civil War 289
Marx Overturns Hegel's Civil Society...2Q4 Civil Society
or Bourgeois Society?...297 The History of Civil Society
Is the History of the State. ..302 Typology of States...306
The Peasant War: Long Live the Fanatics!...311
Barbarity and Civil Society.. .320 Leninism's
10. Civil Society and the Law-Governed State 332
Critique of the Political Illusion...334 The Power
State.. .342 The Law-Governed State Is Civil
Society...346 Translation, Mediation,
Representation. ..353

Appendix A: Significant Occurrences of "Civil

Society" and/or "Fanaticism" 359
Appendix B: Translations oikoinoniapolitike and
polls in Translations of and Commentaries
on Aristotle's Politics and Nicomachean Ethics 365
Notes 369
Bibliography 427
Index 459

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