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TR - Carpentry NC II Amended

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East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), Taguig City, Metro Manila
Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994
(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the National Trade Skills

Standards” of the RA 7796 known as the TESDA Act mandates TESDA to
establish national occupational skill standards. The Authority shall develop
and implement a certification and accreditation program in which private
industry group and trade associations are accredited to conduct approved
trade tests, and the local government units to promote such trade testing
activities in their respective areas in accordance with the guidelines to be
set by the Authority.

The Training Regulations (TR) serves as basis for:

1. Development of curriculum and assessment tools

2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and
3. Establishment of competency assessment and certification arrangements.

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification - describes the qualification and defines the

competencies that comprise the qualification.

Section 2 The Competency Standards format was revised to include the Required
Knowledge and Required Skills per element. These fields explicitly state
the required knowledge and skills for competent performance of a unit of
competency in an informed and effective manner. These also emphasize
the application of knowledge and skills to situations where understanding is
converted into a workplace outcome.
Section 3 Training Arrangements – contain the information and requirements which
serve as bases for training providers in designing and delivering
competency-based curriculum for the qualification. The revisions to Section
3 entail identifying the Learning Activities leading to achievement of the
identified Learning Outcome.
Section 4 Assessment and Certification Arrangements - describe the policies
governing assessment and certification procedures for the qualification.


Page No.


• Basic Competencies 2-35

• Common Competencies 36-50
• Core Competencies 51-112


3.1 Curriculum Design 113-136

3.2 Training Delivery 137-138
3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 139
3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 139-143
3.5 Training Facilities 144
3.6 Trainers’ Qualifications 145
3.7 Institutional Assessment 145









The CARPENTRY NC II Qualification consists of competencies on rough

and finishing carpentry that a person must achieve in fabrication and installation of
wooden materials and basic roof assembly.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of Construction – Civil

Works sub-sector as shown in Annex A.

The units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:


400311210 Participate in workplace communication
400311211 Work in a team environment
400311212 Solve/address general workplace problems
400311213 Develop career and life decisions
400311214 Contribute to workplace innovation
400311215 Present relevant information
400311216 Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
400311217 Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the
400311218 Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace


CON931201 Prepare construction materials and tools
CON311201 Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instruction
CON311203 Perform mensurations and calculations
CON311204 Maintain tools and equipment


CON711301 Layout reference lines
CON711302 Fabricate, install and remove wooden formworks
CON711303 Install wooden door jamb, window frame and panels
CON711304 Install ceiling and wall frames and panels
CON711305 Fabricate and install wooden stairs
CON711306 Install wooden floor supports and panels
CON711307 Fabricate and install roofing system
CON711308 Fabricate and install wooden cabinet

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be a – ❑

Rough and Finishing Carpenter

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 1


This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in
CARPENTRY NC II. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core



UNIT CODE : 400311210

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in
response to workplace requirements.

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 2

1. Obtain and 1.1 Specific and 1.1 Effective verbal 1.1 Following simple
convey relevant information and nonverbal spoken language
workplace is accessed from communication 1.2 Performing routine
appropriate 1.2 Different modes of workplace duties
information communication following simple
1.2 Effective 1.3 Medium of written notices
questioning, communication in 1.3 Participating in
active listening and the workplace workplace meetings
speaking skills are 1.4 Organizational and discussions
used to gather and policies 1.4 Preparing work-
convey information 1.5 Communication related documents
1.3 Appropriate procedures and 1.5 Estimating,
medium is used systems calculating and
to transfer 1.6 Lines of recording routine
information and Communication workplace
ideas 1.7 Technology measures
1.4 Appropriate non- relevant to the 1.6 Relating/ Interacting
verbal enterprise and the with people of
communication is individual’s work various levels in the
used responsibilities workplace
1.5 Appropriate lines of 1.8 Workplace 1.7 Gathering and
communication etiquette providing basic
with supervisors information in
and colleagues are response to
identified and workplace
followed requirements
1.8 Basic business
writing skills

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1.6 Defined workplace 1.9 Interpersonal skills
procedures for the in the workplace
location and 1.10 Active-listening
storage of skills
information are
1.7 Personal
interaction is
carried out clearly
and concisely

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 3

2. Perform 2.1 Written notices 2.1 Effective verbal 2.1 Following simple
duties and instructions and non-verbal spoken instructions
following are read and communication 2.2 Performing routine
workplace interpreted in 2.2 Different modes of workplace duties
instructions accordance with communication following simple
organizational 2.3 Medium of written notices
guidelines communication in 2.3 Participating in
2.2 Routine written the workplace workplace meetings
instruction are 2.4 Organizational/ and discussions
followed based on Workplace policies 2.4 Completing work-
established 2.5 Communication related documents
procedures procedures and 2.5 Estimating,
2.3 Feedback is given systems calculating and
to workplace 2.6 Lines of recording routine
supervisor based communication workplace
instructions/ 2.7 Technology measures
information relevant to the 2.6 Relating/
received enterprise and the Responding to
2.4 Workplace individual’s work people of various
interactions are responsibilities levels in the
conducted in a 2.8 Effective workplace
courteous manner questioning 2.7 Gathering and
2.5 Where necessary, techniques providing
clarifications about (clarifying and information in
routine workplace probing) response to
procedures and 2.9 Workplace workplace
matters concerning etiquette requirements
conditions of 2.8 Basic
employment are questioning/querying
sought and asked 2.9 Skills in reading for
from appropriate information
sources 2.10 Skills in locating
2.6 Meetings
outcomes are
interpreted and

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Complete 3.1 Range of forms 3.1 Effective verbal 3.1 Completing work-
relevant relating to and non-verbal related documents
work- conditions of communication 3.2 Applying operations
employment are 3.2 Different modes of of addition,
related completed communication subtraction, division
documents accurately and 3.3 Workplace forms and multiplication
legibly and documents 3.3 Gathering and
3.2 Workplace data is 3.4 Organizational/ providing
recorded on Workplace policies information in
standard 3.5 Communication response to
workplace forms procedures and workplace
and documents systems requirements
3.6 Technology
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 4
3.3 Errors in recording relevant to the 3.4 Effective record
information on enterprise and the keeping skills
forms/ documents individual’s work
are identified and responsibilities
acted upon
3.4 Reporting
requirements to
supervisor are
according to


1. Appropriate May include:
sources 1.1. Team members
1.2. Supervisor/Department Head
1.3. Suppliers
1.4. Trade personnel
1.5. Local government
1.6. Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1. Memorandum
2.2. Circular
2.3. Notice
2.4. Information dissemination
2.5. Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6. Face-to-face communication
2.7. Electronic media (disk files, cyberspace)
3. Storage May include:
3.1. Manual filing system
3.2. Computer-based filing system
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 5
4. Workplace May include:
interactions 4.1. Face-to-face
4.2. Telephone
4.3. Electronic and two-way radio
4.4. Written including electronic means, memos,
instruction and forms
4.5. Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
5. Forms May include:
5.1. HR/Personnel forms, telephone message
forms, safety reports


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Prepared written communication following standard
format of the organization
1.2. Accessed information using workplace communication
1.3. Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer
information effectively
1.4. Conveyed information effectively adopting formal or
informal communication
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1. Fax machine
2.2. Telephone
2.3. Notebook
2.4. Writing materials
2.5. Computer with Internet connection
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2. Interview
3.3. Written test
3.4. Third-party report

4. Context for 4.1. Competency may be assessed individually in the

Assessment actual workplace or through an accredited institution

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 6


UNIT CODE : 400311211

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a team.

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Describe team 1.1 The role and objective 1.1 Group structure 1.1 Communicating
role and of the team is identified 1.2 Group with others,
scope from available sources development appropriately
of information 1.3 Sources of consistent with the
1.2 Team parameters, information culture of the
reporting relationships workplace
and responsibilities 1.2 Developing ways
are identified from in improving work
team discussions and structure and
appropriate external performing
sources respective roles in
the group or
2. Identify one’s 2.1 Individual roles and 2.1 Team roles and 2.1 Communicating
role and responsibilities within objectives with others,
responsibility the team environment 2.2 Team structure and appropriately
are identified parameters consistent with the
within a team 2.2 Roles and objectives of 2.3 Team development culture of the
the team is identified 2.4 Sources of workplace
from available sources information 2.2 Developing ways
of information in improving work
2.3 Team parameters, structure and
reporting relationships performing
respective roles in
and responsibilities are
the group or
identified based on organization
team discussions and
appropriate external
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 7
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
3. Work as a 3.1 Effective and 3.1 Communication 3.1 Communicating
team appropriate forms of Process appropriately,
member communications are 3.2 Workplace consistent with
used and interactions communication the culture of the
undertaken with team protocol workplace
members based on 3.3 Team planning 3.2 Interacting
company practices. and effectively with
3.2 Effective and decision making others
appropriate 3.4 Team thinking 3.3 Deciding as an
contributions made to 3.5 Team roles individual and as a
complement team 3.6 Process of team group using group
activities and development think strategies and
objectives, based on 3.7 Workplace context techniques 3.4
workplace context Contributing to
3.3 Protocols in reporting Resolution of issues
are observed based and
on standard company concerns
3.4 Contribute to the
development of team
work plans based on
an understanding of
team’s role and


1. Role and May include:
objective of 1.1. Work activities in a team environment
team with enterprise or specific sector
1.2. Limited discretion, initiative and
judgement maybe demonstrated on the
job, either individually or in a team

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 8

2. Sources of May include:
information 2.1. Standard operating and/or other
workplace procedures
2.2. Job procedures
2.3. Machine/equipment manufacturer’s
specifications and instructions
2.4. Organizational or external personnel
2.5. Client/supplier instructions
2.6. Quality standards
2.7. OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace May include:
context 3.1. Work procedures and practices
3.2. Conditions of work environments
3.3. Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4. Standard work practice including the
storage, safe handling and disposal of
3.5. Safety, environmental, housekeeping and
quality guidelines


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1.

Competency Worked in a team to complete workplace activity
1.2. Worked effectively with others
1.3. Conveyed information in written or oral form
1.4. Selected and used appropriate workplace language
1.5. Followed designated work plan for the job
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 9
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks

3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1. Role play involving the participation of individual
member to the attainment of organizational goal
3.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion
of issues and strategies in teamwork
3.4 Socio-drama and socio-metric methods
3.5 Sensitivity techniques
3.6 Written Test
4. Context for 4.1. Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2. Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in group



UNIT CODE : 400311212

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the
origin of problems and plan for their resolution. It
also includes addressing procedural problems
through documentation, and referral.

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 10

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Routine problems 1.1 Current industry 1.1 Identifying current
routine or procedural hardware and industry hardware
problems problem areas are software products and software
identified and services products and
1.2 Problems to be 1.2 Industry services
investigated are maintenance, 1.2 Identifying
defined and service and current industry
determined helpdesk practices, maintenance,
1.3 Current conditions processes and services and
of the problem are procedures helpdesk
identified and 1.3 Industry standard practices,
documented diagnostic tools processes and
1.4 Malfunctions and procedures.
resolutions 1.3 Identifying
current industry
diagnostic tools
1.4 Describing
malfunctions and
1.5 Determining the
root cause of a

elaborated in the
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 11

2. Look for 2.1 Potential 2.1 Current industry 2.1 Identifying
solutions to solutions to hardware and current industry
routine problem are software products hardware and
problems identified and services software
2.2 Recommendatio 2.2 Industry service products and
ns about possible and helpdesk services
practices, 2.2 Identifying
solutions are
processes and services and
developed, procedures helpdesk
documented, 2.3 Operating practices,
ranked and systems processes and
presented to 2.4 Industry standard procedures.
diagnostic tools 2.3 Identifying
2.5 Malfunctions and operating system
person for resolutions. 2.4 Identifying
decision 2.6 Root cause current industry
analysis standard
diagnostic tools
2.5 Describing
malfunctions and
2.6 Determining the
root cause of a
3. Recommend 3.1 Implementation 3.1 Standard 3.1 Producing
solutions to of solutions are procedures documentation
problems planned 3.2 Documentation that recommends
3.2 Evaluation of produce solutions to
implemented problems
solutions are 3.2 Following
planned established
3.3 Recommended procedures
solutions are
documented and
submit to
person for



Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 12

1. Problems/Procedural May include:
Problem 1.1 Routine/non – routine processes and quality
1.2 Equipment selection, availability and failure
1.3 Teamwork and work allocation problem
1.4 Safety and emergency situations and
1.5 Work-related problems outside of own work

2. Appropriate person May include:

2.1 Supervisor or manager
2.2 Peers/work colleagues
2.3 Other members of the organization
3. Document May include:
3.1 Electronic mail
3.2 Briefing notes
3.3 Written report
3.4 Evaluation report
4. Plan May include:
4.1 Priority requirements
4.2 Co-ordination and feedback requirements
4.3 Safety requirements
4.4 Risk assessment
4.5 Environmental requirements


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Determined the root cause of a routine problem
1.2 Identified solutions to procedural problems.
1.3 Produced documentation that recommends solutions
to problems.
1.4 Followed established procedures.
1.5 Referred unresolved problems to support persons.

2. Resource 2.1. Assessment will require access to a workplace over

Implications an extended period, or a suitable method of gathering
evidence of operating ability over a range of situations.
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Case Formulation
3.2 Life Narrative Inquiry
3.3 Standardized test
The unit will be assessed in a holistic manner as is practical
and may be integrated with the assessment of other
relevant units of competency. Assessment will occur over a
range of situations, which will include disruptions to normal,
smooth operation. Simulation may be required to allow for
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 13
timely assessment of parts of this unit of competency.
Simulation should be based on the actual workplace and will
include walk through of the relevant competency
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions.


UNIT CODE : 400311213

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
in managing one’s emotions, developing reflective
practice, and boosting self-confidence and
developing self-regulation.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 14

1. Manage one’s 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Self- 1.1 Managing properly
emotion strategies are management one’s emotions
identified strategies that and recognizing
1.2 Skills to work assist in situations that
independently and to regulating cannot be
show initiative, to be behavior and changed and
conscientious, and achieving accept them and
persevering in the personal and remain
face of setbacks and learning goals professional
frustrations are (e.g. Nine self- 1.2 Developing
developed management selfdiscipline,
1.3 Techniques for strategies working
effectively handling according to independently
negative emotions Robert Kelley) and showing
and unpleasant 1.2 Enablers and initiative to
situation in the barriers in achieve personal
workplace are achieving and career goals
examined personal and 1.3 Showing
career goals confidence, and
1.3 Techniques in resilience in the
handling face of setbacks
negative and frustrations
emotions and and other
unpleasant negative emotions
situation in the and unpleasant
workplace situations in the
such as workplace
anger, worry,
anxiety, etc.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
2. Develop 2.1 Personal strengths 2.1 Basic SWOT 2.1 Using the basic
reflective and achievements, analysis SWOT analysis
practice based on 2.2 Strategies to as self-
selfassessment improve one’s assessment
strategies and attitude in the strategy
teacher feedback are workplace 2.3 2.2 Developing
contemplated Gibbs’ Reflective reflective practice
2.2 Progress when Cycle/Model through
seeking and (Description, realization of
responding to Feelings, limitations, likes/
feedback from Evaluation, dislikes; through
teachers to assist Analysis, showing of
them in consolidating Conclusion, and selfconfidence
strengths, addressing 2.3 Demonstrating self-
weaknesses and Action plan) acceptance and
fulfilling their potential being able to
are monitored accept
2.3 Outcomes of personal challenges
and academic
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 15
challenges by
reflecting on previous
problem solving and
decision making
strategies and
feedback from peers
and teachers are
3. Boost 3.1 Efforts for continuous 3.1 Four 3.1 Performing
selfconfidence self-improvement are components of effective
and develop demonstrated self-regulation communication
3.2 Counter-productive based on skills – reading,
selfregulation tendencies at work SelfRegulation writing, conversing
are eliminated Theory (SRT) skills
3.3 Positive outlook in life 3.2 Personality
are maintained. development 3.2 Showing affective
concepts skills – flexibility,
3.3 Self-help adaptability, etc.
concepts (e. g.,
7 Habits by 3.3 Self-assessment
Stephen Covey, for determining
transactional one’s strengths
analysis, and weaknesses


1. Self- May include:
management 1.1 Seeking assistance in the form of job coaching or mentoring
strategies 1.2 Continuing dialogue to tackle workplace grievances
1.3 Collective negotiation/bargaining for better working
1.4 Share your goals to improve with a trusted co-worker or
1.5 Make a negativity log of every instance when you catch yourself
complaining to others
1.6 Make lists and schedules for necessary activities
2. Unpleasant May include:
situation 2.1 Job burn-out
2.2 Drug dependence
2.3 Sulking


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 16

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Express emotions appropriately
1.2 Work independently and show initiative
1.3 Consistently demonstrate self-confidence and
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1. Access to workplace and resource s
2.2. Case studies
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Demonstration or simulation with oral questioning
3.2. Case problems involving work improvement and
sustainability issues
3.3. Third-party report
4. Context for 4.1. Competency assessment may occur in workplace or
Assessment any appropriately simulated environment


UNIT CODE : 400311214

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

Attitudes required to make a pro-active and
positive contribution to workplace innovation.

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Opportunities for 1.1 Roles of individuals 1.1 Identifying
opportunities improvement are in suggesting and opportunities to
to do things identified making improve and to do
proactively in own improvements. things better.
better area of work. Involvement.
1.2 Positive impacts
1.2 Information are and challenges in 1.2 Identifying the
gathered and innovation. positive impacts
reviewed which 1.3 Types of changes and the challenges
and responsibility. of change and
may be relevant to
1.4 Seven habits of innovation.
ideas and which 1.3 Identifying
highly effective
might assist in examples of the
gaining support for types of changes
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 17
idea. that are within and
outside own scope
of responsibility
2. Discuss and 2.1 People who could 2.1 Roles of individuals 2.1 Identifying
develop provide input to in suggesting and opportunities to
ideas with ideas for making improve and to do
improvements are improvements. things better.
others identified. Involvement.
2.2 Positive impacts
2.2 Ways of and challenges in 2.2 Identifying the
approaching innovation. positive impacts
people to begin 2.3 Types of changes and the challenges
sharing ideas are and responsibility. of change and
selected. 2.4 Seven habits of innovation.
2.3 Meeting is set with highly effective 2.3 Providing examples
relevant people. people. of the types of
2.4 Ideas for follow up changes that are
are review and within and outside
selected based on own scope of
feedback. responsibility
2.5 Critical inquiry 2.4 Communicating
method is used to ideas for change
discuss and through small
develop ideas with group discussions
others. and meetings.

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Integrate 3.1 Critical inquiry 3.1 Roles of individuals 3.1 Identifying
ideas for method is used to in suggesting and opportunities to
change in integrate different making improve and to do
ideas for change improvements. things better.
the Involvement.
of key people. 3.2 Positive impacts
workplace 3.2 Summarizing, 3.2 Identifying the
and challenges in
analyzing and innovation. positive impacts
generalizing skills 3.3 Types of changes and the challenges
are used to extract and responsibility. of change and
salient points in 3.4 Seven habits of innovation.
the pool of ideas. 3.3 Providing examples
highly effective
3.3 Reporting skills people. of the types of
are likewise used changes that are
3.5 Basic research within and outside
to communicate skills.
results. own scope of
3.4 Current Issues 3.4 Communicating
and concerns on ideas for change
the systems, through small
processes and group discussions
procedures, as and meetings.
well as the need 3.5 Demonstrating
for simple skills in analysis
innovative and interpretation
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 18
practices are of data.


1. Opportunities for May include:
improvement 1.1 Systems.
1.2 Processes.
1.3 Procedures.
1.4 Protocols.
1.5 Codes.
1.6 Practices.
2. Information May include:
2.1 Workplace communication problems.
2.2 Performance evaluation results.
2.3 Team dynamics issues and concerns.
2.4 Challenges on return of investment 2.5
New tools, processes and procedures.
2.6 New people in the organization.

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 19

3. People who could provide May include:
input 3.1 Leaders.
3.2 Managers.
3.3 Specialists.
3.4 Associates.
3.5 Researchers.
3.6 Supervisors.
3.7 Staff.
3.8 Consultants (external)
3.9 People outside the organization in the
same field or similar expertise/industry.
3.10 Clients
4. Critical inquiry method May include:
4.1 Preparation.
4.2 Discussion.
4.3 Clarification of goals.
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome.
4.5 Agreement.
4.6 Implementation of a course of action.
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See
our pages: Verbal Communication and
Effective Speaking.
4.8 Listening.
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key
part of effective negotiation.
4.10 Rapport Building.
4.11 Problem Solving.
4.12 Decision Making.
4.13 Assertiveness.
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations.
5. Reporting skills May include:
5.1 Data management.
5.2 Coding.
5.3 Data analysis and interpretation.
5.4 Coherent writing.
5.5 Speaking.

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 20


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Identified opportunities to do things better.
1.2 Discussed and developed ideas with others on
how to contribute to workplace innovation.
1.3 Integrated ideas for change in the workplace.
1.4 Analyzed and reported rooms for innovation
and learning in the workplace.
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Pens, papers and writing implements.
2.2 Cartolina.
2.3 Manila papers.
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Psychological and behavioral Interviews.
3.2 Performance Evaluation.
3.3 Life Narrative Inquiry.
3.4 Review of portfolios of evidence and third-party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance.
3.5 Sensitivity analysis.
3.6 Organizational analysis.
3.7 Standardized assessment of character strengths
and virtues applied.
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in
Assessment the actual workplace or simulation environment
in TESDA accredited institutions.


UNIT CODE : 400311215

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required to present data/information

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 21

1. Gather data/ 1.1 Evidence, facts 1.1 Organisational 1.1 Describing
information and information protocols organisational
are collected 1.2 Confidentiality protocols relating
1.2 Evaluation, terms 1.3 Accuracy to client liaison
of reference and 1.4 Business 1.2 Protecting
conditions are mathematics and confidentiality
reviewed to statistics 1.3 Describing accuracy
determine 1.5 Data analysis 1.4 Computing business
whether techniques/proced mathematics and
data/information ures statistics
falls within 1.6 Reporting 1.5 Describing data
project scope requirements to a analysis
range of audiences techniques/
1.7 Legislation, policy procedures
and procedures 1.6 Reporting
relating to the requirements to a
conduct of range of audiences
evaluations 1.7 Stating legislation,
1.8 Organisational policy and
values, ethics and procedures relating
codes of conduct to the conduct of
1.8 Stating
values, ethics and
codes of conduct

2. Assess 2.1 Validity of data/ 2.1 Business 2.1 Computing business

gathered information is mathematics and mathematics and
data/ assessed statistics statistics
2.2 Analysis 2.2 Data analysis 2.2 Describing data
information techniques are techniques/ analysis
applied to assess procedures techniques/
data/ information. 2.3 Reporting procedures
2.3 Trends and requirements to a 2.3 Reporting
anomalies are range of audiences requirements to a
identified 2.4 Legislation, policy
range of
2.4 Data analysis and procedures
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are KNOWLEDGE
elaborated in the
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 22

techniques and relating to the audiences
procedures are conduct of 2.4 Stating legislation,
documented evaluations policy and
2.5 Recommendation 2.5 Organisational procedures
s are made on values, ethics and relating to the
areas of possible codes of conduct conduct of
improvement. evaluations
2.5 Stating
values, ethics and
codes of conduct

3. Record and 3.1 Studied 3.1 Data analysis 3.1 Describing data
present data/information techniques/ analysis
information are recorded. procedures techniques/
3.2 Recommendation 3.2 Reporting procedures
s are analysed for requirements to a 3.2 Reporting
action to ensure range of audiences requirements to a
they are 3.3 Legislation, policy range of
compatible with and procedures audiences
the project’s scope relating to the 3.3 Stating legislation,
and terms of conduct of policy and
reference. evaluations procedures
3.3 Interim and final 3.4 Organisational relating to the
reports are values, ethics and conduct of
analysed and codes of conduct evaluations
outcomes are 3.4 Stating
compared to the organisational
criteria values, ethics and
established at the codes of conduct
3.4 Findings are practices
presented to


1. Data analysis techniques May include:
1.1. Domain analysis
1.2. Content analysis
1.3. Comparison technique


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 23

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Determine data / information
1.2 Studied and applied gathered data/information
1.3 Recorded and studied studied data/information

These aspects may be best assessed using a range of

scenarios what ifs as a stimulus with a walk through forming
part of the response. These assessment activities should
include a range of problems, including new, unusual and
improbable situations that may have happened.
2. Resource Specific resources for assessment
Implications 2.1. Evidence of competent performance should be
obtained by observing an individual in an information
management role within the workplace or operational
or simulated environment.
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Written Test
3.2. Interview
3.3. Portfolio

The unit will be assessed in a holistic manner as is practical

and may be integrated with the assessment of other
relevant units of competency. Assessment will occur over a
range of situations, which will include disruptions to normal,
smooth operation. Simulation may be required to allow for
timely assessment of parts of this unit of competency.
Simulation should be based on the actual workplace and
will include walk through of the relevant competency
4. Context for 4.1. In all workplace, it may be appropriate to assess this
Assessment unit concurrently with relevant teamwork or operation



UNIT CODE : 400311216

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to identify OSH compliance requirements,
prepare OSH requirements for compliance, perform
tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 24

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify OSH 1.1 Relevant OSH 1.1. OSH preventive 1.1. Communication
compliance requirements, and control skills
requirements regulations, requirements 1.2. Interpersonal
policies and 1.2. Hierarchy of skills
procedures are Controls 1.3. Critical thinking
identified in 1.3. Hazard skills
accordance with Prevention and 1.4. Observation
workplace policies Control skills
and procedures 1.4. General OSH
1.2 OSH activity principles
nonconformities are 1.5. Work standards
conveyed to and procedures
appropriate 1.6. Safe handling
personnel procedures of
1.3 OSH preventive tools, equipment
and control and materials
requirements are 1.7. Standard
identified in emergency plan
accordance with
and procedures
OSH work policies
and procedures in the workplace

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Prepare OSH 2.1 OSH work activity 2.1. Resources 2.1. Communication
requirements for material, tools and necessary to skills
compliance equipment execute hierarchy 2.2. Estimation skills
requirements are of controls 2.3. Interpersonal
identified in 2.2. General OSH skills
accordance with principles 2.4. Critical thinking
workplace policies 2.3. Work standards skills
and procedures and procedures 2.5. Observation
2.2. Required OSH 2.4. Safe handling skills
materials, tools and procedures of 2.6. Material, tool and
equipment are tools, equipment equipment
acquired in and materials identification
accordance with 2.5. Different OSH skills
workplace policies control measures
and procedures
2.3. Required OSH
materials, tools and
equipment are
arranged/ placed in
accordance with

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 25

OSH work
3. Perform tasks in 3.1 Relevant OSH 3.1. OSH work 3.1 Communication
accordance with work procedures standards skills
relevant OSH are identified in 3.2. Industry related 3.3 Interpersonal
policies and accordance with work activities skills
procedures workplace policies 3.3. General OSH 3.4 Troubleshooting
and procedures principles skills
3.2 Work Activities are 3.4. OSH Violations 3.5 Critical thinking
executed in Non-compliance skills
accordance with work activities 3.6 Observation
OSH work standards skills
3.3 Non-compliance
work activities are
reported to


1. OSH Requirements, May include:
Regulations, Policies 1.1 Clean Air Act
and Procedures 1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety
and Health)
1.8 ECC regulations
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 26

3. OSH Preventive and May include:
Control Requirements 3.1 Resources needed for removing hazard
3.2 Resources needed for substitution or
3.3 Resources needed to establishing engineering
3.4 Resources needed for enforcing administrative
3.5 Personal Protective equipment
4. Non OSH-Compliance May include non-compliance or observance of the
Work Activities following safety measures:
4.1 Violations that may lead to serious physical harm
or death
4.2 Fall Protection
4.3 Hazard Communication
4.4 Respiratory Protection
4.5 Power Industrial Trucks
4.6 Lockout/Tag-out
4.7 Working at heights (use of ladder, scaffolding)
4.8 Electrical Wiring Methods
4.9 Machine Guarding
4.10 Electrical General Requirements
4.11 Asbestos work requirements
4.12 Excavations work requirements


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Convey OSH work non-conformities to
appropriate personnel
1.2. Identify OSH preventive and control requirements
in accordance with OSH work policies and
1.3. Identify OSH work activity material, tools and
equipment requirements in accordance with
workplace policies and procedures
1.4. Arrange/Place required OSH materials, tools and
equipment in accordance with OSH work
1.5. Execute work activities in accordance with OSH
work standards
1.6. Report OSH activity non-compliance work
activities to appropriate personnel
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Facilities, materials tools and equipment
necessary for the activity
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 27
3.1 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Third party report
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work
place or in a simulated work place setting



UNIT CODE : 400311217

UNIT This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to identify

DESCRIPTOR : the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization,
determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of
resource utilization and Convey inefficient and ineffective
environmental practices

Italicized terms are REQUIRED REQUIRED
elaborated in the Range KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
of Variables
1. Identify the 1.1 Required resource 1.1. Importance of 1.1 Recording Skills
efficiency and utilization in the Environmental 1.2 Writing Skills
effectiveness workplace is measured Literacy 1.3 Innovation Skills
of resource using appropriate 1.2. Environmental
utilization techniques Work
1.2 Data are recorded in Procedures
accordance with 1.3. Waste
workplace protocol Minimization
1.3 Recorded data are 1.4. Efficient Energy
compared to determine Consumptions
the efficiency and
effectiveness of resource
utilization according to
environmental work

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 28

2. Determine 2.1 Potential causes of 2.1 Causes of 2.1 Deductive
causes of inefficiency and/or environmental Reasoning
inefficiency ineffectiveness are listed inefficiencies Skills
2.2 Causes of inefficiency and 2.2 Critical thinking
and/or and/or ineffectiveness ineffectiveness 2.3 Problem Solving
ineffectiveness are identified through 2.4 Observation
of resource deductive reasoning Skills
utilization 2.3 Identified causes of
inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness are
validated thru

Italicized terms are REQUIRED REQUIRED
elaborated in the Range KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
of Variables
3. Convey 3.1 Efficiency and 3.1 Appropriate 3.1 Written and Oral
inefficient and effectiveness of Personnel to Communication
ineffective resource utilization are address the Skills
environmental reported to appropriate environmental 3.2 Critical thinking
practices personnel hazards 3.3 Problem Solving
3.2 Concerns related 3.2 Environmental 3.4 Observation
resource utilization are corrective Skills
discussed with actions 3.5 Practice
appropriate personnel Environmental
3.3 Feedback on Awareness
information/ concerns
raised are clarified with
appropriate personnel


1. Environmental Work May include:
Procedures 1.1 Utilization of Energy, Water, Fuel
1.2 Waster Segregation Procedures
1.3 Waste Disposal and Reuse Procedures
1.4 Waste Collection Procedures
1.5 Usage of Hazardous Materials
1.6 Chemical Application Procedures
1.7 Labeling Procedures

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 29

2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Measured required resource utilization in the workplace
using appropriate techniques
1.2. Recorded data in accordance with workplace protocol
1.3. Identified causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness
through deductive reasoning
1.4. Validate the identified causes of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness thru established environmental
1.5. Report efficiency and effectives of resource utilization
to appropriate personnel
1.6. Clarify feedback on information/concerns raised with
appropriate personnel
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment relevant to the tasks
2.3 PPE
2.4 Manuals and references
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration
3.2 Oral questioning
3.3 Written examination
4. Context for 4.1 Competency assessment may occur in workplace or any
Assessment appropriately simulated environment
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 30


UNIT CODE : 400311218

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to apply

entrepreneurial workplace best practices and implement
cost-effective operations

Italicized terms are REQUIRED REQUIRED
elaborated in the Range KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
of Variables
1. Apply 1.1 Good practices 1.1 Workplace best 1.1 Communication
entrepreneurial relating to workplace practices, policies and skills
workplace best operations are criteria 1.2 Complying with
practices observed and 1.2 Resource quality
selected following utilization procedures
workplace policy. 1.3Ways in fostering
1.2 Quality procedures entrepreneurial
and practices are attitudes: - Patience
complied with - Honesty
according to - Qualityconsciousnes
workplace s
requirements. - Safetyconsciousness
1.3 Cost-conscious habits - Resourcefulness
in resource
utilization are
applied based on
industry standards.
2. Communicate 2.1 Observed Good 2.1 Workplace best 2.1 Communication
entrepreneuri practices relating to practices, policies skills
al workplace workplace operations and 2.2 Complying with
best practices are communicated to criteria quality
appropriate person. 2.2 Resource procedures
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 31
2.2 Observed quality utilization 2.3 Following
procedures and 2.3 Ways in fostering workplace
practices are entrepreneurial communication
communicated to attitudes: protocol
appropriate - Patience
person - Honesty
2.3 Cost-conscious habits - Qualityconsciousnes
in resource s
utilization are - Safetyconsciousness
- Resourcefulness
communicated based
on industry
Italicized terms are REQUIRED REQUIRED
elaborated in the Range KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
of Variables
3. Implement 3.1 Preservation and 3.1 Optimization of 3.1 Implementing
cost-effective optimization of workplace resources preservation and
operations workplace resources 3.2 5S procedures and optimizing
is implemented in concepts workplace
accordance with 3.3 Criteria for resources
enterprise policy costeffectiveness 3.2 Observing
3.2 Judicious use of 3.4 Workplace productivity judicious use of
workplace tools, 3.5 Impact of workplace tools,
equipment and entrepreneurial equipment and
materials are mindset to workplace materials
observed according to productivity 3.3 Making
manual and work 3.6 Ways in fostering constructive
requirements. entrepreneurial contributions to
3.3 Constructive attitudes: office operations
contributions to office - Qualityconsciousness 3.4 Sustaining ability
operations are made - Safetyconsciousness to work within
according to allotted time and
enterprise finances
3.4 Ability to work within
one’s allotted time
and finances is


1.Good practices May include:
1.1 Economy in use of resources
1.2 Documentation of quality practices

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 32

2.Resources utilization May include:
2.1 Consumption/ use of consumables
2.2 Use/Maintenance of assigned equipment
and furniture
2.3 Optimum use of allotted /available time


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of competency 1.1 Demonstrated ability to identify and sustain
costeffective activities in the workplace
1.2 Demonstrated ability to practice entrepreneurial
knowledge, skills and attitudes in the workplace.

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Simulated or actual workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and supplies needed to
demonstrate the required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.3.1 Enterprise procedures manuals
2.3.2 Company quality policy

3. Methods of Competency in this unit should be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Interview
3.2 Third-party report

4.Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a

Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group





UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes on identifying, requesting and receiving
construction materials and tools in various
workplace settings.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variable

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 33

1. Identify materials 1.1 Materials are identified 1.1 Different work 1.1 Identifying tools
as per job specifications and accessories
requirements 1.2 Types and uses according to the
1.2 Quantity and of Carpentry job requirements
description of tools and
materials and tools accessories
conform with the job
1.3 Tools and accessories
are identified
according to job
2. Prepare requisition of 2.1 Materials and tools 2.1 Work 2.1 Preparing
materials needed are requested requirements material take-off
according to the 2.2 Types and uses 2.2 Requesting
identified requirements of Carpentry materials and
2.2 Request is done as tools and tools
per company accessories
standard operating 2.3 Material take-off
procedures 2.4 Requisition
(SOP) procedures
2.3 Substitute materials
and tools are provided
without sacrificing cost
and quality of work
3. Receive and inspect 3.1 Materials and tools 3.1 Policy on 3.1 Checking and
materials issued are inspected receiving inspecting
as per quantity and material materials and
specification deliveries tools
3.2 Tools, accessories 3.2 Material and 3.2 Storing/ stacking
and materials are tools quality and of tool and
checked defects materials
3.3 Materials and tools 3.3 Material
are set aside to handling
appropriate location


1. Description of materials May include:
and tools 1.1 Brand name
1.2 Size
1.3 Capacity
1.4 Kind of application
2. Tools and accessories May include:
2.1 Electrical supplies
2.2 Mechanical supplies
2.3 Cleaning supplies
3. Company standard May include:
operating procedures 3.1 Job order
3.2 Requisition slip
3.3 Borrower slip
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 34
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 35

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Listed materials and tools according to quantity and
job requirements
1.2 Requested materials and tools according to the list
prepared and as per company SOP
1.3 Inspected issued materials and tools as per quantity
and job specifications
1.4 Provided tools with safety devices
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Workplace location
2.2 Materials relevant to the unit of competency
2.3 Plans, drawings and specifications relevant to the
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration with oral
4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace
or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 36



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes On identifying, interpreting, applying

services to specifications and manuals and
storing manuals.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
1. Identify and access 1.1 Appropriate manuals 1.1 Types of manuals 1.1 Identifying
specification/ manuals are identified and used in carpentry manuals and
accessed as per job 1.2 Identification of specifications
requirements symbols used in 1.2 Accessing
1.2 Version and date of the manuals information and
manual are checked to data
ensure that correct
specification and
procedures are
2. Interpret manuals 2.1 Relevant sections, 2.1 Types of manuals 2.1 Interpreting
chapters of used in carpentry symbols and
specifications/ manuals 2.2 Types of symbols specifications
are located in relation used in manuals 2.2 Accessing
to the work to be 2.3 System of information and
conducted measurements data
2.2 Information and 2.4 Unit conversion 2.3 Applying
procedure in the conversion of
manual are interpreted units of
in accordance with measurements
industry practices

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 37

3. Apply information in 3.1 Manual is interpreted 3.1 Types of 3.1 Applying
manual according to job manuals used in information from
requirements carpentry manuals
3.2 Work steps are 3.2 Types and
correctly identified in application of
accordance with symbols in
manufacturer's manuals
specification 3.3 Unit conversion
3.3 Manual data are
applied according to
the given task
3.4 All correct sequencing
and adjustments are
interpreted in
accordance with
information contained
on the manual or
4. Store manuals 4.1 Manual or 4.1 Types of 1.1 Storing and
specification is stored manuals used in maintaining
appropriately to carpentry manuals
prevent damage, 4.2 Manual storing
ready access and and maintaining
updating of procedures
information when
required in accordance
with company


1. Manual May include:
1.1 Manufacturer's Specification Manual
1.2 Maintenance Procedure Manual
1.3 Periodic Maintenance Manual


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Identified and accessed specification/manuals as per
job requirements
1.2 Interpreted manuals in accordance with industry
1.3 Applied information in manuals according to the given
1.4 Stored manuals in accordance with company
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 38
2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 All manuals/catalogues relative to construction sector
3. Methods of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration with Oral
4. Context of assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or
at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills

and attitudes on identifying and measuring objects
based on the required performance standards.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variable
1. Select measuring 1.1 Object or component 1.1 Types of 1.1 Selecting
instruments to be measured is measuring tools measuring
identified, classified and its uses instruments
and interpreted
according to the
appropriate regular
geometric shape
1.2 Measuring tools are
selected/identified as
per object to be
measured or job
1.3 Correct specifications
are obtained from
relevant sources
1.4 Measuring
instruments are
selected according to
job requirements
1.5 Alternative measuring
tools are used without
sacrificing cost and
quality of work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variable
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 39
2. Carry out 2.1 Measurements are 2.1 Linear 2.1 Interpreting
measurements obtained according to measurement formulas for
and calculations job requirements 2.2 Geometrical volume, areas,
2.2 Alternative measuring measurement perimeters of
tools are used without 2.3 Unit conversion plane and
sacrificing cost and 2.4 Ratio and geometric figures
quality of work proportion 2.2 Handling of
2.3 Calculations needed 2.5 Area measuring
to complete work instruments
tasks are performed
using the four basic
process of addition
(+), subtraction (-),
multiplication (x) and
division (/)
2.4 Calculations involving
fractions, percentages
and mixed numbers
are used to complete
workplace tasks
2.5 Numerical
computation is
selfchecked and
corrected for
2.6 Instruments are read
to the limit of
accuracy of the tool
2.7 Systems of
identified and
converted according
to job
2.8 Workpieces are
measured according
to job requirements


1. Geometric shape May include:
1.1 Round
1.2 Square
1.3 Rectangular
1.4 Triangle
1.5 Sphere
1.6 Conical

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 40

2. Measuring May include:
instruments 2.1 Micrometer (In-out, depth)
2.2 Vernier caliper (out, inside)
2.3 Thickness gauge
2.4 Torque gauge
2.5 Small hole gauge
2.6 Try-square
2.7 Protractor
2.8 Steel ruler
2.9 Voltmeter
2.10 Ammeter
2.11 Gauges
2.12 Thermometers
3. Measurements and May include:
calculations 3.1 Linear
3.2 Volume
3.3 Area
3.4 Wattage
3.5 Voltage
3.6 Amperage
3.7 Inside diameter
3.8 Length
3.9 Thickness
3.10 Outside diameter
3.11 Density

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:

competency 5.1 Selected and prepared appropriate measuring instruments in
accordance with job requirements
5.2 Performed measurements and calculations according to job
requirements/ ISO
2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Workplace location
2.2 Problems to solve
2.3 Measuring instrument appropriate to carry out tasks
2.4 Instructional materials relevant to the propose activity
3. Methods of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
4. Context of assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 41



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
checking condition, performing preventive maintenance
and storing of construction painting tools and equipment.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
1. Check condition of 1.1 Materials, tools and 1.1 Use of PPE 1.1 Maintaining tools
tools and equipment equipment are 1.2 Handling of tools and equipment
identified according to and equipment 1.2 Handling of tools
classification and job 1.3 Good and equipment
requirements housekeeping 1.3 Identifying tools
1.2 Non-functional tools 1.4 Types and uses and equipment
and equipment are of lubricants defects
segregated and 1.5 Types and uses
labeled according to of cleaning
classification materials
1.3 Safety of tools and
equipment are
observed in
accordance with
1.4 Condition of
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) are
checked in
accordance with

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 42

2. Perform basic 2.1 Appropriate lubricants 2.1 Use of PPE 2.1 Handling of tools
preventive are identified according 2.2 Handling of tools and equipment
maintenance to types of equipment and equipment 2.2 Performing
2.2 Tools and equipment 2.3 Good preventive
are lubricated housekeeping maintenance
according to 2.4 Types and uses
preventive of lubricants
maintenance schedule 2.5 Types and uses
or manufacturer's of cleaning
specifications materials
2.3 Measuring instruments 2.6 Methods and
are checked and techniques
calibrated in 2.7 Procedures
accordance with
2.4 Tools are cleaned and
lubricated according to
standard procedures
2.5 Defective instruments,
equipment and
accessories are
inspected and replaced
according to
2.6 Tools are inspected,
repaired and replaced
after use
2.7 Work place is cleaned
and kept in safe state
in line with
Occupational Safety
and Health (OSHS)

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 43

3. Store tools and 2.3 Inventory of tools, 3.1 Use of PPE 3.1 Storing tools and
equipment instruments and 3.2 Handling of tools equipment
equipment are and equipment 3.2 Handling of tools
conducted and 3.3 Storing and equipment
recorded as per procedures and
company practices techniques
2.4 Tools and equipment 3.4 Storage
are stored safely in conditions/
appropriate locations locations
in accordance with
specifications or
company procedures

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 44


1. Materials May include:
1.1 Lubricants
1.2 Cleaning materials
1.3 Rust remover
1.4 Rugs
1.5 Spare parts
2. Tools and equipment May include:
2.1 Tools
Cutting tools - hacksaw, crosscut saw
Boring tools - brace, hand drill
Holding tools - vise grip, C-clamp, bench vise
Threading tools - die and stock, taps
2.2 Measuring instruments/equipment
3. Personal Protective May include:
Equipment (PPE) 3.1 Goggles
3.2 Gloves
3.3 Safety shoes
3.4 Hard hat
3.5 Reflectorized Vest

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 45


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Selected and used appropriate processes, tools and
equipment to carry out task
1.2 Identified functional and non-functional tools and equipment
1.3 Checked, lubricated and calibrated tools, equipment and
instruments according to manufacturer’s specifications
1.4 Replaced defective tools, equipment and their accessories
1.5 Observed and applied safe handling of tools and equipment
and safety work practices
1.6 Prepared and submitted inventory report, where applicable
1.7 Maintained workplace in accordance with OSHA regulations
1.8 Stored tools and equipment safely in appropriate locations
and in accordance with company practices
2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Workplace
2.2 Maintenance schedule
2.3 Maintenance materials, tools and equipment relevant to the
proposed activity/task
3. Methods of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Direct observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
3.2 Written Examination
4. Context of assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

attitude for establishing reference lines in
preparation for layout.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 46

1. Prepare materials 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department 1.1 Organizing
and tools equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 materials to be
used in accordance with series 1998 used
Rule 1080 of Guidelines 1.2 Handling and
Occupational Safety Governing use of materials
and Health Standards Occupational and tools
1.2 List of materials and Safety and Health 1.3 Using PPE
tools are secured and in the Construction 1.4 Communicating
followed according to Industry effectively
job requirements 1.2 Green Building 1.5 Following
1.3 Materials and tools are Concept relative to company rules
selected, inspected and Construction (3R, and regulations
prepared consistent with 5S) 1.6 Implementing 3R
job requirements. 1.3 Safe handling and and 5S
1.4 Work area is cleaned standard
according to safety and specification of
environmental materials and
regulations (e.g. PD tools
1152 Section 6, 8 & 42) 1.4 Signs and symbols
1.5 Required output is 1.5 Company rules
completed as specified and regulations
by the immediate 1.6 Basic surveying
supervisor based on 1.7 Factors affecting
work schedule. productivity
1.8 Productivity work
1.9 Ways of improving
1.10 Adherence to
work requirements

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 47

2. Locate the offset 2.1 Related sketches and 2.1 DOLE 2.1 Applying
line established by working drawings are Department mensurations
the line and grade/ followed according to job Order No. 13 2.2 Applying
surveyor requirements series 1998 productive
2.2 Offset line/ building line Guidelines methods and
is located and verified. Governing techniques
2.3 Work area is cleaned Occupational 2.3 Using PPE
according to safety and Safety and 2.4 Communicating
environmental Health in the effectively
regulations (e.g. PD Construction 2.5 Following
1152 Section 6, 8 & 42) Industry company rules
2.4 Required output is 2.2 Signs and and regulations
completed as specified symbols 2.6 Implementing
by the immediate 2.3 Company rules 5S
supervisor based on and regulations
work 2.4 Methods and
techniques in
2.5 Understanding
2.6 Green Building
Concept relative
to Construction
2.7 Basic surveying
2.8 Factors affecting
2.9 Productivity work
2.10 Ways of
2.11 Adherence to

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 48

3. Establish the 3.1 Initial lines are 3.1 DOLE 3.1 Applying
required reference marked from offset Department Order mensuration
lines lines in accordance No. 13 series 3.2 Applying
with working 1998 Guidelines productive
drawings. Governing methods and
3.2 Final reference Occupational techniques
lines are marked, Safety and Health 3.3 Using PPE
squared and in the 3.4 Communicating
plumbed in Construction effectively
accordance with Industry 3.5 Following
working drawings. 3.2 Signs and company rules
3.3 Subsequent symbols and regulations
markings are done 3.3 Company rules 3.6 Following
as required. and regulations instructions
3.4 Work area is 3.4 Methods and 3.7 Implementing 3R
cleaned according to techniques in and 5S
safety and measurements
environmental 3.5 Understanding
regulations (e.g. PD instructions
1152 Section 6, 8 & 3.6 Green Building
42) Concept relative
3.5 Required output is
Construction (3R,
completed as
specified by the
3.7 Factors affecting
supervisor based on productivity
work 3.8 Productivity work
3.9 Ways of
3.10 Adherence to


1. Personal Protective Include:
Equipment (PPE) 1.1 Hard hat
1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Proper uniform/clothing
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest
1.7 Mask

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 49

2. Materials and tools May include:
2.1 Lumber
2.2 Nails
2.3 G.I. Wires
2.4 Chalk line box
2.5 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
2.6 Claw hammer
2.7 Sledge hammer
2.8 Level hose/ level bar
2.9 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
2.10 Nylon string
2.11 Plumb bob
2.12 Steel square
2.13 Carpenter’s square
2.14 Laser level
3. Sketches and working May include:
drawings 3.1 Exact location
3.2 Dimensions
3.3 Elevations
4. Reference lines May include:
4.1 Finished floor lines
4.2 Wall lines
4.3 Ceiling lines
4.4 Fascia/Eave lines
5. Subsequent markings May include:
5.1 Openings
5.2 Embedment

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Prepared materials and tools consistent with job
1.2 Located the offset line established by the line and grade/
1.3 Established the required reference line based on approved
1.4 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.5 Communicated with others to ensure effective work
1.6 Observed and complied with the productivity requirements.
1.7 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 50
3. Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4. Context for assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to
fabricate, install and remove wooden formworks.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
1. Prepare 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department 4.2 Using PPE
materials, tools equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 4.3 Communicating
and equipment used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 4.4 Following
Occupational Safety Occupational company rules
and Health Standards Safety and Health in and
1.2 List of materials, hand the regulations
tools and equipment Construction Industry 4.5 Organizing
are secured and 1.2 Safe handling and materials to
followed according to standard specification be used
job requirements of materials, tools and 4.6 Handling and use
1.3 Materials, tools and equipment of materials, tools
equipment are 1.3 Markings and labels and equipment
selected, inspected 1.4 Company rules and 4.7 Applying
and prepared regulations mensuration
consistent with job 1.5 Mensuration 4.8 Implementing 3R
requirements. 1.6 Green Building and 5S
1.4 Work area is cleaned Concept relative to
according to safety Construction
and environmental (3R, 5S)
regulations (e.g. PD 1.7 Economic use of
1152 Section 6, 8 & material
42) 1.8 Safe and effective use
1.5 Required output is of hand tools
completed as 1.9 Factors affecting
specified by the productivity
immediate supervisor 1.10 Productivity work
based on work measurements
schedule. 1.11 Ways of improving
1.12 Adherence to work

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 51

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
2. Lay-out and cut 2.1 Personal protective 2.1 DOLE Department 2.1 Using PPE
dimension of equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 2.2 Communicating
form sheating used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing
and stiffeners 2.3 Following company
Occupational Occupational rules and
Safety and Health Safety and Health in regulations
Standards the
2.2 Form sheating and 2.4 Organizing
Construction Industry
stiffeners are materials to be used
2.2 Safe handling and
measured and standard specification 2.5 Handling and use of
marked according of materials, tools and materials, tools and
to job specifications. equipment equipment
2.3 Form sheating and 2.3 Markings and labels 2.6 Applying
stiffeners are laid 2.4 Company rules and mensuration
out and cut regulations 2.7 Implementing 3R
according to 2.5 Mensuration and 5S
required 2.6 Green Building
dimensions. Concept relative to
2.4 Work area is Construction
cleaned according (3R, 5S)
to safety and 2.7 Factors affecting
environmental productivity
regulations 2.8 Productivity work
2.5 Required output is measurements
completed as 2.9 Ways of improving
specified by the productivity
immediate 2.10 Adherence to work
supervisor based on requirements
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 52

3. Assemble and 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE Department 3.1 Using PPE
erect form equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 3.2 Communicating
panels and used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 3.3 Following
components Occupational Safety Occupational company rules
and Health Standards Safety and Health in and
3.2 Sheatings are the regulations
positioned and fixed Construction Industry 3.4 Organizing
to stiffeners 3.2 Safe handling and materials to
3.3 Assembled form standard specification be used
panels are checked of materials, tools and 3.5 Handling and use
for squareness, equipment of materials, tools
levelness, plumbness 3.3 Markings and labels and equipment
and alignment. 3.4 Company rules and 3.6 Applying
3.4 Primary and regulations mensuration
secondary supports 3.5 Mensuration 3.7 Implementing 3R
are positioned and 3.6 Green Building and 5S
fixed to hold Concept relative to
assembled form Construction
panels as per (3R, 5S)
drawings. 3.7 Assembly and erection
3.5 Assembled form procedures
panels are checked 3.8 Factors affecting
for compliance with productivity
job requirements. 3.9 Productivity work
3.6 Work area is cleaned measurements
according to safety 3.10 Ways of improving
and environmental productivity
3.7 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 53

4. Erect wooden 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE Department 5.1 Using PPE
scaffolds equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 5.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 5.3 Following
Occupational Safety Occupational company rules
and Health Standards Safety and Health in and regulations
4.2 Soleplates/ timber the
planks are prepared,
5.4 Organizing
Construction Industry materials to be
placed and spaced 4.2 Working at heights
accordingly used
considering ground 5.5 Handling and
4.3 Safe handling and
surface conditions use of materials,
standard specification
based on design tools and
of materials, tools and
requirements equipment
4.3 Wooden scaffold 4.4 Markings and labels 5.6 Applying
components are 4.5 Company rules and mensuration
erected, plumbed and regulations 5.7 Complying
leveled based on 4.6 Mensuration requirements of
design requirements 4.7 Green Building the erection
4.4 Wooden scaffolds Concept relative to procedure
systems are checked Construction 5.8 Implementing
based on design (3R, 5S) 3R and 5S
requirements 4.8 Assembly and erection
4.5 Lifeline for fall procedures
protection devices 4.9 Factors affecting
(harness) are installed productivity
in accordance with job 4.10 Productivity work
specification and measurements
OSHS requirements. 4.11 Ways of improving
4.6 Work area is cleaned productivity
according to safety
and environmental

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 54

5. Strip form panels 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE Department 5.1 Using PPE
and dismantle equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 5.2 Communicating
scaffold used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 5.3 Following company
Occupational Occupational Safety rules and
Safety and Health and Health in the regulations
Standards Construction Industry 5.4 Organizing
5.2 Tools, equipment and 5.2 Working at heights materials to be
staging area are procedures used
prepared 5.3 Safe handling and 5.5 Handling and use
5.3 Bracing, supports standard specification of materials, tools
and form panels are of materials, tools and and equipment
removed as equipment 5.6 Complying
scheduled requirements in
5.4 Markings and labels
accordingly stripping and
5.5 Company rules and dismantling
5.4 Shores and scaffolds regulations
are removed 5.7 Implementing 3R
5.6 Green Building and 5S
according to Concept relative to
schedule Construction
5.5 Panels and other (3R, 5S)
components are 5.7 Stripping and
sorted, clean and dismantling schedule
stored for the next
5.8 Stripping and
5.6 Work area is cleaned procedures
according to safety 5.9 Factors affecting
and environmental
regulations (e.g. PD
1152 Section 6, 8 & 5.10 Productivity work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 55

6. Clean and store 6.1 Personal protective 6.1 DOLE Department 6.1 Working safely
reusable form equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 6.2 Organizing
panels and used in accordance 1998 Guidelines materials to
components with Rule 1080 of Governing be stored
Occupational Safety Occupational 6.3 Handling and use
and Health Standards Safety and Health in of materials, tools
6.2 Materials such as the and equipment
scaffolding and Construction Industry 6.4 Communicating
formworks are 6.2 Safe handling and effectively
recovered and standard specification 6.5 Using PPE
stockpiled according of materials, tools and 6.6 Implementing 3R
to company rules and equipment and 5S
procedures 6.3 Green Building
6.3 Work area is cleaned Concept relative to
according to safety Construction
and environmental (3R, 5S)
regulations (e.g. PD 6.4 Safety signs and
1152 Section 6, 8 & symbols
42) 6.5 Adherence to work
6.4 Tools, equipment and requirements
other materials are
cleaned after use.
6.5 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work


1. Personal Include:
Protective 1.1 Hard hat
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest
1.7 Full body harness

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 56

3. Materials, tools and May include:
equipment 3.1 Lumber
3.2 Plywood
3.3 Nails
3.4 G.I. Wires
3.5 Chalk line box
3.6 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
3.7 Claw hammer
3.8 Sledge hammer
3.9 Level hose/ level bar
3.10 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
3.11 Nylon string
3.12 Plumb bob
3.13 Steel square
3.14 Carpenter’s square
3.15 Lifting equipment
3.16 Crow bar
3.17 Cross-cut saw
3.18 Rip saw
3.19 Adjustable wrench

4. Job requirements May include:

3.1 Approved working drawings
3.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings

5. Ground surface May include:

conditions 5.1 Compacted
5.2 Level
5.3 Slab on grade

6. Wooden scaffold May include:

components 6.1 Platforms
6.2 Vertical support
6.3 Shoring
6.4 Sole plates
6.5 Lateral and diagonal supports


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 57

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Prepared materials, tools and equipment consistent with
job requirements
1.2 Laid-out and cut dimension of form sheating and stiffeners
according to required dimensions
1.3 Assembled and erected form panels and components
compliance with job requirements
1.4 Erected wooden scaffolds based on design requirements
1.5 Stripped form panels and dismantled scaffold according to
1.6 Cleaned and stored reusable form panels and components
1.7 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.8 Communicated with others to ensure effective work
1.9 Observed and complied with the productivity requirements
1.10 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3. Method of assessment
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

4. Context for
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the
installation of wooden door jamb, window frame and

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 58

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
1. Prepare 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department Order 1.1 Using PPE
materials and equipment (PPE) is No. 13 series 1.2 Communicating
tools used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational 1.3 Following company
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the rules and
and Health Construction Industry regulations
Standards 1.2 Safe handling and 1.4 Organizing
1.2 List of materials and standard specification of materials to be
tools are secured and materials and tools used
followed according to 1.3 Markings and labels 1.5 Handling and use of
job requirements 1.4 Company rules and materials and tools
1.3 Material and tools regulations 1.6 Applying
are selected, 1.5 Mensuration mensuration
inspected and 1.6 Green Building Concept 1.7 Implementing 3R
prepared consistent relative to Construction and 5S
with job requirements. (3R, 5S)
1.4 Work area is cleaned 1.7 Safe and effective use of
according to safety hand tools
and environmental 1.8 Factors affecting
regulations (e.g. PD productivity
1152 Section 6, 8 & 1.9 Productivity work
42) measurements
1.5 Required output is 1.10 Ways of improving
completed as productivity
specified by the 1.11 Adherence to work
immediate supervisor requirements
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 59

2. Layout location 2.1 Personal protective 2.1 DOLE Department Order 2.1 Applying
equipment (PPE) is No. 13 series mensuration
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines 2.2 Applying
with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational productive
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the methods and
and Health Standards. Construction Industry techniques
2.2 Exact location is 2.2 Green Building Concept 2.3 Using PPE
marked for door and relative to Construction 2.4 Communicating
window opening based (5S) effectively
on working drawings 2.3 Signs and symbols 2.5 Following
2.3 Clearance of opening 2.4 Company rules and company rules
is checked based on regulations and regulations
working drawings 2.5 Methods and techniques 2.6 Following
2.4 Work area is cleaned in measurements instructions
according to safety and 2.6 Understanding 2.7 Reading and
environmental instructions understanding
regulations (e.g. PD 2.7 Factors affecting drawings
1152 Section 6, 8 & productivity 2.8 Implementing 5S
42) 2.8 Productivity work
2.5 Required output is measurements
completed as specified 2.9 Ways of improving
by the immediate productivity
2.10 Adherence to work
supervisor based on
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 60

3. Fix door jamb 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE Department 3.1 Using PPE
and panels equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 3.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 3.3 Following company
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety rules and
and Health Standards. and Health in the regulations
3.2 Assembled jamb and Construction Industry 3.4 Organizing
panels are selected 3.2 Green Building Concept materials to be
and checked for relative to Construction used
compliance with job (3R, 5S) 3.5 Handling and use
requirements 3.3 Safe handling and of materials and
3.3 Jambs are temporarily standard specification tools
positioned to hold of materials and tools 3.6 Applying
assembled panels as 3.4 Markings and labels mensuration
per drawings. 3.5 Company rules and 3.7 Installing hardware
3.4 Installed jamb and regulations accessories
panels are checked 3.6 Mensuration 3.8 Implementing 3R
for squareness, 3.7 Installation procedures and 5S
levelness, plumbness 3.8 Factors affecting
and alignment. productivity
3.5 Jamb and panels are 3.9 Productivity work
positioned and fixed to measurements
openings 3.10 Ways of improving
3.6 Work area is cleaned productivity
according to safety
and environmental
regulations (e.g. PD
1152 Section 6, 8 &
3.7 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 61

4. Fix window 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE Department Order 4.1 Using PPE
frames and equipment (PPE) is No. 13 series 4.2 Communicating
panels used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational 4.3 Following
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the company rules
and Health Construction Industry and regulations
Standards. 4.2 Green Building Concept 4.4 Organizing
4.2 Assembled window relative to Construction materials to be
frames and panels (3R, 5S) used
are selected and 4.3 Safe handling and 4.5 Handling and use
checked for standard specification of of materials and
compliance with job materials and tools tools
requirements 4.4 Markings and labels 4.6 Applying
4.3 Window frames are 4.5 Company rules and mensuration
positioned and regulations 4.7 Installing hardware
panels are 4.6 Mensuration accessories
temporarily installed 4.7 Installation procedures 4.8 Implementing 3R
as per drawings. 4.8 Factors affecting and 5S
4.4 Installed window productivity
frame and panels 4.9 Productivity work
are checked for measurements
squareness, 4.10 Ways of improving
levelness, productivity
plumbness and
4.5 Window frames and
panels are
positioned and fixed
to openings
4.6 Work area is
cleaned according
to safety and
regulations (e.g.
PD 1152 Section 6,
8 & 42)
4.7 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
supervisor based on
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 62

5. Perform 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE 5.1 Working safely
housekeeping equipment (PPE) is used Department 5.2 Organizing
in accordance with Order No. 13 materials to be
Rule 1080 of series 1998 stored
Occupational Safety and Guidelines 5.3 Handling and use
Health Standards. Governing of materials and
5.2 Excess/un-used Occupational tools
materials are recovered Safety and Health
and stockpiled in the Construction
5.4 Communicating
according to company effectively
rules and procedures 5.2 Green Building 5.5 Using PPE
5.3 Work area is cleaned Concept relative to 5.6 Implementing 3R
according to safety and Construction and 5S
environmental (3R, 5S
regulations(e.g. PD 1152 5.3 Safe handling and
Section 6, 8 & 42) standard
5.4 Tools and other specification of
materials are cleaned materials and
after use. tools
5.1 Required output is 5.4 Safety signs and
completed as specified symbols
5.5 Adherence to work
by the immediate
supervisor based on
work schedule.


1. Personal Include:
Protective 1.1 Hard hat
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest

2. Materials and hand tools May include:

2.1 Lumber
2.2 Nails
2.3 G.I. Wires
2.4 Chalk line box
2.5 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
2.6 Claw hammer
2.7 Sledge hammer
2.8 Level hose/ level bar
2.9 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
2.10 Nylon string
2.11 Plumb bob
2.12 Steel square/Carpenter’s square
2.13 Combination square
2.14 Wood chisel
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 63
2.15 Screw driver

3. Jamb and panels May include:

3.1 Lockset
3.2 Hinges
3.3 Door knob
3.4 Barrel bolt
3.5 Door stopper
4. Job requirements May include:
3.1 Approved working drawings
3.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings

5. Panels May include:

4.1 Door
4.2 Window


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Prepared materials and tools consistent with job
1.2 Laid-out location based on working drawings
1.3 Fixed door jamb and panels as per drawings
1.4 Fixed window frames and panels as per drawings
1.5 Performed housekeeping
1.6 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.7 Communicated with others to ensure effective work operation
1.8 Observed and complied with the productivity requirements
1.9 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
3. Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

4. Context for
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 64
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
in the installation of ceiling and wall frames and

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
1. Prepare 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department 1.1 Using PPE
materials, tools equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 1.2 Communicating
and equipment used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 1.3 Following
Occupational Occupational Safety company rules
Safety and Health and Health in the and regulations
Standards Construction Industry 1.4 Organizing
1.2 List of materials, 1.2 Green Building materials to be
tools and Concept relative to used
equipment are Construction (3R, 5S) 1.5 Handling and use
secured and 1.3 Safe handling and of materials, tools
followed according standard specification and equipment
to job requirements of materials, tools and 1.6 Applying
1.3 Material, tools and equipment mensuration
equipment are 1.4 Markings and labels 1.7 Implementing 3R
selected, inspected 1.5 Company rules and and 5S
and prepared regulations
consistent with job 1.6 Mensuration
requirements. 1.7 Safe and effective use
1.4 Work area is cleaned of hand tools
according to safety 1.8 Factors affecting
and environmental productivity
regulations (e.g. PD 1.9 Productivity work
1152 Section 6, 8 & measurements
42) 1.10 Ways of improving
1.5 Required output is productivity
completed as 1.11 Adherence to work
specified by the requirements
supervisor based
on work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 65

2. Erect movable 2.1 Personal Protective 2.1 DOLE Department 2.1 Using PPE
scaffolds or Equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 2.2 Communicating
working used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
platforms with 1080 of Governing Occupational 2.3 Following
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the company rules
and Health Construction Industry and regulations
Standards. 2.2 Green Building Concept 2.4 Organizing
2.2 Scaffolds or relative to Construction materials to be
platforms and (3R, 5S) used
components are 2.3 Working at heights 2.5 Handling and use
erected and stability procedures of materials, tools
is ensured based on 2.4 Safe handling and and equipment
work requirements standard specification of 2.6 Applying
and safety standards materials, tools and mensuration
2.3 Work area is cleaned equipment 2.7 Implementing 3R
according to safety 2.5 Company rules and and 5S
and environmental regulations 2.8 Complying safety
regulations 2.6 Mensuration requirements on
2.7 Factors affecting erection procedure
2.4 Required output is
completed as productivity
specified by the 2.8 Productivity work
immediate supervisor measurements
based on work 2.9 Ways of improving
schedule. productivity

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 66

3. Layout ceiling 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE Department 3.1 Applying
elevation, wall equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series mensuration
location and used in accordance 1998 Guidelines 3.2 Handling and use
with Rule 1080 of Governing of materials, tools
position of Occupational Safety and equipment
Occupational Safety
framing system and Health Standards and Health in the 3.3 Applying productive
3.2 Exact layout is marked Construction Industry methods and
for ceiling and wall 3.2 Green Building techniques
frames based on Concept relative to 3.4 Using PPE
working drawings Construction (5S) 3.5 Communicating
3.3 Work area is cleaned 3.3 Signs and symbols effectively
according to safety 3.4 Company rules and 3.6 Following company
and environmental regulations rules and
regulations (e.g. PD 3.5 Methods and regulations
1152 Section 6, 8 & techniques in 3.7 Following
42) measurements instructions
3.4 Required output is 3.6 Understanding 3.8 Reading and
completed as instructions understanding
3.7 Factors affecting drawings
specified by the
productivity 3.9 Implementing 5S
immediate supervisor 3.8 Productivity work
based on work measurements
schedule. 3.9 Ways of improving
3.10 Adherence to work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 67

4. Fix frames and 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE Department 4.1 Using PPE
panels equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 4.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational 4.3 Following
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the company rules
and Health Construction Industry and regulations
Standards 4.2 Green Building Concept 4.4 Organizing
4.2 Frames are installed relative to Construction materials to be
based on (3R, 5S) used
specifications 4.3 Safe handling and 1.8 Handling and use
4.3 Installed frames are standard specification of of materials, tools
checked for materials, tools and and equipment
squareness, equipment 4.5 Applying
levelness, plumbness 4.4 Markings and labels mensuration
and alignment. 4.5 Company rules and 4.6 Reading and
4.4 Panels are fixed to regulations understanding
frames based on 4.6 Mensuration drawings
working drawings 4.7 Installation procedures 4.7 Implementing 3R
4.5 Work area is cleaned 4.8 Factors affecting and 5S
according to safety productivity
and environmental 4.9 Productivity work
regulations (e.g. PD measurements
1152 Section 6, 8 & 4.10 Ways of improving
42) productivity
4.6 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 68

5. Dismantle 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE Department 5.1 Using PPE
movable equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 5.2 Communicating
scaffolds or used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
working with Rule 1080 of Governing 5.3 Following company
platforms Occupational Safety Occupational Safety rules and
and Health Standards and Health in the regulations
5.2 Tools for dismantling Construction Industry 5.4 Organizing
and temporary storage 5.2 Green Building materials to be
area are prepared Concept relative to used
5.3 Scaffolds or platforms Construction (3R, 5S) 5.5 Handling and use
components are 5.3 Working at heights of materials, tools
removed, cleaned, procedures and equipment
sorted and stored 5.4 Safe handling and 5.6 Complying
accordingly for re-use standard specification requirements in
5.4 Work area is cleaned of materials, tools and dismantling
according to safety and equipment scaffolds and
environmental 5.5 Markings and labels components
regulations (e.g. PD 5.6 Company rules and 5.7 Implementing 3R
1152 Section 6, 8 & 42) regulations and 5S
5.5 Required output is 5.7 Dismantling
completed as specified procedures
by the immediate 5.8 Factors affecting
supervisor based on productivity
work schedule. 5.9 Productivity work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
6. Perform 6.1 Personal protective 6.1 DOLE Department 6.1 Working safely
housekeeping equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 6.2 Organizing
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines materials to be
with Rule 1080 of Governing stored
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety 6.3 Handling and use of
and Health Standards. and Health in the materials, tools and
6.2 Excess/un-used Construction Industry equipment
materials are 6.2 Green Building 6.4 Communicating
recovered and Concept relative to effectively
stockpiled according Construction (3R, 5S) 6.5 Using PPE
to company rules and 6.3 Safe handling and 6.6 Implementing 3R
procedures standard specification and 5S
6.3 Work area is cleaned of materials, tools and
according to safety equipment
and environmental 6.4 Safety signs and
regulations (e.g. PD symbols
1152 Section 6, 8 & 6.5 Adherence to work
42) requirements
6.4 Tools and other
materials are
cleaned after use
6.5 Required output is
completed as
specified by the

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 69

immediate supervisor
based on work

1. Personal Include:
Protective 1.1 Hard hat
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest

5. Materials, tools and May include:

equipment 2.1 Lumber
2.2 Nails (Common wire nail and concrete nail)
2.3 G.I. Wires
2.4 Chalk line box
2.5 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
2.6 Claw hammer
2.7 Planer
2.8 Rip saw
2.9 Cross-cut saw
2.10 Level hose/ level bar
2.11 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
2.12 Nylon string
2.13 Plumb bob
2.14 Steel square/Carpenter’s square
2.15 Scaffolds and components
2.16 Adjustable wrench

6. Job requirements May include:

5.1 Approved working drawings
5.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 70

1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Prepared materials, tools and equipment consistent with
job requirements
1.2 Erected movable scaffolds or working platforms based on
work requirements and safety standards
1.3 Laid out ceiling elevation, wall location and position of
framing system based on working drawings
1.4 Fixed frames and panels based on working drawings
1.5 Dismantled movable scaffolds or working platforms
1.6 Performed housekeeping
1.7 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.8 Communicated with others to ensure effective work
1.9 Observed and complied with the productivity requirements
1.10 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implications 5.1 Actual or simulated workplace
5.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
5.3 References and manuals
5.4 PPE
5.5 First Aid Kit
3. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
assessment 3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

4. Context for
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
in the fabrication and installation of wooden
stairs, handrails and baluster.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 71

1. Prepare 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department Order 1.1 Using PPE
materials, tools equipment (PPE) is No. 13 series 1.2 Communicating
and used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
equipment with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational 1.3 Following
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the company rules
and Health Standards Construction Industry and regulations
1.2 List of materials, tools 1.2 Green Building Concept 1.4 Organizing
and equipment are relative to Construction materials to be
secured and followed (3R, 5S) used
according to job 1.3 Safe handling and 1.5 Handling and use
requirements standard specification of of materials, tools
1.3 Materials, tools and materials, tools and and equipment
equipment are equipment 1.6 Applying
selected, inspected 1.4 Markings and labels mensuration
and prepared 1.5 Company rules and 1.7 Implementing 3R
consistent with job regulations and 5S
requirements. 1.6 Mensuration 1.8 Reading and
1.4 Work area is cleaned 1.7 Safe and effective use of understanding
according to safety and hand tools drawings
environmental 1.8 Factors affecting
regulations (e.g. PD productivity
1152 Section 6, 8 & 1.9 Productivity work
42) measurements
1.5 Required output is 1.10 Ways of improving
completed as specified productivity
by the immediate 1.11 Adherence to work
supervisor based on requirements
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 72

2. Erect scaffolds 2.1 Personal protective 2.1 DOLE Department Order 2.1 Using PPE
equipment (PPE) is No. 13 series 2.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational 2.3 Following
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the company rules
and Health Standards Construction Industry and regulations
2.2 Scaffold systems are 2.2 Green Building Concept 2.4 Organizing
erected and relative to Construction materials to be
stability is ensured (3R, 5S) used
based on work 2.3 Working at heights 2.5 Handling and use
requirements and procedures of materials, tools
safety standards 2.4 Safe handling and and equipment
2.3 Work area is cleaned standard specification of 2.6 Applying
according to safety materials, tools and mensuration
and environmental equipment 2.7 Complying safety
regulations (e.g. PD 2.5 Markings and labels requirements on
1152 Section 6, 8 & 2.6 Company rules and erection procedure
42) regulations 2.8 Implementing
2.4 Required output is 2.7 Mensuration 3R and 5S
completed as 2.8 Assembly and erection
specified by the procedures
immediate supervisor 2.9 Factors affecting
based on work productivity
schedule. 2.10 Productivity work
2.11 Ways of improving

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 73

6. Layout location 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE Department Order 3.1 Applying
and stair equipment (PPE) is No. 13 series 1998 mensuration
elevation used in accordance Guidelines Governing 3.2 Handling and use
with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and of materials, tools
Occupational Safety Health in the Construction and equipment
and Health Standards Industry 3.3 Applying
3.2 Exact location of stairs 3.2 Green Building Concept productive
including riser and relative to Construction methods and
thread are marked (5S) techniques
based on working 3.3 Signs and symbols 3.4 Implementing 5S
drawings 3.4 Company rules and 3.5 Using PPE
3.3 Exact location of regulations 3.6 Communicating
handrails and balusters 3.5 Methods and techniques effectively
are marked for based in measurements 3.7 Following
on working drawings 3.6 Understanding company rules
3.4 Work area is cleaned instructions and regulations
according to safety and 3.7 Factors affecting 3.8 Following
environmental productivity instructions
regulations (e.g. PD 3.8 Productivity work 3.9 Reading and
1152 Section 6, 8 & measurements understanding
42) 3.9 Ways of improving drawings
3.5 Required output is productivity
completed as specified 3.10 Adherence to work
by the immediate
supervisor based on
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 74

4. Place wooden 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE Department 4.1 Using PPE
stringer, equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 4.2 Communicating
threads, used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
handrails and with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational 4.3 Following
baluster Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the company rules
and Health Standards Construction Industry and regulations
4.2 Wooden stringers are 4.2 Green Building Concept 4.4 Organizing
cut and fabricated relative to Construction materials to be
based on working (3R, 5S) used
drawing and/or actual 4.3 Safe handling of 4.5 Handling and use
requirements materials, tools and of materials, tools
4.3 Wooden stringer and equipment and equipment
thread are positioned 4.4 Markings and labels 4.6 Applying
and fixed based on 4.5 Company rules and mensuration
working drawings. regulations 4.7 Implementing 3R
4.4 Handrails and 4.6 Mensuration and 5S
balusters are installed 4.7 Installation procedures 4.8 Following
based on working 4.8 Factors affecting installation
drawings productivity procedures
4.5 Wooden stairs 4.9 Productivity work
assembly are measurements
checked for stability 4.10 Ways of improving
and firmness. productivity
4.6 Work area is cleaned
according to safety
and environmental
regulations (e.g. PD
1152 Section 6, 8 &
4.7 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 75

5. Dismantle 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE Department 5.1 Using PPE
scaffolds equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 5.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 5.3 Following company
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety rules and
and Health Standards and Health in the regulations
5.2 Tools for dismantling Construction Industry 5.4 Organizing
and temporary storage 5.2 Green Building materials to be
area are prepared Concept relative to used
5.3 Scaffold components Construction (3R, 5S) 5.5 Handling and use
are removed, cleaned, 5.3 Working at heights of materials, tools
sorted and stored procedures and equipment
accordingly for re-use 5.4 Safe handling of 5.6 Implementing 3R
5.4 Work area is cleaned materials and hand and 5S
according to safety tools 5.7 Complying
and environmental 5.5 Markings and labels requirements in
regulations (e.g. PD 5.6 Company rules and dismantling
1152 Section 6, 8 & regulations scaffolds and
42) 5.7 Dismantling components
5.5 Required output is procedures
completed as 5.8 Factors affecting
specified by the
5.9 Productivity work
immediate supervisor measurements
based on work
ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
6. Perform 6.1 Personal protective 6.1 DOLE Department 6.1 Working safely
housekeeping equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 6.2 Organizing
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines materials to be
with Rule 1080 of Governing Occupational stored
Occupational Safety Safety and Health in the 6.3 Handling and use
and Health Standards. Construction Industry of materials, tools
6.2 Excess/un-used 6.2 Green Building Concept and equipment
materials are relative to Construction 6.4 Communicating
recovered and (3R, 5S) effectively
stockpiled according 6.3 Safe handling and 6.5 Using PPE
to company rules and standard specification of 6.6 Implementing 3R
procedures materials, tools and and 5S
6.3 Work area is cleaned equipment
according to safety 6.4 Safety signs and
and environmental symbols
regulations (e.g. PD 6.5 Adherence to work
1152 Section 6, 8 & requirements
6.4 Tools and other
materials are
cleaned after use
6.5 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 76
based on work


1. Personal Include:
Protective 1.1 Hard hat
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest

2. Job requirements May include:

2.1 Approved working drawings
2.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings

3. Materials, tools and May include:

equipment 3.1 Lumber
3.2 Nails (common wire)
3.3 G.I. Wires
3.4 Chalk line box
3.5 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
3.6 Wood adhesive
3.7 Claw hammer
3.8 Chisel
3.9 Level hose/ level bar
3.10 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
3.11 Nylon string
3.12 Plumb bob
3.13 Steel square/Carpenter’s square
3.14 Grinder
3.15 Sander
3.16 Circular saw/Jig saw with vacuum
3.17 Planer
3.18 Electric drill with bits
3.19 Adjustable wrench

3. Scaffold systems May include:

3.1 Platforms
3.2 Braces
3.3 Shoring
3.4 Base- plates
3.5 Lateral, diagonal and vertical supports

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 77

4.Stairs assembly May include:
4.2 Thread
4.3 Handrail
4.4 Balusters
4.5 Landing


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Prepared materials, tools and equipment consistent with job
1.2 Erected scaffolds based on work requirements and safety
1.3 Laid-out location and stair elevation based on working
1.4 Placed wooden stairs, stringer, thread, handrails and baluster
1.5 Dismantled scaffold
1.6 Performed housekeeping
1.7 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.8 Communicated with others to ensure effective work operation
1.9 Observed and complied with the productivity requirements
1.10 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
3. Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

4. Context for
designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
in installation of wooden floor supports and

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 78

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
1. Prepare 1.1 Personal 1.1 DOLE Department 1.1 Using PPE
materials, protective Order No. 13 series 1.2 Communicating
tools and equipment (PPE) 1998 Guidelines effectively
equipment is used in Governing 1.3 Following company
accordance with Occupational Safety rules and
Rule 1080 of and Health in the regulations
Occupational Safety Construction Industry 1.4 Organizing
and Health 1.2 Green Building materials to be
Standards Concept relative to used
1.2 List of materials and Construction (3R, 5S) 1.5 Handling and use
tools are secured 1.3 Safe handling and of materials, tools
and followed standard specification and equipment
according to job of materials, tools and 1.6 Applying
requirements equipment mensuration
1.3 Material, tools and 1.4 Markings and labels 1.7 Implementing 3R
equipment are 1.5 Company rules and and 5S
selected, inspected regulations 1.8 Reading and
and prepared 1.6 Mensuration understanding
consistent with job 1.7 Safe and effective use drawings
requirements. of hand tools
1.4 Work area is cleaned 1.8 Factors affecting
according to safety productivity
and environmental 1.9 Productivity work
regulations (e.g. PD measurements
1152 Section 6, 8 & 1.10 Ways of improving
42) productivity
1.5 Required output is 1.11 Adherence to work
completed as requirements
specified by the
supervisor based on
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 79

2. Erect scaffolds 2.1 Personal protective 2.1 DOLE Department 2.1 Using PPE
equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 2.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 2.3 Following company
Occupational Safety Occupational rules and
and Health Standards Safety and Health in regulations
2.2 Scaffold systems the 2.4 Organizing
are erected and Construction Industry materials to be
stability is ensured 2.2 Green Building used
based on work Concept relative to 2.5 Handling and use
requirements and Construction of materials, tools
safety standards (3R, 5S) and equipment
2.3 Work area is cleaned 2.3 Working at heights 2.6 Complying safety
according to safety procedures requirements on
and environmental 2.4 Safe handling of erection procedure
regulations materials, tools 2.7 Implementing 3R
2.4 Required output is and equipment and 5S
completed as 2.5 Markings and labels
specified by the 2.6 Company rules and
immediate supervisor regulations
based on work 2.7 Mensuration
schedule. 2.8 Assembly and erection
2.9 Factors affecting
2.10 Productivity work
2.11 Ways of improving
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
3. Layout floor 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE Department 3.1 Applying
elevation, equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series mensuration
location and used in accordance 1998 3.2 Handling and
with Rule 1080 of Guidelines Governing use of materials
position of Occupational and hand tools
Occupational Safety and
framing system Safety and Health Health in the 3.3 Applying
Standards Construction Industry productive
3.2 Exact location is 3.2 Green Building Concept methods and
marked for wooden relative to Construction techniques
floor supports, joists (5S) 3.4 Implementing 5S
and panels based on 3.3 Signs and symbols 3.5 Using PPE
working drawings 3.4 Company rules and 3.6 Communicating
3.3 Work area is cleaned regulations effectively
according to safety 3.5 Methods and techniques 3.7 Following
and environmental in measurements company rules
regulations (e.g. PD 3.6 Understanding and regulations
1152 Section 6, 8 & instructions 3.8 Following
42) 3.7 Factors affecting instructions
3.4 Required output is productivity 3.9 Reading and
completed as 3.8 Productivity work understanding
specified by the measurements
3.9 Ways of improving
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 80
supervisor based on productivity
work schedule. 3.10 Adherence to work
ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
4. Place wooden 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE Department 4.1 Using PPE
floor supports equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 4.2 Communicating
and panels used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 4.3 Following
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety company rules
and Health and Health in the and regulations
Standards Construction Industry 4.2 4.4 Organizing
4.2 Floor supports are Green Building Concept materials to be
positioned and fixed relative to used
as per working Construction (3R, 5S)
4.5 Handling and use
drawings 4.3 Safe handling of of materials, tools
4.3 Floor framings are materials, tools and equipment
checked for and equipment
4.6 Applying
levelness and 4.4 Markings and labels mensuration
alignment. 4.5 Company rules and 4.7 Implementing 3R
4.4 Floor Panels are regulations and 5S
fixed based on 4.6 Mensuration 4.8 Following
working drawings. 4.7 Different types of installation
4.5 Work area is wood joints procedures
cleaned according to 4.8 Economic use of 4.9 Reading and
safety and material understanding
4.9 Installation drawings
regulations (e.g. PD
procedures 4.10 Performing basic
1152 Section 6, 8 &
42) 4.10 Factors affecting joinery
4.6 Required output is
completed as 4.11 Productivity work
specified by the measurements
immediate 4.12 Ways of improving
supervisor based on productivity
work schedule.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 81

5. Dismantle 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE Department 5.1 Using PPE
scaffolds equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 5.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 effectively
with Rule 1080 of Guidelines Governing 5.3 Following
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety and company rules
and Health Health in the and regulations
Standards Construction Industry 5.4 Organizing
5.2 Tools for dismantling 5.2 Green Building Concept materials to be
and temporary relative to Construction used
storage area are (3R, 5S) 5.5 Handling and use
prepared 5.3 Working at heights of materials, tools
5.3 Scaffold components procedures and equipment
are removed, 5.4 Safe handling of 5.6 Implementing 3R
cleaned, sorted and materials and hand tools and 5S
stored accordingly for 5.5 Markings and labels 5.7 Complying
re-use 5.6 Company rules and requirements in
5.4 Work area is cleaned regulations dismantling
according to safety 5.7 Dismantling procedures
and environmental scaffolds and
5.8 Factors affecting
regulations (e.g. PD productivity components
1152 Section 6, 8 & 5.9 Productivity work
42) measurements
5.5 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
6. Perform 6.1 Personal protective 6.1 DOLE Department 6.1 Working safely
housekeeping equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 6.2 Organizing
used in accordance 1998 materials to be
with Rule 1080 of Guidelines Governing stored
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety 6.3 Handling and use
and Health and of materials and
Standards. Health in the tools
6.2 Excess/un-used Construction Industry 6.4 Communicating
materials are 6.2 Green Building Concept effectively
recovered and relative to Construction 6.5 Using PPE
stockpiled according (3R, 5S) 6.6 Implementing 3R
to company rules 6.3 Safe handling and and 5S
and procedures standard specification of
6.3 Work area is cleaned materials and tools
according to safety 6.4 Safety signs and
and environmental symbols
regulations (e.g. PD 6.5 Adherence to work
1152 Section 6, 8 & requirements
6.4 Tools and other
materials are
cleaned after use
6.5 Required output is
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 82
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

1. Personal Protective Include:
Equipment (PPE) 1.1 Hard hat
1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest
1.7 Full body harness (or alternative fall protection system such
as railings/guard rails)

2. Job requirements May include:

2.1 Approved working drawings
2.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings

3. Materials, tools and May include:

equipment 2.1 Lumber
2.2 Nails
2.3 G.I. Wires
2.4 Chalk line box
2.5 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
2.6 Claw hammer
2.7 Chisel
2.8 Cross-cut saw
2.9 Rip saw
2.10 Level hose/ level bar
2.11 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
2.12 Nylon string
2.13 Plumb bob
2.14 Steel square/Carpenter’s square
2.15 Grinder
2.16 Sander
2.17 Circular saw / jig saw with vacuum
2.18 Planer
2.19 Electric drill with bits
2.20 Adjustable wrench

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 83

3. Scaffolds systems May include:
3.1 Platforms
3.2 Braces
3.3 Shoring
3.4 Base- plates
3.5 Lateral, diagonal and vertical supports

4. Floor supports May Include:

4.1 Beams/Girders
4.2 Stringers
4.3 Bridging
4.4 Joist


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Prepared materials, tools and equipment consistent with
job requirements
1.2 Erected scaffolds based on work requirements and safety
1.3 Laid-out floor elevation, location and position of framing
system based on working drawings
1.4 Placed wooden floor supports and panels based on
working drawings
1.5 Dismantled scaffolds
1.6 Performed housekeeping
1.7 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.8 Communicated with others to ensure effective work
1.9 Observed and complied with the productivity
1.10 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
3. Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4. Context for assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at

the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 84


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills,

attitudes in fabrication and installation of roofing
system (wooden roof truss, purlins and roofing
sheets & accessories).

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
1. Prepare 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department 1.1 Using PPE
materials, equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 1.2 Communicating
tools and used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
equipment with Rule 1080 of Governing 1.3 Following company
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety rules and
and Health Standards and Health in the regulations
1.2 List of materials, hand Construction Industry 1.4 Organizing
tools and equipment 1.2 Green Building materials to be
are secured according Concept relative to used
to job requirements Construction (3R, 5S) 1.5 Handling and use of
1.3 Materials, hand 1.3 Safe handling and materials, tools and
tools and equipment standard specification equipment
are selected, of materials, tools and 1.6 Applying
inspected and equipment mensuration
prepared according to 1.4 Markings and labels 1.7 Implementing 3R
job requirements. 1.5 Company rules and and 5S
1.4 Fabrication and regulations 1.8 Reading and
staging area are 1.6 Mensuration understanding
prepared based on 1.7 Safe and effective drawings
job requirements use of hand tools
1.5 Work area is cleaned 1.8 Factors affecting
according to safety productivity
and environmental 1.9 Productivity work
regulations (e.g. PD measurements
1152 Section 6, 8 & 1.10 Ways of improving
42) productivity
1.6 Required output is 1.11 Adherence to
completed as work requirements
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 85

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables
2. Erect 2.1 Personal protective 2.1 DOLE Department 2.1 Using PPE
scaffolds equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 2.2 Communicating
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 2.3 Following
Occupational Safety Occupational company rules
and Health Standards Safety and Health in and regulations
2.2 Scaffold systems are the 2.4 Organizing
erected and stability Construction Industry materials to be
is ensured based on 2.2 Green Building used
work requirements Concept relative to 2.5 Handling and use
and safety standards Construction of materials, tools
2.3 Work area is cleaned (3R, 5S) and equipment
according to safety 2.3 Working at heights 2.6 Complying safety
and environmental procedures requirements on
regulations (e.g. PD 2.4 Safe handling and erection procedure
1152 Section 6, 8 & standard specification 2.7 Implementing
42) of materials, tools and 3R and 5S
2.4 Required output is equipment
completed as 2.5 Markings and labels
specified by the 2.6 Company rules and
immediate supervisor regulations
based on work 2.7 Mensuration
schedule. 2.8 Assembly and erection
2.9 Factors affecting
2.10 Productivity work
2.11 Ways of improving
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 86

3. Layout truss 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE Department 3.1 Applying
location and equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series mensuration
elevation used in accordance 1998 3.2 Handling and use
with Rule 1080 of Guidelines Governing of materials, tools
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety and equipment
and Health Standards and 3.3 Applying
3.2 Exact location for roof Health in the productive
truss assembly is Construction Industry methods and
marked based on 3.2 Green Building Concept techniques
working drawing relative to Construction 3.4 Using PPE
3.3 Work area is cleaned (5S) 3.5 Communicating
according to safety 3.3 Signs and symbols effectively
and environmental 3.4 Company rules and 3.6 Following
regulations regulations company rules
3.4 Required output is 3.5 Methods and and regulations
completed as techniques in 3.7 Following
specified by the measurements instructions
3.6 Understanding 3.8 Implementing 5S
immediate supervisor
based on work 3.7 Factors affecting
schedule. productivity
3.8 Productivity work
3.9 Ways of improving
3.10 Adherence to work

elaborated in the SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 87

4. Assemble 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE Department Order No. 4.1 Using PPE
wooden equipment (PPE) is 13 series 1998 Guidelines 4.2 Communicating
roof truss used in accordance Governing Occupational effectively
with Rule 1080 of Safety and Health in the 4.3 Following
Occupational Safety Construction Industry company rules
and Health Standards 4.2 Green Building Concept and
4.2 Truss members are relative to Construction (3R, regulations
cut, assembled, 5S) 4.4 Organizing
fastened and fixed 4.3 Working at heights materials to
based on working procedures be used
drawings. 4.4 Safe handling and standard 4.5 Handling and
4.3 Wooden roof truss specification of materials, use of materials,
assembly is placed in tools and equipment tools and
staging area. 4.5 Markings and labels equipment
4.4 Work area is cleaned 4.6 Company rules and 4.6 Applying
according to safety regulations mensuration
and environmental 4.7 Mensuration 4.7 Following
regulations (e.g. PD 4.8 Fabrication of wooden roof fabrication
1152 Section 6, 8 & truss procedures
42) 4.9 Different types of wood joints 4.8 Performing basic
4.5 Required output is 4.10 Factors affecting joinery
completed as productivity 4.9 Reading and
specified by the 4.11 Productivity work understanding
immediate supervisor measurements drawings
based on work 4.12 Ways of improving 4.10
schedule. productivity Implementing
3R and 5S

ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 88

5.Place wooden 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE Department 5.1 Using PPE
roof truss equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 5.2 Communicating
assembly, used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
purlins and with Rule 1080 of Governing 5.3 Following company
fascia board Occupational Safety Occupational Safety rules and
and Health Standards and Health in the regulations
5.2 Wooden roof truss Construction Industry 5.4 Organizing
assembly is lifted from 5.2 Green Building materials to be
staging area using Concept relative to used
lifting equipment Construction (3R, 5S) 5.5 Handling and use
5.3 Wooden roof truss 5.3 Safe handling and of materials, tools
assembly is standard specification and equipment
positioned and fixed of materials, tools and 5.6 Applying
according to job equipment mensuration
requirements 5.4 Markings and labels 5.7 Implementing 3R
5.4 Alignment of all 5.5 Company rules and and 5S
installed wooden regulations 5.8 Following
roof truss assembly 5.6 Mensuration installation
are checked based 5.7 Installation procedures
on job requirements procedures 5.9 Following lifting
5.5 Purlins are installed 5.8 Lifting procedures procedures
as per required 5.9 Different types of requirements
spacing wood joints 5.10 Performing
5.6 Fascia boards are 5.10 Factors affecting basic joinery
installed based on job productivity 5.11 Reading and
requirements 5.11 Productivity work understanding
5.7 Work area is cleaned measurements drawings
according to safety 5.12 Ways of improving
and environmental productivity
regulations (e.g. PD
1152 Section 6, 8 &
5.8 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 89

6.Place roofing 6.1 Personal protective 6.1 DOLE Department 6.1 Using PPE
sheets and equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 6.2 Communicating
accessories used in accordance 1998 Guidelines effectively
with Rule 1080 of Governing 6.3 Following
Occupational Safety Occupational company rules
and Health Safety and Health in and regulations
Standards the 6.4 Organizing
6.2 Roofing sheets and Construction Industry materials to be
bended and hardware 6.2 Safe handling and used
accessories are lifted, standard specification 6.5 Handling and use
positioned and fixed of materials, tools and of materials, tools
based on job equipment and equipment
requirements 6.3 Markings and labels 6.6 Applying
6.3 Roofing system is 6.4 Company rules and mensuration
checked based on job regulations 6.7 Following
requirements 6.5 Mensuration installation
6.4 Work area is cleaned 6.6 Different types of procedures
according to safety wood joints 6.8 Following lifting
and environmental 6.7 Installation procedures procedures
regulations (e.g. PD 6.8 Lifting procedures requirements
1152 Section 6, 8 & 6.9 Factors affecting 6.9 Reading and
42) productivity understanding
6.5 Required output is 6.10 Productivity work drawings
completed as measurements 6.10 Performing
specified by the 6.11 Ways of improving basic joinery
immediate supervisor productivity
based on work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 90

7.Dismantle scaffolds 7.1 Personal protective 7.1 DOLE 7.1 Using PPE
equipment (PPE) is Department 7.2 Communicating
used in accordance Order No. 13 effectively
with Rule 1080 of series 1998 7.3 Following
Occupational Safety Guidelines company rules
and Health Governing and regulations
Standards Occupational 7.4 Organizing
7.2 Tools for dismantling Safety and Health materials to be
and temporary in the used
storage area are Construction 7.5 Handling and
prepared Industry use of materials,
7.3 Scaffold components 7.2 Green Building tools and
are removed, Concept relative equipment 7.6
cleaned, sorted and to Construction Implementing
stored accordingly (3R, 5S) 3R and 5S
for re-use 7.3 Working at 7.7 Complying
7.4 Work area is heights requirements in
cleaned according to procedures
safety and 7.4 Safe handling
environmental and standard scaffolds and
regulations (e.g. PD specification of components
1152 Section 6, 8 & materials, tools
42) and equipment
7.5 Required output is 7.5 Markings and
completed as labels
specified by the 7.6 Company rules
and regulations
immediate 7.7 Dismantling
supervisor based on procedures
work schedule. 7.8 Factors affecting
7.9 Productivity work
7.10 Ways of

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 91

8.Perform 8.1 Personal protective 8.1 DOLE Department 8.1 Working safely
housekeeping equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 series 8.2 Organizing
used in accordance 1998 Guidelines materials to be
with Rule 1080 of Governing stored
Occupational Safety Occupational Safety 8.3 Handling and
and Health Standards. and Health in the use of materials,
8.2 Excess/un-used Construction Industry tools and
materials are 8.2 Green Building equipment
recovered and Concept relative to 8.4 Communicating
stockpiled according Construction (3R, 5S) effectively
to company rules 8.3 Safe handling and 8.5 Using PPE
and procedures standard specification 8.6 Implementing 3R
8.3 Work area is cleaned of materials, tools and and 5S
according to safety equipment
and environmental 8.4 Safety signs and
regulations (e.g. PD symbols
1152 Section 6, 8 & 8.5 Adherence to work
42) requirements
8.4 Tools and other
materials are
cleaned after use
8.5 Required output is
completed as
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work

1. Personal Include:
Protective 1.1 Hard hat
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest
1.7 Full body harness

2. Job requirements May include:

2.1 Approved working drawings
2.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 92

3. Materials, hand May include:
tools and equipment 3.1 Lumber
3.2 Nails
3.3 G.I. Wires
3.4 Fascia board
3.5 Chalk line box
3.6 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
3.7 Sealant
3.8 Sealant gun
3.9 Riveter
3.10 Claw hammer
3.11 Cross-cut saw
3.12 Circular saw/jig saw with vacuum
3.13 Level hose/ level bar
3.14 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
3.15 Nylon string
3.16 Plumb bob
3.17 Steel square/Carpenter’s square
3.18 Tin snips
3.19 Roofing sheets
3.20 Bended accessories
3.21 Hardware accessories
3.22 Lifting equipment
3.23 Electric drill with bits
3.24 Adjustable wrench

4. Scaffold system May include:
4.1 Platforms
4.2 Braces
4.3 Shoring
4.4 Base- plates
4.5 Lateral, diagonal and vertical supports

5. Truss Members May include:

5.1 Bottom cord
5.2 Top cord
5.3 King post
5.4 Vertical
5.5 Diagonal
5.6 Rafters

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 93

7. Lifting equipment May include:
6.1 Jib pole
6.2 Electric Winch
6.3 Pulley
6.4 Nylon rope
6.5 Chain block
8. Bended and hardware May include:
accessories Bended Accessories:
7.1 Valley Gutter
7.2 Flashing
7.3 Ridge roll
7.4 Ridge cap
7.5 Outside gutter

Hardware Accessories
7.6 Rivet
7.7 Tekscrew
7.8 Sealant
7.9 Concrete nail


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Prepared materials, tools and equipment consistent
with job requirements
1.2 Erected scaffolds based on work requirements and
safety standards
1.3 Laid-out truss location and elevation based on
working drawings
1.4 Placed wooden roof truss assembly, purlins and
fascia board based on job requirements
1.5 Placed roofing sheets and accessories based on job
1.6 Dismantled scaffolds
1.7 Performed housekeeping
1.8 Observed and complied with safety and
environmental regulations
1.9 Communicated with others to ensure effective work
1.10 Observed and complied with the productivity
1.11 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 94

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform
the required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
3. Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4. Context for assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or

at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
fabrication and installation of wooden cabinet.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 95

1. Prepare materials 1.1 Personal protective 1.1 DOLE Department 1.1 Using PPE
and tools equipment (PPE) is Order No. 13 1.2 Communicating
used in accordance series 1998 effectively
with Rule 1080 of Guidelines 1.3 Following
Occupational Safety Governing company rules
and Health Standards Occupational and regulations
1.2 List of materials and Safety and Health 1.4 Organizing
tools are secured in the materials to be
according to job Construction used
requirements Industry 1.5 Handling and
1.3 Materials and hand 1.2 Green Building use of materials
tools are selected, Concept relative and tools
inspected and to Construction 1.6 Applying
prepared according to (3R, 5S) mensuration
job requirements. 1.3 Safe handling and 1.7 Implementing 3R
1.4 Fabrication area is standard and 5S
prepared based on specification of 1.8 Reading and
job requirements materials and understanding
1.5 Work area is cleaned tools drawings
according to safety 1.4 Markings and
and environmental labels
regulations 1.5 Company rules
1.6 Required output is and regulations
completed as 1.6 Mensuration
specified by the 1.7 Safe and effective
immediate supervisor use of hand tools
based on work 1.8 Factors affecting
schedule. productivity
1.9 Productivity work
1.10 Ways of
1.11 Adherence to
work requirements

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 96

2. Assemble wooden 2.1 Personal protective 2.1 DOLE 2.1 Using PPE
cabinet equipment (PPE) is Department 2.2 Communicating
used in accordance Order No. 13 effectively
with Rule 1080 of series 1998 2.3 Following
Occupational Safety Guidelines company rules
and Health Standards Governing and regulations
2.2 Parts are cut, Occupational 2.4 Organizing
assembled and fixed Safety and Health materials to be
based on working in the used
drawings. Construction 2.5 Handling and
2.3 Wooden cabinet is Industry use of materials
checked based on 2.2 Green Building and tools
working drawings Concept relative 2.6 Applying
2.1 Work area is cleaned to Construction mensuration
according to safety (3R, 5S) 2.7 Following
and environmental 2.3 Working at heights fabrication
regulations procedures procedures
2.2 Required output is 2.4 Safe handling and 2.8 Implementing 3R
completed as standard and 5S
specified by the specification of
immediate supervisor materials and
based on work tools
schedule. 2.5 Markings and
2.6 Company rules
and regulations
2.7 Mensuration
2.8 Fabrication of
wooden cabinet
2.9 Factors affecting
2.10 Productivity
2.11 Ways of

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 97

3. Layout location 3.1 Personal protective 3.1 DOLE 3.1 Applying
equipment (PPE) is Department mensuration
used in accordance Order No. 13 3.2 Handling and
with Rule 1080 of series 1998 use of materials
Occupational Safety Guidelines and tools
and Health Standards Governing 3.3 Applying
3.2 Exact location for Occupational productive
wooden cabinet is Safety and Health methods and
marked based on in the techniques
working drawings Construction 3.4 Using PPE
3.3 Wooden cabinet is Industry 3.5 Communicating
checked for levelness 3.2 Green Building effectively
and alignment Concept relative 3.6 Following
2.1 Work area is cleaned to Construction company rules
according to safety (5S) and regulations
and environmental 3.3 Signs and 3.7 Following
regulations (e.g. PD symbols instructions
1152 Section 6, 8 & 3.4 Company rules 3.8 Implementing 5S
42) and regulations
2.2 Required output is 3.5 Methods and
completed as techniques in
specified by the measurements
3.6 Understanding
immediate supervisor instructions
based on work 3.7 Factors affecting
schedule. productivity
3.8 Productivity work
3.9 Ways of improving
3.10 Adherence to

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 98

4. Place wooden 4.1 Personal protective 4.1 DOLE 4.1 Using PPE
cabinet equipment (PPE) is Department 4.2 Communicating
used in accordance Order No. 13 effectively
with Rule 1080 of series 1998 4.3 Following
Occupational Safety Guidelines company rules
and Health Standards Governing and regulations
4.2 Wooden cabinet is Occupational 4.4 Organizing
lifted, positioned and Safety and materials to be
fixed according to job Health in the used
requirements Construction 4.5 Handling and use
4.3 Wooden cabinet is Industry of materials and
checked based on job 4.2 Green Building tools
requirements Concept relative 4.6 Applying
2.3 Work area is cleaned to Construction mensuration
according to safety (3R, 5S) 4.7 Following
and environmental 4.3 Safe handling installation
regulations (e.g. PD and standard procedures
1152 Section 6, 8 & specification of 4.8 Implementing 3R
42) materials, tools and 5S
2.4 Required output is 4.4 Markings and
completed as labels
specified by the 4.5 Company rules
immediate supervisor and regulations
based on work 4.6 Mensuration
schedule. 4.7 Installation
4.8 Factors affecting
4.9 Productivity work
4.10 Ways of

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 99

5. Perform 5.1 Personal protective 5.1 DOLE 5.1 Working safely
housekeeping equipment (PPE) is Department 5.2 Organizing
used in accordance Order No. 13 materials to be
with Rule 1080 of series 1998 stored
Occupational Safety Guidelines 5.3 Handling and use
and Health Standards. Governing of materials, tools
5.2 Excess/un-used Occupational and equipment
materials are Safety and Health 5.4 Communicating
recovered and in the effectively
stockpiled according Construction 5.5 Using PPE
to company rules and Industry 5.6 Implementing 3R
procedures 5.2 Green Building and 5S
5.3 Work area is cleaned Concept relative
according to safety to Construction
and environmental (3R, 5S)
regulations (e.g. PD 5.3 Safe handling and
1152 Section 6, 8 & standard
42) specification of
5.4 Tools and other materials, tools
materials are and equipment
cleaned after use 5.4 Safety signs and
5.5 Required output is symbols
completed as 5.5 Adherence to
specified by the
immediate supervisor
based on work


1. Personal Include:
Protective 1.1 Hard hat
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Safety shoes
1.3 Gloves
1.4 Working clothes
1.5 Goggles
1.6 Vest

2. Job requirements May include:

2.1 Approved working drawings
2.2 Sketches/ Shop drawings

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 100

3. Materials, May include:
tools and 3.1 Lumber
equipment 3.2 Nails
3.3 Chalk line box
3.4 Plywood
3.5 Hardware (Hinges, door handle, catches, hook and eye)
3.6 Pen Marker/ Pencil/Chalk stone
3.7 Wood Adhesive
3.8 Claw hammer
3.9 Chisel
3.10 Screw driver (Philips and flat)
3.11 Level hose/ level bar
3.12 Pull push rule/ steel tape/ laser meter
3.13 Nylon string
3.14 Plumb bob
3.15 Steel square/Carpenter’s square
3.16 Sand paper
3.17 Circular saw / jig saw with vacuum
3.18 Cross cut saw
3.19 Rip saw
3.20 Electric drill with bits
3.21 Planer


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Prepared materials and tools consistent with job
1.2 Assembled wooden cabinet based on working drawings.
1.3 Laid-out location
1.4 Placed wooden cabinet according to job requirements
1.5 Performed housekeeping
1.6 Observed and complied with safety and environmental
1.7 Communicated with others to ensure effective work
1.8 Observed and complied with the productivity
1.9 Complied with attitudinal work requirements

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 101

2. Resource implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Actual or simulated workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment needed to perform the
required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.4 PPE
2.5 First Aid Kit
3. Method of assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Demonstration/Observation with Oral Questioning

4. Context for assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or

at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment


These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider
when designing training programs for CARPENTRY NC II.

They include information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry

requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities; and trainer’s qualification.


TESDA shall provide the training on the development of competency-based

curricula to enable training providers develop their own curricula with the components
mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
their curricula.


Nominal Training Duration: 37 Hours Basic Competencies

24 Hours Common Competencies
240 Hours Core Competencies
Total 301 Hours

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide the learner with knowledge, practical skills and
attitude, applicable in performing work activities involve in performing tasks such as layout
reference lines, fabricate, install and remove wooden formworks, install wooden door

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 102

jamb, window frame and panels, install ceiling and wall frames and panels, fabricate and
install wooden stairs, install wooden floor supports and panels, fabricate and install roofing
system and fabricate and install wooden cabinet. This includes classroom learning
activities and practical work in actual work site or simulation area.

Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the
abovementioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed for this
qualification must be achieved.

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 103

(37 HOURS)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Competency Learning Activities Methodology
Outcomes Approach Duration
1. Participate in 1.1. Obtain and convey • • Describe Organizational policies • Group discussion • Oral evaluation 2 hours
workplace workplace Read: o Effective communication • Lecture Written
communication information o Written communication o • Demonstration examination
Communication procedures and • Observation
• o Different modes of
communication o Medium of
communication o Flow of
o Available technology relevant to
the enterprise and the individual’s
work responsibilities
Prepare different Types of question
• •
Gather different sources of
• information Apply storage system in
establishing workplace information
• Demonstrate Telephone courtesy
1.2. Perform duties • Read: • Group discussion • Oral evaluation 2 hours
following o Written notices and instructions • Lecture • Written
workplace o Workplace interactions and • Demonstration examination
instructions procedures • Observation
Read instructions on work related
• forms/documents
Perform workplace duties scenario
following workplace instructions

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 114

Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration
1.3. Complete relevant • Describe Communication • Group discussion • Oral evaluation 2 hours
work related procedures and systems Read: • Lecture • Written
o Meeting protocols examination
documents • Demonstration
• o Nature of workplace meetings o Role play • Observation
Workplace interactions o •
Barriers of communication Read
instructions on work related
forms/documents Practice: o
Estimate, calculate and
record routine workplace
• measures
o Basic mathematical processes of
addition, subtraction, division
• and multiplication
Demonstrate office activities in:
o workplace meetings and
discussions scenario
Perform workplace duties
scenario following simple written
notices Follow simple spoken
• language Identify the different
Demonstrate ability to relate to
• people of social range in the
workplace Gather and provide
information in response to
• workplace requirements Complete
• work related documents

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 105

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration
2. Work in a team 2.1 Describe team role • Discussion on team roles and • Lecture/ Discussion • Role Play 1 hour
environment and scope scope • Participate in the • Group Work • Case Study
discussion: • Individual Work • Written Test
o Definition of Team o Difference • Role Play
between team and group o
Objectives and goals of team
• Locate needed information from the
different sources of information
2.2 Identify one’s role • Role play : o individual role and •Role Play • Role Play 1 hour
and responsibility responsibility •Lecture/ Discussion • Written Test
within team • Role Play o Understanding Individual
• Discussion on gender sensitivity

2.3 Work as a team • Participate in group planning activities • Group work • Role Play 1 hour
member • Role Play • Written Test
• Role play : Communication protocols • Lecture/ Discussion

• Participate in the discussion of standard

work procedures and practices
3. Solve/address 3.1 Identify routine • Review of the current industry hardware •Group discussion • Case 1 hour
routine problems and software products and services •Lecture Formulation
problems • Identify correctly the industry • Life Narrative
maintenance, service and helpdesk •Demonstration
practices, processes and procedures •Role playing (Interview)
• Make use of the industry standard • Standardized
diagnostic tools test
• Share best practices in determining
basic malfunctions and resolutions to
general problems in the workplace
• Analyze routine/procedural problems

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 106

Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration
3.2 Look for solutions • Review of the current industry hardware •Group discussion • Case 1 hour
to routine problems and software products and services Formulation
• Identify correctly the industry • Life Narrative
maintenance, service and helpdesk •Demonstration
practices, processes and procedures •Role playing (Interview)
• Make use of the industry standard • Standardized
diagnostic tools test
• Share best practices in determining
basic malfunctions and resolutions to
general problems in the workplace
• Formulate possible solutions to
problems and document procedures for
3.3 Recommend • Discuss standard operating procedures •Group discussion • Case 1 hour
solutions to and documentation processes •Lecture Formulation
problems • Life Narrative
•Role playing (Interview)
• Standardized
4. Develop Career 4.1 Manage one’s • Demonstrate self-management • Discussion • Demonstration 1 hour
and Life emotion strategies that assist in regulating • Interactive Lecture or simulation
Decisions behavior and achieving personal and • Brainstorming with oral
learning goals • Demonstration questioning
• Explain enablers and barriers in • Role-playing • Case problems
achieving personal and career goals involving
• Identify techniques in handling negative workplace
emotions and unpleasant situation in diversity
the workplace such as frustration, issues
anger, worry, anxiety, etc.
• Manage properly one’s emotions and
recognize situations that cannot be
changed and accept them and remain
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 107
• Recall instances that demonstrate self-
discipline, working independently and
showing initiative to achieve personal
and career goals
• Share experiences that show
confidence, and resilience in the face of
setbacks and frustrations and other
negative emotions and unpleasant
situations in the workplace
4.2 Develop reflective • Enumerate strategies to improve one’s • Small Group Discussion • Demonstration 1 hour
practice attitude in the workplace • Interactive Lecture or simulation
• Explain Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle/Model •Brainstorming with oral
(Description, Feelings, Evaluation, • Demonstration questioning
Analysis, Conclusion, and Action plan) •5 Role-playing • Case problems
• Use basic SWOT analysis as involving
selfassessment strategy workplace
• Develop reflective practice through diversity issues
realization of limitations, likes/ dislikes;
through showing of self-confidence
• Demonstrate self-acceptance and being
able to accept challenges
4.3 Boost • Describe the components of • Small Group Discussion • 1 hour
selfconfidence and selfregulation based on Self-Regulation • Interactive Lecture Demonstration
develop Theory (SRT) • Brainstorming or simulation
• Explain personality development • Demonstration with oral
selfregulation concepts • Role-playing questioning
• Cite self-help concepts (e. g., 7 Habits • Case problems
by Stephen Covey, transactional involving
analysis, psycho-spiritual concepts) workplace
• Perform effective communication skills diversity issues
– reading, writing, conversing skills
• Show affective skills – flexibility,
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 108

adaptability, etc.
• Determine strengths and weaknesses

5. Contribute to 5.1 Identify • Identify different roles of individuals in •Interactive Lecture • Psychological 1 hour
workplace opportunities to do contributing to doing things better in the •Appreciative Inquiry and behavioral
innovation things better workplace Interviews
• Appreciate positive impacts and •Demonstration • Performance
challenges in innovation •Group work Evaluation
• Show mastery of the different types of • Life Narrative
changes and levels of participation in Inquiry
the workplace • Review of
• Discuss 7 habits of highly effective portfolios of
people evidence and
reports of
• Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied
5.2 Discuss and • Identify different roles of individuals in •Interactive Lecture • Psychological 1 hour
develop ideas with contributing to doing things better in the •Appreciative Inquiry and behavioral
others workplace Interviews
• Appreciate positive impacts and •Demonstration • Performance
challenges in innovation •Group work Evaluation
• Show mastery of the different types of • Life Narrative
changes and levels of participation in Inquiry
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 109

workplace • Review of
• Discuss 7 habits of highly effective portfolios of
people evidence and
• Communicate ideas through small third-party
group discussions and meetings workplace
reports of
• Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied

5.3 Integrate ideas for • Identify different roles of individuals in •Interactive Lecture • Psychological 1 hour
change in the contributing to doing things better in the •Appreciative Inquiry and behavioral
workplace workplace Interviews
• Appreciate positive impacts and •Demonstration • Performance
challenges in innovation •Group work Evaluation
• Show mastery of the different types of • Life Narrative
changes and levels of participation in Inquiry
the workplace • Review of
• Discuss 7 habits of highly effective portfolios of
people evidence and
• Communicate ideas through small third-party
group discussions and meetings workplace
• Demonstrate basic skills in data reports of
analysis onthe-job
• Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 110

virtues applied

6. Present relevant 6.1 Gather data/ • Lecture and discussion on: • Group discussion • Oral evaluation 2 Hours
information information o Organisational protocols o • Lecture • Written Test
Confidentiality and accuracy • Demonstration • Observation
o Business mathematics and • Role Play • Presentation
o Legislation, policy and procedures
relating to the conduct of
• Reviewing data/ information
6.2 Assess gathered • Lecture and discussion on: • Group discussion • Oral evaluation 3 Hours
data/ information o Data analysis techniques/ • Lecture • Written Test
procedures • Demonstration • Observation
o Organisational values, ethics and • Role Play • Presentation
codes of conduct • Practical exercises
o Trends and anomalies
• Computing business mathematics and
• Application of data analysis techniques
6.3 Record and present • Lecture and discussion on: • Group discussion • Oral evaluation 3 Hours
information o Reporting requirements to a range • Lecture • Written Test
of audiences • Demonstration • Observation
o Recommendations for possible • Role Play • Presentation
improvements • Practical exercises
• Analysis and comparison of interim and
final reports’ outcomes
• Reporting of data findings
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 111

7. Practice 7.1 Identify OSH • Discussion regarding: • Lecture • Written Exam 1 hr
Occupational compliance - Hierarchy of Controls Group •
Safety And requirements • Discussion emonstration
Health Policies
- Hazard Prevention and Controls
• Observation
And Procedures - Work Standards and Procedures • Interviews /
- Personal Protective Equipment Questioning
6.1 Prepare OSH • Identification of required safety • Lecture • Written Exam 1 hr
requirements for materials, tools and equipment Group • Demonstration
compliance • Handling of safety control resources • Discussion • Observation
• Interviews /

6.2 Perform tasks in • Discussion of General OSH Standards • Lecture • Written Exam 2 hours
accordance with and Principles Group • Demonstration
• Performing industry related work
relevant OSH • Discussion • Observation
activities in accordance with OSH • Interviews /
policies and Standards Questioning

8. Exercise 8.1 Identify the - Discussion on the process how • Lecture • Written Exam 1 hr
Efficient and efficiency and Environmental Policies coherence is • Group • Demonstration
Effective effectiveness of achieved Discussion • Observation
Sustainable • Discussion on Necessary Skills in Simulation • Interviews /
resource utilization •
Practices in the response to changing Demonstration Questioning
Workplace environmental policies needs -
Waste Skills •
- Energy Skills
- Water Skills
- Building Skills
- Transport Skills
- Material Skills

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Approach Duration

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 112

8.2 Determine causes • Discussion of Environmental Protection • Lecture • Written Exam 1 hr
of inefficiency of and Resource Efficiency Targets • Group Discussion • Demonstration
resource utilization • Analysis on the Relevant Work • Demonstration • Observation
Procedure • Interviews /

8.3 Convey inefficient • Identification of (re)training needs and • Lecture • Written Exam 1 hr
and ineffective usage of environment friendly methods • Group Discussion • Demonstration
environmental and technologies • Role Play • Observation
• Identification of environmental corrective • Demonstration • Interviews /
practices actions Questioning
• Practicing Environment Awareness
9. Practice 9.1 Apply • Case studies on Best entrepreneurial • Case Study • Case Study 1 hour
Entrepreneurial entrepreneurial practices • Lecture/Discussion • Written Test
Skills in the workplace best • Discussion on Quality procedures and • Interview
Workplace practices practices
• Case studies on Cost consciousness in
resource utilization
9.2 Implement • Case studies on Preservation, • Case Study • Case Study 2 hours
costeffective optimization and judicious use of • Lecture/Discussion • Written Test
operations workplace resources • Interview

(24 HOURS)

Unit of Competency
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities
Assessment Methods
Nominal Duration
1. Prepare construction materials and tools

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 113

1. 1 Identify materials

• Identifying tools according to the job requirements

• Identifying materials and accessories according to the job requirements
• Lecturedemonstration
• Group discussion
• PowerPoint presentation
• Demonstration with oral questioning
• Written examination
• Portfolio

1 Hour

1.1 Requisition materials

• Preparing material take-off
• Requesting materials and tools
• Simulation
• Discussion
• Demonstration with oral questioning
1 Hour

1.2 Receive and inspect materials

• Checking and inspecting materials and tools
• Storing/ stacking of tool and materials
• Practical Exercise
• Demonstration
• Written / Oral Test
• Demonstration with oral questioning
2 Hours

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 114

2. Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instructions
2.1 Identify and access specification/ manuals
• Identifying manuals and specifications
• Accessing information and data
• Lecturedemonstration
• Demonstration with oral questioning
• Written examination
2 Hours

9.1 Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices

• Discussion on communicating entrepreneurial workplace best practices

• Lecture/Discussio n
• Written Test
• Interview
1 Hour

2.2 Interpret manuals

• Interpreting symbols and specifications
• Accessing information and data
• Applying conversion of units of measurements
• Actual demonstration
• Group discussion
• Demonstration with oral questioning
• Written examination

2 Hours

Unit of Competency
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 115
Assessment Methods
Nominal Duration

2.3 Apply information in manual

• Applying information from manuals
• Demonstration
• Group discussion
• Demonstration with oral questioning
2 Hours

2.4 Store Manual

• Storing and maintaining manuals
• Demonstration
• Group discussion
• Demonstration with oral questioning
• Practical and oral exam
2 Hours

3. Perform mensurations and calculations

3.1 Select measuring instruments

• Selecting measuring instruments

• Lecturedemonstration
• Group discussion
• Demonstration with oral

2 Hours

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 116

3.2 Carry out measurements
and calculations

• Interpreting formulas for volume, areas, perimeters of plane and geometric figures
• Handling of measuring instruments

• Group discussion
• Practical Lab
• Demonstration
• Written examination
• Third party report
• Demonstration with oral questioning
2 Hours

Unit of Competency
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities
Assessment Methods
Nominal Duration

4. Maintain tools and equipment

4.1 Check condition of tools and

• Maintaining tools and equipment

• Handling of tools and equipment
• Identifying tools and equipment defects
• Lecturedemonstration
• Group discussion
• Demonstration with oral

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 117

1 Hour

4.2 Perform basic preventive maintenance

• Handling of tools and equipment
• Performing preventive maintenance

• Simulation
• Group discussion
• Practical Lab
• Demonstration

• Written examination
• Third party report
• Demonstration with oral questioning
2 Hours

4.3 Store tools and equipment

• Storing tools and equipment
• Handling of tools and equipment
• Demonstration
• Group discussion
• Practical Lab
• Practical exam
• Written examination
• Demonstration with oral questioning

1 Hour

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 118
( 240 HOURS)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
1. Lay out reference 1.1 Prepare • Receiving materials and • Lecture • Written 1 hour
lines materials and handling tools at workplace • Demonstration examination
tools Identifying, checking and • Demonstration
inspecting materials and with oral
• questioning
Practicing 5S

1.2 Locate the offset • Reading and understanding • Lecture • Written 2 hours
line established sketches and working • Practical / examination
by the line and drawings Locating and Demonstration • Demonstration
grade/surveyor verifying with oral
offset line questioning

Practicing 5S

1.3 Establish the • Marking reference lines • Lecture • Written 4 hours

required Measuring distance • Practical / examination
reference lines between reference and Demonstration • Demonstration

offset lines with oral
Practicing 5S questioning

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
2. Fabricate, 2.1 Prepare materials, • Receiving materials and • Lecture • Written 1.5 hours
install and tools and tools at workplace • Practical / examination

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 119

remove equipment • Identifying, checking and Demonstration • Demonstration
wooden inspecting materials, with oral
formworks tools and equipment questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

2.2 Lay-out and cut • Measuring and marking • Lecture • Written 8 hours
dimension of form dimensions of sheathing • Practical / examination
sheathing and and stiffeners Demonstration • Demonstration
stiffeners Cutting sheathing and with oral
stiffeners questioning

Practicing 3R and 5S

2.3 Assemble and • Fixing sheating and • Lecture • Written 12 hours

erect form panels stiffeners • Practical / examination
Assembling form panels Demonstration • Demonstration
and components
with oral
• Erecting form panels questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

2.4 Erect wooden • Identifying types of ground • Lecture • Written 8 hours

scaffolds condition and preparation • Practical / examination
Selecting of baseplates Demonstration • Demonstration
and or mudsill/soleplate with oral
• questioning
Erecting scaffolds
Practicing 3R and 5S

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Methods Duration
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 120
2.5 Strip form panels •Reading schedule of • Lecture • Written 4 hours
and dismantle stripping • Practical / examination
scaffold Understanding dismantling Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral
•procedures for form
panels and scaffold
Practicing 3R and 5S

2.6 Clean and store •Identifying and applying • Lecture • Written 2 hours
reusable form techniques in cleaning • Practical / examination
panels and Identifying reusable form Demonstration • Demonstration
panels with oral
components •
Inspecting of reusable questioning
form panels and
components Practicing 3R

and 5S

3. Install 3.1 Prepare materials • Receiving materials and • Lecture • Written 1 hour
wooden and tools tools at workplace • Practical / examination
door jamb, Identifying, checking and Demonstration • Demonstration
inspecting materials and with oral
window • tools questioning
frame and Practicing 3R and 5S

3.2 Layout location • Measuring and marking • Lecture • Written 4 hours

dimensions • Practical / examination
Checking accuracy of Demonstration • Demonstration
measurements and with oral
• questioning
Practicing 5S

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 121

3.1 Fix door jamb and • Holding and fixing of jamb • Lecture • Written 12 hours
panels and panel • Practical / examination
Checking squareness, Demonstration • Demonstration
levelness, plumbness and with oral
• questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Methods Duration
3.2 Fix window frames • Installing and fixing • Lecture • Written 12 hours
and panels window frames and panel • Practical / examination
Checking squareness, Demonstration • Demonstration
levelness, plumbness and with oral
• questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

3.3 Perform • Implementing 3R and 5S • Lecture • Written 1 hour

housekeeping • Practical / examination
Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral

4. Install ceiling 4.4 Prepare materials, • Receiving materials, tools • Lecture • Written 1 hour
and wall tools and and equipment at • Practical / examination
frames and equipment workplace Demonstration • Demonstration
Identifying, checking and with oral
panels questioning
inspecting materials, tools

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 122
and equipment
Practicing 5S

4.5 Erect movable • Identifying types of floor • Lecture • Written 2 hours

scaffolds or condition and preparation • Practical / examination
working platforms Selecting of baseplates Demonstration • Demonstration
and or mudsill/soleplate with oral
• questioning
Erecting scaffolds
Practicing 3R and 5S

4.6 Layout ceiling • Measuring and marking • Lecture • Written 4 hours

elevation, wall dimensions and locations • Practical / examination
Checking accuracy of Demonstration • Demonstration
location and
measurements and with oral
position of framing • questioning
system Practicing 3R and 5S

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Methods Duration
4.7 Fix frames and • Fixing and installing • Lecture • Written
panels frames and panel • Practical / examination
Checking squareness, Demonstration • Demonstration
levelness, plumbness and with oral
• questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 123

4.8 Dismantle movable • Understanding • Lecture • Written 2 hours
scaffolds or dismantling procedures • Practical / examination
working platforms for scaffolds Demonstration • Demonstration
Practicing 3R and 5S with oral
• questioning

4.9 Perform • Implementing 3R and 5S • Lecture • Written 1 hour

housekeeping • Practical / examination
Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral

5. Fabricate and 5.1 Prepare materials, • Receiving materials, tools • Lecture • Written 1.5 hours
install wooden tools and equipment and equipment at • Practical / examination
stairs workplace Demonstration • Demonstration
Identifying, checking and with oral
inspecting materials, tools questioning

and equipment
Practicing 3R and 5S

5.2 Erect scaffolds • Identifying types of • Lecture • Written 2 hours

ground condition and • Practical / examination
preparation Selecting of Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral
• baseplates and or
mudsill/soleplate questioning
Erecting scaffolds
Practicing 3R and 5S

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Methods Duration
5.3 Layout location and • Measuring and marking • Lecture • Written 8 hours
stair elevation dimensions • Practical / examination
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 124
• Checking accuracy of Demonstration • Demonstration
measurements and with oral
markings questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

5.4 Place wooden • Placing wooden stringer, • Lecture • Written 16 hours

stringer, threads, threads, handrails and • Practical / examination
handrails and baluster Demonstration • Demonstration
baluster Checking squareness, with oral
levelness, plumbness and questioning
• alignment
Practicing 3R and 5S

5.5 Dismantle scaffold • Understanding • Lecture • Written 2 hours

dismantling procedures • Practical / examination
for scaffolds Demonstration • Demonstration
Practicing 3R and 5S with oral

3.6 Perform • Implementing 3R and 5S • Lecture • Written 1 hour

housekeeping • Practical / examination
Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral

6. Install 6.1 Prepare materials, • Receiving materials, • Lecture • Written 1.5 hours
wooden tools and equipment tools • Practical / examination
and equipment at Demonstration • Demonstration
workplace with oral
supports questioning
and panels • Identifying, checking and
inspecting materials,
hand tools and equipment
Practicing 3R and 5S

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 125

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Methods Duration
6.2 Erect scaffolds • Identifying types of • Lecture • Written 2 hours
ground condition • Practical / examination
Selecting of baseplates Demonstration • Demonstration
or concrete blocks for with oral
• questioning
different types of ground
surface conditions
Erecting scaffolds
Practicing 3R and 5S

6.3 Layout floor • Measuring and marking • Lecture • Written 4 hours

elevation, location dimensions and elevation • Practical / examination
Checking accuracy of Demonstration • Demonstration
and position of
measurements and with oral
framing system • questioning
Practicing 3R and 5S

6.4 Place wooden floor • Placing wooden floor • Lecture • Written 20 hours
supports and supports, joists, bridging • Practical / examination
panels, and panels Demonstration • Demonstration
Checking squareness, with oral
levelness, plumbness and questioning
• alignment
Practicing 3R and 5S

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 126

6.5 Dismantle scaffolds • Understanding • Lecture • Written 2 hours
dismantling procedures • Practical / examination
for scaffolds Demonstration • Demonstration
Practicing 3R and 5S with oral

Unit of Assessment Nominal

Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Methods Duration
6.6 Perform • Implementing 3R • Lecture • Written 1 hour
housekeeping and • Practical / examination
5S Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral

7. Fabricate and 7.1 Prepare materials, tools • Receiving materials, • Lecture • Written 1.5 hours
install roofing and equipment tools and equipment • Practical / examination
system at workplace Demonstration • Demonstration
• Identifying, checking with oral
and inspecting questioning
materials, tools and
• Practicing 3R and 5S
7.2 Erect scaffolds • Identifying types of • Lecture • Written 2 hours
ground condition • Practical / examination
• Selecting of Demonstration • Demonstration
baseplates or with oral
concrete blocks for questioning
different types of
ground surface
• Erecting scaffolds
• Practicing 3R and 5S

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 127

7.3 Layout truss location and • Measuring and • Lecture • Written 4 hours
elevation marking dimensions • Practical / examination
and elevation Demonstration • Demonstration
• Checking accuracy of with oral
measurements and questioning
• Practicing 5S
7.4 Assemble wooden roof •Fabricating • Lecture • Written 16 hours
truss wooden roof truss • Practical / examination
Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral
•Checking questioning
plumbness and
•Practicing 3R and
7.5 Place wooden roof truss •Placing wooden • Lecture • Written 24 hours
assembly, purlins and roof truss • Practical / examination
fascia board assembly, purlins Demonstration • Demonstration
and fascia with oral
board Checking questioning
plumbness and
Practicing 3R and

7.6 Place roofing sheets and •Placing roofing • Lecture • Written 8 hours
accessories sheets and • Practical / examination
accessories Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral
Checking questioning
plumbness and
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 128
Practicing 3R and

7.7 Dismantle scaffolds •Understanding • Lecture • Written 2 hours

dismantling • Practical / examination
procedures for Demonstration • Demonstration
scaffolds with oral
Practicing 3R and questioning

7.8 Perform housekeeping • Implementing 3R • Lecture • Written 1 hour

and • Practical / examination
5S Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral

Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
8. Fabricate and install 8.1 Prepare materials • Receiving materials • Lecture • Written 1 hour
wooden cabinet and tools and tools at workplace • Practical / examination
• Identifying, checking Demonstration • Demonstration
and inspecting with oral
materials and tools questioning
• Practicing 3R and 5S

8.2 Assemble wooden • Assembling wooden • Lecture • Written 16 hours

cabinet cabinet • Practical / examination
• Checking squareness, Demonstration • Demonstration
levelness, plumbness with oral
and alignment questioning
• Practicing 3R and 5S

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 129

8.3 Layout location • Measuring and • Lecture • Written 1 hour
marking dimensions • Practical / examination
• Checking accuracy of Demonstration • Demonstration
measurements and with oral
markings questioning
• Practicing 5S
8.4 Place wooden cabinet • Placing wooden • Lecture • Written 3 hours
cabinet • Practical / examination
• Checking squareness, Demonstration • Demonstration
levelness, plumbness with oral
and alignment questioning
• Practicing 3R and 5S
8.5 Perform housekeeping • Implementing 3R • Lecture • Written 1 hour
and • Practical / examination
5S Demonstration • Demonstration
with oral

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 130


1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum.

Delivery shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the

industry or recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven
by competencies written to industry standards)

b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate

individualized and self-paced learning strategies;

c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a

workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology.

d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the

performance of work to the industry required standards;

e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and

attitude into account but requires evidence of actual performance of
the competency as the primary source of evidence.

f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or

current competencies;

g. Training completion is based on satisfactory completion of all

specified competencies not on the specified nominal duration of

2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of

delivery modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is
driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The
following training modalities and their variations/components may be
adopted singly or in combination with other modalities when designing
and delivering training programs:

2.1 Institution- Based:

• Dual Training System (DTS)/Dualized Training Program

(DTP) which contain both in-school and in-industry training or
fieldwork components. Details can be referred to the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the DTS Law and the
TESDA Guidelines on the DTP;

• Distance learning is a formal education process in which

majority of the instruction occurs when the students and
instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning may
employ correspondence study, audio, video, computer
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 137

technologies or other modern technology that can be used to

facilitate learning and formal and non-formal training. Specific
guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA

• The classroom-based or in-center instruction uses of

learnercentered methods as well as laboratory or field-work

2.2 Enterprise-Based:

• Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment

involving a contract between an apprentice and an enterprise
on an approved apprenticeable occupation.

• Informal Apprenticeship - is based on a training (and working)

agreement between an apprentice and a master craftsperson
wherein the agreement may be written or oral and the master
craftsperson commits to training the apprentice in all the skills
relevant to his or her trade over a significant period of time,
usually between one and four years, while the apprentice
commits to contributing productively to the work of the
business. Training is integrated into the production process
and apprentices learn by working alongside the experienced

• Enterprise-based Training- where training is implemented

within the company in accordance with the requirements of
the specific company. Specific guidelines on this mode shall
be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.

2.3 Community-Based – Community-Based – short term programs

conducted by non-government organizations (NGOs), LGUs, training
centers and other TVET providers which are intended to address the
specific needs of a community. Such programs can be conducted in
informal settings such as barangay hall, basketball courts, etc.
These programs can also be mobile training program (MTP).


Trainees or students who wish to enter this training should possess the
following requirements:

• A Holder of National Certificate Level I in Civil Works or at least

Junior High School Level Completer or an Alternative Learning
System (ALS) Certificate of Completion with grade 10 equivalent
• Can communicate both orally and in writing
• Can perform basic mathematical computation and mensuration
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 132

List of tools, equipment and materials for the training of a maximum of 25

trainees for CARPENTRY NC II are as follows:

A. (Full Qualification)


10 pcs Cross cut saw

5 pcs Rip saw (medium)

10 pcs Claw hammer 8 oz

10 pcs Claw hammer 16 oz

10 pcs Chalk line box

25 pcs Pull-push rule (5 meters)

5 pcs Crow bar

10 pcs Steel square/ Carpenter’s square

10 pcs Tri- square

10 pcs Level bar (36 in.)

5 pcs each Screw driver (flat and Philips)

10 pcs Nail bag

10 pcs Nail Box

10 pcs each Chisel, ¼”, ½ ”, ¾ ”, 2”


10 pcs each Socket wrench (19mm and 21m)

10 pcs Plumb bob (medium)

10 pcs Wood planer (2 in.)

2 pcs Expansive bit

12 m Level hose, 3/8 in diameter

5 pcs Riveter

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 133

5 pcs Tin snip

2 pcs Tekscrew bit (10 mm)

1 pc Sealant gun

10 pcs Adjustable wrench


5 sets H-frame scaffolds system and accessories

2 units Portable electric drill (variable speed)

2 units Portable electric planer

2 sets Circular saw/jig saw with vacuum with vacuum


3 sets each Fabricated door and window jambs assembly

2 sets Fabricated door panel, flushed (0.8 m x 2.1 m)

10 sets Nylon string (10

25 pcs Pencil

6 pcs Loose pin hinges, 4”


2 kg Finishing wire nail, 1”

2 kg Finishing wire nail, 1½ inches

1 kg Finishing wire nail, 3” inches

2 kg Common wire nail, 1”

2 kg Common wire nail, 1½ inches

8 kg Common wire nail, 2 inches

8 kg Common wire nail, 3 inches

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 134

8 kg Common wire nail, 4 inches

2 sets Pulley, 4”

20 m Nylon rope, 1” dia.

2 pcs. Bolo


12 pcs rough lumber 2”x4”x16’

15 pcs rough lumber 2”x3”x8’

14 pcs S2S lumber 2”x2”x10’

2 pcs Fascia board 1”x8”x10’

1 pc Gutter, gauge 24 x 16” x 8’

1 pc Ridge roll, gauge 24 x 16” x 8’

2 pcs End flashing, gauge 24 x 16” x 8’

50 pcs Tekscrew with neoprene rubber (for wood) 3”

50 pcs Umbrella nail


2 pcs Rib type roofing, gauge 26 x 4m

4 pcs Corrugated type roofing, gauge 26 x 8’

1 tube Silicon sealant

2 pcs. Drill bit, 1/8”



6 pcs Plywood,1/4”x4’x8’

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 135

12 pcs Rough lumber, 2”x2”x8’

5 pcs Wood cornice,1”x3”x8’

16 pcs. Butt hinges

8 pcs. Concealed hinges

8 pcs Catches

4 pcs Cabinet door handle

100 pcs Blind rivets (1/8”x3/8”)

2 sets Door knob and lock set



2 pcs Wooden hand rail

4 pcs Wooden Baluster

2 pcs Wooden planks 2”x 8”x 10’



10 pcs Rough lumber 2”x 2”x8’

6 pcs Plywood,1/4”x4’x8’

2 pcs Base board, 1”x4”x8’



5 pcs Rough lumber 2”x 3”x10’

6 pcs Rough lumber 2”x 4”x12’

2 pcs Rough lumber 2”x 6”x10’

2 pcs Marine Plywood,3/4”x4’x8’

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 136


2 pcs Kiln Dried Plywood,3/4”x4’x8’

1 pint Wood glue

4 pcs S4S lumber (edging)1”x1/2”x8’



One per trainee Safety shoes/ rubber boots (Trainee to provide)

One per trainee Proper uniform/clothing (Trainee to provide)

One per trainee Gloves (cotton) (Trainee to provide)

One per trainee Safety goggles (Trainee to provide)

25 pcs. Reflectorized vest


The carpentry workshop must be of concrete structure. Based on class size of

25 students/trainees the space requirements for the teaching/learning and
circulation areas are as follows:

Area in Sq.
Space Requirement Size in Meters

Practical Training Area 15x 18 270

Library 4x5 20

Lecture Room 48

Tool Room/Storage 4x5 20

Wash room/Toilet 20

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 137

10 x 6
Circulation area 60



• Holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate Level I (NTTC Level I) in

• Must have completed the 40-Hour Construction Safety Training
Course (COSH) per Department Order No. 13 s. 1998, Guidelines
Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction
Industry conducted by OSHC and DOLE accredited Safety Training
• Must have at least two (2) years industry experience in Civil Works
and one (1) year teaching experience in Carpentry


Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for
each unit of Competency.

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 138


Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and

making judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of
assessment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards
expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered

to prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to a full
qualification or employable unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the national qualification.


4.1.1 A National Certificate (NC) is issued when a candidate has

demonstrated competence in all unit/s of competency of a
qualification with a promulgated Training Regulations.

4.1.2 A Certificate of Competency (CoC) is issued by the Authority to

individuals who were assessed as competent in a single unit or
cluster of related units of competency.

COC-1: Fabricate, install and remove of wooden formworks

COC-2: Install door and window assembly; install ceiling

and wall system; and fabricate and install wooden
• Layout reference lines
• Install wooden door jamb, window frame and panels
• Install ceiling and wall frames and panels
• Fabricate and install wooden cabinet

COC-3: Fabricate and install wooden stairs and install floor

system and roofing system
• Layout reference lines
• Fabricate and install wooden stairs
• Install wooden floor supports and panels
• Fabricate and install roofing system

4.1.3 Holders of valid National Certificate (NC) for BOTH Carpentry NC II

AND Carpentry NC III will have their certificates automatically
converted to the amended Training Regulations for Carpentry NC

4.1.4 Holders of valid National Certificate (NC) for Carpentry NC II only

OR Carpentry NC III only will have their certificates converted to
the amended Training Regulations for Carpentry NC II provided
they present evidence of work experience of at least three (3)

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 139

4.1.5 Holders of valid Certificate of Competency (COC) under Carpentry
NC II are required to undergo assessment for the amended
Training Regulations for Carpentry NC II.

4.1.6 Individuals wanting to be certified will have to be assessed in

accordance with the requirements identified in the evidence guide
of the relevant unit/s of competency.

4.1.7 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained

competencies through informal training, previous work or life
experiences may apply for recognition in a particular qualification
through competency assessment:

4.1.8 The industry shall determine assessment and certification

requirements for each qualification with promulgated Training
Regulations: It includes the following:

a. entry requirements for candidates

b. evidence gathering methods
c. qualification requirements of competency assessors
d. specific assessment and certification arrangements as identified
by industry

4.2 Competency Assessment Requisite

4.2.1 Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is

accomplished by the candidate prior to actual competency
assessment. SAG is a pre-assessment tool to help the
candidate and the assessor determine what evidence is
available, where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment.

This document can:

a) Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge
b) Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
c) Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the
evidence that need to be presented
d) Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is
needed or additional information or skills that should be gained

4.2.2 Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center

accredited by TESDA is authorized to conduct competency
assessment. Assessment centers undergo a quality assured
procedure for accreditation before they are authorized by
TESDA to manage the assessment for National Certification.

4.2.3 Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited

competency assessor is authorized to conduct assessment of
competence. Competency assessors undergo a quality assured

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 140

system of accreditation procedure before they are authorized by
TESDA to assess the competencies of candidates for
National Certification.

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 141

Apply critical Propose Facilitate
thinking and methods of entrepreneurial
occupational Evaluate skills for
problem- Work in a applying Use safety and
Lead workplace Lead small learning and environmental microsmall-
solving diverse information health work medium
communication teams techniques in innovation in work practices
environment systematically practices enterprises
the workplace the
organization (MSMEs)

Follow Apply
Receive and Adopt
Solve/address Enhance Access and occupational
respond to Work with Support environmental entrepreneurial
routine selfmanagement maintain safety and
workplace others Innovation work mindset in the
problems skills information health policies
communication standards workplace
and procedures

Practice efficient and
Solve/address occupational Practice
Participate in Develop Contribute to Present effective
Work in Team general career and safety and sustainable entrepreneurial
workplace workplace workplace relevant
Environment life decisions health policies practices in skills in the
communication problems innovation information and
the workplace
(Civil Works)

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/18) 142

Perform Contribute
Lead in Lead towards
Utilize higher order to the Manage
Manage improvement of improvement of
specialize Develop thinking practice of and Sustain

innovative Occupational environmental

specialized and lead processes social evaluate entrepreneu
work Safety and Health work programs,
communicati teams and apply justice in usage of rial skills
techniques in instructions Program, Policies policies and
on skill the information
the workplace and Procedures procedures
higher order Advocate Develop Manage
Manage and Manage Incorporate Develop
thinking skills strategic systems in Manage implementation
sustain and sustain and sustain
and adjust thinking for innovation managing, implementation of of
effective high a high-
into work and OSH programs in environmental
communicati performing problem global performing
procedures maintaining the workplace program in the
on strategies teams solving citizenship enterprise
information workplace

Prepare procedures, Perform
construction specifications mensurations
tools and
materials and and manual and
tools of calculations

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/18) 143

Lay tiles on plain and
Rectify non-conforming
Prepare masonry Perform straight-to-finish curved surfaces for walls, Repair of tiles on plain concrete and masonry floor
materials concreting floors and other and curved surfaces
surfaces application
Fabricate, install and
Perform basic tile setting Install wooden door jamb, Install ceiling and wall Fabricate and
install remove wooden window frame and panels frames and panels wooden stairs

Layout reference lines

Install wooden floor Install ceiling frames

supports and panels Fabricate and install Fabricate and install Install decorative
and panels or
roofing system wooden cabinet moldings
Install eaves or soffits acoustical
frames and panels and ceiling
vents assembly
Install partition wall and/or
Handle, segregate and Erect and dismantle
stack scaffolding cladding frames and Install laminate floors Install parquet floors
components support type
scaffold boards
Lay tiles on plain and
curved surfaces for
walls, floors and other Prepare pipefitting
application Install above ground piping materials, tools and Install overhead piping
Perform masonry tools and Install underground
Perform basic masonry system equipment for spool pipe system piping system
equipment works
Lay concrete hollow
block Plaster wall surface
for structure
Repair of tiles on plain and

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/18) 144


Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/18) 145


1. Scaffold Is a temporary structure of poles and planks

providing platform for workers to stand on while
erecting or repairing a structure

2. Offset line a line or point placed at a given distance from a

control line or point used to re-establish the original

3. Line and grade/Surveyor Professionals who determines and/or established

boundary lines and/or elevations of building walls, foundations, utilities, etc.

4. Reference line A series of two or more points or line to serve as reference

for measurement

5. Sheating A layer of boards nailed to a stud or stiffeners to form a form


6. Stiffeners Are lumber connected to a stud where sheathings

are to be fastened to

7. Form panels and Are temporary boarding, sheathing or pan and form
components accessories used to produce the desired shape
and size of concrete

8. Door jamb Is the vertical portion of the door frame onto which a door is
secured, normally comes in set including header

9. Door panels A hinged or sliding rectangular panel secured to a door jamb for
opening and closing the entrance to a room and/or building

10. Window frames Basic components are jambs, headers and sills.

11. Window panels Either wood, glass or other materials framed and secured
to a window frames

12. Ceiling elevation Is the final height of the ceiling measured from the

13. Ceiling Joist The structural member in building construction where the ceiling
board is fastened

14. Wall location Exact location where walls will be constructed

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 152

15. Position of framing system Are the exact location of wall studs and
noggins/braces as determined during layout
16. Steps elevation Exact layout/position of the stair tread, riser and landing

17. Wooden stringer The inclined member supporting the treads and the
risers of the stair

18. Wooden tread The horizontal part of a step

19. Wooden handrails A rail running parallel with the inclination of the stairs that
holds the balusters

20. Wooden baluster Small posts supporting the handrail

21. Floor elevation Exact location of the finished flooring measured from an
established reference line

22. Wooden floor supports Are wooden girders or stringers carrying the floor

23. Wooden floor joist Is the structural member of a building that supports the
wood flooring

24. Wooden floor panels Are wood boards used for flooring

25. Truss location Exact location where truss assembly will be positioned as
determined on plan

26. Truss elevation exact height of the truss measured from the floor line to
the bottom of the chord
27. Wooden roof truss Comprises the girts, bottom chord, rafters, collar assembly
plate, center post, strut and block

28. Wooden purlins Is a structural member of a roof framing system where the
roofing sheets are fastened

29. Roofing sheets and Are different types of roof coverings including ridge
accessories rolls, gutters, flashings, etc.

30. Wooden cabinet a box-shaped piece of furniture with doors and/or drawers
for storing miscellaneous items. Some cabinets stand-alone while others are
built in to a wall or are attached to it

31. Rough Lumber Unplaned or undressed lumber

32. S2S and S4S A lumber wherein the number connotes the smoothed/planed

33. 5S The five in a 5S workplace organizational and

housekeeping methodology refers to five steps –
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 147
sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain.

34. 3R The principle of reducing waste, reusing and

recycling resources and products

Reduce The waste management concept of reducing what

is produced and what is consumed

Reuse The waste management concept of reusing items,

or re-purposing them for a use different than what
they are intended for

Recycling The waste management concept of transforming

again into a raw material that can be shaped into
new item

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 148


Qualification Title: CARPENTRY NC II

Qualification Code: CONCAR218

Replaces Deployment
New Version
Revisio Version (TESDA
Document (TESDA Board
n (TESDA Board Circular/
Description Types* Resolution
No. Resolution No./ Implementing
No./ Date)
Date) Guidelines)
00 Document Created 2005-03 / N/A
Carpentry NC II 03/18/05
01 Document Amended 2005-03 / 2018-35 / No. 007 series
Carpentry NC II 03/18/05 10/29/18 of 2019

Legend: *Description Types

- Document Created
- Document Amended

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 149


The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to

extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry,
academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the
development and validation of these Training Regulations.


Consultant/ Industry Expert
Quezon City
Construction Manager - Industry Expert
EEI Corporation
Technical Specialist – Industry Expert
James Hardie Philippines, Inc.
Cabuyao, Laguna JOHN S. JUAN
Construction Industry Authority of the
Phils. (CIAP) -CMDF
ALIPIO M. PANGANIBAN Department Makati City
Head - Industry Expert Datem, Inc.
Quezon City
Consultant/ Industry Expert
AVZ Management & Consulting Services
Singalong, Manila

The PARTICIPANTS in the Validation of this Training Regulations


• Allado Construction
Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/2018) 156
• Association of Construction Informal Workers (ACIW) - Davao
• Department of Public Works and Highway (DPWH) - Davao
• James Hardie Phils. Inc. (JHPI)
• Maxbuilder Construction
• Tagum City Trade School (TCTS)
• PTC-San Isidro Manpower Training Center (SIMTRAC)
• RTC-Korea Phils. Vocational Training Center (KPCTC)


• APD Manpower Expert

• Akarui Technical Training Center - CIWC
• B & B Academy
• Construction Industry Workers Council (CIWC)
• Construction Industry Workers Council (CIWC) -NACMADECO
• Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF)
• Datem Construction
• D. M. Consunji, Inc
• Hisada Institute Incorporated
• Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades (JZGMSAT)
• EEI Corporation
• Makati Development Corporation
• Saint Peregrine Institute
• TESDA-RTC Mariveles

The MEMBERS of the TESDA Board and Secretariat

The MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA Secretariat

• Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)
• TR Development Team/Facilitators
- Ma. Isabel G. Gamurot
- Howard Mark N. Plete
- Evangeline A. Cosep

Carpentry NC II Revision 01 Promulgated (10/29/18) 157

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