Vectoraster Manual
Vectoraster Manual
Vectoraster Manual
Vectoraster is an application that allows
you to create raster patterns in vector-based
formats from an existing bitmap image.
The resulting raster can then be exported
to a file (EPS, PDF or TIFF) or copied
straight into most layout and vector graphics
The rasters can be generated in different
distribution patterns and the individual
points can be of many different shapes to
suit any purpose.
Bitmap Vector raster
Source images 1
Primary and secondary image 1
Measurement 1
Raster points 2
Size 2
Shape 2
Transform 2
Color 3
Point types 3
Raster patterns 5
Spacing 5
Transform 5
Distortion 5
Color 5
Raster types 6
Display 7
Primary display settings 7
Draft mode 7
Saving and Loading 8
Embedding 8
Exporting 9
Copying to the clipboard 9
File export 9
Export raster size 9
Batch export 10
Shareware 11
Example raster 1 12
Example raster 2 13
Example raster 3 14
Example raster 4 15
Distribution 16
Credits 16
Version history 17
Source images
Primary and secondary
The first thing you need to specify when
creating a new raster is a primary source
This is the image that will be used as the
base for the raster and it is set using the
“Source images” panel.
There are several ways to set a source
-- Press browse and select an
image file on your hard drive.
-- Drag and drop an image or image file
into the image-well on the panel.
-- Paste in an image from the clipboard
using the menu item “Paste as Source
Image” in the Edit menu.
-- In Mac OS X 10.4 and later you can also
cut and paste images from the image-
wells directly.
Raster points
The shape of the points in the raster is
defined in the “Raster points” panel.
There are four tabs with different types of
point shape settings:
In this tab you set the min and max size of
the points in the raster. The settings here are
common for all point types.
The units correspond to one pixel in
the primary source image, but they are
converted to either mm or points in exported
rasters according to what preference is set
of export units.
If the “Incremental point size” option is
selected you can set a number of size steps
to use.
In this tab you can change various shape
parameters that are specific for each point
type, so the content of this tab changes a lot.
For more information about these settings,
see the point types section below.
In this tab you can apply various
transformations to the individual points.
Rotation sets the angle each point is rotated
around its center. You can also add a
random value to each point to have them
rotated randomly or add the raster rotation
to align the points to the rotation of the
raster pattern.
The aspect ratio setting controls the height/
width ratio of each point. The “Vary aspect
ratio” option sets the aspect ratio as a
function of the point size.
In this tab you specify what color the raster
points will be by using the sliders to set a
mix between three sources:
Single color
A single color that you can set using the
color well next to the slider
Primary source image
The color of the pixel corresponding the
point in the primary source image.
Secondary source image
The color of the pixel corresponding the
point in the secondary source image.
Point types
A circular point. There are no shape settings
for this point type.
A square box. There are no shape settings
for this point type.
Polygon and Rounded polygon
A polygon with equal length sides. In the
shape settings you can control the number
of edges and rounding of the edges for the
rounded type. The Random edges-option
makes the number of edges random from
point to point, based on the base edge
Contracting shape
Same as rounded polygon but with an
additional option to have the sides contract
towards the center.
Random shape
A random rounded shape for each individual
point. You can control the amount of
rounding, contraction as well as the average
number of edges.
Character / Text
Use characters from any installed font as
raster points. You specify a set of characters
using the character set field. You can also
use the “All letters” option to use all letters
in the English alphabet as character set.
You can use the characters in the set in
three different ways, controlled by the mode
menu. You can either loop through the
letters in order to get a text-like appearance
of the raster or use the characters of the set
in a random order. Finally you can also use
the entire character set for each point.
Custom shape
Import a custom graphics file to use for the
points. You can either use vector formats
like PDF or EPS or you can use a bitmap
If the bitmap has an alpha-channel it will be
used as a mask, otherwise the darkness will
be used to control transparency.
Line raster
Instead of generating a raster with a lot of
individual points this “point type” generates
lines connecting the points with varying
width depending to the point size.
Because this mode is a little different than
the other point types it does not have any
transform options, and it does not work with
the random raster pattern types.
Raster patterns
The pattern of the raster is defined in the
“Raster pattern” panel.
There are four tabs with different types of
raster pattern settings:
Here you control the spacing of the points in
the raster pattern.
You can either set the horisontal and vertical
spacing individually or check the “use
horisontal spacing” to use the same spacing
for both.
While the two spacing settings are labeled
horisontal and vertical they should actually
be seen as a first and second direction. For
example in a radial raster they represent
radial and circumference distance.
Here you control basic transformation of the
entire raster pattern, rotation and offset.
To offset the raster you can also click
and drag in the raster window. To quickly
re-center the raster use the re-center button.
To make a more interesting raster pattern
you can apply various distortions to the
pattern. The distortion types that are
available are: Twist, Bulge, Wave and Split.
For each you can control the strength of the
distortion and the size.
In the last tab you control the color of the
background. You can also chose not to use
any background.
Raster types
Straight grid
A grid with the points in straight rows.
Alternating grid
A more compact pattern where every other
row is shifted.
The points are arranged in a circular pattern
around a center point.
Points are distributed at random.
(Line rasters cannot be generated with this
raster type.)
Varied density
Points are distributed at random, but with
higher frequency in darker areas.
(Line rasters cannot be generated with this
raster type.)
Primary display settings In the Display menu in the menu bar there
The basic display settings are located at the are a few more display-settings:
bottom of the main window.
The main control of this panel is the display Auto regenerate
slider. It controls how much of the raster Turns on and off auto regenerating of the
and source image are shown. This does raster after you’ve made a change. If you’re
not affect the exported raster, it’s only for working with very large rasters you can turn
practical reasons while you’re working with this off and manually choose Regenerate to
the raster. update the raster.
The panel also offers a zoom menu that
allows you to zoom in. While you are Draft mode
zoomed in you can hold space and click and
When draft mode is turned on the raster is
drag in the image to pan around. Next to the
drawn in a faster but less accurate way. It
zoom menu there is a fit-button that zooms
doesn’t affect exported rasters, but speeds
the image to fit in the current window size.
up things while you’re working.
When saving a document the source
image(s) and custom point image data is
embedded into the VRaster file, so you do
not need to keep the original source image
file once you have saved the Vectoraster
However, font data is not embedded in the
file, so in order to display character/text
rasters correctly in Vectoraster when you
open a saved VRaster file you need to have
the font installed.
To use the raster you have created you need
to export it to a format other applications
can use.
Batch export
The batch export panel, accessible from In the output portion of the dialog you
the Batch Process menu, allows you to set where the output will be stored. You
automatically apply the current vectoraster can also choose the size and format of
to a series of source images. the output. You can either save the output
as numbered vector files in EPS or PDF
In the panel you can first define input format, TIFF-bitmap images or you
options, choose either to use frames in a can render the exported rasters into a
QuickTime compatible video file, or use all QuickTime movie file.
image files in a selected directory.
This software is shareware. That means that To register go to and
you can try it out for free, but if you like click “registration”.
it you should pay for it. Until you register You will then be directed to Kagi, the
and pay for the application points will be company that handles our payments. They
missing from all exported rasters. can offer secure online payments and accept
The price is $20 and payment is handled just about any form of payment.
online via the secure servers of Kagi. You After you have paid you will receive a code
can pay with credit card, paypal, wire via e-mail that allows you to unlock the
transfer or check. software and use it without limitations.
Your payment is vital as it will enable us to
continue improving this product and make
other great applications in the future.
Example raster 1
Basic straight grid raster with circle points, with a slight twist distortion added to make it a little
more interesting. (Sample file included: “Twisted Dot.VRaster”)
Example raster 2
Line raster with a wave distortion. (Sample file included: “Line raster Darwin.VRaster”)
Example raster 3
Random blob point shapes in a varied density distribution, color mix using primary source color.
(Sample file included: “Varied Density Chili.VRaster”)
Example raster 4
A straight raster using character point shapes and a character set containing the lyrics of
“Crossroad blues” drawn in order. To get light points on a dark background the primary image
darkness measurement is inverted. The color is a mix of orange and the primary source image
color. (Sample file included: “Text raster Robert.VRaster”)
This application is distributed as shareware.
As such you are free to distributed the
unregistered version as long as you
distribute the entire package with this
manual, the online registration link and the
sample files are included with it. However,
it would be nice if you dropped me a line to
tell me about it.
If you wish to distribute the application
commercially or if you have some other
question you can reach me at:
lars.gafvert (at)
You can always find the latest version of
Vectoraster and our other products at:
Concept and programming
-- Lars Gäfvert
-- Jorge Pérez Boeneker
-- Francis Glebas
-- Andrew Lilleyman
-- Benjamin Schudel
-- Jonas Svensson
-- Nenke van Wermeskerken
Version history
Version 3.5.0 - 2009-11-30 -- Moved display slider and zoom controls
-- Added batch processing tool. to the bottom of the main window and
fixed zoom centering.
-- Added movie frame import.
-- Option to include source image in
-- Added Box point shape. exported rasters.
-- Added the random edge number option -- Improved manual.
for the polygon point shapes.
-- Fixed problems with open paths in
-- Added lossless LZW-compression to exported rasters with rounded point
exported TIFF-files. shapes.
-- Fixed some interface quirks in Mac OS -- Fixed random value measurement.
X 10.6.
-- Fixed problem with aspect ratio of
custom point shapes.
Version 3.0.1 - 2009-06-19 -- Fixed problem selecting font family
-- Vectoraster now properly adds the right members for character point shape type
file extension in save dialogs. under OS X 10.5.
-- Made the interface fields more
responsive. Version 2.1.2 - 2008-02-17
-- Added a help menu item to open the -- Fixes to various things that were broken
manual. in version 2.1.1
-- Restored real-time raster regeneration.
Version 3.0.0 - 2009-03-24 -- Better support for the special character
-- Line raster mode to generate proper line panel.
-- New character point modes to select Version 2.1.1 - 2008-02-09
characters from a defined set, loop
through a string or use an entire string as -- Fixed crash under Mac OS X 10.5.
a point. -- You can now abort slow raster
-- Separate horisontal and vertical raster regenerations.
spacing setting.
-- Incremental point size option to use a
set number of point sizes instead of the
default linear distribution.
-- Improved point rotation control.
-- Better control of “Random shape” points,
previously know as “Random blob”.
-- Remodeled user interface with separate
source image, point and pattern panels.