IBM - Appraisal of Mine Plan
IBM - Appraisal of Mine Plan
IBM - Appraisal of Mine Plan
1.1 The amendments in Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation),Act 1957(herein
after referred as MMDR Act,1957), Mineral Concession Rules, 1960(herein after referred
as MCR,1960), and Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988(hereinafter
referred as MCDR,1988) have brought into focus the dynamic component of the Indian
mineral legislation with special regard to the much needed impetus required for scientific
development of mines, proper planning, conservation, environment preservation etc.
1.2 Under the MM(D&R) Amendment Act, 1986, a new thrust to the mineral development
activity in the country has been given as per the provisions of section 5(2)(b) which
requires that the application for grant of mining lease should be accompanied by a duly
approved mining plan. Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) has been authorized by the Central
Govt. to approve mining plans. By virtue of power conferred under Mineral
Conservation and Development Rules, 1988 IBM has been given powers of approval of
scheme of mining / Progressive Mine Closure Plan and Final mine closure plans. By
virtue of amendment in MCR,1960 vide G.S.R. 56(E) dated 17.1.2000 State DGMs have
been authorized by the Central Govt. to approve mining plans/scheme of mining /
Progressive Mine Closure plan and Final mine closure plans in respect of 29 Minerals
specified in rule 22(4A) of MCR,1960 subject to certain conditions. Few State
Governments have been exercising this power.
1.3 The amended MCR,1960 under rule 22(5) specify the contents of mining plan which is
required to include details such as extent of mineral body, geology, lithology, mineral
reserves, extent of mechanization, plan of area indicating water course, water pollution
etc. The mining plan thus indeed becomes an extremely vital document for scientific
development of mineral deposits particularly since the applicant is required to carry out
mining operations strictly according to the approved mining plan as per rule 22A of
amended MCR, 1960 and rule 13(1) of MCDR, 1988. Rule 22B of MCR, 1960 stipulates
that mining plan should be prepared only by recognized persons who are duly qualified
and experienced. The Chief Controller of Mines and Regional Controllers of Mines of
IBM has been delegated powers to grant recognition for preparing mining plans.
1.4 In order to facilitate the officers of IBM and the State DGMs in dealing with new
responsibilities of approval of mining plan/ scheme of mining/final mine closure plan
and recognition of qualified persons for preparing mining plans, this manual has been
specially designed which gives necessary background information, procedure, details,
outlines and guidelines.
1.5 Chapter 2 on “Recognition of persons to prepare mining plans” sets out details of
procedures followed in granting recognition/refusal to qualified persons for preparing
mining plans under the provisions of MCR,1960. Explanation is given of the
methodology of numerical notation of the registration number.
1.6 Exhaustive details governing the processing and examination of mining plans are given in
Chapter 3 with regard to geology, opencast mine, underground mine, environment,
mineral beneficiation.
1.7 Chapter 4 on “Guidelines for scrutiny of mining plan” gives useful guidelines for scrutiny
of mining plans and lists the aspects to be checked and examined.
1.8 Chapter 5 is the format for preparation for Mining plan/ Scheme of Mining including
Progressive Mine Closure Plan.
1.9 Chapter 6 is on guidelines for preparation of Final mine closure plan gives useful details
for preparing the FMCP with a basic objective of sustainable development both for the
mines and for community living in that area.
Registration number should be given containing the following segment of information in the
a) A notation RQP indicating that it is for recognition for the qualified persons followed by.
b) The regional office code of Regional office which has granted recognition (Annexure V)
followed by
c) The running serial number of recognized person in three digits running from 001 to 999
followed by
d) Year of registration and validity (10 years)
e) Whether the applicant is individual or an organization.
Thus in respect of first individual qualified person recognized the number would be as
follows :-
vi) While granting certificate of recognition, forwarding letter should also mention that
any mining plan prepared by the company and submitted by authorized persons
should also bear the signatures of key persons who have contributed to preparation of
mining plan.
vii) The names of key persons and their qualifications should also be mentioned on the
reverse side of the certificate of recognition.
3.1 General
3.1.1. It is now obligatory on the part of applicant to submit an approved mining plan along
with a mining lease application submitted for grant or renewal in Form I or J under Section
5(2) of MMDR Act, 1957 and rule 22(4) and 24A of MCR, 1960. The first submission
letter of Draft mining plan must be submitted under the Signature of lessee.
3.1.2.However as per rule 26 of MCR, application for renewal of mining lease made under
24A shall not be refused by the State Government only on the ground that Forms J is not
complete which includes a Mining Plan under (xC) of item2.
3.1.3.The mining plans are submitted to IBM for approval as Central Govt. has vested this
power to Controller General/Chief Controller of Mines/Controller of Mines/Regional
Controller of Mines of IBM vide Notification No.445(E) dated 28-4-1987 (Annexure XI).
As already mentioned at para2.3.2 the State Governments have also been given the power of
approval of Mining Plans of opencast mines subject to certain conditions. This power has
been given to them under rule 22(4A) of MCR, 1960.
3.1.4. The mining plan pertaining to all minerals mentioned in rule 2 of MCDR, 1988 shall be
considered by IBM for approval except for the minerals as specified in Rule 22(4A) of MCR,
1960 where the State Government shall be competent to approve mining plan of open cast
mines (mines other than the underground mines) in respect of the 29 non-metallic or
industrial minerals in their respective territorial jurisdiction.
3.1.5. The mining plan shall be prepared by the recognized person by following Format at
Chapter 6 as far as possible. The mining plans should be scrutinized strictly with regard to
their adequacy in respect of mineral conservation, scientific and systematic mining and
environment management as the essential purpose to the maximum extent practicable.
3.1.6. The contents of mining plan of small mines which constitute majority may be far less
than content of mining plans of large mines, even though the format followed is the same.
The distinction between small and large mines should be kept in view while scrutinizing the
mining plans. Small mines may have nothing to mention against some of the items of the
proforma for the document.
3.1.7. The mining plan shall be initially submitted in draft form and in two copies(In cases
involving beneficiation plant three copies ) by the party to concerned regional office along
with processing fee @ Rs.1, 000/- per or part thereof. As per the IBM’ letter no T-
44006/CGBM/1/2005 dated 9.2.2012 followed by item 32(ii) of Zonal/Regional heads
meeting held on 5 and 6 November, 2012 circulated vide CCOM’s letter no. K-
11011/1/2012/CCOM dated 14.12.2012 a copy of the draft MP/MS/ FMCP has to be sent
immediately on receipt to the State Government seeking their comments giving 30 days time.
However in case of mine involving processing through beneficiation plant, a soft copy will
also be submitted.
3.1.8. The Regional office shall issue a receipt of draft mining plan to the party in the
proforma given in Annexure XII.
3.1.9. The draft mining plan may be examined whether it is fit for processing. In case it is
sub-standard it may be disapproved without any field inspection.
3.1.10. In case the Mining plan is found fit for processing it is to be inspected. For
examination of beneficiation operations, a copy may be sent to the concerned zonal SOOD
office seeking their comments giving 30 days time. For mining plan submitted for fresh grant
of ML site inspection is compulsory (except in cases of highly disturbed areas from law and
order point of view). In such cases collection of grab sample from face may be collected by
the inspecting officer and be sent to the Ore dressing Laboratory for confirming the
mineralisation for which the State Government has issued the Letter of Intent. In case of
mining plan submitted for renewal of mining lease or a scheme of mining where the mine has
been inspected within past six months the inspection may be dispensed depending on the
complexity of the deposit and mining operations. All fully mechanized mining proposals may
be scrutinized and inspected jointly by a Mining Engineer and Geologist as far as possible.
All clarifications from the party shall be sought in one go.
3.1.11. A specific period should be given to the party for submission of modified mining plan
failing which the mining plan should be rejected. However, one or two grace periods can be
given for submission depending on merit.
3.1.12.After modification, the party will submit three (3) copies of mining plan/scheme of
mining /FMCP along with the entire document in single MS word file and plates in
AutoCAD compatible or jpeg format in two CD to be dealt with as follows:
i) One copy for use of regional office along with one CD/DVD.
ii) One copy to the concerned DGM of the state; and
iii) One copy to the party.
3.2.1. All the draft mining plans/scheme of mining /FMCP shall be scrutinized by the
regional office. Mining Plans for fresh grant of ML maybe through PL route or Direct
ML. If it is through PL route compliance of MCD Rules compliance of rules 4,6 and 8
shall be checked. In case of non compliance of these rules and submission of the report
at a later date or submission of PL report with the Mining Plan, the authenticity of the
PL report shall be verified from the State Government. In case of direct ML compliance
of UNFC reserves for 5 years of Mining Operation as per IBM’s Circular is to be
3.2.3. The approval of mining plan/scheme of mining /FMCP of all mines will be done at the
Regional office. The offices in which the Deputy Controller of Mines are authorized by the
CG, IBM the scheme of mining for “B” Category Mines shall be approved by the Deputy
Controller of Mines. In case of Mines/areas with Beneficiation Plants the OD officials will be
3.3.1. The mining plan for fresh grant cases shall be approved only after site inspection is
carried out (except in cases of highly disturbed areas from law and order point of view) along
with Recognized Qualified Person and the representative of applicant. The precise
demarcation of the area for which mining plan is to be approved is of paramount importance,
therefore it will be preferred that the area proposed to be granted is duly demarcated in the
field by the State Government and the geo-coordinates of the precise area are available in the
letter of Intent issued by the State Government. For site inspection of fresh grant areas
representative of state directorate of Mining & Geology may be ensured particularly for
identification of the precise area in the field. In other cases like scheme of mining the
inspecting officer shall ensure the presence of boundary pillars in the mining lease area
especially near the working zones to the extent possible and also if boundary pillars are not
seen the same should be brought to the immediate notice of the State government by a
separate letter. Further the approval of the plan document shall be subject to erecting of
boundary pillars failing which action is to be initiated as per provisions of the act and rules.
The adequacy of data and correctness of information in the mining plan should be checked at
Site inspections should be made by a Mining Engineer and a Geologist as far as possible
particularly for all “A” Fully Mechanised operations.
3.3.2. In case of mining plans submitted for renewal of lease/ scheme of mining earlier office
records should also be consulted, especially to check compliance of violations/ suggestions
regarding exploration, environment protection measures etc.
3.3.3. In case the mine has been inspected during the past six months the site inspection can
be dispensed with depending with the complexity of the mine and nature of operations. It is at
the discretion of the Regional Controller of Mines/OIC.
3.4.1Disposal of application for approval/ refusal of the mining plan shall be in accordance to
rule 22(4B) of the MCR’1960.
3.4.2. The approval/ rejection of mining plan/scheme of mining /FMCP should preferably be
on the prescribed format (Annexure XIV to XIX)
3.5 Endorsement of Correspondence: A copy each of all the correspondence with the party
and reply of the party to Regional Controller of Mines should be endorsed to the concerned
COM for information.
3.6 Miscellaneous : If mining plan has more than one major mineral and for any one of the
mineral IBM is the approving authority the mining plan of all the major minerals shall be
disposed by IBM.
4.1.1. Physiography: The aspects to be looked into are topography of terrain, drainage pattern,
vegetation, climate, rainfall data of the area applied /mining lease area.
4.1.2. Geology: Surface geological map with contour interval maximum of 10 meter on a scale of
1:2000/1:1000 may be examined for features detailed below:
i) Disposition of all lithological units with clear nomenclature and their descriptions.
ii) Contacts of lithounits/rock types traced or inferred
iii) Attitudes like strike and dip available in adequate numbers.
iv) Structural features such as joints, folds, faults and their attitudes
v) Delineation of mineralized/ore zones with definite demarcation of observed and inferred.
In case the area has been explored by a formal Prospecting license, details of submission of a copy of
the prospecting report in form B under Rule 8 of MCDR, 1988 submitted to the Regional office may
be verified. If so the data provided may match the information given in the mining Plan. In case the
area was not held by prospecting license and formally explored by other agencies, the exploration
details may confirm to minimum 5 years envisaged tonnages from tentative ROM excavation under
reserve category of UNFC. The exploration details may include
i) Details on exploration already carried out in the area with regard to location of pits, trenches,
boreholes, exploratory mine workings like adits, shafts, inclines, and old workings etc may
be shown on geological plan mentioned above. These may accompany suitable longitudinal
and transverse geological sections, on a minimum scale of 1:2000 for opencast mines
depending upon the complexity of deposit and variation of grade. Sections are to be prepared
using borehole/pit/trench/ lithologs. In case it is more than 1:2000 scale, a copy of the letter
of the Chief Controller of Mines for relaxation of Scale under rule 27(4) of MCDR, 1988
may be attached.
ii) Verify Copies of notices in form J of the preceding 5 years period submitted to IBM under
MCDR’88 regarding prospecting/ exploration undertaken within the mining lease or during
prospecting license period in case of mining plan of fresh Grant.
iii) Lithologs of pits, benches, boreholes and other exploratory workings along with sampling
data may be given showing locations of samples and their chemical analysis results.
Recovery and tonnage factor may be calculated from ore actually produced from pits and
iv) Geological plans of all underground exploratory workings with assay data may be available
on a suitable scale, minimum scale being 1:1000
v) Geological longitudinal sections and transverse sections at 30m interval and above
depending upon extent, complexity of deposit and variation of grade on scale 1:1000 are also
to be enclosed for underground mines.
vi) Details of geophysical and geochemical exploration carried out if any. Exploration proposed to be carried out (in case adequate total reserves is not established
for the tenure of lease)
i) The scheme of exploration may be consistent with the tentative excavation programme
indicated by applicant and may include the quantum of work with anticipated results. The
entire potentially mineralized area if not explored as per UNFC, exploration proposal may
be inbuilt in the 5 Year planning to explore under G1 level of exploration as per UNFC
guidelines along with feasibility study and economic evaluation of the deposit. The
exploration proposal should be furnished year wise and site specific manner.
ii) The exploration details may include pitting, trenching, drilling and exploratory mining
wherever necessary. All such proposal of exploratory workings may be distinctly marked
on the geological plan yearwise in different colours. Parameters for Estimation: The parameters considered for estimation of reserve/resource
and basis for their categorization may be defined, which may include the following:-
i) Delineating shape and size of ore shoots or mineralized zones with authentic exploration
ii) Determination of bulk density and recovery factor based on field test.
iii) Critical examination of grade characteristics spelling out size and grade distribution.
iv) Cut off grade of ROM with reference to threshold value.
v) Basis of categorization of reserves and resources based on intensity of exploration,
feasibility or pre-feasibility and economic evaluation study results as specified under
UNFC field guidelines.
4.2.1. Justification for opencast mining vis-à-vis configuration of deposit and nature of ore
body and wall rocks
4.2.2. Check reserves considering various barriers, roads, canals, buildings, human
settlements etc.
4.2.3. Year wise tentative OB removal, Rom removal, Total Excavation.
4.2.4. Verify excavation proposal for correctness and feasibility, keeping proposed mining
system, machinery and man power in view. The following points have to be looked
into in particular;
4.2.5. Check norms of performance for drilling, blasting, loading, etc both for man and
machinery. For this purpose thumb rules may be used (see 5.2.9). If there is human
settlement or buildings nearby, ask for ground vibration and noise level study.
4.2.7. Check roughly ultimate pit limit keeping an ultimate slope of 35 degrees to 60 degrees
depending upon nature of wall rocks.
4.2.8. Check location of waste/subgrade dumps/stacks, buildings etc in relation to ultimate pit
limit and mineralisation of the area. Dumping in or along or in the vicinity of valley
should be avoided. Dumping in retreat manner should be preferred.
4.2.9. Thumb rules of performance of common mining machinery and powder factor in
different rock
Mining Machinery
Type Size
Jack Hammers 33mm 30 to 45 mtr
Wagon drill 100mm 25 to 36 mtr
Top Hammer Drill Atlas Copco Roc F 8 100mm 15 to 20m/hr
Atlas Copco Roc F 9 100mm 25-30m/hr
ROC L8(Atlas Copco) DTH 150mm 18 to 25m/hr
Drill master – I.R. 150mm 20 to 30 mtr
Drill master – I.R. 225mm 20 to 30 mtr
Norms of air consumption
Jack hammers 3m3
Wagon drills 6m3
Large dia blast hole drill 150mm 10m3
-do- 225mm 15m3
Rope shovel 1.9m3 750 to 1000 tonnes
-do- 4.6m3 2500 to 3000 tonnes
Hydraulic shovel 2.3m3 1000 to 1500 tonnes
-do- 3.0m3 1200 to 1800 tonnes-do-
3.5m3 2000 to 2500 tonnes -
do- 6.0m3 3000 to 4000 tonnes
-do- 10.0m3 7000 to 10000 tonnes
1.5 km haul distance 25 tonnes 400 tonnes
0.5 km -do- 35 tonnes 2000 tonnes
2.5 km -do- 35 tonnes 500 tonnes
2.0km -do- 90tonnes 1500 tonnes
Precise area map/lease plan, surface plan, geological plan& section, year-wise tentative
excavation plan, reclamation plan, environment plan, financial area assurance plan and
conceptual plan to be enclosed.
4.3.2 Whether reserves are adequate for the whole lease period in case of mining plan for
renewal under rule 24A for MCR’1960 or the area has potential to sustain for the lease
period to be examined.
4.3.4 Size of development, size of pillars should be such that working remains stable during
development and stoping stages.
4.3.6. Level and Winzes intervals: They should not be too close which virtually amounts to
partical stoping and should not be allowed. Ask for justification in cases of doubt.
4.3.7 Examination of proposed mining method: Here examine the workability of deposit and
technical viability of the proposal submitted.
4.3.8. Year wise development in ore and waste: Proposed developments should be shown in
plans and sections for every year levelwise in different colours preferably.
4.3.9. Proposed tentative yearwise ROM and waste excavation for five years.
Explanatory Note: We may not, however, go into much detail for examining of stoping while
submitting mining plan as in any case, each stoping proposal has to be submitted statutorily
under MCDR and cleared. As and when the mine has actually been developed for stoping, the
proposal will be thoroughly examined. Therefore for the purpose of mining plan, we may be
satisfied with reasonable stoping proposal outline submitted.
4.3.11. System of Winding: If depth of shaft is more than 60m, check if provision of man
winding is provided.
4.3.14. Blasting:
a) Whether drilling and blasting practices have been indicated separately for
development and stoping
b) Examine adequacy and efficiency of drilling blasting programme.
c) Whether provisions for underground stoppage of explosives made, if any are
according to explosive rules.
d) Whether latest technology of drilling and blasting has been proposed.
4.3.16. Disposal of waste: Examine whether the rate of waste/subgrade mine generation is
furnished and proposed to be taken out of mine regularly and separately stacked.Whether
holding capacity of dumping site is adequate.
4.3.17. Reclamation of old working: Proposals for reclamation of old workings and sealing
abandoned mines need be examined.
4.3.18. Safety Aspects: The following special points on safety aspects may be examined
4.4.1 Check whether any court order/Govt. order/statutory restrictions have been imposed
prohibiting mining operations in the area. In that event, mining plan will be considered
subject to these stipulations. In case of any doubt, collect additional information, clarification
from the concerned authorities.
4.4.2 Baseline Information – Existing Land use pattern: Check existing land use pattern and
ownership are furnished.
4.4.3 Water regime: Check whether information on surface drainage system has been
furnished on surface plan/geological plan. Examine information on water quality.
Check whether environment impact assessment has been given or not. Quality of statement to
be assessed in general. Special emphasis on land, water and human settlements should be
given. Effect of blasting should also be examined.
4.4.4 Flora : Check information on the types and density of trees within lease area.
4.4.6 Proposal for reclamation of land affected by mining activities: Reclamation plan
should be submitted.
4.4.7 Measures for dust suppression: Dust suppression measures should be such that dust
suppressed by sprinkling of water at or near the sources, during drilling and on the haul roads.
In case there is any public road or human settlement or agricultural land in neighbourhood,
creation of green belt for arresting dust by planting exotic fast growing varieties like
eucalyptus etc could be considered.
In case of proximity of sensitive areas and tourist spots, a system for monitoring ambient air
quality should be considered.
4.4.8 Measures to minimize vibration due to blast and check noise pollution:
a) Vibration: Quality of explosives proposed to be used per and maximum charge per delay
vis-à-vis IS specifications -1973 to keep the vibration within permissible limits. Whether any
controlled blasting techniques are proposed to be adopted.
b) Noise: Whether any provision has been made to check noise levels at various places.
4.4.9 Stabilisation and vegetation of dumps: Examine the methods proposed to be adopted for
stabilization of dump, terracing, vegetation etc.
4.4.10. Tailing Dam: Selection of site for tailing pond with respect to stability.
4.5.1 If the ROM needs to be beneficiated, then the complete analysis (both chemical and
mineralogical) of the feed and capacity of proposed mill along with the grade and other
specifications of beneficiated products should be indicated.
4.5.2 If laboratory/pilot plant test work was already carried out on the sample, process flow
sheet, details of process adopted, projected grades and recoveries of beneficiation products
should be given.
4.5.3 Complete details regarding physical and chemical characteristics of tailings, their
possible reuse, if any along with the design, size and capacity of tailing pond should be
indicated. Details of process of water treatment, if any and quality and quantity of final
discharge and the place of its disposal (proximity to rivers, public well or any other public
utility places) should be furnished.
Chapter- 5
For grant of Mining Lease/Renewal of mining Lease submitted under Rule 22(4) /Rule
24A Mineral Concession Rules, 1960/Rule 10 of MCDR’88/Rule 12(2) of MCDR,88
01. This is a universal format for all types and category of mines
All years are financial years except for fresh grant cases where it is I, II, III,
IV and V year.Mining plan/Scheme of Mining(review of the mining plan) is to
be prepared lease wise.
02. If more space is needed to fill out a block of information, use additional sheets
and attach to the form. All the plans and sections may be in accordance with
MCDR, 88 and /or MMR,1961.
03.The format shall have prospective effect and shall not have any bearing on
clearances or approvals already granted.
04. In view of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 21.04.2014 in
Writ Petition (Civil) No. 435 of 2012 filed by Goa Foundation vrs Union of
India and Others all activities like waste dumping, stacking ore , subgrade,
mineral rejects, beneficiation, depositing tailings are to be within the lease
05. In case of Modifications in the approved mining plan/Scheme of mining
only the relevant chapters including the linked chapters, plans & sections are
to be modified.
b) Status of applicant/lessee
Private Individual ______________ Co-operative Association _________
Private Company _____________ Public limited Company ____________
Public Sector Undertaking ______________________________________
Joint Sector Undertaking _______________________________________
Other (Please specify)__________________________________________
c) Mineral(s) which is / are included in the prospecting license (For Fresh grant)
c) Details of applied /lease area with location map (fresh area /mine)
Forest Non-forest
c) Attach a general location map showing area and access routes. It is preferred
that the area be marked on a Survey of India topographical map or a cadastral
map or forest map as the case may be. However, if none of these are available,
the area may be shown on an administrative map.
a) Briefly describe the topography, drainage pattern, vegetation, climate, rainfall data of the area
applied/mining lease area.
c) Detailed description of geology of the lease area such as shape and size of the mineral/ore
deposit, disposition various litho-units indicating structural features if any etc. (Applicable for
Mining Plan for grant & renewal and not for Scheme of Mining/Modifications in the
approved mining plan/scheme of Mining).
f) The surface plan of the lease area may be prepared on a scale of 1: 1000 or 1: 2000 with contour
interval of maximum of 10 m depending upon the topography and size of the area duly marked by
grid lines showing all features indicated under Rule 28(1)(a) of MCDR 1988.
g) For preparation of geological plan, surface plan prepared on a scale of 1: 1000 or 1: 2000 scale
specified under para 1.0 (f) of Part A of the format may be taken as the base plan. The details of
exploration already carried out along with supporting data for existence of mineral, locations
proposed exploration, various lithounits along with structural features, mineralized/ore zone with
grade variation if any may be marked on the geological plan along with other features indicated under
Rule 28 (1)(b) of MCDR 1988.
h) Geological sections may be prepared on natural scale of geological plan at suitable interval across
the lease area from boundary to boundary.
i) Broadly indicate the future programme of exploration with due justification(duly marking on
Geological plan year wise location in different colours) taking into consideration the future tentative
excavation programme planned in next five years as in table below: -
Grid No. of
No. of Pits,
No. of boreholes interval Total Trenches,
Year dimensions
(Core/RC/DTH) meterage dimensions
and volume
and volume
j) Reserves and Resources as per UNFC with respect to the threshold value notified by IBM may be
furnished in a tabular form as given below: (Area explored under different level of exploration may be
marked on the geological plan and UNFC code for area considered for different categories of
reserve/resources estimation may also be marked on geological cross sections).
Submit a feasibility/pre-feasibility study report along with financial analysis for economic viability of
the deposit as specified under the UNFC field guidelines may be incorporated.
k) Furnish detailed calculation of reserves/resources section wise (When the mine is fully mechanized
and deposit is of complex nature with variation of size , shape of mineralized zones, grade due to
intrusion within ore zone etc, an attempt may be made to estimate reserves/resources by slice plan
method). In case of deposits where underground mining is proposed, reserve/resources may be
estimated by level plan method, as applicable, as per the proposed mining parameters.
l) Mineral Reserves/Resources:
Mineral Resources: (Mineral resources may be estimated purely based on level of exploration, with
reference to the threshold value of minerals declared by IBM)
Resources and Reserves within the lease may be arrived after applying results feasibility/pre-
feasibility study and economic evaluation of deposit based on various factors such as:
Note: It may not be possible to quantify grade wise reserves, as normally there is considerable
variation in size and grade distribution within the ore zone, which results variable
recovery factor and bulk density. Thus tonnages arrived are tentative.
a) Briefly describe the existing as well as proposed method for excavation with all
design parameters indicating on plans /sections.
Year Pit no. Total Top Soil OB/SB/IB ROM Mineral ROM/
tentative (Cu m) (Cum) (Cu m) reject Waste
Excavation Ore Mineral Ratio
(Cum) (Cum)* reject
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* Tentative tonnage of the ore may be arrived by computing approximate bulk density
and recovery factor as these data are variable and may be established on time series.
Mineral rejects include all the excavated materials that do not constitute useful
material. Such material may be either grade or size reject. The mineral reject may be
(i) chemically subgrade which is below the acceptable limits of specifications that is
below the cut off grade and above the threshold value within or outside ore zone, (ii)
materials of physical characteristics not acceptable to the market, (iii) material having
deleterious constituents,
ROM constitutes the material excavated from mineralized zone and includes mineral
reject and useable mineral component.
SB : means side burden waste on both hang wall and foot wall sides of the ore body
c) Enclose Individual year wise development plans and sections showing pit layouts,
dumps, stacks of mineral reject, if any, etcin case of 'A' category mines.
Composite development plans showing pit layouts, dumps, stacks of mineral
reject, if any, etc. and year wise sections in case of 'B' category mines.
e) Describe briefly the layout of mine workings, pit road layout, the layout of faces
and sites for disposal of overburden/waste along with ground preparation prior
to disposal of waste, reject etc. A reference to the plans and sections may be
given. UPL or ultimate size of the pit is to be shown for identification of the
suitable dumping site.
f) Conceptual Mine planning upto the end of lease period taking into consideration the
present available reserves and resources describing the excavation, recovery of ROM,
Disposal of waste, backfilling of voids, reclamation and rehabilitation showing on a
plan with few relevant sections.
method to be described with supporting plans and sections. Broader thumb rule in
respect of development be considered.
Stope parameters:
3 Level interval
Attach a note briefly describing the system and linking with it's adequacy for
the desired rate of material and man handling,
Conceptual Mine planning upto the end of lease period taking into consideration the
present available reserves and resources describing the ROM excavation, Disposal of
waste, stowing/backfilling, surface subsidence, reclamation and rehabilitation showing
on a plan with few relevant sections.
Enclose a note outlining the steps to be taken to ensure adequate supply of air
in all parts of the mine and prevention of noxious gases produced and excessive
rise of temperature or humidity so as to ensure adequate ventilation. Also
indicate No. & type of main mechanical ventilators, total air requirement as per
statute, total intake / return (cu.m/ sec) etc
Describe briefly with calculation for adequacy and type of machinery and equipment
proposed to be used in different activities of drilling, material handling in
development and stope, hauling, hoisting to surface, surface transportion and any
other operation.
a) Indicate briefly the nature and quantity of top soil, overburden / waste and
Mineral Reject to be disposed off.
b) The proposed dumping ground within the lease area be proved for presence
or absence of mineral and be outside the UPL unless simultaneous
backfilling is proposed or purely temporary dumping for a short period is
proposed in mineralized area with technical constraints & justification.
The useable mineral recovered from ROM may not be directly used in any
industry and may need intermediate process to suit the user industry in terms of
physical and chemical compositions.
b) Give a material balance chart with a flow sheet or schematic diagram of the
processing procedure indicating feed, product, recovery, and its gradeat
each stage of processing.
c) Explain the disposal method for tailings or reject from the processing plant.
g) Indicate quantity (cum per day) of water required for mining and processing
and sources of supply of water, disposal of water and extent of recycling.
Water balance chart may be given.
Describe briefly the following:
a) Site services :----------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) Employment potential :
Highly Skilled ---------------------------------------------
Skilled ---------------------------------------------
Semi-Skilled --------------------------------------------
Un-Skilled ---------------------------------------------
8.1 Environment Base line information: Attach a note on the status of baseline
information with regard to the following.
- existing land use pattern indicating the area already degraded due to mining, roads,
processing plant, workshop, township etc in a tabular form.
- water regime, quality of air, ambient noise level, flora, climatic conditions
- human settlements
- public buildings, places of worship and monuments
- Indicate any sanctuary is located in the vicinity of leasehold
i) Land area indicating the area likely to be degraded due to quarrying, dumping,
roads, workshop, processing plant, tailing pond/dam, township etc.
ii) Air quality
iii) Water quality
iv) Noise levels
v) Vibration levels (due to blasting)
vi) Water regime
vii) Acid mine drainage
viii) Surface subsidence
vii) Socio-economics
viii) Historical monuments etc.
8.3.2 Topsoil Management: The topsoil available at the site and its utilization may
be described.
8.3.3 Tailings Dam Management: The steps to be taken for protection and stability
of tailing dam, stabilization of tailing material and its utilization, periodic desilting
measures to prevent water pollution from tailings etc, arrangement for surplus water
overflow along with detail design, structural stability studies, the embankment
seepage loss into the receiving environment and ground water contaminant if any may
be described.
8.4 Disaster Management and Risk Assessment: This may deal with action
plan for high risk accidents like landslides, subsidence flood, inundation in
underground mines, fire, seismic activities, tailing dam failure etc. and emergency
plan proposed for quick evacuation, ameliorative measures to be taken etc. The
capability of lessee to meet such eventualities and the assistance to be required from
the local authority may also be described.
and DevelopmentRules,1988 for five years period expiring at the end of validity of
the document.The amount calculated for the purpose of Financial Assurance is
based on the CCOM’s Circular no. 4 dated 2006 as below.
Table indicating the break-up of areas in the Mining Lease for calculation
of Financial Assurance
Sl. No. Head Area put on Additional Total Area considered Net area
use at start require-ment Area as fully considered for
of Scheme during Plan reclaimed & calculation
of Mining period rehabilitated
(ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha)
1. Area under mining
2. Storage for top soil
3. Waste dump site
4. Mineral storage
5. Infrastructure –
building etc.
6. Roads
7. Railways
8. Tailing pond
9. Effluent Treatment
10. Mineral Separation
11. Township area
12. Others (to specify)
Grand Total
The above mentioned actions have been taken to be stated clearly in the mine
closure plan. A certificate duly signed by the lessee to the effect that said closure
plan complies all statutory rules, regulations, orders made by the Central or
State Government, statutory organizations, court etc. have been taken into
consideration and wherever any specific permission is required, the lessee will
approach the concerned authorities. The lessee may also give an undertaking to
the effect that all the measures proposed in this closure plan will be implemented
in a time bound manner as proposed.
The information furnished in the Scheme of Mining is true and correct to the
best of our knowledge.
Preamble :
1. The Central Government vide Notification No. GSR 329 (E) dated 10.04.2003
and No. GSR 330 (E) dated 10.04.2003 amended the Mineral Concession Rules,
1960 and Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988 respectively. As
per these amendments the mining lessee is required to submit "Final Mines
Closure Plan" one year prior to the proposed closure of the mine. In the
notification it has been enumerated that the "Progressive Closure Plan" and
"Final Closure Plan" may be in the format and as per the guidelines issued by
the Indian Bureau of Mines.
2. Mine closure encompasses rehabilitation process as an ongoing programme
designed to restore physical, chemical and biological quality disturbed by the
mining to a level acceptable to all concerned. It must aim at leaving the area in
such a way that rehabilitation does not become a burden to the society after
mining operation is over. It must also aim to create as self-sustained ecosystem.
3. Mine closure operation is a continuous series of activities starting from day one
of the initiation of mining project. Therefore, progressive mine closure plan is an
additional chapter in the present mining plan and will be reviewed every five
years in the Scheme of Mining.
4. Final mine closure plan as per statute, shall be considered to have its approval
at least nine months before the date of proposed closure of mine. This period of
nine months is reckoned as preparatory period for final mine closure operations.
Therefore, all proposals for activities which have to be carried out after
production of mineral from the mine or mining is ceased, shall be included in the
final mine closure plan. The final mine closure plan will thus be a separate
document with detailed chapters as per guidelines given below
1. Introduction:
The name of the lessee, the location and extent of lease area, the type of lease area (forest,
non-forest etc), the present land use pattern, the method of mining and mineral processing
operations, may be given.
2. Mine Description:
2.1 Geology:
Briefly describe the topography and general geology indicating rock types available, the
chemical constituents of the rocks / minerals including toxic elements if any, at the mine site.
2.2 Reserves:
Indicate the mineral reserves available category wise in the lease area estimated in the last
mining plan / mining scheme approved along with the balance mineral reserves at the
proposed mine closure including its quality available ( for final mine closure plan only).
2.3 Mining Method:
Describe in brief the mining method followed to win the mineral,extent of mechanisation ,
mining machinery deployed, production level etc.
4. Closure Plan:
4.1 Mined-Out Land:
Describe the proposals to be implemented for reclamation and rehabilitation of mined-out
land including the manner in which the actual site of the pit will be restored for future use.
The proposals may be supported with relevant plans and sections depicting the method of
land restoration / reclamation / rehabilitation.
4.2 Water Quality Management:
Describe in detail the existing surface and ground water bodies available in the lease areas
and the measures to be taken for protection of the same including control of erosion,
sedimentation, siltation, water treatment, diversion of water courses , if any, measures for
protection of contamination of ground water from leaching etc. Quantity and quality of
surface water bodies may also be indicated and corrective measures proposed to meet the
water quality conforming the permissible limits may also be described. Report of
hydrological study carried out in the area may also be submitted. The water balance chart
may be given. If there is potential of Acid Mine Drainage the treatment method may be
4.3 Air Quality Management:
Describe the existing air quality status. The corrective measures to be taken for prevention of
pollution of air may be described.
4.4. Waste Management:
Describe the type, quality and quantity of overburden, mineral reject etc. available and their
disposal practice. If no utilisation of waste material is proposed, the manner in which the
waste material will be stabilisedmay be described. The protective measures to be taken for
prevention of siltation, erosion and dust generation from these waste materials may also be
described. If toxic and hazardous elements are present in the waste material the protective
measures to be taken for prevention of their dispersal in the air environment, leaching in the
surface and ground water etc,may be described.
4.5 Top Soil Management: The top soil available at the site and its utilisationmay be
4.6 Tailing Dam Management: The steps to be taken for protection and stability of tailing
dam, stabilisation of tailing material and its utilisation, periodic desilting, measures to prevent
water pollution from tailings etc., arrangement for surplus water overflow alongwith detail
design, structural stability studies, the embankment seepage loss into the receiving
environment and ground water contaminant if any may be given.
4.7 Infrastructure: The existing infrastructural facilities available such as roads, aerial
ropeways, conveyer belts, railways, power lines, buildings & structures, water treatment
plant, transport, water supply sources in the area etc. and their future utilisationmay be
evaluated on case to case basis. If retained, the measures to be taken for their physical
stability and maintenance may be described. If decommissioning proposed, dismantling and
disposal of building structures, support facilities and other infrastructure like electric
transmission line, water line, gas pipeline, water works, sewer line, telephone cables,
underground tanks, transportation infrastructure like roads, rails, bridges, culverts etc.,
electrical equipments and infrastructures like electric cables, transformers to be described in
connection with restoring land for further use.
4.8 Disposal of Mining Machinery: The decommissioning of mining machineries and their
possible post mining utilisation, if any, to be described.
4.9 Safety and Security: Explain the safety measures implemented to prevent access to
surface openings, excavations etc., and arrangements proposed during the mine abandonment
plan and upto the site being opened for general public may be described.
4.10 Disaster Management and Risk Assessment: This may deal with action plan for high
risk accidents like landslides, subsidence flood, inundation in underground mines, fire,
seismic activities, tailing dam failure etc. and emergency plan proposed for quick evacuation,
ameliorative measures to be taken etc. The capability of lessee to meet such eventualities and
the assistance to be required from the local authority may also be described.
4.11 Care and maintenance during temporary discontinuance: For every five yearly
review ( as given in the mining scheme), an emergency plan for the situation of temporary
discontinuance or incomplete programme due to court order or due to statutory requirements
or any other unforeseen circumstances, may include a plan indicating measures of care,
maintenance and monitoring of status of unplanned discontinued mining operations expected
to re-open in near future. This may detail item wise status monitoring and maintenance with
periodicity and objective.
9. Certificate: The above mentioned actions have been taken to be stated clearly in the mine
closure plan. A certificate duly signed by the lessee to the effect that said closure plan
complies all statutory rules, regulations, orders made by the Central or State Government,
statutory organisations, court etc. have been taken into consideration and wherever any
specific permission is required the lessee will approach the concerned authorities. The lessee
may also give an undertaking to the effect that all the measures proposed in this closure plan
will be implemented in a time bound manner as proposed.
Chapter -7
1. Q-Before execution of Mining Lease if the applicant wants to modify the Mining
Plan approved under which rule it is to be modified?
3. Q- Can the dumping outside the Mining lease area be approved in the mining
A- The Mining plan approval is under rule 22(4) of MCR, 1960 read with section
5(2)(a) of MMDR Act, 1957 is limited to the lease area. As per recent Hon’ble
Supreme Court Judgment dated 21.04.2014 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 435 of
2012 filed by Goa Foundation vrs Union of India and Others all activities like
waste dumping, stacking ore , subgrade, mineral rejects, beneficiation, depositing
tailings are to be within the lease area.
4. Q-The 5 year period of approval of the mining plan approved for execution of
Mining Lease starts from which year?
A-The First year of the mining plan for fresh grant cases is the financial year in
which the lease has been executed. (Please refer 32(i) of Zonal/Regional heads
meeting circulated vide CCOM’s letter no. K-11011/1/2012/CCOm dated
14.12.2012).For example if the mining plan has been approved on 20.4.2010 and
the mining lease is executed on 17.8.2012 the 5 year period of the mining plan is
2012-13 to 2016-17.This is for better monitoring of the parameters of the mining
plan both by lessee and IBM. The year as per definition in MCDR, 1988 is
financial year.
5. Q- At the end of the lease period it is likely that the last scheme of mining will be
for less than 5 year and may be less than a year. Is it possible to club the scheme
with the mining plan to be submitted for renewal of ML?
A- No. Scheme of mining cannot be clubbed with the mining plan. The two
documents can be submitted simultaneously in two separate volumes for saving
time to process. The Scheme of mining in such cases can be in an abridged form.
6- Q-Can a combined scheme of mining be prepared for more than one lease
belonging to the same lessee?
A-No. Please refer CCOM’s Circular no 4/2013 dated 10.1.2013.
12. Q- Who will sign the letter for submission of mining plan and certificate /undertakings.
A- The first letter of submission of Draft Mining Plan to be signed by the Lessee/applicant in
their letter head in case lessee is an Individual. In case of Partnership Firm by the Managing
partner, in case of Company by the Nominated Owner. Certificates / Undertakings are also to
16-Q- When will the final closure be considered complete for issue of certificate under Rule
29 A of MCR, 1960?
A – In case of plantation suggested in FMCP the minimum period for becoming self
sustaining is considered as five years.
In case of pisci culture with water reservoir take the help of a Government recognized
fisheries department for regeneration of fish food to be insured for the seedlings.
17. Q- What is to be done if the State Govt. Do not recognized DGPS Agency. How will the
CCOM circular no. 2/2010 be complied?
A- IBM generally takes an undertaking from the lessee that within six months the CCOM
circular 2/2010 will be complied if within this period the recognition of the DGPS agency
has not been notified by the State Govt. the lessee shall seek an extension from the approving
the approving authority before expiry of six month period to comply with the CCOM circular
Passport size
photograph of the
applicant duly
Indian Bureau of Mines made in connection with the mining plans and also mentioned in
the mining plan prepared by him as required under MMDR Act and the rules made
11. An application, if found deficient in any respect is liable to be rejected. In submitting
an application, therefore, the applicant may ensure that all requirements specified in the
relevant provisions of the law & instructions are complied with.
12. The recognised persons will be required to comply with the instructions laid down by
the competent authority from time to time.
Place : _____________________
Date : Seal of the Applicant
Organization Authorised Signatory
1. Having examined the application of
M/s______________________________________________________ , I am
satisfied that the applicant is FIT / NOT FIT for recognition under Rule 22(c) of
2. The registration number accorded as a recognised person is :3. The reasons for refusing the
grant of recognition are recorded below :
Place :
Date :
Regional Controller of Mines
Indian Bureau of Mines
Enclosure to FORM -B
Bio data of Key person* ( Sr.No...........................) Passport size
photograph of the
applicant duly
1. (a) Name of the Key person :
(b) Father's name :
(c) Address of the Key person :
(d) Date of Birth :
(e) Nationality :
(f) Place where the applicant ordinarily resides :
Village / City___________, Taluq_______________, District______________,
2. Academic and Professional Qualifications ( Degree level and above)Name of Institution /
Year of
Passing Subject
Experience in supervisory capacity in mining operations ( starting from the
present or most recent position)
A. Present or most recent post
Years of Service : From ______ to
Title of Post :
Name and location of the mine :
Name and Address of the Employer :
Description of your work indicating
your personal responsibility
B. Previous post
Years of Service : From ______ to
Title of Post :
Name and location of the mine :
Name and Address of the Employer :
Description of your work indicating
your personal responsibilityC. Previous post
Years of Service : From ______ to
Title of Post :
Name and location of the mine :
Name and Address of the Employer :
Description of your work indicating
your personal responsibility
Experience if any in mine planning - Analysis of own experience ( state why you
consider yourself suitable for preparation of mining plans including
environmental management plans. Give particulars of mine plans prepared if any.
List of copies of certificates & testimonials attached in support of qualifications,
experienceI hereby declare that the information furnished above is true, complete and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place :
Date :
Signature of the Key Person
Seal of the Applicant Organisation Countersigned by the Authorised Signatory
* This number may be the same as the serial number of the Key Person mentioned
under item 6 of Form 'B'.
(These instructions sheet may be detached from the application
Form and retained by the applicant for his own record)
1. Application may be submitted in the prescribed form available on sale from any of
the offices of the Indian Bureau of Mines. An additional copy of the form is provided
with each set (not on the site) which may be retained by the applicant for his reference
and record.
2. The application may be complete in all respects. Only photocopies of certificates of
qualifications / experience / age etc. duly attested by a gazetted officer of the Central or
State Government may be sent with the application form. No original documents need
be sent. They may be submitted only when called for by the competent authority.
3. Applications may be sent to the Regional Controller of Mines under whose territorial
jurisdiction the applicant ordinarily resides. In case of companies, firms, associations etc.,
the application may be sent to the Regional Controller of Mines under whose territorial
jurisdiction the registered office is situated. The addresses of the various Regional
Controller of Mines and their respective territorial jurisdictions are given in the
Annexure.(also available on site)
4. The recognition granted by any Regional Controller of Mines shall be valid for the
preparation of mining plans for mineral deposits any where in India.
5. Individuals desirous of seeking recognition may apply in form 'A' along with copies of
certificates, testimonials etc.
6. In case the applicant is a Public Company as defined in the Company Act 1956, a
private company as defined in the said Act, a firm or an association of individuals duly
registered under the relevant Act (hereinafter called Applicant Organisation), the
applicationmay be made in Form 'B'.
(I) In case of applicant organizations, the number of key persons may be given up to a
maximum of six persons. They will be the persons earmarked for preparation of mining
plans either by themselves or for guiding and supervising the work of a team engaged in
the preparation of the mining plans.
(II) The key persons shall individually possess the qualifications and experience required
under Rule 22(c) for being recognised as a qualified person.
(Ill) The key persons may also apply if they so desire for recognition in their individual
capacity under Rule 22(c) for recognition as a qualified person in which case the
application shall be submitted in form 'A'.
(iv) In case any of the key persons leaves or otherwise disassociates with the applicant
organisation, an intimation shall be sent forthwith by the applicant organisation to the
recognising authority stating the date from which the key person has left the services or
otherwise disassociated. The competent authority may review the recognition granted to
an applicant organisation when 50% or more of key persons taken into consideration at
the time of grant of recognition depart or disassociate from the said organisation.
7. A passport size photograph duly attested by a gazetted officer of Central or State
Government shall be affixed to the application form in the space provided for it. In case
of applicant organisation the passport size photograph of key persons similarly attested
shall be affixed to the enclosures to Form 'B' in the space provided for it.
8. No item/column may be left blank or deleted. If the information against any column
/ item is nil it may be so stated / recorded giving the actual facts. Leaving it blank or
making dashes or writing N.A. is not enough. A clear and definite reply is required.
9. While describing the experience in the supervisory capacity in item No.3 of the
application, the nature of duties and managerial functions, performed may be clearly
brought out.
10. The recognition shall be valid for a period of ten years from the date of grant of
recognition. The competent authority while according recognition will allot a registration
number. This may be mentioned by the person in all future correspondence with the
Indian Bureau of Mines made in connection with the mining plans and also mentioned in
the mining plan prepared by him as required under MMDR Act and the rules made
11. An application, if found deficient in any respect is liable to be rejected. In submitting
an application, therefore, the applicant may ensure that all requirements specified in the
relevant provisions of the law & instructions are complied with.12. The recognised persons
will be required to comply with the instructions laid down by the competent authority from
time to time.
No. dated
To : ______________________________
With reference to your above said application, you are hereby informed that recognition
sought by you is hereby refused for the reasons stated below:
Yours faithfully,
(Regional Controller of Mines)
Paste recent
photograph of
Recognised Person
Paste recent
photograph of
Recognised Person
(Under Rule 22C of Mineral Concession Rules, 1960)
Annexure V
Regional office Code
Ajmer - AJM
Bangalore - BNG
Bhubaneshwar - BBR
Kolkata - KOL
Dehradun - DDN
Hyderabad - HYD
Jabalpur - JBP
Margao (Goa) - GOA
Chennai - CNN
Nellore - NLR
Nagpur - NGP
Udaipur - UDP
Ranchi - RNC
Annexure VI
Proforma for Annual Return by the person recognized by IBM under rule 22(c) of
Mineral Concession Rules, 1960
(The information under item 3 may be given on separate sheets for each of the mining plans
Annexure VII
1. The certificate shall be renewed only on getting request for renewal submitted in Form
C purchase from the regional office by paying Rs. 200/- or downloading from the
website before. The completed form may be submitted to the regional office where
from the recognition had been granted. In case the form downloaded from the website
Rs. 200/- is to be deposited by demand draft with form C. The certificate shall be
renewed by the same regional office who has given the first recognition.
2. The Recognised Person shall submit his annual report and a part report upto the date of
application along with his request for renewal. The original certificate is to be enclosed
by Recognised Person for endorsement along with application.
3. On the certificate in the front page left hand side rubber stamp reading “renewed upto--
----“ may be put from the date of expiry irrespective of the date of application for
Annexure VIII
Annexure IX
1960 AS ON 20TH. ______________, 2013
Annexure X
Format of Control Register for grant or refusal of recognition under rule 22C of MCR,
1960 to be maintained by Regional offices
Annexure XI
S.O.145(E) : In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub section (1)of section
26 of the Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act 1957 (67 of 1957), the
Central Government hereby directs that the powers under clause (b) of sub section (2)of
section 5 of the said Act, exercised by it, shall also be exercised by the Controller
General, Chief Controller of Mines, Controller of Mines and Regional Controller of
Mines of Indian Bureau of Mines.
Annexure XII
(Contents not verified)
Name of Mineral :
Area in acres/hect :
Name of applicant :
No of copies received :
Mode of receipt :
Fee receipt
Date of receipt :
Remarks if any :
Annexure XIII
(Main guarantee matter may be typed hereafter)
For (Bank)
Branch Manager
and conditions of the said progressive mine closure plan/final mine closure plan have been
fully and properly carried out by the said lessee and accordingly discharge this guarantee.
Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before
____________, we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.
6. We further agree that Regional Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, ___________
or any other officer authorized by the Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines shall have
fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations
hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of
performance by the said lessee from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to
time any powers exercisable by Regional Controller of Mines, _______________ against the
said lessee and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
agreement, we (bank) shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation
or extension being granted to the said lessee or for any forbearance, act or omission on the
part of Regional Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, _______________ or any
indulgence by Regional Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, _______________ to
the said lessee or any manner or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties,
would but this provision have effect of so relieving us.
7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to change in constitution of the bank or lessee.
8. We, ______________________ (bank name), lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee
during its currency except with the previous consent of the Regional Controller of Mines,
Indian Bureau of Mines, ________________ in writing.
9. Notwithstanding anything contained herein:
a) Our liability under this Bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs. ______________________
(Rs. ______________________________________________ only)
b) The bank guarantee shall be valid up to ___________________
c) The period of bank guarantee submitted is valid for the period of the proposals given in the
mining plan/Scheme of mining/PMCP etc. We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any
part thereof under this Bank guarantee and only if served upon us a written claim or demand
on or before.
10. If the bank guarantee is to be en-cashed through the court, in that case the (city where
Regional office, IBM is located) court will have jurisdiction.
11. In witness whereof, the bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp on
___ Day of _________________ 20___ at ___________________.
(Bank) Seal
Branch Manager,
__________________ Branch
a) The bank guarantee should be made on stamp paper with minimum value of Rs. 200/- in
Maharashtra or as per respective states Stamp Act.
b) Each page of bank guarantee should be signed by two bank officers indicating clearly their
name, designation and code number.
c) Item No.2 of the bank guarantee should clearly indicate the name of the Mine, ML No.,
Survey.No./Khasra No., Village, Taluka, Dist. and State etc.
d) The period of bank guarantee should be co-terminus with the plan /scheme period
e) Original bank guarantee should be submitted separately with a forwarding letter while
submitting final bound copies of MP/Scheme of Mining/FMCP and a photocopy should be
kept in each bound copy of MP/Scheme of Mining /FMCP.
f) Every page of the bank guarantee should be signed by the Bank Manager under his seal.
Annexure XIV
Registered AD
Sub. Approval of Mining Plan alongwith Progressive Mine Closure Plan in respect of
_____________________ mining lease of M/S ________________________ over an
area of ______________-ha. in _______________ district of ____________ state,
submitted for grant of mining lease under Rule 22(4) of MCR, 1960.
In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (b) of Sub-Section (2) of Section
5 of Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957 read with Government of
India Order No. S.O. 445 (E) dated, 28.04.1987, I hereby APPROVE the above said mining
plan with following conditions.
(i) The Mining Plan is approved without prejudice to any other law applicable to
the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government, State
Government or any other authority and without prejudice to any order or
direction from any court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The proposals shown on the plates and/or given in the document is based on the
lease map /sketch submitted by the applicant/ lessee and is applicable from the
date of approval.
(iii) It is clarified that the approval of aforesaid Mining Plan does not in any way
imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provision of Mines
& Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, or the Mineral Concession
Rules, 1960 and any other laws including Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or the rules made there under, Mines Act,
1952 and Rule & Regulations made there under.
(iv) Indian Bureau of mines has not undertaken verification of the mining lease
boundary on the ground and does not undertake any responsibility regarding
correctness of the boundaries of the precise area as furnished by the applicant /
(v) At any stage, if it is observed that the information furnished, data incorporated
in the document are incorrect or misrepresent facts, the approval of the
document shall be revoked with immediate effect.
yours faithfully,
Encl: One copy of approved Mining Plan.
(-- ----------------------------- )
Regional controller of Mines
(-------------------------- )
Regional controller of Mines
Copy for kind information to:
1)The Controller of Mines ----, Indian Bureau of Mines, ------------
2. Guard File
(------------------------------ )
Regional controller of Mines
Annexure XV
Registered AD
No. _______________
Shri /M/s
Sub. Approval of Mining Plan along with Progressive Mine Closure Plan in respect of
_______________---mines over an area of ______________ in _____________
district of __________state, submitted for renewal of mining lease under Rule 24A of
MCR, 1960.
In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (b) of Sub-Section (2) of Section
5 of Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957 read with Government of
India Order No. S.O. 445 (E) dated, 28.04.1987, I hereby APPROVE the above said mining
plan with following conditions.
(i) The Mining Plan is approved without prejudice to any other law applicable to
the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government, State
Government or any other authority and without prejudice to any order or
direction from any court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The proposals shown on the plates and/or given in the document is based on the
lease map /sketch submitted by the applicant/ lessee and is applicable from the
date of approval.
(iii)It is clarified that the approval of aforesaid Mining Plan does not in any way
imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provision of Mines
& Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, or the Mineral Concession
Rules, 1960 and any other laws including Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or the rules made there under, Mines Act,
1952 and Rule & Regulations made there under.
(iv) Indian Bureau of mines has not undertaken verification of the mining lease
boundary on the ground and does not undertake any responsibility regarding
correctness of the boundaries of the leasehold shown on the ground with reference
to lease map & other plans furnished by the applicant / lessee.
(v) At any stage, if it is observed that the information furnished, data incorporated
in the document are incorrect or misrepresent facts, the approval of the
document shall be revoked with immediate effect.
(vi) Next Financial Assurance shall be due for submission on ________
yours faithfully,
Encl: One copy of approved Mining Plan.
(-- ----------------------------- )
Regional controller of Mines
(-------------------------- )
Regional controller of Mines
Copy for kind information to:
1)The Controller of Mines ----, Indian Bureau of Mines, ------------
2. MCDR File
3. Guard File
(------------------------------ )
Regional controller of Mines
Annexure XVI
Registered AD
No. ___________________
Date: _____________
Sub. Approval of Scheme of Mining with Progressive Mine Closure Plan in respect of
____________ Mines over an area of __________hect. ofShri/M/s __________ in
district ____________ of ____________ state submitted under rule 12 of MCDR,
In exercise of the power conferred by Sub-rule (4) of Rule-12 of Mineral
Conservation & Development Rules, 1988, I hereby approve the Scheme of Mining including
Progressive Mine Closure Plan of ___________ Mines of Shri /M/s__________ over an area
of _________ hects in _____________ district of ______________State submitted under rule
12 of MCDR, 1988. This approval is subject to the following conditions:
(i) The Scheme of mining is approved without prejudice to any other law applicable
to the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government,
State Government or any other authority and without prejudice to any order or
direction from any court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The proposals shown on the plates and/or given in the document is based on the
lease map /sketch submitted by the applicant/ lessee and is applicable from the
date of approval.
(iii)It is clarified that the approval of aforesaid Scheme of Mining does not in any
way imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provision of
Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, or the Mineral
Concession Rules, 1960 and any other laws including Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or the rules made there under, Mines
Act, 1952 and Rule & Regulations made there under.
(iv) Indian Bureau of mines has not undertaken verification of the mining lease
boundary on the ground and does not undertake any responsibility regarding
correctness of the boundaries of the leasehold shown on the ground with reference
to lease map & other plans furnished by the applicant / lessee.
(v) At any stage, if it is observed that the information furnished, data incorporated
in the document are incorrect or misrepresent facts, the approval of the
document shall be revoked with immediate effect.
(vi) Next Financial Assurance shall be due for submission on ________
yours faithfully,
Encl: One copy of approved Mining Plan.
(-- ----------------------------- )
Regional controller of Mines
(-------------------------- )
Regional controller of Mines
Copy for kind information to:
1)The Controller of Mines ----, Indian Bureau of Mines, ------------
2. MCDR File
4. Guard File
(------------------------------ )
Regional controller of Mines
Annexure XVII
Registered AD
No. _______________
Date: ______________
In exercise of the power delegated to me under rule 10(2) of Mineral Conservation &
Development Rules, 1988 vide Gazette Notification No. T-43010/CGBM/88 dated
27.04.1989, I hereby approve the Modification to the Approved Mining Plan/Scheme of
Mining including Progressive Mine Closure Plan of _____________ Mines over an area of
_______ hects ofShri/M/s ____________ in _______________ district of
____________State submitted under rule 10 of MCDR, 1988. This approval is subject to the
following conditions :
(i)The Scheme of mining is approved without prejudice to any other law applicable
to the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government, State
Government or any other authority and without prejudice to any order or direction
from any court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The proposals shown on the plates and/or given in the document is based on the
lease map /sketch submitted by the applicant/ lessee and is applicable from the
date of approval.
(iii)It is clarified that the approval of aforesaid Scheme of Mining does not in any
way imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provision of
Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, or the Mineral
Concession Rules, 1960 and any other laws including Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or the rules made there under, Mines
Act, 1952 and Rule & Regulations made there under.
(iv) Indian Bureau of mines has not undertaken verification of the mining lease
boundary on the ground and does not undertake any responsibility regarding
correctness of the boundaries of the leasehold shown on the ground with reference
to lease map & other plans furnished by the applicant / lessee.
(vi) At any stage, if it is observed that the information furnished, data incorporated
in the document are incorrect or misrepresent facts, the approval of the
document shall be revoked with immediate effect.
yours faithfully,
Encl: One copy of approved Mining Plan.
(-- ----------------------------- )
Regional Controller of Mines
(-------------------------- )
Regional Controller of Mines
Copy for kind information to:
1)The Controller of Mines ----, Indian Bureau of Mines, ------------
2. MCDR File
5. Guard File
(------------------------------ )
Regional controller of Mines
Annexure XVIII
Register A/d
Registered AD
No. _____________________
Date: _________
In exercise of the power conferred by the sub-Rule 2 of Rule 23 C of Mineral
Conservation and Development Rules, 1988, I hereby APPROVE the above said Final
Mine Closure Plan in respect of _________ Mines of Shri/ M/s ___________ over an
area of ________ha. in village __________, ___________district of ___________ state,
submitted under Rule 23(C) of MCDR, 1988. This approval is subject to the following
(i) That the Final Mine Closure Plan is approved without prejudice to any other
laws applicable to the mine/ area from time to time whether made by the
Central Government, State Government or any other authority.
(ii) That this approval of the Final Mine Closure Plan does not in any way imply
the approval of the Government in terms of any other provision of Mines &
Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, or the Mineral Concession
Rules, 1960 and any other laws including Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, or the rules made there under.
(iii) That this Final Mine Closure Plan is approved without prejudice to any order
or direction from any court of competent jurisdiction.
(iv) That the Regional Office, Indian Bureau of Mines, -------------shall be informed
after completion of activities of final mine closure as per proposal of the Final
Mine Closure Plan.
(v) Yearly report as require under Rule 23 E (2) of MCDR, 1988 setting forth the
extent of protection and rehabilitation works carried out as envisaged in the
approved final mine closure plan and if there is any deviations, reasons thereof
shall be submitted before 1st July of every year to the regional Office, IBM,
(vi) The Financial Assurance submitted for an amount of Rs. ___________/-
(Rupees __________- only) is valid up to __________. A new bank guarantee is
to be submitted on or before its expiry i.e. _______________- if the
rehabilitation proposal not completed by that time.
Yours faithfully
Encl.: One copy of approved
Final Mine Closure Plan.
2.Recognised Person
Regional Controller of Mines
N.O.O. :
2. MCDR File.
3. Guard File
Annexure XIX
To : _______________________
In exercise to the power conferred by clause (b) of sub section (2) of Section 5 of Mines and
Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957 read with Govt. of India Order
No.S.O.445(E) dated 28-4-1987, you are hereby informed that the mining plan submitted by
you is not approved for the following reasons:
i) ________________
ii) ________________
iii) ________________
Yours faithfully
Annexure XX
Fresh under rule 22 of
Modifn. of approved
mining plan
Modifn. of approved
mining plan
Renewal under rule 24
of MCR, 1960
Renewal under rule 24
of MCR, 1960
---------------------- REGIONAL OFFICE
Fresh under rule 22 Jharkhand KOL-
of MCR,1960 KATA
Fresh under rule 22
of MCR,1960
Modifn. of approved Jharkhand
mining plan
Modifn. of approved
mining plan
Renewal under rule Jharkhand
24 of MCR, 1960 Assam
Renewal under rule
24 of MCR, 1960
Mining Scheme
under rule 12 of
MCDR,, 1988
Modification of
Mining Scheme
under rule 10 of
MCDR,, 1988
Mining Scheme under
rule 12 of MCDR,, 1988
Modification of approved
Mining Scheme under
rule 10 of MCDR,, 1988
Total Modification of
approved Mining
Scheme under rule 10 of
MCDR,, 1988
Sl. State Region Number PMCP/FA PMCP/ FA Cumulative no. FMCP/FA FMCP/ FA Cumulative Total of No of certificates issued
No. of approved during expired during of valid approved during expired during the no. of PMCP/FMCP under rule 29A of MCR-1960
mining month the month PMCP/FA month month valid
leases FMCP/FA
Number FA Num- Amount Num- FA Num- FA Num- FA Num- Amo Num Amou For part area For full area Total
amount ber (Rs) ber amount ber amount ber amount ber unt - nt
(Rs.) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) ber (Rs)
Annexure XXI
Sl. Nam Lease Area( in Ha.) Mineral District/ Lessee/ Date of Date of Date Date of Date of Date of Date of Name of Rule Amoun Propos Remar
No e of Forest Non- Total State Owner Letter of receipt of draft issue of Approv approval RQP, under t of al ks
Mine Forest Intent from of inspe scrutiny scrutiny al and copy to No. and which process Period
State govt. draft ction letter letter Letter DGMS/ validity subm ing fee
forwarded issued to no. State Govt. itted
to zonal party
office for
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)
Government of India
Ministry of Mines
Indian Bureau of Mines
Office of the Chief Controller of Mines
The Mining Plan / Scheme of Mining document prepared under MM(D&R) Act 1957,
MCR 1960 and MCDR 1988 are primarily meant for ensuring scientific & systematic
development of Mineral deposits with due care to conservation of Mineral and Environment
protection measures of the mine. Therefore, the extent of implementation plays a vital role in
ensuring the above objectives for greater national perspective.
The Regional offices of Indian Bureau of Mines are advised to ensure the completion
of implementation status of Approved Mining Plan / Scheme of Mining from the Mine
Owners / Lessees as per the enclosed Annexure for uniformity for 2011-12 under Rule 63 of
MCDR 1988 and post it on the IBM Website within 6 months. The same need to continue for
subsequent years too.
This issues with approval of the Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur.
1. The Regional Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, Ajmer / Bangalore /
Bhubaneshwar / Chennai / Dehradun / Goa / Hyderabad / Jabalpur / Kolkata / Nagpur /
Ranchi /Udaipur.
2. The Controller of Mines (NZ/CZ/SZ), Indian Bureau of Mines, Ajmer / Nagpur /
3. The Technical Secretary, Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur, with reference to your
letter No. T-42042/CGBM/Shah Commission/2012 dated 13.09.2012.
SELF-APPRAISAL NOTE to be submitted by Owner of the mine under Rule 63 of
MCDR, 1988 stating extent of implementation of Approved Mining Plan/Scheme of
Mining during the reporting year of 1/4/20__ to 31/3/20__ along with supporting
plans/sections, representative photographs in hard as well as soft copy.
1 Mine Details Mine Registration Number
taken from IBM
Mine Code
Name of The Mine
Lease no of State Govt.(TC
No for Goa)
2 Details of Mining Plan/Scheme of Reference No. of Approval
Mining Approved on last Occasion Letter
Approving Authority Government
Method of Mining
Opencast/Underground/Combination of
Site of Mining
(Mention position of working & R.L.)
Quantum of Waste
ROM Production
Gradewise Mineral Production(Same as
given in MCDR Return form)
Opencast (Pit
Top RL
Bottom RL
Mine Development
Proposed Development
in m
Name and Number of
Stopes to be operated
Stoping Operations
Production in tonnes
from Development,
Site of Waste Disposal
Explosive Storage
Likely depth of mining below water table
Water quality
Noise Level
Precautions undertaken for temporary
Closure of mine
I certify that the information furnished above is correct and complete in all respects.
Date: Signature:
Place: Name in Full:
Note: Wherever felt necessary, copy of the relevant plan/ section representative photograph
with due integration with the above description is to be enclosed/ uploaded.