Lords of Creation - The Horn of Roland
Lords of Creation - The Horn of Roland
Lords of Creation - The Horn of Roland
Roll Result
1 The attack still hits but does ½ damage & is
half effective. Cannot put you at less than 1
2 The attack fails, but any area effect or effect on
others is unaffected.
3 The attack fails. The attacker must make a
DEX save or fall down.
4 The attack fails. The attacker is flummoxed and
they lose their next action.
5 The attack fails, but the attacker takes the hit
at ¼ damage (rounded up).
6 The attack fails, but the attacker takes the hit
at ½ damage (rounded up).
Critical Hit Table
Roll Melee Attack Range Attack
1-3 Solid hit. It deals double the base damage. Solid shot. It deals double the base damage.
4 Knockback. It deals double damage and Arm shot. The target drops all items they are holding.
knocks the target back 20’
5 Blow to the Solar Plexus. The target is Stunned Leg shot. The target is at ½ Move for 10 minutes.
for d4 rounds unless they make a CON check
6 Nerve hit. The target drops all items they are Pierced stomach. It deals double damage and an additional
holding. d4 damage for d4 rounds or until healed
7 Crotch hit. It deals double damage and the target Ear shot. The target is Deafened for d6 minutes
must make a CON save or pass out for d4 minutes
8 Weakening blow. The target’s Toughness Weakening shot. The target’s Toughness abilities are halved
abilities are halved for d6 minutes for d6 minutes
9-10 Knee blow. Target loses DEX bonus until healed Knee shot. The target loses all DEX bonuses until healed
11-12 Foot hit. The target gets -4 DEX and -6 to Move Foot shot. The target gets -4 DEX and -6 to Move for d6
for d6 rounds rounds
13 Knock up deals double damage and knocks the Eye shot. It deals double damage and the target is Blinded
target up in the air d6’ + STR modifier in feet until healed.
14 Broken nose. The target is blinded for 2 rounds Lung piercer. It deals double damage and the target is at -3
and is at -2 to all save stats for d6 rounds on all attacks and -3 CON for d6 minutes
15 Shoulder hit. The target is at -5 to all attacks Shoulder shot. The target is at -5 to all attacks for d4
for d4 minutes. minutes.
16 Throat punch double damage and the target cannot Shoot thru. It deals double damage and goes thru the target. They
make any attack actions for this round and next must make a Critical save or lose d4 CON for d4 minutes
17 Perfect strike deals double damage and you get Throat shot. It deals double damage and the target cannot
another melee attack against the target. make any attack actions for this round and next
18-19 Amazing hit. It deals triple base damage Amazing hit. It deals triple base damage
20 Death blow. It deals triple damage and the Death shot. It deals triple damage and the target dies unless
target dies unless they make a Death save. they make a Death save.
Cover Benefit Against Range
In a crowd +4 AC
9/10 +10 AC, cannot see the other side.
Half +4 AC
Quarter +2 AC
Rate of Movement Modifier
Movement Type
COMBAT or 1/3
Push table
Rolls Success? Notes
01-05 Yes Allies within 100’ gain +1 STR for 1 hour
06-10 Yes Allies within 100’ gain +1 to attacks and damage for 1 hour
11-15 Yes Allies within 100’ gain Advantage on their next roll
16-20 Yes Allies within 100’ gain +1 to all save stats & +2 HP for 1 hour
21-25 Yes You grow 4’ & gain +2 STR, Toughness +2, +2 Melee Damage & -2 DEX for d6
26-30 Yes Lose 1 CON for 1 hour
31-35 Yes You have Disadvantage for 1 round
36-40 Yes Take d6 Energy damage
41-45 Yes Pass out for d4 rounds after action
46-50 Yes Lose 1 STR for 1 hour
51-54 No Nothing happens
55-56 Yes Disappear for d4 rounds
57-58 Yes Everything else within 20’ takes d6 Energy damage
59-60 No Everything within 20’ takes d6 Radiation damage
61-62 No You take d6 Radiation damage
63-64 Yes Darkness fills a 30’ area
65-66 No Get knocked up d4x10’ into the air
67-68 Yes Gain immunity to all Energy for d6 minutes
69-70 No 100' wave of energy breaks all glass & knocks back everyone 10' unless they make a
STR check
71-72 Yes Flash of light blinds everyone else within 100' unless they make a DEX save
73-74 No 20'x20' sinkhole appears below you. Everyone within 20' must make a DEX check or
fall in the pit.
75-76 Yes 100’ Radiation burst. All must save against DEATH or lose 1 CON for an hour.
77-78 No Everything within 100' is Stunned for d4 rounds unless they make a CON check
79-80 No All metal within 40’ is pulled 20’ above your head and then drops. (STR negates held
items being pulled)
81-82 No Gravity reverses within 100’ for a few seconds. Anything that is not flying or holding
something falls 30’ when it returns. All actions are lost.
83-84 Yes Everything within 100' has their feet encased in ice (STR check & action to break)
85 Yes Roll on the Permeant Mutation Chart at Advantage
86 Yes -2 to AC for the next d6 minutes
87 No All simple and unprotected electronics turn off.
88 No Everything within 100’ must make a Critical save or be Deaf for d4 minutes (Sonic
89 Yes A 30' area (centered on you) disappears and reappears d4 rounds later
90 No Turn Invisible for d6 rounds
91 Yes The ground 100' around you becomes covered in 6” of mud (all Moves & Jumps are
92 No Green gas instantly fills the area 100' around you for d4 minutes. It does d4 Acid
damage a round & visibility is ½
93 Yes Heal everything d6 HP within 100’
94 No Switch sexes for 1 day
95 Yes Every living thing within 100’ can only speak in an unknown alien language for d4
96 Yes PUSH everything else within 100’
97 No PUSH everything else within 100’
98 No Everything within 100’ must make a Critical save or be Stunned for d6 rounds
99 No Everything within 100’ takes d10 Energy damage. You become Stunned for d4 rounds
00+ No Roll on the Mutant Deformity Chart.
Roll Spell Result
01-15 No You resist the Void. You may subtract up to 10 from your next Step into the Void roll.
16-30 No You resist the Void. You may subtract up to 5 from your next Step into the Void roll.
31-35 No Add d6 Shadow damage to the spell or double its duration.
36-40 Yes The Void eats the spell.
41-45 No The Void eats the spell for d6 rounds. At the start of the round after that the spell reappears and
effects the closest thing.
46-48 No The Void eats the spell for d6 days. When it returns it is cast on the nearest living creature within
49-53 No The spell now targets you.
54-55 Yes Everything within 100’ gains Weakness: Shadow for 1 hour.
56-57 No After the spell, Darkness fills a 60’ area around the target.
58-59 Yes You may roll 2 dice the next time you cast by Stepping into the Void. Select the one you wish to
60-61 No After the spell, everything within 100’ is healed d6+ your INT modifier.
62 No The spell’s damage, area & duration are doubled. You gain Madness +1.
63-64 No You escape the Void, but a presence follows you. You are at -1 to all save stats for 1 day.
65-66 Yes A purple rain pours in a 100’ area around you. Everyone else must make a Poison save at the
beginning of each round or take d6 Shadow damage. Anyone that takes 12 or more damage from
this in a day gains Madness +1.
67-68 No The spell goes off and then dispel all magic within 100’.
69-70 No The spell occurs, then a portal opens and a 60’ tentacle emerges and attacks everyone (AC:15,
HP:40, Toughness +2, 2 attacks at +2 for d6+2 Shadow damage).
71 No The sky fills with a field of purple tentacles and the air fills with the screams of tortured souls.
Everyone within 200’ saves against Death or gain 1 Madness
72 No After the spell, a shadow covers a 500’ area around the caster for 10 minutes. Everyone under
has their Critical Fumble range for attacks and skills increased to 1-3.
73-74 Yes A 60’ area of purple grass appears below the caster for d4 hours. It tries to grab everyone on it
each round (DEX check or get snagged). Once snagged you cannot move until you pass a STR
check (action).
75 Yes A 60’ giant, pulsating, purple egg comes up from the ground under the caster. GMs have fun.
76-77 No The spell goes off, then you disappear for d4 rounds. You reappear 40’ above where you
78-79 Yes Darkness descends upon a 100’ area around you for d4 minutes. Anyone else in this area at the
end of a round takes d4 Shadow Magic damage. For every 20 points of damage they take they
gain 1 Madness.
80-83 No The spell goes off, then a sinkhole opens in a 30’ area below the target. It is 30’ deep. DEX check
to take ½ damage.
84-87 Yes The Void Vortex appears over a 100’ area 10’ above the caster for d6 minutes. Everything under it
must Step into the Void when they cast any spell. All rolls under it are at Disadvantage.
88-89 Yes All basic electronics within 100’ of you are fried. All radios begin transmitting demonic voices.
90-91 No The spell effects everyone within 60’.
92-93 Yes A portal opens. A Doppelganger* of you emerges and attacks everyone for d4 minutes. *Exact copy
of you, but Chaotic and with a purple aura.
93-94 Yes A portal opens. A Doppelganger of your target or targets emerges and attack everyone for d4
minutes. *Exact copy of the target.
95 Yes A portal opens. A Demon appears and attacks everything for d6 minutes. (HDE appropriate)
Everyone in sight must make a WIS check or gain Madness +1.
96 Yes The Void stains your hair and eyes violet. Gain Madness +1
97 Yes The Void scars your heart. Permanently lose 1 HP and gain Madness +1
98 Yes The Void breaks your spirit. Permanently lose 1 HP and gain Madness +1
99 Yes The Void consumes part of your mind. Lose 1 WIS permanently.
00+ Yes The Void consumes you. You are forever lost.
Starting Wealth Table
Roll Money Notes
1-3 1 Currently homeless. (+1 to Street Smart)
4-6 2d6 Recently homeless, living with squatters (+1 to Sleight of Hand)
7-9 3d6 Living in your car (+1 to Pilot: Basic)
10-12 4d6 Lives in the sewers under the city (+1 to Street Survival)
13-20 50 Poor, living with your immigrant family (Extra Language)
21-24 150 Parents were dancers (+1 to Dancing)
25-30 250 Parents were hackers (+1 to Computer Hacking)
31-34 1000 Parents were math teachers (+1 to Mathematics)
35-47 1200 Parents were middle class & normal.
48-50 1250 You grew up just outside of town in the woods. (+1 to Wilderness Survival)
51-55 1500 Parents were paramedics (+1 to First Aid)
56-60 1750 Parents were animal trainers. (+1 to Animal Training)
61-65 2000 Parents were artists (+1 to Arts & Music)
66-70 2500 Parents were mechanics (+1 to Mechanics)
71-74 3000 A Parent used to fall down in Winn-Dixie for a living (You are adept at lying. +1 to
skill and attribute checks involving lying)
75-79 5000 Parents were disgraced investors or scam artists (+1 to Persuasion)
80-82 7500 Parents were linguists. (Gain 3 extra languages)
83-84 10k Parents were corporate spies (+1 to Subterfuge)
85-89 10k Parents were world famous cat burglars (+1 to Stealth)
90-91 25k Parents were pioneers in Bionics, but their life’s work was stolen by ASP Corp (+1 to Bionics)
92-94 40k Parents are high ranking ASP Corp officials (+1 to Science)
95-96 70k Parents are corrupt city officials (+1 to Intimidation)
97 100k Parents were doctors (+1 to First Aid)
98 300k Parents have old money (+1 to Knowledge – Local History)
99 500k Parents own a Munitions Company (Ranged Weapons or +1 to Demolitions)
00 d4 Million Tech millionaire parents (+1 to Computer Skills)