Makay Senior Project One

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ADMISSION NO: 160530520354


February 2020
The undersigned certify that he has read the project titled: Design and manufacture of
laboratory mill machine as practically teaching equipment for DIT foundry sand
laboratory in the fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree in
Mechanical Engineering of Dar es salaam Institute of Technology.


(A Supervisor)



I, MAKAY MREFU (160530520354), declare to the best of my knowledge that this project is
my original work, it has not been copied anywhere. It is the result of my own thought and effort
through technical knowledge and consultation from experienced people with the help of different
kind of references from their writings or comments.

MAKAY MREFU Signature Date

(Student) ................... ......./....../......

Laboratory mill machine is the machine used for milling experimental batches of molding sand.
This project work is based on design and manufacture of such machine which will help student
to learn practically during learning and also student they link theory classes and practical

Laboratory mill machine will be manufactured by using materials sheet metal, rollers, angle iron,
flat bar, belt etc. Also electrical components such as motor and switch will be used. All these
activities will be achieved through literature review from different sources such as internet
browsing and engineering books, data was collected by observation method and interview
method from Tanzania Automotive Technology center (NYUMBU) and Dar es salaam Institute
of Technology (DIT) at foundry workshop. Selection of the optimal alternative by functional tree
method and pairwise comparison will be used to select it among the four alternatives, data
analysis will be carried out, laboratory mill machine will be designed, manufactured and tested
of a laboratory mill machine will be carried out, hence the main objective will be achieved. Also
the machine is simple to use, quality, easy maintenance, durable, safe in operation and saves


First of all,. It is my pleasure to express my gratitude to many who have helped in preparation of
this project report .I owe an inestimable debt to several classmates who by personal kindness
have cheerfully shared with me the wisdom. I should particularly like to acknowledge helpfully
discussion I have had with my supervisor DR. C.E KILELE, assistant lecturer at Dar es salaam
institute of technology who helped in many and various ways. He may not recognize his
contribution in this pages but I assure him that for what I have received am truly thankful.
Also I would like to express my special thanks to Dr. RAMADHANI KIVUGO head of
Mechanical Engineering department, Dr. FREDRICK SANGA (Project lecture) for his needful
assistance from the beginning of the project, Mechanical Department lecturers for their co linear
guidance and corrective on successful completion of the project and Dr. J.M Malifedha as a
project coordinator, for his good supervision and humanitarian assistance by which has enabled
me to commence with the project work.

LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................x
LIST OF ABBREVIATION............................................................................................................xi
CHAPTER ONE...............................................................................................................................1
1.0. Background..................................................................................................................1
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT...........................................................................................3
1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................3
1.2.1 Main objective............................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Specific objectives......................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Significance of project................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO..............................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................4
2.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 sand extracted by dredges...........................................................................................4
2.2.2 Digging Sand from a River Bed.................................................................................5
2.2.3 Sand obtained from desert..........................................................................................6
2.1.1 Existing machine of obtaining sand............................................................................7
2.2.3 Mild steel sand mill machine......................................................................................7
2.2 To Design a laboratory mill machine...........................................................................8
2.2.1 Features of Design Key..............................................................................................8
2.2.2 Types of Design..........................................................................................................8
2.2.4 Dimensions.................................................................................................................9 General rules..........................................................................................................10 Dimension tolerances.............................................................................................10
2.2.4 Assembly drawings...................................................................................................10
2.2.5 Detail drawings.........................................................................................................10

2.2.7 3DCAD & Solid Modelling......................................................................................10 the design..........................................................................................10 Analyzing your design...........................................................................................11
2.4 Testing of a laboratory mill machine..........................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................12
3.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................12
3.1 Literature review.........................................................................................................12
3.2 Data collection............................................................................................................12
3.2.1 Interviewing..............................................................................................................12
3.2.2 Observation...............................................................................................................13
3.3 Data analysis...............................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Design Alternative for the mechanism.....................................................................13
3.3.2 Determination of milling mechanism parameters.....................................................13
3.3.3 Design of the milling mechanism.............................................................................13
3.3.4 Manufacturing a laboratory mill machine................................................................13
3.3.5 Testing and Correcting a laboratory mill machine...................................................14
3.3.6 Report writing...........................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................15
DATA COLLECTION...................................................................................................................15
4.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................15
4.1 Interviews...................................................................................................................15
4.2 Observation.................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................19
DATA ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................19
5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................19
5.2 Design consideration..................................................................................................19
5.3 Conceptual development............................................................................................19
5.4 Selection of optimal alternative..................................................................................20
5.4.1 Selection of a suitable design...................................................................................20
5.4.2 Determination of weight factors...............................................................................21
5.5 ALTERNATIVE A...................................................................................................................22
5.5.1 Working principle.....................................................................................................22
5.5.2 Advantages of motorized belt driven mechanism....................................................22
5.5.3 Disadvantages of motorized belt driven mechanism................................................22
5.6 ALTENATIVE B......................................................................................................................24
5.6.1 Working principle.....................................................................................................24
5.6.2 Advantages of motorized chain mechanism.............................................................24
5.6.3 Disadvantages of motorized chain mechanism.........................................................24
5.7 ALTERNATIVE C...................................................................................................................26
5.7.1 Working principle.....................................................................................................26
5.7.2 Advantages of direct motorized mechanism.............................................................26
5.7.3 Disadvantages of direct motorized mechanism........................................................26
CHAPTER SIX...............................................................................................................................29
6.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................................29

Figure 1.1: Silica sand.......................................................................................................1
Figure 1.2: Laboratory mill machine..................................................................................2
Figure 2.1: Silica sand along the river bed.........................................................................4
Figure 2.2: People digging sand from the river.................................................................5
Figure 2.3: People digging sand from the river by using boat..........................................5
Figure 2. 3: A Sample of silica sand in the desert.............................................................6
Figure 2.4: Mild steel sad mill machine.............................................................................7
Figure 5.1: Function decomposition tree of design alternatives......................................20
Figure 5.1: Motorized belt driven mechanism..................................................................23
Figure 5.3: Direct motorized mechanism..........................................................................27

Table 4.1: Data from Tanzania Automotive Technology center(NYUMBU)....................15
Table 5.1: Determination of weighting factors.................................................................21
Table 5.2 below shows the design alternative mechanism of a laboratory mill machine,
Table 5.3: Marks and average for an Alternative A..........................................................24
Table 5.4: Marks and average for an Alternative B..........................................................25
Table 5.4: Marks and average for an Alternative C..........................................................26
Table 5.5: Weighting factors, weight and score................................................................28

TATC Tanzania Automotive Technology center
MCAD Mechanical Computer Aided Design
Kg kilograms
DIT Dar es salaam Institute of Technology
GDP Gross Domestic Product
NTA National Technical Award
PDS Product design specification
B.ENG. Bachelor of Engineering
CAD Computer Aided Design
Kw Kilowatt
CAE Computer Aided Engineering

1.0. Background
Laboratory mill machine is the machine used for milling experimental batches of moulding and
core sand. The properties of molding sand materials are very vital to the production of castings.
Also the accelerated development of the foundry industry imposes new problems on the sand
preparation equipment now available. The progress of the foundry industry has been rapid and
marked by enormous casting quality improvement together with large productivity per man –
hour. The proper bleeding of sand materials enhances desirable properties for molding, therefore
laboratory mill machine is a process of kneading and working sand for the purpose of
distributing the ingredients into a homogenous mixture. The aim of a laboratory mill machine is
to obtain silica sand. silica sand is the main constituent of molding sand having enough
refractoriness which can impart strength, stability and permeability to molding and core sand.
Along with silica small amounts of iron oxide, alumina, lime stone, magnesia, soda and potash
are present as impurities. The silica sand can be specified according to the size (small, medium
and large silica sand grain) and the shape (angular, sub-angular and rounded).
At DIT foundry sand laboratory there is no a laboratory mill machine which results difficult
learning and lower understanding of students during practical exercise, also due to lack of this
machine at DIT foundry sand laboratory result difficult preparation of sand specimen. This mill
is similar in design to the roller type of sand mills used in foundry practice. The advantages of
having a laboratory mill machine at DIT foundry sand laboratory is improve understanding of
students through learning experimentally. The disadvantages of not having a laboratory mill
machine at DIT foundry sand laboratory is difficult learning of students. Silica sand is used for
glass making, metal casting, metal production, paint and coating, filtration and water production.
[CITATION Ali15 \l 1033 ]

Figure 1.1: Silica sand [CITATION Ali16 \l 1033 ]


Figure 1.2: Laboratory mill machine [CITATION Mul11 \l 1033 ]


At DIT foundry sand laboratory there is no a laboratory mill machine. This problem results
difficult teaching and also lower understanding of students during learning. Therefore, it is the
intension of this project to design and manufacture a laboratory mill machine which help
students to learn practical during learning and also students link theory classes and practical
1.2.1 Main objective
The main objective is to design and manufacture of laboratory milling machine as a teaching
practically equipment for DIT foundry sand laboratory
1.2.2 Specific objectives
The below activities will be followed to accomplish the main objective
i. To study local method and existing related laboratory mill machine
ii. To design laboratory milling machine
iii. To manufacture the laboratory mill machine
iv. To test the laboratory mill machine

1.2.3 Significance of project

i. To increases the knowledge of students at foundry laboratory
ii. To link theory classes and practical experience
iii. To provide easy means of obtaining molding sand for different casting.
iv. To improve understanding of students at DIT foundry laboratory

2.0 Introduction
This part is based on reviewing the local method of milling sand and the existing machines of
milling sands. Also design of a laboratory mill machine, manufacture of laboratory mill machine
and test of a laboratory mill machine will be reviewed.

2.1 Local methods of obtaining sand

2.2.1 sand extracted by dredges
sand extracted by dredges sand is obtained from the bank of rivers and River beds. It is usually in
white – grey color and has a very fine quality. River sand is well graded, and it is good for all
types of concrete and masonry works. The natural river sand was the cheapest resources of sand.
However, the excessive mining of river bed to meet the increasing demand for sand in the
construction industry has led to the ecological imbalance and adversely affecting the
environment[CITATION Ala10 \l 1033 ].

Figure 2.1: Silica sand along the river bed[ CITATION Sha80 \l 1033 ]

2.2.2 Digging Sand from a River Bed
Digging Sand from a River Bed sand is obtained by using a shovel and bucket from the river,
ocean and lakes.

Figure 2.2: People digging sand from the river[ CITATION Aya10 \l 1033 ]

Figure 2.3: People digging sand from the river by using boat [ CITATION Bra16 \l
1033 ]
2.2.3 Sand obtained from desert
Sand desert is a desert in which the ground is covered in sand, a desert is a barren area of landscape
where little precipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are hostile for plant and animal
life. The lack of vegetation exposes the unprotected surface of the ground to the processes of
denudation. About one third of the land surface of the world is arid or semi-arid, this include much
of the polar regions where little precipitation occurs. [ CITATION Ram14 \l 1033 ][ CITATION
Aya17 \l 1033 ]

Figure 2. 3: A Sample of silica sand in the desert [ CITATION Bai01 \l 1033 ]

2.1.1 Existing machine of obtaining sand
2.2.3 Mild steel sand mill machine
Mild steel sand mill machine mill is widely used in industrial as well as domestic paint
manufacturing industries. It is also called batch type sand mill. These sand mills are excellent in
finishing and offered to the users in many sizes, highly ductile in nature, these sand mills work
with less noise and do not require maintenance for longer years[ CITATION Aya17 \l 1033 ].

Figure 2.4: Mild steel sad mill machine[ CITATION Sha80 \l 1033 ]

2.2 To Design a laboratory mill machine
Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object, system or
measurable human interaction. The laboratory mill machine will be designed according to the
criteria and specification, safety, performance (The degree to which the design meets or exceeds
the design objectives), reliability (a high probability that the machine will reach or exceed its
design life). Easy of manufacture, easy of service or replacement of components, ease of
operation, low initial cost, low operating and maintenance costs, small size and low weight, low
noise and vibration and smooth operation.

2.2.1 Features of Design Key

Design plays an important role for the producing a good product. Design gives the all
information about the product. Laboratory mill machine should be safe, good aesthetics, less
cost. The key features of design of a laboratory mill machine are given below:
i. The laboratory mill machine takes less/no effort of the worker.
ii. It is simple and safe to operate.

2.2.2 Types of Design

i. Original design, also called innovative design: This form of design is at the top of the
hierarchy. It employs an original, innovative concept to achieve a need. Sometimes, but
rarely, the need itself may be original. A truly original design involves invention.
ii. Adaptive design: This form of design occurs when the design team adapts a known
solution to satisfy a different need to produce a novel application. Adaptive designs involve
synthesis and are relatively common in design.
iii. Redesign: Much more frequently, engineering design is employed to improve an existing
design. The task may be to redesign a component in a product that is failing in service, or to
redesign a component to reduce its cost of manufacture. Often redesign is accomplished
without any change in the working principle or concept of the original design. For example,
the shape may be changed to reduce a stress concentration, or a new material substituted to
reduce weight or cost. When redesign is achieved by changing some of the design
parameters, it is often called variant design.[ CITATION Ric06 \l 1033 ]

iv. Selection design: Most designs employ standard components such as bearings and small
motors that are supplied by vendors specializing in their manufacture and sale. Therefore, in
this case the design task consists of selecting the components with the needed performance,
quality, and cost from the catalogues of potential vendors.
v. Industrial design: This form of design deals with improving the appeal of a product to the
human senses, especially its visual appeal. While this type of design is more artistic than
engineering, it is a vital aspect of many kinds of design. Also encompassed by industrial
design is a consideration of how the human user can best [ CITATION Khu12 \l 1033 ]
vi. 2.2.3 Preparation of Engineering Drawings

(a) Introduction
In order for anyone to be able to understand exactly what a drawing represents, sets of precise
rules and conventions have to be followed, much like a language British Standard Institution; BS
8888 and American National Standards Institute set the drawing rules. Abbreviations of
drawings are used to save time and space. They are the same singular or plural, full stops are
only used where word maybe confusing.
(b) Sections
To show the inside details of a component it is imagined to be cut or sectioned along a plane, the
cutting plane. Cutting planes are designated with capital letters, (Engineering Drawing &CAD
Sanjay Sharma).

Sectional views are produced to:

i. Clarify detail
ii. Show internal features clearly
iii. Reduce number of hidden detail lines required
iv. Aid dimensioning
v. Show cross-section shape
vi. Clarify an assembly

2.2.4 Dimensions
A drawing from which a component is to be manufactured must communicate all of the required
information. The design engineer should have a good understanding of projection methods,
dimensioning methods and the manufacturing methods to be used.

12 Types of dimensions.
Types of dimensioning can be broadly classified as:
i. Size dimensions: Used to describe heights, widths, diameters, etc.
ii. Location dimensions. Used to place various features of a component relative to each
other, such as a whole center line to a reference surface.
iii. Mating dimensions. Used for parts that fit together requiring a certain degree of accuracy. General rules.

All drawing rules should be properly done so as to have the product with all required
specifications. Dimension tolerances.
If a dimension is specified, in millimeters, as 10 ± 0.02, the part will be acceptable if the
dimension is manufactured to an actual size between 9.98 and 10.02.
2.2.4 Assembly drawings
An assembly drawing is a drawing of an entire machine or system with all of its components
located and identified. So, we need it to know how to put the machine together.
2.2.5 Detail drawings
It is a drawing of an individual part, which includes an orthographical projection and dimensions.
2.2.7 3DCAD & Solid Modelling.
Computer Aided Design offers several methods of representing the design model: 2D Lines and
text, similar to conventional drawing board. CAD, MCAD, CAE are the mechanical computer
aided engineering software. Representing the design
i. Part modeling
You can create 3D solid part models of your designs, such as this corned. The dimensions that
define the model are related to each other and can be changed and controlled.
ii. Orthographic drawing
From the 3D model you can also create a detailed orthographic projection drawing, you can
easily modify the design[ CITATION San05 \l 1033 ]

13 Analyzing your design
Having created a 3D solid model of a component, the geometry can then be used to predict how
it may behave in real life[ CITATION Lan08 \l 1033 ]

2.3 Manufacturing of a laboratory mill machine

The manufacturing process depends on the product design. Manufacturing process to be involved
in laboratory mill machine are;
i. Detail drawing or dimensional drawing
ii. Machining
iii. Forming
iv. Welding
v. Casting

2.4 Testing of a laboratory mill machine

Laboratory mill machine is tested based on the following parameters;
i. Performance parameters e.g. efficiency
ii. Operational parameters e.g. Power

3.0 Introduction
For the main objective of this project namely, design and manufacture of a laboratory mill
machine to be achieved, different methods and procedures will be employed to collect data
which is relevant for successful completion of this project. Below are those methods and

3.1 Literature review

Literature Review gives an opportunity to refer the related topics similar to this project, and thus
the other existing types of a laboratory mill machine to gain familiarity of what is done in types
of milling existing, and thereafter to know what remains undone. It is referred to a main
framework of the project. It gives the information on the progress of the various types of the
existing milling technology, machines and mechanism employed. This information is mainly
obtained through browsing in internet search engines, and reading related engineering books, so
that the information obtained reveals the gap that is to be bridged.

3.2 Data collection

The purpose of data collection is to know the various types of milling, cost per unit, production
rate per day, income per day, challenges being faced, need of new technology, and opinions on
what factors should be considered in the design (PDS). The following methods used to collect
data for the required information, namely Interviewing and Observation:

3.2.1 Interviewing
Some of information, which specifically intended to get the Product Design Specifications (PDS)
was collected through interviewing some of the small scale milling, and some milling Operators,
and the customers in Tanzania automotive technology center Quarries. Examples of this
information obtained is an individual’s production rate per day, and income, challenges they face
using motor to generate power to mill the sand. consequences of this method and ability to pay
for the new proposed technology. Furthermore, market demand of the product and customer’s

3.2.2 Observation
Observation was done in Tanzania automotive Technology Center Quarries to observe how the
milling sand operate, mechanisms and principles behind it. Different types of milling were also
observed, strengths and weaknesses and the fact behind on the selection of types of milling to be
employed for a particular task. Observation was also done to the side of small scale milling
machines who employ rollers as their major tool to mill the sand to a required size. The
consequences of using rollers were easily noticed through observation i.e. fatigue, risk of being
injured, production rate, etc. Observation was also done on selling sections of the products, to
study various types of sand ready for consumption, selling rate, cost of the product per unit,
quality of the sand and sizes, means of transportation, and cost of transporting the sand.

3.3 Data analysis

The purpose of data analysis is to know the size of each component and material suitable,
production rate, motor power and speed, and other requirements for the small scale milling
machine. The following facts will be analyzed during analysis:
3.3.1 Design Alternative for the mechanism
One purpose of data collection is to determine Product Design Specifications (PDS), thus from
the collected data, the optimal alternative will be determined considering the PDS, from which
the optimal design will be determined through analysis of each individual design.
3.3.2 Determination of milling mechanism parameters
The parameters in consideration are such as Cost, Strength, capacity, weight, etc.
3.3.3 Design of the milling mechanism
Using the data collected from sites visited, putting in consideration small scale milling machine
demands, and using engineering’s principles of designing (drawings, calculations & material
selection), the small scale stone crushing machine will be designed accordingly.
3.3.4 Manufacturing a laboratory mill machine
After having the specifications of proposed laboratory mill machine (i.e. size of each component,
shape with respect to one another, means of fitting and joining, materials selected, drawings,
etc.) the machine will be manufactured relying on millings PDS.

3.3.5 Testing and Correcting a laboratory mill machine
A laboratory mill machine will be tested and, in case any fault is determined, action will be
implemented to rectify the problem, the actual capacity of the machine will be measured, and
compared to specifications, and thus efficiency will be determined.
3.3.6 Report writing
A detailed report which will critically explain all the procedures passed, from the idea
generation, design, manufacture till the testing of a laboratory mill machine with conclusion and

4.0 Introduction
Data were collected from various sources through: literature review, interview, and observations.
One of the greatest goal of Data Collection is to look for product design specifications (PDS),
that will meet need of the society in need, in terms of capacity, cost, durability and working
environments, user ergonomics, etc. This information is important and useful during design, and
hence, manufacture of a laboratory mill machine. Through Interview and Observation,
information was collected in Dar es Salaam, specifically at Tanzania automotive technology
center(NYUMBU) Quarries and Dar es salaam institute of Technology(DIT). Through literature
review information was obtained in different books for designing, and through internet.
4.1 Interviews
Through Interviews, the data below were obtained:
Table below, shows the data obtained via interview with a laboratory mill machine who employ
rollers to mill the sand and customer found at the place, in Tanzania Automotive technology
center(NYUMBU) Quarry:
Table 4.1: Data from Tanzania Automotive Technology center(NYUMBU)
Question Answer(s)
Types of sand you know  Silica sand, loam sand and natural
Unit used to measure sand milled  1kg to 4kg
Cost (Selling Price) per unit?  Between Tshs.1,000 to Tshs.2,000
Production rate per day (Average)?  Between 20kg to 30kg

Question Answer(s)
Size of your Product?  Differs very much but between
half inch and three-quarter; plus
chips and dust
Income per day (Average)?  Tshs. 50000 to 70000
Selling frequency per week (in days)?  3 to 5 days in a week

If there is a need of Technology (need of milling  Yes, it would be helpful

How will it be helpful?  All challenges will almost be
overcome, plus higher income and
widen the employment opportunity
Of what capacity?  Around 40kg to 80kg
If technology is there, at what cost will you  Individually, it would be difficulty
afford? but in group of two to three, even 2
million is affordable but if you
allow the return in installment
Can we have pictures?  Some YES (very limited), others

igure 4.1: Laboratory mill machine [ CITATION NYU19 \l 1033 ]

4.2 Observation
Observation was done at DIT Quarries to observe how the mill operate, mechanisms and
principles behind it. Different types of sand were also observed, strengths and weaknesses and
the fact behind on the selection of types of sand to be employed for a particular task. Observation
was also done to the side of a laboratory mill machine, who employ rollers as their major tool to
mill the sand to a required size, but at DIT foundry laboratory they use rammer for milling the
sand which may produce sand at low rate and also using of rammer tool can cause injury.

Figure 4.2: Milling sand by using rammer[ CITATION DIT20 \l 1033 ]

5.1 Introduction
The data analysis explains much the procedures which will be taken to choose the optimal
alternative while keeping in consideration the data collected and the literature review covered in
chapters above so as to achieve the project objectives.
5.2 Design consideration
There are some factors that should be met to get an optimal machine deign, based on the
i. The machine should be relatively cheap such that people in small scale crushing industry
can afford to buy.
ii. The machine should be able to work as per specifications (i.e. PDS).
iii. The machine should be made with readily available materials.
iv. It should reduce the labor input effort so that the problems of fatigue, risk of injuries and
health hazardous are eliminated.
v. The milling rate should be as higher as compared to the method of digging sand along the
river bank.
5.3 Conceptual development
For development of optimal design of laboratory mill machine, the following features are highly
rated during the design:
i. Mechanisms of milling sand,
ii. Portability of the machine,
iii. Efficiency of the machine in milling sand as per specifications (PDS),
iv. Source of power to drive the machine, and
v. Complexity of machine for maintenance purpose.

5.4 Selection of optimal alternative
5.4.1 Selection of a suitable design
To get the optimal alternative design of a laboratory mill machine, the following factors are
highly considered during the selection:
i. Production cost
ii. Durability
iii. Capacity
iv. Maintainability
v. Efficiency
vi. Ergonomics
vii. Safety

Figure 5.1: Function decomposition tree of design alternatives

5.4.2 Determination of weight factors
Judges weighting the factors from 1 to 5, 1 is the minimum weight and 5is the maximum weight
in design consideration.
Table 5.1: Determination of weighting factors
Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety
1 4 4 4 5 3 4 4
2 4 5 5 4 3 3 5
3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4
4 4 3 4 5 4 5 5
5 5 5 4 3 5 5 4
Sum of ranks 22 21 22 21 20 21 22

Weighting 0.148 0.141 0.148 0.141 0.134 0.141 0.148

f = Ri/∑Ri

Table 5.2 below shows the design alternative mechanism of a laboratory mill machine,
1 Motorized belt driven mechanism A
2 Motorized chain driven mechanism B
3 Direct motorized mechanism C
These alternatives are results of combinations obtained from the function breakdown diagram.

Motorized belt driven mechanism
5.5.1 Working principle
The two rolls are powered by motor, which is connected to the driving pulley transmitting power
(rotation motion) via belt to driven pulley that is connected to one roll’s shaft. Silicate bonded
sand are milled by compression between two rolls rotating about their respective shafts, towards
each other. The size between the two rolls used for compression can be suitably adjusted
according to the desired size of the end-product.

5.5.2 Advantages of motorized belt driven mechanism

i. They require less maintenance cost.
ii. They are highly efficient in use.
iii. Mechanism is very economical when the distance between shafts is very large.

5.5.3 Disadvantages of motorized belt driven mechanism

i. Inability to produce large amounts of output.
ii. Higher power consumption.

Figure 5.1: Motorized belt driven mechanism

Table 5.3: Marks and average for an Alternative A
Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety
1 5 5 4 5 3 4 2
2 5 3 4 5 2 3 4
3 4 4 2 3 4 3 4
4 4 4 4 5 2 4 2
5 4 3 5 4 3 3 3
Averag 4.4 3.8 3.8 4.4 2.8 3.4 3

Motorized chain driven mechanism
5.6.1 Working principle
The two rolls are powered by motor which is connected to the driving pulley transmitting power
(rotation motion) via chain to driven pulley that is connected to one roll’s shaft. Silicate bonded
sand are milled by compression between two rolls rotating about their respective shafts, towards
each other.
5.6.2 Advantages of motorized chain mechanism
i. Chain mechanism gives more power compared to belt mechanism
ii. Chain mechanism can be used for both small and large center distance
iii. Chain mechanism give a high transmission efficiency
5.6.3 Disadvantages of motorized chain mechanism
i. Motorized chain mechanism cannot be used where the slip is the system requirement.
ii. They require precise alignment compared to belt drives.
iii. They require frequent lubrication.

Table 5.4: Marks and average for an Alternative B

Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety
1 3 4 3 3 3 3 4

2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3
4 3 4 5 3 4 4 4
5 4 3 4 4 3 3 4
Average 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.6

Figure 5.2: Motorized chain mechanism

Direct motorized mechanism
5.7.1 Working principle
The two rolls are powered by motor, which is connected to the driving pulley transmitting power
(rotation motion) via bevel gear to driven pulley that is connected to one roll’s shaft, bevel gear

changes direction of rolls so as to mill well the silicate bonded.
5.7.2 Advantages of direct motorized mechanism
i. They require less maintenance.
ii. They are used for large reduction in speed and for transmission of torque.
iii. Using motorized mechanism, we can transmit motion between non- parallel intersecting
5.7.3 Disadvantages of direct motorized mechanism.
i. They cannot be used for long distance power transmission.
ii. Gear teeth experience a large amount of stress.
iii. Spur gear are slow- speed gears.
iv. Spur gears produce a lot of noise when operating at high speeds.

Table 5.4: Marks and average for an Alternative C

Judges Production Durability Capacity Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Safety
1 3 2 3 4 3 4 4
2 3 3 4 5 2 3 3
3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3
4 4 3 3 3 2 4 3
5 3 3 2 4 4 3 3
Average 3.4 3 3 4 2.8 3.4 3.2

Figure 5.3: Direct motorized mechanism

Table below, shows the weighting factors, weight and score of each alternative according to the
five judges as indicated in each table of the three Alternatives.
Table 5.5: Weighting factors, weight and score

Total score

Rank order
Production cost





Weighting 0.148 0.141 0.148 0.141 Efficiency

0.134 0.141 0.148
A Score 4.4 3.8 3.8 4.4 2.8 3.4 3 1
Weight 0.651 0.5358 0.5624 0.620 0.3752 0.4794 0.444 3.6678
B Score 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.6 2
Weight 0.473 0.4794 0.5328 0.479 0.4288 0.4794 0.5328 3.405
C Score 3.4 3 3 4 2.8 3.4 3.2 3
Weight 0.503 0.423 0.444 0.564 0.3752 0.4794 0.4736 3.2622
Note: Weight = Score x Weighting factor
From the table above, the optimal alternative is one with highest weight, and that’s
ranked as number 1. Thus, the optimal alternative is an ALTERNATIVE A which is a
Motorized belt driven mechanism.

6.1 Conclusion
Design of a laboratory mill machine has involved various procedures to study feasibility of this
project. Literature review and data collection, show the gap that exists in current milling
technology and local method of obtaining sand. Design of a laboratory mill machine has done
to bridge the gap considering the data (design specifications), collected through observation and
interview from the sites of study. These data were very useful during the development of the
optimal alternative, where belt driven mechanism selected as the optimal alternative. During
designing of this machine, different factors such as production cost, durability, capacity,
efficiency, ergonomics and safety were analyzed from which the optimum design has been
selected. Based on the optimum design different parts were designed through calculations and
standards as recommended, other parts have designed on basis of shape and size of machine.
Some standard parts like bearings, belt, motor, etc. has selected as per specifications and
standards and technically checked to prove their serviceability. The drawings have prepared
according to the design which were useful during manufacturing process of the machine. Also
this machine will reduce the time wasted while using local method of milling sand such as
rammer tool. Since the time required to mill sand by using local method was take long time,
hence by using a laboratory mill machine time of milling sand is reduced.

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