Anasa Technologies: This Module Contains The Topics As Follows

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Anasa Technologies

Course duration – 16 sessions

Advance Excel:

This module contains the topics as follows:-

• Advanced formatting techniques

• Conditional formatting

 Cell References (Understanding of Absolute & Relative Cell references)

• Working with multiple worksheets in a workbook

• Data linking between worksheets and workbooks

• Importing and exporting data (text files, other spreadsheets, etc.)

• Retrieve data from a database (intro to MS Query)

• Advanced chart formatting (font formats, text orientation, changing data series order, etc.)

• Using Comments

 Solver
 Scenario Manager
 What if Analysis
 Goal Seek
 Developer Tab

• Techniques to protect the workbook and worksheet

• Advanced filtering techniques

• Using Data Validation tool

• Creating workbooks using templates and creating your own templates

• Auditing worksheets and tracing cell references

• Correcting errors using tracing tools

• Combining worksheets and data from different workbooks

• Using advanced functions

o Financial functions

o Logical functions


o Aggregate functions

• PivotTables

o Creating and updating

o Manipulating the data layout

o Calculated fields & Items

o PivotCharts

• Macros

o Recording macros

o Run macros

o Assigning macros to a button or toolbar

o Edit macros with VBA

Excel VBA

Day 1

Exploring the Visual Basic editor in Excel

VBA Project Explorer and code windows

Our First Excel VBA Macro

VBA Project window

Saving off Macro

Variables, Arrays, Constant, and Data Types

Implicit & Explicit Declaration

Scope & Life time variables

Static, Local, Module level, Global Variables

Name Conflicts and shadowing

Data Types- Variant, Date/Time Values stored in variants, Empty Value, Null value & Others

VBA Data Types – Numeric & String

Arrays – Multidimensional & Dynamic

User defined types, constants, reserved words


Difference b/w subroutines & functions

Simple subroutine, simple functions

Public & private functions & subroutines

Argument Data Types, Optional Aguments, Passing Arguments by value


Programming Basics: Decision and Looping


Multiple conditional statements

Select case Statements


For Next loops

For Each Loop

Do Until Loops

While wend loops

Early exit


Strings and Function and Massage Boxes

Strings Concatination

Splitting strings
Changing the appearance of strings

Searching strings

Functions – Len, Abs, Int, Sqr, Asc, Chr

Conversion Functions- CStr, Clnt, Clng, CDbl, Val

Format functions

Date & Time Functions

Now, Date, Time, Date add, Date Diff, DatePart, Date Serial, Date Value, Day, Hour, Month, Second, Minute,
Year, Weekday

Send keys Command,Message Boxes

Operators- Arithmatic + - / \ * ^, Mod Operator

Comparison operators > < =

Concatenantion Operators

Logical operators: And, Or, Not, Xor

Other: Is Operator, Like Operator



Types Of Errors: Compile, Runtime, Logical

Design Time, Runtime, Break Mode, Break Points

Stop statements

Run Selected part of code

Single stepping, Procedure stepping, call stack dialogs

Debug window

Events can cause problemswhen debugging : Mouse down, key down, Got focus/Lost focus

Using Message Boxesin Debugging, avoiding bugs

Errors and the Error Function

Resume Statements
Implications of Error Trapping, Generating Own errors


Viewing Form, Displayingform in code

Populating form, Default Toolbox Controls

Label, Text Box, Combo Box, List Box, Check Box, Option Button, , Toggle Button, Frame

Command Button, Tab Strip, Multipage, Sroll Bar, Spin Button, Image, RefEdit

Common Dialog Control : Open Dailog, Save As, Color, Font, Pring, Default Dailog

Command Bars and Buttons


The Excel Object Model

Properties & Methods, Manipulating Properties, Calling Methods

Communicating with spreadsheet, Hierarchy, Recording Modes

Application Object – Main Properties, Methods & Collections

Workbook Object , Windows Objects, Worksheet Object, Range Object

Driving Microsoft Outlook & other Office Programs


Charts and Graphs

Working with series collection object

Exporting chart as picture file, Macro recording


API Call, Use of API Call

Getting Disk Space, Reading from n writing INI Files

Read Keyboard activity

Play Multimedia sounds

Class Modules : Inserting a class module

Creating an object, collection

Using PNames Collection

Pivot Tables

Creating simple pivot table from the front end of excel

Creating pivot table using VBA

Using VBA with pivot tables

Advance VBA for Pivot Table


VBA in Action

Converting Labels to Numbers and Numbers to Labels

Transposing a Range of Cells

Adding Formula Details into contents

Calculating a Range

Reversing a Label

Evaluating a Cell


Sorting Worksheets into Alphabetical Order

Replacing Character in a String

Timed Event

Auto – Totaling a Matrix of Numbers

Absolute and Relative Formulas

Coloring Alternate Rows and Columns of the Spreadsheet

Coloring Cells Containing Formulas

Summing Cells by Reference to a Master Cell


Globally Changing a Range of Values

Displaying Hidden Sheets without a Password

Searching Multiple Sheets and Workbooks

Brighten Up Your Comments

Importing a CSV File Containing Leading Zeros


User Forms


Working Data base

ODBC Links

Using ADO

Day 13 & 14


Create DB, Table space, Table Insert, Select, Update, Distinct, Where,
And & Or, Order BY, Delete
SQl Top, Like, wildcards, In, Between, Alias, Joins, Inner, Left Join, Right Join, Union

Not Null. Unique, foreign key, Create Index, Drop, Alter, Views

Sql Functions sql avg(), Count(), first(), last(), max(), min(), sum(), Group by.

Day 15

MS Access
Day 16

Doubt Session

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