Using Master Tung's Gallbladder Points For Diseases of The Head and Neck

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May 2017

Using Master Tung’s Gallbladder

Points for Diseases of the Head
and Neck
In the Clinic

by Susan Johnson, L.Ac.

Of the fourteen main meridian pathways,

the Foot Tai Yang (Urinary Bladder) and
Foot Shao Yang (Gallbladder)
meridians are the two channels
used most frequently for
treating diseases of the head
and neck. In Master Tung’s
body of work, many points are
loosely classified as Gallbladder occur at ovulation or during the premenstrual
channel points. In this article, I will compare Tung’s phase of a woman’s cycle, when emotional tension
Gallbladder points, all located between the Leg Shao is high and the liver is more congested. We might
Yang (Gallbladder) and Leg Yang Ming (Stomach) also expect to see other PMS symptoms related
channels, and with a powerful effect on the head, to liver qi congestion, including breast sensitivity,
neck, face, jaw and five senses. irritability, photophobia, and insomnia.

Tung’s Gallbladder points include 77.05-77.07 Three 88.17-88.19 Four Horses are also between the
Weights, 77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles, 77.24- Leg Shao Yang and Leg Yang Ming channels,
77.25 Leg Five Gold/Leg Thousand Gold, 77.27 but with a reaction area of Lung and Liver, these
Outer Three Gates, 88.17-88.19 Four Horses, and points have more influence in conditions related
88.25 Center Nine Miles (GB 31). Because all of to the five senses and the immune system. Four
these points can affect the Gallbladder channel on the Horses can be used when a patient has upper back
head and neck, it is important to determine the root pain and headache due to wind chill or wind heat
cause of a patient’s pathology when choosing from invasions; it can also be used for treating skin
these points. diseases, allergies, or autoimmune disorders.

For example, 77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles 77.27 Outer Three Gates, used primarily to treat
(Tung’s GB 34), has a tendon/ligament function cancer found anywhere in the body, is not used for
when used for head and neck disorders. These points treatment of the head and neck unless there is also
are often used for many kinds of migraine or temple a cancer-related condition somewhere in the body.
headaches, and especially for cyclic migraines which Because they fall between the Yang Ming and


Shao Yang channels, 77.05-77.07 Three Weights episodes so violent, I continued treatment three times
(Tung’s GB 39) are especially effective for per week for a total of sixteen weeks, and then reduced
disorders related to wind and phlegm, such as the frequency of his visits to once a week. Three
brain injuries or psychosis. Three Weights have a Weights had successfully rerouted the blood supply
very wide range of use, but due to their proximity to his brain, bypassing the occluded artery. After six
to and relationship with GB 39 (the Sea of months of two to three treatments per month, and
Marrow), they are used to treat bone marrow and without any other signs of vertigo, we ended treatment
blood diseases. They are also especially good for for this problem. One year later, he was still free of
problems of the neck and head. dizziness.

I recently had a case that perfectly illustrates the

use of 77.05-77.07 Three Weights. A 76-year-old There are additional Gallbladder point patterns in
man came to see me because he was experiencing Master Tung’s body of work. To learn more about the
extreme vertigo. He’d been falling to the ground points discussed in this article, along with many others,
without warning, or would suddenly find himself please join me for an In-Depth Master Tung’s Magic
holding on to his closet rod in an attempt not to Points & Theory Seminar.
fall. I tried several treatments using 88.17-88.19
Four Horses for typical vertigo, but they had no The In-Depth Seminar is a two-weekend course
effect. Because the Epley maneuver did not result designed to immerse practitioners in Master Tung’s
in extreme spinning and nausea, I knew that his profound system of acupuncture. We will begin with the
problem was not Meniere’s Disease, or springtime six principle theories of Tung’s acupuncture system and
liver wind. A brain scan showed no cysts or then proceed with points found on the hands, arms and
tumors, and fewer ischemic areas than might be feet; on the second weekend, we will move through the
expected in a man his age. legs and head, and end with the torso. Points will be
presented with precise anatomical location, operative
A Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA) scan theory, indications, with some point combinations
determined that the patient had a completely and case studies from my thirty years of private
occluded intervertebral artery in his neck. He then practice, along with cases from my honored teachers,
saw a vascular surgeon, who would not operate Drs. Miriam Lee and Young Wei Chieh. Master Tung
because the artery had slowly closed over a long has given us many extraordinary points that yield
period of time and the surgeon feared that opening immediate and lasting results. Join us for the in-person
the artery would flood the brain with blood, likely seminar at Mayway or log in to the live webinar.
causing immediate death. The patient was told
that he would have to live with the acute vertigo. Bio:
Susan Johnson has been studying acupuncture since 1982.
I began to treat the patient three times each A graduate of the American College of Traditional Chinese
week, using 77.05-77.07 Three Weights. These Medicine, Susan practiced in San Francisco from 1983-88,
points are excellent for neck and head problems, specializing in the treatment of HIV. She studied Master
and because they are located in the vicinity of Tung’s Magic Points with Dr. Miriam Lee and Dr. Young Wei
GB39, they are also excellent for blood and blood Chieh, Ph.D. for more than 12 years and has used them
vessels. I cupped his neck in order to clear muscle nearly exclusively in her practice for thirty years. Dr. Tung’s
tension and accumulated toxins that contributed system, which utilizes meridian points in new ways and
to the impeded blood flow. Within three weeks, also includes extra points, can provide perfect keys to the
the severity of the vertigo attacks began to treatment of particularly challenging conditions, in addition
lessen. Within twelve weeks, the attacks had to a wide range of common ailments. Dr. Tung’s Points are
almost completely stopped, though he had very immediately useful and instantly effective in most cases.
infrequent sensations of slight dizziness lasting Susan maintains a private practice in Santa Cruz, California.
one to three seconds. She is a dynamic teacher renowned for her clear presentation
Because the diagnosis was so grave and the of this style of acupuncture.


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