Using Master Tung's Gallbladder Points For Diseases of The Head and Neck
Using Master Tung's Gallbladder Points For Diseases of The Head and Neck
Using Master Tung's Gallbladder Points For Diseases of The Head and Neck
Tung’s Gallbladder points include 77.05-77.07 Three 88.17-88.19 Four Horses are also between the
Weights, 77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles, 77.24- Leg Shao Yang and Leg Yang Ming channels,
77.25 Leg Five Gold/Leg Thousand Gold, 77.27 but with a reaction area of Lung and Liver, these
Outer Three Gates, 88.17-88.19 Four Horses, and points have more influence in conditions related
88.25 Center Nine Miles (GB 31). Because all of to the five senses and the immune system. Four
these points can affect the Gallbladder channel on the Horses can be used when a patient has upper back
head and neck, it is important to determine the root pain and headache due to wind chill or wind heat
cause of a patient’s pathology when choosing from invasions; it can also be used for treating skin
these points. diseases, allergies, or autoimmune disorders.
For example, 77.22-77.23 Beside Three Miles 77.27 Outer Three Gates, used primarily to treat
(Tung’s GB 34), has a tendon/ligament function cancer found anywhere in the body, is not used for
when used for head and neck disorders. These points treatment of the head and neck unless there is also
are often used for many kinds of migraine or temple a cancer-related condition somewhere in the body.
headaches, and especially for cyclic migraines which Because they fall between the Yang Ming and