First Aid Embryology

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1. Gametes are descendent of?primordial germ cells

2. All primary oocytes are formed in which month of
fetal life? 5th month of fetal life
3. Primary oocyte remain dormant in which phase?
Prophase I
4. Secondary oocytes is arrested in which phase?
Metaphase II
5. Granulosa cells secrete? Estrogen
6. Progesterone stimulates the endometrium of the
uterus to enter which phase? Secretory 
7. Primordial germ cells derived from? Wall of yolk sac
8. Which cells supply as the stem cell in male
throughout reproductive life? Type A spermatogonia
9. Newly ejavulated sperms are incapable of fertilization
until they undergo ? Capacitation
10. Advanced maternal age is risk factor for ? Down
11. Normally ----- percent of sperms in an ejaculate are
grossly deformed? 10%
12. Genetic disorder characterized by hypogonadism
and anosmia? Kallmann syndrome
13. Anovulation is often treated with ? Clomiphenec
14. If a girl never begins menstruation the condition is
called ? Primary ovarian failure 
15. The reaction which occurs when the sperm binds to
the zona pellucida of the secondary oocyte is ?
Acrosome reaction
16. Sperm produces ATP from? fructose
17. Blastomeres are totipotent upto which cell stage? 8
cell stage
18. -----refers to a stem cell that can differentiate into
ectoderm , mesoderm and endoderm? Pleuripotency
19. Blastocyst implants which part of uterine wall?
Posterior superior wall
20. Trophoblast differentiate into ?? Cytotrophoblast
and syncytiotropoblast
21. Most common site of ectopic pregnancy? Ampulla
22. Bilaminar embryonic disk is ? Epiblast and hypo
23. The syncytiotropoblast secretes ?? HCG
24. HCG can be assayed on ---- day in maternal urine?
10 day
25. Left/ right axis determination begins with the
asymmetric activity of ? Sonic hedgehog protein 
26. Mesoderm further give rise into? Paraxial ,
intermediate and lateral mesoderm
27. The intermediate mesoderm forms which system?
Urogenital system
28. Sclerotic me of somite forms ? Axial cartilage and
29. Dura matter is derivative of which germ layer?
30. Adrenal Cortex derivative of which germ cell layer?
31. Chondroma is a tumor arised from remnants of?
32. Placenta attached to the lower part of uterus
covering internal os? Placenta prévia 
33. Classic cause of first trimester bleeding ? Ectopic
34. Growth hormone of the fetus? Human placental
35. Hofbauer cells are macrophage like cells found in?
Placental membrane 
36. In late pregnancy placental membrane is formed
by? Syncytiotropoblast and the fetal capillary
endothelium *** ( imp)
37. The near term fetus excrete about ------ of urinue
daily? 500mL
38. Potter syndrome lead to which amniotic fluid
condition? Oligohyromnios
39. Name the fetal albumin produced by fetal
hepatocytes ?? a-fetoprotein
40. Mucus connective tissue of umbelical cord is also
called ? Wharton's jelly 
41. A light gray shines sac indicates? Omphalocele
42. Vasculogenesis occurs first within extra embryonic
visceral mesoderm around yolk sac on day? 17
43. Hematopoiesis is taken over by liver at which
week? Beginning of 5 th week
44. Hemoglobin a2r2 is called ? Fetal hemoglobin 
45. Hydroxy urea promotes which hemoglobin?HBF
46. Highly oxygenated blood in fetal circulation is
carried by which vessel? Left umbelical vein 
47. Ligamentum venosus is the ramnent of ? Ductus
48. Pericardial cavity is formed by which mesoderm?
Lateral plate mesoderm
49. Adult structure of bulbus cordis? Smooth part of
right and left ventricle 
50. Articulopulmonary septum is derivative of? Neural
crest cells 
51. Abnormal neural crest cell migration such that there
is non spiral development f AP septum lead to?
Transposition of great arteries
52. Rib notching on X-ray is feature of ? Postductal
53. Stapedial artery is derived from which aortic arch?
54. Adult structure if Vitelline arteries ? Celiac, sup
mesenteric and inferior mesenteric 
55. Which cardinal vein is not involved in forming IVC ?
Anterior cardinal vein 
56. Primitive stomach is formed in which week ? 4 week
57. Primitive stomach rotates --%clockwise around its
longitudinal axis? 90
58. Which layer of pyloric region hypertrophies in
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis ? Mucularis externa 
59. Uncinate process is formed by which bud? Ventral
60. Dubble bubble sign is indicative of? Annular
61. Midgut derivative are supplied by ? Sup mesenteric
62. Physiological umbelical herniation is seen in which
week? Beginning of week 6
63. Midgut loops around ----- counterclockwise? 270
64. The urorectal septum fuses with the cloacal
membrane at the future site of the anatomical ,????
Perineal body
65. Lower anal canal derived from? Proctoderm
66. Junction between upper and lower anal canal is
indicated by ? Pectinate line
67. Ureteric bud is an outgrowth of? mesonephric duct
68. Fetal metanephros is located at vertebral level of?
69. Allantois becomes fibrous cord called? Urachnus or
median umbelical ligament in adult 
70. Most common cause of congenital obstruction of
urinary tract ? Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
71. Most common renal malignancy of childhood?
Wilms tumor 
72. Nutcracker syndrome occurs when? Left renal vein
is compressed between sup mesenteric artery and
abdominal aorta 
73. By which week male and female characteristic of
the external genitalia can be recognized ? By week 12
74. Phenotype sexual differentiation is determined by
which gene? Sry gene
75. Sry gene encodes for protein called ?testes-
determining dactor 
76. Vestigial remnants of the mesonephric duct may be
found in the adult female called? Appendix vasuculosa
77. The Phallus forms the ?? Clitoris 
78. Urogenital folds forms the? labia minors 
79. Testosterone is secreted by which cells? Leydig
80. Vestigial remnant of paranesonephric duct is ?
Appendix testes
81. The labioscrotal swelling form the? Scrotum
82. Respiratory diverticulum is formed in which week ?
4 week 
83. Terminal sac period is the period between? 24-birth 
84. Pseudo glandular period is the period? 7-16 weeks 
85. The site of the thyroglossal duct is indicated in adult
by ? Foramen cecum
86. Ultimobrschail body is derivative of which pouch?
87. Muscle of facial expression derived by? 2
pharyngeal arch
88. No taste bud is present in which part if tongue?
Filiform papillae
89. All muscle motor supply is by XII cranial nerve
except? Palatoglossus (CN X)
90. Pharyngeal cyst occurs when ----------- persist?
Pharyngeal groove2-4 
91. Most common site of ectopic thyroid tissue ?
92. Cleft palate is which type of genetic disorder ?
93. Anatomic landmark that distinguishea an anterior
cleft palate from posterior cleft palate is? Incisive
94. Digeorge syndrome occurs due to defect in? 3 and
4 pharyngeal pouches 
95. Remnant of notochord is ? Nucleus pulposus
96. Anterior neuro pore closes on? Day 25 
97. Posterior neuro pore closes on? Day 27
98. The lumen of neural tube for rise to? Ventricular
99. Name 3 primary brain vesicles ? Prosen, mesen ad
100. At birth the conus mudullaris extend to the level of
? L3
101. Myelination of the corticospinal tract is not
completed until ? Te end of 2 years
102. Remnants of ratkhe pouch may give rise to a
103. Arnold chiari malformation occurs when the caudal
vermis and tonsils of cerebellum and medulla herniated
through which foramen? Foramen magnum
104. Utricle responds to which acceleration? Linear
105. Semicircular ducts responds to? Angular
106. Stapes is derived from which pharyngeal arch ?
Pharyngeal arch 2 
107. Eye development begins at day? 22
108. The choroid fissure closes during week?? 7 week 
109. The extra ocular muscle develops from Mesoderm
of which somitomeres? Somitomeres 1,2 and 3
110. Anophthalmia is ? Absence of the eye 
111. HPL can be assayed in maternal blood at week? 6
112. Growth hormone of later half of pregnancy? hPL
113. ----used by the fetal testes as a precursor of
testosterone synthesis? Progesterone
114. The most potent estrogen is ??? Estradiol 
115. Amniocentesis is preferred in which weeks? 14-18
116. Quickening in a woman first pregnancy in which
weeks? 18-20 weeks 
117. At week 20 uterine fundus is palpable at the ?
118. Surfactants are produced in which weeks? 25-27
119. Normal baseline fetal heart rate is? 120-160 beats
per minute 
120. Maximum susceptible period of teratogenicity is?
121. The most common of CMV fetal infection is ??
Sensineural deafness 
122. Teratogenicity of thalidomide is ? Limb defect
123. Fetal hydantoin syndrome is caused by?
124. Aminoglycoside causes which toxicity ? CNVIII
125. Appendages in wrong position is due to mutation
in which gene? Hox gene 
126. Heart begins to beat in which week? 4 week
127. Absent organ due to absent primordial tissue?
128. Incomplete organ development ? Hypoplasia
129. Effect of diethylstilbestrol on fetus? Vaginal clear
cell adenocarcinoma 
130. Caudal regression syndrome caused by? Maternal
131. High risk of spontaneous abortion is side effect of
vit a excess
132. Decidua basalis is derived from? Endometrium
133. Obliteration of Vitelline duct is in which week? 7th
134. Yolk sac erythropoisis is in which weeks ? 3-8
135. Ductus arteriosus contain which blood?
136. Meninges and spinal cord herniated through spinal
cord defect is called? Meningeomyelocole
137. Dec separation of hemispheres across Midline
leads to? Holoprosencephaly
138. Most common site of syringomyelia ? C8-T1
139. PDA is derivative of which aortic arch? 6 aortic
140. Arches are derived from which germ layer ?
141. Styloid process is derivative of which branchial
arch ? 2nd
142. CN IX supplies which muscle? Stylopharyngeus
143. All intrinsic muscles of larynx are derivative of 6th
arch except? Cricothyroid ( 4th arch)
144. Thymus is derivative of which pouch? 3rd pouch
145. Sup parathyroid derivative of which pouch? 4th (
inf 3rd pouch)
146. Posterior 1/3 of tongue formed by? 3and 4 arch
147. Name cranial nerves involving in taste sensation?
148. Muscle of tongue are derived from ? Occipital
149. Normal remnant of thyroglossal duct? Foramen
150. Cleft lip is due to? Failure of fusion of the maxillary
and medial nasal process 
151. Midgut returns to abdominal cavity in ---- week?
10th week
152. Spleen is ------ in origin? Mesodermal
153.bicorunate uterus result due to
Incomplete fusion of ? Paramesonephric duct 
154. Hypospadiasis is due to ----? Failure d urethral
folds to close 
155. Epispadiasis is due to----? Faulty positioning of
genital tubercle 
156. Diaphragmatic hernia is due to ? Absence of
pleuro-peritoneal membrane 
157. Vertebra is derived from? Sclerotome
158. Somites are derived of which mesoderm? Paraxial
159. Left umbilical vein will regress to ? Ligamentum
160. Gestational age is estimated from? Crown rump
length at 8 weeks 
161. Union of 5th lumbar with 1st sacral is called?
162. Structure of 2ndry villus include? Mesoderm ,
cytotrophoblast and syncitium
163. Amputated leg is the result of? amniotic bands
164. Auditory tube is formed by? 1st and 2nd
endodernal pouch
165. Thyroid is derived from ? Endoderm
166. Four chambers of heart are formed by? Endo
cardial cushions 
167. Strongest layer of small intestine is? Submucosa
168. Erythropoietin are secreted by ? Peritubular
interistitium of kidney 
169. Which protein maintain red cell shape ? Spectrin
170. Which is not major basic tissues ? Blood
171. Ovary epithelium is ? Simple cuboidal
172. Which structure has 3 layers of muscles? Stomach
173. PDFG is secreted by which part of platelets?
Alpha granules 
174. Which cells produce antibodies? Plasma cells 
175. Most abundant phagocytes in circulation?
176. Submucosal glands are present in ? Deudonum
177. Nissle bodies are? RER
178. Most mucinous acini gland is ? Sublingual glands 
179. Calcium releases in muscle from ? Sarcoplamsmic
180. In Which state maximum HB produces occurs?
Pro erythrocyte
181. Average life of Gi epithelium? 2-7 days 
182. Basophilia of cell is due to ? RER
183. Which cell release extra cellular fibres and
amorphous substance ? Fibroblast 
184. Neurons in olfactory tract are ? Bipolar
185. Heparin is released by which cells ? Mast cells
186. Microtubule are part of ? Centrioles 
187. Micro filament composed of ? Actin 
188. ---- capsule covers the liver? Glisson
189. Signet ring appearance seen in? Adipocyte
190. Osteoclast are present in? Howships lacunae
191. Structural unit of bone? Haversian system 
192. Myelin hai ---- percent of protein? 20%
193. Blood group antigen are ??? Carbohydrate
194. Hassal corpuscles feature of? Thymus 
195. Hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil? Adenoid 
196. Bruner gland are present in submucosa of?
197. Thickest zone of adrenal cortex? Zona fasciculata
198. Which coat is thickest in large veins? Adventitia
199. Ovarian follicles are present in? Cortex of ovary 
200. Eosinophils play role in ?? Parasitic infections


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