2 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, Ultrasound-Guided
2 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, Ultrasound-Guided
2 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, Ultrasound-Guided
DOI 10.1007/s00590-016-1839-y
Abstracts Treatment of calcific tendinitis using extracor- compared to placebo. Barbotage plus ESWT significantly
poreal shock wave therapy (ESWT), ultrasound-guided improved CMS, VAS and decreased size of calcium
percutaneous lavage (UGPL or barbotage), subacromial deposit when compared to ESWT, while barbotage plus
corticosteroid injection (SAI) and combined treatment is SAI significantly improved CMS and decreased size of
still controversial. This systematic review and meta-re- calcium deposit when compared to SAI. There have no
gression aimed to compare clinical outcomes between different adverse effects of all treatment groups. Multiple
treatments. Relevant RCTs were identified using PubMed active treatment comparisons indicated that barbotage plus
and Scopus search engines to date of September 23, 2015. SAI significantly improved VAS and size of calcium
Seven of 920 studies identified were eligible. Compared to deposit when compared to other groups, while barbotage
the other treatments, the results of this study indicate that plus SAI improved CMS when compared to other groups.
ESWT significantly improved CMS and VAS when But there was no significant difference. The network meta-
analysis suggested that combined US-guided needling and
subacromial corticosteroid injection significantly decreased
& Jatupon Kongtharvonskul shoulder pain VAS, improved CMS score and decreased
[email protected]
the size of calcium deposits, while also lowering risks of
Alisara Arirachakaran adverse event when compared to barbotage plus ESWT,
[email protected]
ESWT and subacromial corticosteroid injection; therefore,
Manusuk Boonard the evidence points to UGPL as being the treatment of
[email protected]
choice for nonsurgical options of treatment in calcific
Sarunpong Yamaphai tendinitis of the shoulder.
[email protected]
Level of evidence I.
Akom Prommahachai
[email protected]
Keywords Calcific tendinitis ESWT UGPL CS
Suraphol Kesprayura Ultrasound guide Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
[email protected]
Orthopedics Department, Police General Hospital, Bangkok,
Thailand Introduction
Orthopedics Department, Srinakarin Hospital, Khonkan,
Thailand Calcific tendinitis of the rotator cuff is one of the most
Orthopaedic Department, Saint Louis Hospital, Bangkok, common causes of shoulder pain, characterized by calcium
Thailand phosphate crystal deposition in the rotator cuff tendons and
Orthopedic Department, Aek Udon International Hospital, generally affecting people between the ages of 30 and
Udontani, Thailand 50 years [4, 41]. The prevalence of calcium deposits has
Section for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty been reported as 2–20 % in asymptomatic shoulders and is
of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand estimated to affect 7–17 % of the patients experiencing
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
shoulder pain [14, 15, 32, 33, 39]. It can occasionally using a network meta-analysis. The objective of this study
characterized by intractable pain and morbidity to the was to assess each method of minimally invasive treatment
patient. However, this disease is usually self-limited and of calcific tendinitis, with the aim of comparing relevant
can be treated by conservative treatment methods with clinical outcomes such as visual analog score (VAS),
good results [11, 34]. The most efficient treatment for this Constant–Murley Score (CMS), Disabilities of the Arm,
common disease is still debatable, and no standard treat- Shoulder and Hand (DASH), Western Ontario Rotator Cuff
ment has yet been established [20]. Numerous treatments index (WORC), University of California Los Angeles scale
have been advocated for calcific tendinitis. The initial (UCLA), full resorption rate and adverse effects (pain
treatment is usually conservative and consists of rest, during treatment, soreness, local subcutaneous hematomas
physical therapy and a medication regimen that includes and small petechial hemorrhages) by combining direct and
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In patients with indirect evidence in a network meta-analysis.
severe or persisting symptoms, more invasive therapy is
indicated. Numerous types of conservative treatments have
been described. These include calcium deposit needling Materials and methods
and lavage (barbotage), subacromial corticosteroid injec-
tions (SAI) and extracorporeal shock wave therapy Search strategy
(ESWT) [1, 2, 6, 13, 18, 21, 27, 30, 34, 36, 42]. Never-
theless, failure of these methods may necessitate the need A systematic review and network meta-analysis was
for surgical management [4, 19, 26, 35]. However, as there performed in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items
is a lack of high-level evidence studies comparing these for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
modalities, the preferred treatment for calcific tendinitis guidelines [22]. The Medline and Scopus databases were
remains a subject of debate. Minimally invasive treatment used to identify relevant studies published in English
modalities such as SAI, ESWT and barbotage are fre- from the date of inception to September 23, 2015. The
quently performed [5, 8–10, 13, 17, 20, 31, 43] prior to PubMed and Scopus search engines were used to locate
surgical intervention, as both have been reported to be studies using the following search terms: [(calcific AND
efficient nonoperative treatment modalities and may even (tendinosis OR tendinopathy OR tendinitis) AND shoul-
eliminate the need for surgery. SAI is relatively easy to der) AND (ESWT OR ultrasound OR needles OR per-
perform, has a low risk of complications, is low cost and is cutaneous OR extracorporeal shock wave therapies OR
widely available [9]. ESWT has been recommended as a barbotage OR arthroscopes)]. Search strategies for
second-line therapy prior to surgical management [13], as it Medline and Scopus are described in detail in the
is not an invasive procedure and is relatively easy to per- appendix. References from the reference lists of included
form in the outpatient setting. Several studies trials and previous systematic reviews were also
[5, 8, 13, 17, 31] have demonstrated the effectiveness of explored.
ESWT in treating this condition when compared to pla-
cebo. However, this procedure can be extremely painful
Selection of studies
when the patient is in hyperalgesic crisis [27]. Barbotage
treatment is more invasive, requires more skills and
Identified studies were first selected based on titles and
equipment, is time-consuming and can be painful during
abstracts by two independent authors (J.K. and A.A.). Full
and after the procedure [10, 36]. Some studies report that
papers were retrieved if a decision could not be made from
combining barbotage with SAI [36] or ESWT [21] can
the abstracts. Disagreements were resolved by consensus
improve pain and function of shoulders with calcific ten-
and discussion with a third party (S.M.). Reasons for
dinitis when compared to treatment with barbotage alone.
ineligibility or exclusion of studies were recorded and
One systematic review and one meta-analysis recently
published [23, 24] found that ESWT and barbotage have
been proved to be safe and effective treatments. Barbotage
Inclusion criteria
has not been proved to be more effective than a SAI [9].
However, this meta-analysis did not consider sources of
Randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental designs
heterogeneity (age, sex, disease duration and size of cal-
studies that compared clinical outcomes between ESWT,
cium deposit), publication bias was not assessed, and other
SAI, barbotage with or without SAI or ESWT and placebo
RCTs [10, 20] have since been published. Moreover, none
were eligible if they met the following criteria:
of the reviews compared all the different minimally inva-
sive treatments of the shoulder with calcific tendinitis, and • Compared clinical outcomes between ESWT, SAI,
none compared the effectiveness of the different treatments barbotage with or without SAI and placebo.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
VAS visual analog score, KSS Knee Society Score, KFS knee function score, AKP anterior knee pain, PB patella problem, PF patella fracture, PI patella fracture, RP reoperation patella
considered as a fixed effect, whereas the study variable was
In total, 132 and 880 studies from Medline and Scopus
symptoms (months)
were identified, respectively; 92 studies were duplicates,
Mean duration of
leaving 895 studies for review of titles and abstracts. Of
these, 7 full papers were reviewed and extracted data.
Characteristics of the 7 studies are described in Table 1.
Among 6 ESWT studies, the comparators included placebo
in 4 studies, barbotage and ESWT in one study and barb-
otage and SAI in one study. One study compares combined
56 years, 11.2 to 20.5 mm and 11.7 to 33.4 months. Per-
centage of females ranged from 38.7 to 90.2 %. Various
Female (%)
Risk of bias in included studies
Barbotage and
Direct comparisons
direct comparison.
Constant–Murley score
Type of
Cacchio [5]
Kim [20]
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
880 studies
132 studies
retrieved from
retrieved from
• 853 non-RCTs
• 22 other diseases
• 13 other interventions
4 studies:ESWT VS placebo
1 study : ESWT VS barbotage and SAI
1 study : ESWT VS barbotage and ESWT
1 study : SAI VS barbotage and SAI
Gerdesmeyer Y Y Y Y Y Y –
Cosentino [8] U N N Y Y Y –
Krasny [21] Y Y Y Y Y Y –
Cacchio [5] Y Y Y Y Y Y –
Hsu [17] Y N Y Y Y Y –
de Witte [9] Y Y Y Y Y Y –
Kim [20] Y Y Y N Y N Per protocol
Among five studies, the UMD of -4.4 (95 % CI -6.3, Among four studies, the UMD of -11.3 (95 % CI -24.7,
-2.3) showed that there was significantly lower VAS in 2.2) mm showed that there was lower the size of calcium
ESWT than placebo (Table 3). Heterogeneity was present deposit after ESWT when compared to placebo, but this
(I2 = 95.8). ESWT was statistically significantly higher was not significant (Table 3). Heterogeneity was present
VAS of 1.3 (95 % CI 0.9, 1.7) when compared to combined (I2 = 97.4). ESWT was statistically significant higher than
barbotage and ESWT. SAI was lower of -0.2 (95 % CI the size of calcium deposit of 5.2 (95 % CI 4.8, 5.5) mm
-1.5, 1.1) when compared to combined barbotage and SAI, when compared to combined barbotage and ESWT. SAI
but this was not significant (Table 3). was statistically significant higher than the size of calcium
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
deposit of 11.8 (95 % CI 6.3, 17.3) mm when compared to indicated that there was no significant difference between
combined barbotage and SAI. ESWT and SAI or combined groups (barbotage and SAI or
barbotage and ESWT).
Adverse effects
Visual analog score
Among 7 studies, the pooled RR of ESWT was homoge-
neous (I2 = 0) with a value of 1.21 (95 % CI 0.91, 1.58) The regression analysis from five studies suggested that the
which showed a significantly higher risk of adverse effects mean VAS of ESWT, combined barbotage and SAI and
when compared with placebo (Table 3). The RR of ESWT SAI were -2.91 (95 % CI -5.51, -0.30), -3.14 (95 % CI
showed value of 0.9 (95 % CI 0.02, 42.16) and 1 (95 % CI -5.64, -0.64), -2.38 (95 % CI -4.79, -0.03) showing
0.02, 49.20) showed insignificantly lower risk of adverse that the VAS was statistically significantly lower than
effects when compared with combined barbotage and SAI placebo (as seen in Table 4; Fig. 3). Multiple comparisons
and combined barbotage and ESWT. SAI was insignifi- indicated that combined barbotage and SAI resulted in a
cantly lower RR of 0.2 (95 % CI 0.009, 3.65) when com- value -0.76 (95 % CI -1.42, -0.11) significantly differ-
pared with Combined barbotage and SAI. ent lower than SAI.
Constant–Murley score The regression analysis from four studies suggested that the
mean size of calcium deposit of combined barbotage and
The regression analysis from five studies suggested that the SAI was -12.6 (95 % CI -24.8, -0.4) showing that the
mean CMS of ESWT was 22.36 (95 % CI 0.35. 44.37) size of calcium deposit was statistically significantly lower
showing that the CMS was statistically significantly higher than placebo, whereas ESWT was -9.6 (95 % CI -24.0,
than placebo, whereas combined barbotage and SAI, 4.8) lower and SAI was 0.8 (95 % CI -11.2, 12.9) higher
combined barbotage and ESWT and SAI were 23.12 (95 % than placebo, but these were not significantly different (as
CI -4.16. 50.40), 13.92 (95 % CI -13.36, 41.20) and seen in Table 4; Fig. 4). Multiple comparisons indicated
11.02 (95 % CI -16.26, 38.30) showing that the CMS was that combined barbotage and SAI and ESWT resulted in a
higher than placebo, but these were not significantly dif- value -13.4 (95 % CI -14.9, -11.9) and -10.5 (95 % CI
ferent (as seen in Table 4; Fig. 2). Multiple comparisons -14.1, -6.8) significantly different lower than SAI.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
Table 4 Comparisons of
Constants–Murray score
treatment effects: a network
meta-analysis N b p value 95 % CI
ESWT vs placebo 252 22.36 0.048 0.35, 44.37*
(Barbotage and SAI) vs. placebo 119 23.12 0.078 -4.16, 50.40
(Barbotage and ESWT) vs. placebo 136 13.92 0.229 -13.36, 41.20
SAI vs. placebo 121 11.02 0.325 -16.26, 38.30
ESWT vs. (barbotage and SAI) 179 -0.76 0.873 -13.13, 11.62
ESWT vs. (barbotage and ESWT) 196 8.44 0.131 -3.93, 20.82
ESWT vs. SAI 181 11.34 0.064 -1.03, 23.72
Visual analog score
ESWT vs. placebo 261 -2.91 0.036 -5.51, -0.30*
(Barbotage and SAI) vs. placebo 154 -3.14 0.025 -5.64, -0.64*
SAI vs. placebo 131 -2.38 0.052 -4.79, -0.03*
ESWT vs. (barbotage and SAI) 203 0.24 0.738 -1.60, 2.07
ESWT vs. SAI 180 -0.52 0.346 -1.89, 0.84
(Barbotage and SAI) vs. SAI 73 -0.76 \0.032 -1.42, -0.11*
N B p value 95 % CI
Adverse effect
ESWT vs. placebo 371 1.18 0.490 0.74, 1.87
(Barbotage and SAI) vs. placebo 189 0.78 0.807 0.11, 5.64
(Barbotage and ESWT) vs. placebo 181 0.75 0.826 0.06, 9.40
SAI vs. placebo 166 0.33 0.437 0.02, 5.39
ESWT vs. (barbotage and SAI) 278 1.50 0.680 0.22, 10.48
ESWT vs. (barbotage and ESWT) 270 1.56 0.725 0.13, 18.68
ESWT vs. SAI 255 3.55 0.369 0.22, 56.57
(Barbotage and SAI) vs. SAI 73 2.36 0.471 0.22, 24.39
(Barbotage and ESWT) vs. SAI 65 2.27 0.662 0.06, 90.39
(Barbotage and SAI) vs. (barbotage 88 1.03 0.981 0.05, 23.31
and EWST)
* Statistically significant difference (p \ 0.05)
Data from seven studies revealed that compared to placebo, Systematic review and a network meta-analysis was per-
combined barbotage and SAI, barbotage and ESWT and SAI formed to comparing effect of ESWT, SAI, barbotage and
had 0.78 (95 % CI 0.11, 5.64), 0.75 (95 % CI 0.06, 9.40) and SAI, barbotage and ESWT and placebo for treatment
0.33 (95 % CI 0.02, 10.48) lower occurrences of adverse rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy. Relevant clinical out-
effects, whereas ESWT had an approximately 18 % comes included CMS, VAS, size of calcium deposit and
[RR = 1.18 (95 % CI 0.74, 1.87)] statistically insignificantly adverse effect were pooled. The results of this study indi-
higher risk than placebo groups (as seen in Table 4; Fig. 5). cate that ESWT significantly improved CMS and VAS
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
n = 228
ESWT 9.5* Barbotage and ESWT
n = 156 n = 40
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol
3.55 n = 141 1.03
0.33 0.9 2.27
Fig. 5 Network meta-analysis of treatment effects on adverse effect. respectively. The number at the line indicates chance of treatment
A line in the figure represents treatment comparisons, with arrows responsiveness, in which \1 indicates favors intervention vs the
and tails referring to intervention and comparators, respectively. Bold comparator. *p \ 0.05 with Bonferroni correction
and dashed lines refer to direct and indirect comparisons,
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Compliance with ethical standards lavage versus subacromial corticosteroids. Am J Sports Med
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