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QLT EN 11 - Supplier's Quality Questionnaire

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Créé le 17/12/2009


Révisé le : 06/09/2018
Supplier’s quality questionnaire Version : 4
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Company name: ....................................................


Processing plant address if different:


What is the European sanitary agreement number of the processing plant?

How many permanent employees is there in the company ?
How many seasonal worker is there ?
What is the turnover of the company ?
What is your production power ?
What are the other brands produced ?

Please attach the organization chart


1. Quality insurance system

Your HACCP system is it formalized? Yes No

If yes :
- How long ? ....................................................
- Frequency of revision ? ....................................................
- Join a copy of your HACCP plan

Is the plant certified? Yes No

If yes :
- Which standards ? ....................................................
- Join a copy of your certificates

Is there any working instructions? Yes No

Is there any internal audit? Yes No

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Révisé le : 06/09/2018
Supplier’s quality questionnaire Version : 4
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If yes :
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

2. Raw materials

Is there any specifications sheets concerning raw materials? Yes No

Are the suppliers audited? Yes No

If yes:
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Are the suppliers evaluated and ranked? Yes No

If yes:
- According to which criteria? ....................................................
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Is there a list of agreed suppliers? Yes No

This list is it regularly updated? Yes No
If yes:
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

3. Equipment verification

Verification of measure and recording equipment? Yes No

If yes:
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Are these equipments clearly identified? Yes No

4. Education of the employees

Is there a formal formation plan for technical, hygiene and security? Yes No
If yes:
- Formations are conducted in :  Intern  Extern
- What is the frequency?....................................................

Are the people implicated in the quality improvment? Yes No

If yes:
- How ? ....................................................

5. Rejected products

Do you identify rejected products? Yes No

Yes No
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Révisé le : 06/09/2018
Supplier’s quality questionnaire Version : 4
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Rejected products are they isolated?

Describe how the rejected products are identifed, isolated and treated:

6. Research and development

Is there an R&D organization? Yes No

Is there a pilot plan? Yes No
Is there a technical and market watch? Yes No

Is there a regulation and juridical watch? Yes No

If yes :
- How ? ....................................................
- What is the frequency ? ....................................................


1. Raw materials and packaging

Do you conduct analysis on raw materials and packaging? Yes No

If yes:
- Which analysis? ....................................................
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Stock management :
FIFO (First In First Out)
LIFO (Last In First Out)

Identification and traceability for raw materials and packaging

Describe the system implemented : ....................................................

2. Production and packing

Analysis during production : Yes No

If yes:
- Which analysis? ....................................................
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Separation between packing and production areas: Yes No

Monitoring of cross contamination (GMO, allergens...): Yes No

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Révisé le : 06/09/2018
Supplier’s quality questionnaire Version : 4
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If yes:
- How? ....................................................
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Protection against glass breaking? Yes No

If yes :
- How? ....................................................

Metal detecting and isolation of rejected products: Yes No

If yes, what is the detection limit?
- Ferrous ....................................................
- Non-ferrous....................................................
- Stainless steel ....................................................
If not :
- How do you ensure the good detection and evacuation of foreign
bodies ? ........................................................................................................

Verification of metal detector : Yes No

If yes:
- How? ....................................................
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Weight control and recording ? Yes No

If yes:
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Labelling controls on finished products? Yes No

If yes:
- What is the frequency? ....................................................

Releasing controls on finished products? Yes No

If yes:
- What are the controls done? ....................................................

3. Hygiene and cleaning

Is there a formalized cleaning process? Yes No

Watch and jewellery are they forbidden in the plant? Yes No

Is it forbidden to smoke in the plant? Yes No

Are sanitary equipment and changing room separated? Yes No

Is there a lunch room or rest room? Yes No

Description of working clothes:
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Mobcap Pants
Mask Coverall
Gloves Boots
Blouse Other:

Cleaning of the working clothes :

By a contractor
By the workers

4. Analysis and control plan

Internal laboratory: Yes No

If yes :
- separation between production area and laboratory: Yes No
- Inter laboratory testing ? Yes No
- Is it accredited? Yes No Join the certificates
- Standardisation of laboratory equipments? Yes No
- Analysis done? ....................................................

Sampling and conservation of the different batches? Yes No

If yes:
- How many time? ....................................................

End life tests? Yes No

If yes, send us the last results of these tests.

Analysis done by an external laboratory? Yes No

If yes:
- Which analysis? ....................................................
- What is the frequency? ....................................................
- This lab is it accredited? Yes No Join the certificates
Persons in charge of the controls (number, qualification…): ....................................................
Créé le 17/12/2009
Révisé le : 06/09/2018
Questionnaire qualité fournisseur Version : 4
Page 6 sur 7

5. Plans and systems againts rodents

Is there a plan of protection against rodents? Yes No

If yes:
- Frequency of the controls: ....................................................

The control is it externalized? Yes No

If yes:
- Name of the company ....................................................

Is there insect’s exterminators? Yes No

6. Food/product defense assessment

Responsibilities for product defense are clearly defined ?

 yes  no

Which approach do you implement for the security of your factory ?

secure access (closed doorway, guardian…) Explain: ……………………….……..
factory access by swipe card
control at the reception
Other Explain : ....................................................

Have you performed and documented a product defense hazard analysis and assessment of
associated risks ?
 yes  no

Are there areas critical to security identified?

 yes  no

If yes, are they monitored?

 yes  no


Localisation of the plant : ....................................................

Indicate the location of the plant on a map, and join a map of the plant

Is it the access to the processing plant restricted? Yes No

If yes:
- How ? ....................................................

Origin of the water used in the plant: ....................................................

Water treatment: ....................................................

Yes No
Créé le 17/12/2009
Révisé le : 06/09/2018
Questionnaire qualité fournisseur Version : 4
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Management of waste and rubbish:

If yes:
- How ? ....................................................

M/Mrs, , representative of the company ,

certify to GEL PECHE company the accuracy of information provided above.
GEL PECHE company agrees the right to consult on request documents allowing to
validate this information.

Date : At :

Signature : Company stamp :

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