PGCPS Department of Special Education Parent Virtual Workshop Series
PGCPS Department of Special Education Parent Virtual Workshop Series
PGCPS Department of Special Education Parent Virtual Workshop Series
The Session will include * opening remarks from the Director of Special Education
on the 2020- 2021 Distance Learning Guide for families of students with
What Non-Public parents Need to Know About Distance Learning and Nonpublic
Programming (Live and recorded)
August 20, 2020 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
*All registrants will receive the email link for this session automatically.
To Register by phone:
Dial 202-540-0794 for Beth
Dial 443-892-1076 for Marsie
Dial 240.839-1458 for Cohinta (Spanish or English)
Virtual Workshop Sessions
Session 1
Empowering Parents and Students for Mastering Distance Learning: Tips for Planning,
Organization, and Self Advocacy (Live and Recorded) with * opening remarks from The
Director of the Department of Special of Education
Description: Presentation will include suggestions and strategies for structuring learning
schedules, ensuring access to supports necessary for engaging in instruction, and building
parent capacity with assisting their students through the process of navigating distance learning.
Session 2
Etiquette to Promote Success with Distance Learning (Pre-recorded)
Description: Presentation will include the Dos and Don’ts of distance learning.
Date Available: August 25, 2020 Family Support Center Youtube Channel
Note: You will automatically receive a link to this presentation if you register for 1 or more of the
other sessions.
Session 3
Creating the "Just Right" Distance Learning Environment (Live and recorded)
Description: The session will focus on ways to create learning spaces using things that you
already have or are easy to access in order to minimize your child's distractions and increase
their engagement during distance learning.
The session will include breakout sessions with related service providers to address the need for
specific populations (Regionals, Early Childhood Centers, CRI, and other programs)
Session 4
What Non-Public Parents Need to Know About Distance Learning and Nonpublic
Programming (Live and recorded)
Description: This session will focus on how Prince George's County Public Schools Nonpublic
Office will support the IEP and distance learning process for students receiving services in
nonpublic school programs.
Please note the registration links are different for each virtual session.